God Forbid - Podcast



Religion: its at the centre of world affairs, but profound questions still remain. Why are you here? What happens when you die? Does God matter? God Forbid seeks the answers.


  • The political merry-go-round

    25/08/2018 Duración: 53min

    As the political merry-go-round spins faster and faster, the Australian public clings on for dear life. James Carleton and the God Forbid panel look at the state of Australian politics and ask: is truth and conviction in politics over?

  • The business of charity

    18/08/2018 Duración: 53min

    Charity is a virtue that’s almost universally applauded, but institutionalised not-for-profits aren’t nearly as uncontroversial. Is it really a virtue if you can write it off as a tax deduction? Should churches pay income tax? Do the wealthy have too much control over which projects receive funding? James Carleton explores the world of charities, foundations and not-for-profits, both religious and secular.

  • The spiritual side of travel

    11/08/2018 Duración: 53min

    Travel: It’s a break, a getaway, a rite of passage. Religious pilgrimage is one thing, but even journeys for leisure can result in the traveller “finding oneself”. People who would never step foot inside a church or a temple at home do it all the time when they’re on holiday. Why? James Carleton returns to find out how your holiday might literally be good for your soul.

  • Do we need to rethink disability?

    04/08/2018 Duración: 53min

    Jesus healed the blind and the lame, so how do people with disabilities fit in at churches today? Far from being open to all, some church buildings have literal barriers to entry. Meanwhile, disabled Christians are suggesting the possibility of a disabled God.

  • Working it out

    28/07/2018 Duración: 53min

    Work can often become a dry repetitive task. You clock in, clock out, then do it all over again. Yet it’s also a large part of our lives, our identity and even language – When we introduce ourselves, it’s easy to say “I’m a ballerina” or “I’m a priest.” So how should we think about work? Join Kumi Taguchi as she unpacks the theology of work, Sabbath, and how to make sense of losing our jobs.

  • Artificial intelligence: Activating humanity's god mode

    21/07/2018 Duración: 53min

    The heyday of World of Warcraft saw online players interacting together and forming guilds. Today, artificial intelligence is sophisticated enough that computers are beginning to fill that role instead. Join Kumi Taguchi as she explores AI, gaming and the religious experience.

  • Are animals friends or food?

    14/07/2018 Duración: 53min

    We may all love puppies and kittens and want them treated well, but what rights – if any – should a fish have, or a cockroach? Kumi Taguchi joins two vegans – a Buddhist veterinarian and an animal-loving Christian to find out how to love animals best in a meat-obsessed world.

  • NAIDOC Week: The women who inspire us

    07/07/2018 Duración: 53min

    Women in Christian leadership is a controversial topic in many churches, but for Indigenous Christians, women have been vital to the wellbeing of their communities. James Carleton speaks with three generations of female Aboriginal leaders from across the country. Although they come from different Aboriginal nations and Christian traditions, they all draw inspiration from women who have made their work possible.

  • The Japanese paradox

    30/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    Ritual is big in Japan, but faith isn’t. It’s the only country where you can be born Shinto, marry Christian and die Buddhist, but up to 80 per cent of Japanese people say they’re not religious. What gives? James Carleton and guest host Kumi Taguchi from Compass explore the rich spirituality of one of the most avowedly secular countries in the world.

  • Does religion make you happier?

    23/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    Some people say religion makes their lives better, but does that mean they’re happier? If you could be happy some other way, would you bother with the religion? Whether you believe happiness is part of the journey or that it's the destination, James Carleton traverses the highs and lows of human emotion.

  • Holy hot potatoes: Freedom edition

    16/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    Australians all let us rejoice, for we are young and free! But how free are we really? James Carleton sits down with an Opus Dei bishop and a Uniting Church theologian to find out what happens when anti-discrimination, freedom of speech and freedom of religion clash.

  • Does good spiritual health equal good mental health?

    09/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    If you believe God is in control of all things, experiencing anxiety and depression can be a shock to the system. This week, James Carleton speaks to an Anglican minister and a Muslim slam poet – both of whom navigated these choppy waters firsthand.

  • Ramadan: Gotta go fast

    02/06/2018 Duración: 53min

    It’s Ramadan — a holy month in the Islamic calendar for fasting and prayer. But it’s also about family and community, and many of the traditions around Ramadan get to the heart of what it means to be a Muslim. Guest host Noel Debien is joined by a sheikh and a turban-donning diva to explore the month of mercy.

  • Who was the Buddha anyway?

    26/05/2018 Duración: 53min

    Buddhists around the world celebrate the birth, death and enlightenment of the Buddha all on the same holy day – Vesak. Aspects of Buddhism are popular in the West, with mindfulness and meditation courses being taken by all kinds of people, from suburbanites to CEOs. But is that the full picture? Guest host Joe Gelonesi traverses the Noble Eightfold Path.

  • Israel: Orthodox and Reform

    19/05/2018 Duración: 53min

    As Israel marks its 70th birthday, Palestine mourns Nakba – the catastrophe. This week Jews celebrate the gift of the Torah during Shavuot. Israel was founded as a Jewish state, but does every expression of Judaism feel equally at home? In a difficult week, James Carleton grasps the nettle and talks about Israel and the conflict between and within religions.

  • Darling, you look divine

    12/05/2018 Duración: 53min

    The Met Gala is the high holy day of everything fashionable and fabulous, and this year’s theme brought together Vogue and the Vatican. Inspired by the heavenly looks on display, James Carleton and guest-host Siobhan Hegarty explore how fashion and faith go together in other ways too: from hijabs to halos, mitres to makeup, kippahs to cassocks.

  • Is there another schism forming in the Catholic Church?

    05/05/2018 Duración: 53min

    Is the Pope a Catholic? Some believers aren’t quite sure. Since his election in 2013, Pope Francis has become one of the most controversial pontiffs in hundreds of years. Will the church veer into theological liberalism, or stick with tradition? Or will Francis forge his own path?

  • Holy hot potatoes: 2 holy 2 hot

    28/04/2018 Duración: 55min

    Alright everyone, preheat your ovens, pray a blessing on your spuds and break out the sour cream – it’s time for some more holy hot potatoes. This week James Carleton feasts on the spicy issues found in the news, and his dinner guests aren’t afraid of a bit of controversy. Larissa Minniecon is an Aboriginal Christian activist and Rev Chris Bedding is a pirate priest who recently avoided charges of blasphemy.

  • A Christian and an atheist walk into a bar...

    21/04/2018 Duración: 53min

    It’s no joke: For people of every faith – or none – whether you take alcohol or drugs is a big deal. But the rules vary wildly, even within a tradition. Some Christians include alcohol as a core part of their most sacred ritual, but other Christians forbid its use altogether. How come? James Carleton dives into what helps people choose to use, and how to stop.

  • Vaisakhi: Connecting Sikhs and Hindus since 1699

    14/04/2018 Duración: 53min

    It’s Vaisakhi – the most holy say in the Sikh calendar. And while we’re at it, happy Hindu new year! In Australia, even though Sikhism and Hinduism make up only a small part of the religious patchwork, they’re the fastest-growing faiths we’ve got.

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