Radiant Culture



Every week Radiant Culture seeks to be a voice that speaks into, confronts and influences modern day culture. We ask questions, provide insight and challenge the status quo from a christian perspective. We are young, fresh and exciting, and we will get you thinking about the choices you make in life


  • The pressure to get married

    15/02/2018 Duración: 40min

    Radiant Culture — There is so much pressure to get married esp in the church. In this episode we have an intriguing discussion with Pastor Sean Mullens as we discuss what exactly paul means in 1 Corinthians 7. Have listen..

  • Dating, Courtship and THE ONE

    09/02/2018 Duración: 53min

    Radiant Culture — So the Subject of Dating/ Courtship is quite controversial especially in the Church. There are so many teachings about the right way and the wrong way to go about finding a partner. In this episode we hangout with a super cool couple who share their journey to marriage with us. They talk about how they met, how long the dated for and how the ended up getting married. We also discuss the concept of The One? Do they exist?Should people be asking God for signs or should they just trust the process? What are some of the critical things you must deal with when dating before you commit to getting married? Have a listen to this fun, lighthearted but very informative episode

  • Christianity: Still a faith or now a lifestyle Brand?

    02/02/2018 Duración: 47min

    Radiant Culture — Are we still walking the talk or has Christianity become a lifestyle brand that we put on and off when its convenient? # Blessed, #BlameItOnJesus # GodsChild. Where do we draw the line between showing off and testifying the goodness of God? Are we seeing a rise in people having a form of Godliness yet denying the power as written in 2 Timothy 3:1-5? Okay so maybe we are judging and some will say "Dont Judge me, only Jesus can judge me" Is this a valid excuse or is this scripture being taken out of context? How do we stand up and defend the faith?

  • Prayer 101 (Part II)

    24/01/2018 Duración: 28min

    Radiant Culture — We continue where we left off in the previous episode as we discuss prayer. How should we pray? How does God answer prayer (if he actually does), how do we hear from God? why won't God answer certain prayers? Have a listen and joing the converstation

  • Prayer 101

    18/01/2018 Duración: 32min

    Radiant Culture — In this episode we discuss some of the questions many of us Christians have on prayer. Prayer is a very complex subject for many Christians. Its often clouded in mystery and various doctrines make it sound like a secret art, while others make it seem like a magic wand that can solve all your problems. Its often not seen as cool enough by millenial christians who are used to receiving likes and follows and prayer hardly seems to give them that kind of instant feedback.What is prayer, its role and importance in our lives? Why and how should we pray? Does God answer all prayers or just the ones he is pleased with? How do we get our prayers answered? Can prayer change God's mind? have a listen and join the converstation on our social media pages

  • The Word Of the Year

    11/01/2018 Duración: 36min

    Radiant Culture — In this Episode we kick off 2018 with a discussion on The word of the year! What is it all about, is it biblical, where does it come from, how does it work? what happens when the Pastor declares a word of the year that is different or contrary to the word i received from God?

  • Overcoming Rejection

    28/12/2017 Duración: 28min

    Radiant Culture — We continue the conversation from episode 49 as we chat with Shazzle. What do you do when you parents don't approve of the career you are passionate about pursuing? how do you deal with that? In this episode she goes in to detail about how she started her business from a flea market table to owning her own upmarket Jewellery store. She details how she overcame rejection, failure and shame through perseverance. Have a listen to her encouraging story which will inspire a never give up attitude needed to succeed

  • Thriving in the face of adversity

    19/12/2017 Duración: 31min

    Radiant Culture — So you have had a bad year, or maybe you started off well and then your plans, goals and dreams came crashing down knocking you down with them. How do you get up from that? We are often taught to persevere in the face of adversity but what does it mean on a practical level? We are often encouraged to wait on the lord? What does that mean practically and how do you keep hope alive when everything is going against all hope

  • Why God allows suffering

    13/12/2017 Duración: 38min

    Radiant Culture — Over the past 15 years or so, Zimbabweans suffered as the economy struggled, families seperated or even torn apart. Infact world over we see innocent people suffering at the hands of a few. Why does God allow it? Is it part of his will or suffering is just a consequence of peoples action? Must those affected just forgive and forget? What needs to happen for healing to take place?

  • The New Zimbabwe- Was it God or the People?

    01/12/2017 Duración: 45min

    Radiant Culture — As Radiant Culture we cannot ignore the incredible events that took place over the past few weeks that have ushered in a "New" Zimbabwe. The international community described it as a "Soft Coup", but could it have been a Coup if the citizens were behind the Military intervention? Whatever it was, it brought with it a sense of unity,hope and purpose to a people that had been politically, socially and racially divided. The main question remains for most christians- was this a direct act of God or just the people deciding enough is enough? Who did it? We have a chat with Sean Mullens about this. Have a listen.

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