Accelerating Excellence With Del Gilbert



The Accelerating Excellence podcast will energize and equip you to be your best, personally and professionally. Each episode provides clear, practical insights that will enable you to thrive in the marketplace and beyond.


  • Accelerating Excellence, Episode #105: 3 Powerful Ideas for Taking Action

    05/10/2022 Duración: 09min

    Planning and knowledge don't mean a thing if you don't execute. Action is everything.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 104: 5 Powerful Ideas on Managing Poor Performance

    16/08/2022 Duración: 11min

    Many managers today tolerate poor behaviors and attitudes because of the tight job market. But this hurts the organization's culture and discourages high performers.  In this episode, I share why you should step into difficult conversations and address problem behaviors and attitudes.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode103: 3 Powerful Ways to Become a Person of Influence

    08/07/2022 Duración: 10min

    You have to make a decision; Do you want to impress others or impact others? True happiness and fulfillment come from making a positive difference in the lives of others. In this podcast episode, I share 3 practical ways you can become a person of influence. Other people need you to step up big.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 102: 3 Powerful Ideas on Planning Your Day

    20/06/2022 Duración: 09min

    The good thing about life is that it comes at us one day at a time. Do your best to live in day-tight compartments. Focus on living each day well. In this episode, I share with you 3 simple ways to set yourself up for success every day. 

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 101: 3 Powerful Reasons to Set Goals

    31/05/2022 Duración: 08min

    We work best and are happiest when we are on a mission. When we are working toward something important to us. There is joy in the journey. There is fulfillment in living with intent and purpose. In this podcast episode, I share 3 Powerful Reasons to Set Goals. No one achieved greatness by wandering around. 

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 100: 3 Powerful Ideas for Overcoming Procrastination

    08/05/2022 Duración: 09min

    To procrastinate simply means to not do something that you know in your heart should be done.   Procrastination causes undue stress, hinders our potential, and negatively affects self-belief. What separates high-achievers from everyone else is that high-achievers don't wait until they feel like doing something. They get in motion. In this 100th episode, I share three powerful strategies to overcome procrastination and become a person of action.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 99: 3 Powerful Ideas for Simplifying Your Life

    24/04/2022 Duración: 11min

    According to the dictionary, the word simplify means: to make plainer, clearer to make easier to use to make less complex or complicated A few years ago, Apple was worth more than any company in the world. And you could fit all of their products on a normal-sized table. In this episode, I share three ways you can get lean and mean in several areas of your life.

  • Accelerating Excellence, Episode 98: 10 Best Practices in Communication

    19/03/2022 Duración: 17min

    Communication is life's most important skill. If you become a great communicator, you can rapidly improve every area of your life. Clear communication enhances your influence, your marketability, and your relationships. In this episode, Del shares 10 ways to become a clear, confident, and compelling communicator. Key Points 1. Be Clear2. Be a Simplifier3. State Your Purpose Up Front4. Layout the Agenda5. Speak in the Positive6. Use the Rule of 37. Use Stories, Analogies, and Quotes8. Focus More on How Than What9. Use Full Sentences in Email10. Read Your Emails Out Loud Before Sending  

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 97: 10 Best Practices in Teambuilding

    06/03/2022 Duración: 18min

    Many businesses experience internal competition, department silos, and internal conflict. Don't compete against yourself!  Learn how to get everyone on your team pulling in the same direction. Then you will be able to achieve great work, meet challenging goals, and provide a positive environment. In this episode, Del shares 10 ways to build a mutually-supportive, high-performing team. Key Points1. Promote the Abundance Mindset2. Create a Compelling Vision3. Build Trust4. Make Differences Work For You5. Establish Key Performance Indicators6. Encourage Debate7. Require Loyalty8. Establish Ground Rules9. Build a Culture of Accountability10. Celebrate Wins

  • Accelerating Excellence: Episode #96-10 Best Practices in Conflict Management

    13/02/2022 Duración: 18min

    Conflict is a fact of life. Anywhere there are people, there will be conflict. The key question is, 'How do you handle conflict?'. In this podcast episode, Del shares 10 ways to work through conflict constructively and be a peacemaker. Key Points 1. Think win/win.2. Respond rather than react.3. Give others the benefit of the doubt.4. Seek first to understand.5. Speak the truth in love.6. Never have a public feud.7. Always take the high road.8. Decide to be unoffendable.9 Aim for reconciliation.10. Focus on doing your part well.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 95: 10 Best Practices in Relational Intelligence

