Wellness Weight And Wisdom With Lisa M Pepe



Women's Wellness - Weight Loss - Wisdom


  • Harmful Food Additives

    10/08/2017 Duración: 17min

    Additives in food we buy can negatively impact our wellness and weight loss goals. Avoid them at all costs or it can and will affect your health. In this blog I go over the additives that you can easily stay away from and why it is imperative that you do. I know the pain of eating them and how to make sure you're not exposing you or your family to them...

  • Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

    21/07/2017 Duración: 16min

    Is Inflammation the new body fat? Watch while I talk about some of the symptoms of inflammation and how it can impact your health, much like body fat, and what you can do to help avoid suffering from inflammation.

  • Food Prep Steps

    13/07/2017 Duración: 15min

    You can easily prep food for your week and turn one dinner's leftovers into the next day's meals using the guidelines given in this post.

  • Pain of the Gain

    07/07/2017 Duración: 19min

    What happens when your body gains weight? The detrimental impact includes inflammation and pain that will impede your ability to reach and maintain your well-weight goals. Not maintaining your healthy body well-weight can invite or exasperate health conditions. Lessen the gain, lessen the pain. Listen as Lisa M Pepe discusses the Pain of the Gain.

  • Cut Crappy Carbs!

    24/06/2017 Duración: 15min

    Cut Crappy Carbs! In this week's episode Lisa M Pepe, Well-Weight Wisdom Coach, provides ways to minimize carb intake and talks about the main foods you should stay away from to see better well-weight results!

  • Best Times to Exercise

    09/06/2017 Duración: 13min

    Exercise never become habit if you don’t take action. Fitting exercise into your schedule is up to you. Figuring out the best time to do it is also up to you with a little help from Lisa M Pepe, Well-Weight-Wisdom Coach.

  • Organize for Well-Weight Success!

    02/06/2017 Duración: 16min

    You might be surprised, or not, that organizing key areas of your life will help you succeed in your well-weight goals. Lisa M Pepe, Well-Weight-Wisdom coach, chats about what she does every spring to make sure that a few important areas of her life are organized to help her to reach and maintain her well-weight success.

  • Well-Weight Travel Tips

    26/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    Well-Weight-Wisdom: Travel Tricks I love to travel and have plenty of well-weight tricks to keep me on track.  I've come up with a few guidelines that make it easier for me to reach and maintain my well-weight goals while I'm on the road and I know that if I don't follow them, I won't feel as good during my trip.  Most are not optional and, whenever I've tried to do without one or two, I've experienced set backs in my well-weight which include water retention, bloating, stomach aches, other health issues and weight gain!  l want to travel in a way that doesn't interfere with my healthy body goals and help you do the same! I'm often asked what I do to eat right and stay in shape when I'm traveling so, as I prepare for my next trip, I thought I'd share a few of my well-weight travel tricks. I have a mental checklist of what I will need when I'm traveling to make sure that I'm set and I don't skip a beat (or too many beats) when it comes to maintaining my well weight or achieving new well weight goals. Watch and

  • Insurance, Doctors and You!

    19/05/2017 Duración: 17min

    It is important for you to manage your insurance and doctors so that YOU can be the best advocate of your own health. Advocating your own health and wellness is key to reaching and maintaining your well-weight goals.

  • Flip Your Slim Switch ON!

    13/05/2017 Duración: 16min

    Well-Weight-Wisdom: How to Flip your Slim Switch On! Does the elusive slim switch really exist?  The on and off switch is more about kicking up your ability to burn fat... or slowing it down. There are some things that I do (and you can do too) to turn it on and keep it on!  I exercise 2-4 days per week, drink a vitamin infused protein shake each day, avoid processed foods and keep my alcohol (wine night) consumption to once per week. And, as a bonus, I'd like to mention that I stay away from things that my body doesn't like or is sensitive to by "tuning in" and finding out! There are also some things that I know can turn the "fat burning switch off" and make it more difficult to reach and maintain a healthy body weight.  They also can contribute to health conditions such as diabetes, high cholesterol and cardio-vascular issues.  The main things that I know can flip the fat burning switch off are... 1-Alcohol & Soda ~  2-Refined Sugars ~ 3-Starchy Carbs ~ 4-Sluggish Thyroid To learn more, please watch and rea

  • Counteract Lack of Exercise

    05/05/2017 Duración: 15min

    We live full and busy lives and are all guilty of not getting enough exercise. So, let's talk about how to counteract lack of exercise and still reach or maintain your well-weight. As a well-weight coach and advisor, it Is my goal to help you feel better in your body so you can be better in your life.

