Sonitotum With Matthew Wayne Selznick



Author, Creator, and Consultant


  • 013: Living Poetically To Enhance Your Creative Life


    In this one-on-one episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, I explain how the practice of living poetically has enhanced my creative life, and how embracing this perspective can make you a better creator.This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 012: The Autumn Project Weekly Update Minisode


    The Autumn Project (2018) is me, planning, plotting, and writing the first draft of my next novel, in public. Every week, I'll update my progress in a Sonitotum minisode. Here's the first one!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 011: Your Invitation To the Autumn Project (2018)


    Presenting your invitation to the Autumn Project (2018), in which you can be a fly on the wall for every step, start to finish, as Matthew Wayne Selznick embarks on his first major creative work in five years. Read more to learn all about it!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick Episode 010: Emma Wallace


    The first Sonitotum interview guest is the independent songwriter, composer, singer, teacher, and music entrepreneur Emma Wallace. Listen as Emma describes the challenges she faces on her way to her own brand of success as an indie creator!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 009: The Artist’s Responsibility


    I often think about the artist's responsibility. Inspired by the faux controversies around old tweets from James Gunn and Sarah Silverman, in this episode I spell out exactly what artistic responsibility entails for all creators. Listen to see if you agree!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 008: Your Creative Legacy


    Fred Rogers inspired this eighth episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, which is an optimistic and positive exploration of your creative legacy. You might already have one! Listen to learn why.This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 007: The (Almost) Lost Episode, or A Crisis of Confidence


    This seventh episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick was nearly lost to a crisis of confidence... but sharing the overcoming of obstacles like that is exactly what this podcast is all about. So here it is!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 006: Your Creative Family


    Episode six of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick gives me the opportunity to introduce one of my favorite creative concepts: the creative family. Be sure to listen to understand what I mean (it's probably not what you think). Also, an announcement about a future feature on the show!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 005: Become a Better Writer Faster


    In the fifth episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, I describes the "one weird trick" I wish I'd known years ago to become the best fiction writer and storyteller -- and even human being -- possible. Listen to discover why empathy is so important!This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 004: The Wringer


    In the fourth episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, I relate a recent experience that shows how our own subconscious will call us out when we act inauthentically, putting us through the emotional wringer of anxiety and depression.This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

  • 003: Avoid Toxicity


    In the third episode of Sonitotum with Matthew Wayne Selznick, Matt uses very personal examples from his own past to show why it's so important to avoid toxic behavior -- both in ourselves and in those we associate with -- in order to cultivate a healthy creative life.This content is by Matthew Wayne Selznick and came from his website.

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