    23/01/2022 Duración: 17min

    Strong interpersonal skills help to build healthy personal relationships. And because every business is a relationship business, solid relational skills lead to professional success. In this podcast episode, Del shares 10 simple ways to be 'People Smart'.  Key Points  Adopt the abundance mindset. Make a great 1st impression Remember and Use Names Be Others-Oriented Build Rapport Be a Good Listener Build Others Up Adapt to Other Personality Styles Keep a List of Key Relationships and Stay in Touch Treat Everyone with Dignity and Respect

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 94: 10 Best Practices in Interviewing and Hiring

    09/01/2022 Duración: 15min

    In this podcast episode, I share 10 simple interviewing and hiring practices that will allow to hire smart to get the right people on the bus. Key Points  1. Hire for attitude, train for skills. 2. Consider chemistry 3. Ask Behavioral Based Questions 4. Ask the Candidates the Same Questions 5. Follow the 80/20 rule 6. Get Others Involved 7. Check the Candidate’s social media 8. Use Your Intuition at the End of the Process 9. Think Out of the Box 10. Make Your Default ‘No’      

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode93: 10 Best Practices in Customer Service

    12/12/2021 Duración: 22min

    Your company can deliver exceptional service, even in this challenging environment.  In this podcast episode, I share 10 simple service excellence practices that will allow everyone in your company to focus on the reason your organization exists; to serve the customer. To download the 10 Best Practices in Customer Service resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence - Episode 92: 10 Best Practices to Enhance Your Productivity

    28/11/2021 Duración: 18min

    Many people are distracted and diffused. In order to be effective and achieve great work, you must be intentional, focused, and disciplined. In this podcast episode, I share 10 practices that will enable you to work with greater effectiveness, execute on your highest priorities, and deliver superior results.  To download the 10 Best Practices to Enhance  Your Productivity resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence - Episode 91: 10 Best Practices for Delivering a Dynamic Presentation

    07/11/2021 Duración: 16min

    Giving a presentation should not be something to dread or to get through. Look at it in a positive and confident way. It’s your opportunity to make the world a little better place. With these 10 Best Practices for Delivering a Dynamic Presentation, you will be better able to influence, engage, and inspire others. To download the 10 Best Practices for Delivering a Dynamic Presentation  resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence - Episode #90: How to Resolve a Conflict with Another Person

    24/10/2021 Duración: 19min

    Working through a conflict effectively with another person takes planning, skill, and the right attitude.  In this episode, I share with you a simple and practical model to help you navigate conflict successfully. It's much more rewarding to resolve a conflict than to dissolve a relationship. To download the How to Resolve a Conflict with Another Person  resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 89: 3 Ways to Overcome Fear

    06/09/2021 Duración: 16min

    If you don't go out on a limb, you'll never get the fruit. And if you are afraid of criticism, you'll never make a difference. In this jam-packed podcast, I share 3 practical ways you can overcome your fears and open up a world of possibilities and potential. To download the 3 Ways to Overcome Fear  resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode 88: The Power of Right Thinking

    20/08/2021 Duración: 18min

    Right thinking leads to right actions which lead to right results. Your thoughts either hurt you or help you. They either become a source of your limitation or your liberation. In this jam-packed 18 minute podcast I share how you can change your mind so you can change your life. To download the The Power of Right Thinking  resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence - Episode 87: 10 ways to Make Each Day a Masterpiece

    08/08/2021 Duración: 18min

    Every day is a gift and a unique opportunity to thrive.  It’s easy to get overwhelmed thinking about all the days in the future and all we have to do. But all you have to do is live this day well. Think of living life in day-tight compartments. In this jam-packed 18 minute podcast I give you 10 practical ways you can make the most of each day. To download the 10 Ways to Make Each Day a Masterpiece  resource guide, CLICK HERE.

  • Accelerating Excellence-Episode #86: How to Create a Winning Work Culture

    18/07/2021 Duración: 14min

    There are two parts to job success: job competency and winning behaviors. A great way to intentionally build a winning work culture is to create crystal clear behavioral expectations. In this episode, I walk you through the process of creating high behavioral standards for all team members. People live up or down to expectations. Design high workplace standards and give every team member something to live up to! To download the How to Create a Winning Work Culture  resource guide, CLICK HERE.

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