The Casey Crew



DJ and radio host DJ Envy and his wife Gia Casey will explore the good, bad, ugly and beauty of relationships and family. Join them every week as they let you in on past experiences, give advice, talk to celebrity couples and give you two sides to every situation.


  • Episode 202: Disney… Helpppp!

    07/01/2022 Duración: 01h11min

    The Casey‘s have been away for a couple of weeks, but for good reason… They were busy taking Disney by storm as they enjoyed their first holiday away from home. They had a magical, action packed and exhaustive very Disney Christmas indeed! Before the trip even began, Envy was already exhausted by counting the amount of bags that Gia packed! 13!!! You already know by now that it takes her 3 hours to get ready, so can you imagine how long it takes her to pack for a family of 8?!

  • Episode 201: 1:37 Seconds Later…

    15/12/2021 Duración: 44min

    In part 2 of their comeback, Envy & Gia walk you through how she felt during her pregnancy all the way up to delivery day. They laugh about some of the funny moments they shared and describe how everything came full circle the moment she held baby Peyton. You all remember The Casey Crew gender reveal at MetLife Stadium and the beautiful moment when Gia found out baby #6 was going to be a girl. Now, let’s fast forward to the day baby Peyton was born… Ironically and while Gia was in labor, the entire family went to MetLife stadium (yet again) for Logan’s championship football game that morning! They left the game (which Logan‘s team won

  • Episode 200: This Is It…!!!

    08/12/2021 Duración: 01h07min
  • Episode 199: Baby #6!

    18/06/2021 Duración: 58min

    First and foremost, we want to thank everyone for all of the texts, DMs, emails, well wishes and prayers that you have sent. We felt the outpouring of love to our core…

  • Episode 198: If It’s Not On Social Media It Ain't Real....

    23/04/2021 Duración: 58min

    Do you agree with this saying? If a person is serious about you, do you expect them to “share you with the world”? Do you expect them to be proud of you and want to show you off? If this is the case, and they don’t, what does that say to you about their intentions, commitment and your relationship as a whole? This issue is the cause of a lot of strife between couples in this day of social media... Envy and Gia have this conversation as it touches on other topics such as what influences young men to cheat and the logic behind why certain women choose to stay with a cheating man... Let’s talk about it...

  • Episode 197: I Wasn't Flirting... I Was Just Being Nice...

    16/04/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    What is your definition of flirting? Do you view it as an innocent act or, rather, the beginning of something potentially more serious? Do you think that it is completely inexcusable or that there simply should be boundaries when you are in a relationship? Have you ever been in a relationship where flirting (by you or your partner) lead to something deeper? Do you believe that having a “work husband” or “work wife” is inappropriate, even though these type of relationships may happen organically? Lastly, do you think that being too nice to a person can turn into a mixed signal implying interest when there, in all actuality, is none? Let’s talk about it…

  • Episode 196: You’ve Got Mail...

    08/04/2021 Duración: 44min

    Every week, Envy & Gia read a viewer/listener email

  • Episode 195: I Think I’m Ready To Risk It All...

    02/04/2021 Duración: 54min

    Do you believe that your upbringing has anything to do with your relationship style, love language or put simply, how you treat people? Are you from the school of thought that dictates “you must teach people how to treat you”? Envy recently saw a instagram post implying that men’s treatment of women is based on their feelings for them. Gia feels as though some people may not have the appropriate experience, maturity or worldliness to fulfill their partners needs... Would you agree? Or, rather, do you believe that quality of relationships are the result of time and progression? What are some ways you believe you could teach someone how to treat you in a relationship? The

  • Episode 194: You’re Bad For My Mental Health..

    26/03/2021 Duración: 53min

    Ladies, would you agree that social media culture and the internet combined have created a stigma on the way a women’s body should look in this day and time? Envy introduces the topic by telling Gia a story about a young girl who took raunchy photos to send to older men for money. This conversation evolved into another that posed the question, Do you feel as though women who take explicit pictures showing off their bodies are seeking attention or just simply asserting their confidence? Fellas, what’s your take on women who do this? Do they come off as thirsty to you? Envy and Gia share their opinions on the situation. The conversation continued with them sharing a recent occurrence involving Brooklyn. We all know that she is the boss of the house, but she broke the #1 rule, to never lie... During that exact moment of the story being told by Envy, a live teachable moment of Logan getting in trouble is recorded...Tune in to see how both situations were handled... The

  • Episode 193: Did My Son Just Tell Me To Shut The F@#K Up...?