  • How to Quit Dieting

    22/04/2017 Duración: 16min

    HOW TO QUIT DIETING! This is for all of you out there (and you know who you are) who go on and off diets! I put together a list of the 10 ways I "DON'T DIET" and stay Leaner Ladies™ for life!

  • Super Simple Slimming Food Swaps

    14/04/2017 Duración: 14min

    Happy Taste-buds! Lisa M Pepe, well-weight wisdom coach, shares simple slimming food swaps that are healthy and easy but will help you take off the pounds or maintain good eating habits.

  • Doing What It Takes

    31/03/2017 Duración: 12min

    Do what it takes to work through the obstacles and challenges to achieving your wellness, wisdom, weight, business or family goals. There are always borderline times when we can fail or succeed and your choice to have a healthier lifestyle begins with how you manage your time and doing what it takes.

  • How To Find Your Why

    24/03/2017 Duración: 07min

    You are asking, how do you find your why to maintaining your willpower. Let me tell you about how to find your why - your purpose and the keys to helping you achieve your goals.

  • Wellness Check-up Tips

    17/03/2017 Duración: 14min

    Whether with or without insurance, women should plan to get their once yearly wellness exam and blood workup. It is up us, as individuals, to take charge and ensure you are in the best health possible.

  • Pace Yourself Tips

    04/03/2017 Duración: 10min

    Well-Weight Wisdom is a life long journey, so pace yourself. Well-Weight Coach, Lisa M Pepe helps you understand that reaching and maintaining goals can be achieved by pacing yourself.

  • Motivation Tips

    18/02/2017 Duración: 09min

    This is a Well-Weight-Wisdom 2-Minute-Tip about Motivation So, I hear some of you lose your motivation rather quickly. This is totally understandable, but it is difficult to stay motivated whey you are by yourself. So, I recommend finding a friend, accountability partner or a coach; someone to help motivate you and keep you moving. We all have weight goals and we all have goals in other areas of our lives, right? Staying on track with your motivation is hard 100% of the time. Believe me, we all have those days, me included, but what I like to do is to incorporate something I love with something doesn’t inspire me or that I am not so crazy about. But it is my well-weight duty to get it done, and yours too. For instance, I talk a lot about going to the gym. What gets me there? Well when I get on the elliptical, I listen to some of my favorite podcasts. I have been known to accidentally stay on the elliptical for as much as an hour and a half because I am so into what I was listening to that people would begin t

  • Reset Resolutions Tips

    05/02/2017 Duración: 06min

    Well-Weight-Wisdom 2-Minute-Tip on Resetting your Resolutions We all make new year's resolutions, but sadly, many of us don't stick to them because we tend to overwhelm ourselves by biting off more than we can chew. Too much too soon!  I always plan to ease into mine with a weekly plan and a schedule. If I don't do everything I set out to do one week, I do it the next and I highly recommend taking on one thing at a time. Choose one thing to add to your schedule each week. And most importantly, IMPROVISE if you have to!   Here are some examples: WEEK # 1 - RESOLUTION: To go to more enriching events this year. My goal is one per week. IMPROVISATION: If I skip one, I will watch or attend an online training instead. EASE INTO IT: I started doing this the first week of January! WEEK #2 RESOLUTION:  Finding additional coaches and holistic practitioners to focus on my self-care.  To accomplish this, I am making sure that I do one thing per week to pamper and treat myself such as get a massage or facial at the local

  • Body Movement Tips

    15/01/2017 Duración: 12min

    Well-Weight-Wisdom 2-Minute-Tip on Body Movement! Move Your Body! You have got to get up and you've got to get going on a regular basis. If you do not move your body your body will not be moving you... at least not very well... so make the commitment to do some form of exercise three to five days a week no matter what. It is NOT a choice (well, sort of, but choose wisely!) Walk yourself, walk the dog, take a yoga class, take a spin class or go to the gym. I do an hour of cardio at the gym about three times a week and I enjoy it! I like to pass the time away by listening to my favorite Podcasts... like mine... LOL. If I only get to to the gym two times one week, its okay... maybe i'll just do four the next week or at least try and then add a 20-minute at home yoga routine. My favorite is Rodney Yee... back care yoga... been doing it for over 15 years! You've got to do something consistent every single week so just try to do as many body movement sessions as you can for as long as you can. It's going to help yo

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