Andrea Amador Is The Juicy Woman



Andrea Amador is The Juicy Woman. She'll teach you how to end emotional eating, make peace with food and friends with your body.


  • Is Saying Goodbye to Dieting An Admission of Defeat?

    22/09/2011 Duración: 15min

    How much do you want to die when you reach into your closet and you pull out that old skinny dress you used to adore that now just makes you feel so fat. What’s the answer? Another diet? Maybe it’s time to reconsider that way of thinking. It’s no secret. Diets Don't Work They add insult to injury by making a hard task seem so much harder. With all the rules and deprivation that come with trying to play the game of avoidance, it’s like trying to roll a big ball up a steep hill. The weight of the burden keeps you pinned down, stuck in the muck, eventually you realize that you’re miserable and unwilling to continue a moment longer. Find out why and how dieting has failed you and discover that there really is a better way.

  • Dress the Body You Have

    16/09/2011 Duración: 15min

    Clothes shopping at any stage of the shape shifting/size changing game should be an enjoyable time for every woman. It's an opportunity to clear your head, give yourself some space and time away from work or the fam and enjoy seeing yourself from a fresh and fabulous perspective. It's like playing an adult version of 'the children's game, "Dress up'. It should be tons of fun. But you can't immerse yourself in the joy of the experience, if you're not in the right frame of mind. Here are the “to do's” and what “not to do's” to make your next shopping trip fabulous!

  • Babying Yourself on Those Fat Days

    16/09/2011 Duración: 11min

    Are you a gal who's tired and frustrated with hating and criticizing yourself each and every time you over eat? Stop wondering why this is happening to you and don’t even think of beating up on yourself! If you’re like many women, you’re a get it done gal, focused on being productive, doing for others, always doing things for them and putting yourself last on your list. Follow The Juicy Woman’s lead as she shares with you her strategies for how to physically baby yourself on those 'fat days' and discover what non dieting steps you can take in the future to avoid them.

  • How to Bounce Back from a Binge

    16/09/2011 Duración: 12min

    Most of us are disappointed and angry with ourselves when we overeat. To get past the old self perpetuating diet-binge-feast famine cycle, you’ve got to trash the old diet mentality and realize that eating more than you intended isn’t a mark on your soul. Unlike the things you may have heard, it’s not evidence that you’re lazy, stupid, undisciplined or have no will power. For an emotional eater, there are triggers pushing you to eat everywhere you look. During times when you overeat, it's your body's way of having a tantrum, telling you that something is not quite right. Find out how you can tune in and listen to your body’s messages so that you can find more compassion for yourself and bounce back from any binge.

  • Are You Eating to Fill a Corner or a Cavern?

    16/09/2011 Duración: 10min

    As emotional eaters, for many women with a history of dieting, it's very painful and upsetting to end a meal. One of the biggest challenges many people face is knowing when to stop eating and leaving the table feeling satisfied, without being stuffed. If you're not paying attention to the right signals, you could be eating more and getting heavier. Here are some tips to help you to know when to stop eating so that you can get thinner slowly without dieting.

  • Are Your Thoughts Making You Fat?

    16/09/2011 Duración: 11min

    Did you know that if you're thinking fearful thoughts and having negative responses to what you see and eat you could be making yourself fat? It’s true. Research shows that in the growing scientific field of mind/body medicine, there is a powerful connection between your mind and your body. And among other things that affects your ability to lose weight. How scary is that? Thinking and feeling fat can actually prevent you from becoming thin. Find out why and how to avoid slipping into the ditch.

  • Your Scale: Would you Like a Side of Sabotage With That

    16/09/2011 Duración: 11min

    As a plus size woman wanting to get thinner, do you feel compelled to weigh yourself all the time because you're heavier than you want to be? Are you sick and tired of having your scale tell you how you're entitled to feel and what kind of day you're going to have? Your scale isn't your horoscope. And it's high time you reclaimed your power over this miserable piece of scrap metal. Find out why your scale could be serving you up an extra side of sabotage.

  • Stop Weighting for Perfect

    16/09/2011 Duración: 13min

    In her first introductory podcast entitled, "Stop Weighting for Perfect," Andrea explains why thinking like a dieter is a recipe for disaster. Find out why you must learn to accept your 'before' overweight body to mentally prepare yourself to maintain your slender 'after' body.