    19/03/2021 Duración: 59min

    Do you believe that family business and Vegas share the same common denominator - that “Whatever happens in this family stays in this family”? In this episode, Envy and Gia discuss what happened between Kirk Franklin and his son. How would you react if your child aired out your family’s dirty laundry for public consumption? Do you think that you would be able to find it in your heart to forgive or would said child be excommunicated - banished to the land of ‘You Done F@&!ed Up” forever? Envy and Gia put themselves in Kirk Franklin’s shoes and discuss their thoughts... The conversation continues as Envy brings up one of their guilty pleasures, The Bachelor, which has made headlines as of late. The winner attended an event that raised the question, “Can you be in a biracial relationship and still be considered a racist?” How would you feel if your spouse or someone you’re dating supported inappropriate racial activity? Let’s talk about it...

  • Episode 192: Ladies Would You Propose To Your Man...?

    10/03/2021 Duración: 39min

    This episode’s first topic was inspired by a show that Envy and Gia watched on TV in which one of the cast members wants to get married to her long time boyfriend. The couple has two kids and he hasn’t proposed as yet, knowing that she yearns for a proposal and to be made “respectable” more than anything...

  • Episode 191: Strip Club Etiquette...

    04/03/2021 Duración: 56min

    How far is Too far when a girl’s/guy’s weekend comes into play? Whether it be a bachelorette party or a guys night at the strip club, what behavioral boundaries are acceptable, if any? This topic became a conversation after Envy and Gia viewed a recent episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta. They discuss what took place and ask each other how would they behave/react if they were in the same situation. They also have a conversation about recently recieving the Covid shot and what it was that changed Gia’s mind... The

  • Episode 190: Stop Running Your Mouth...

    26/02/2021 Duración: 59min

    Do you have a particular night that you set aside for your partner? Many couples do and it’s typically called date night. Well, for Envy & Gia, Monday night is one of theirs; and they spend it watching The Bachelor. Have you become obsessed too? A recent episode sparked a topic for discussion, “Do you think that you could marry someone if your parents didn’t approve of them? If you had to choose between moving forward with your partner and following your parents intuition about them, which would you lean toward? Or, on the flip side, “As a parent would you try to influence who your children date or marry?” The Caseys discuss how they would handle it if they were in either of these predicaments... The

  • Episode 189: Just Use Your Butt..

    20/02/2021 Duración: 48min

    In today’s episode, Envy asks Gia her opinion on a ‘Miss Jones In The Morning Reunion Show’ topic which begs the question - To what extent would you allow yourself to be disrespected by a rude child??? The

  • Episode 188: I’ll Pay You, Just Don’t Tell My Wife...

    12/02/2021 Duración: 01h02min

    Every week, Envy & Gia read a viewer/listener email that they find interesting. With such a high volume of emails, they decided to dedicate this entire episode to answering your questions. The

  • Episode 187: Put Your Big Girl Panties On!

    05/02/2021 Duración: 01h01min

    Gia’s birthday just passed

  • Episode 186: NO Money, Mo Problems..

    27/01/2021 Duración: 45min

    The popular saying and title of hit song, “Mo Money Mo Problems” highlights a well-known concept… But what about “NO Money Mo Problems”??? Seems as though we lose either way…

  • Episode 185: Different Strokes For Different Folks...

    21/01/2021 Duración: 01h10min

    Does parenting ever get uncomfortable or overwhelming for you? How would you feel if you found out that your child has discovered self pleasure/masturbation? Would you turn a blind eye or deal with it head on? In today’s episode, the Casey’s camera guy, S Dot shared his experience with this and how it affected him... After he witnessed this “traumatic event” (as he would call it), the Casey’s give their opinion on how they would parent in this situation... The

  • Episode 184: You’re Average At Best..

    14/01/2021 Duración: 01h03min

    In today’s episode, Gia, Raashaun and special invited guest and longtime friend , Lil Shaun watch a clip of a YouTube show hosted by Kevin Samuels, which went viral... In this clip, the host implies that above average men, which he describes as men in the top 10 (financial) percent, are not interested in below average (looking) women. He further implies that such men are typically exclusively interested in above average looking women with no baggage. In a nutshell, the take away from his show is that “average” people should have no expectation of ending up with an “above average” person because “above average” people don’t want them... So these are the questions that I pose to you…Do you agree with the age old notion that most women want men with money and most successful men want arm candy? And do you “qualify” for the type of partner that you desire? Let’s talk about it...

  • Episode 183: Vaccine Or Nah..?

    06/01/2021 Duración: 01h01s

    How do you feel about the COVID-19 vaccine? Do you plan on being vaccinated once it is available to you? Are you thinking, “Hell yeah!” Or are you weary as a result of all of the vaccination conspiracy theories out there? Envy & Gia bring on a physician’s assistant (PA) by the name of Chilka as their special guest. She has taken the vaccine herself and shares some valuable information about it and her experience. Envy is absolutely in favor of the vaccine while Gia has to be convinced one way or another... Let’s see if their minds get changed at all after this conversation… And just as interestingly, let’s see if yours does! Let’s talk about it...

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