Card Trader Illuminerdy



A podcast all about the latest happenings in Topps Digital Star Wars Card Trader. We have fun, join us! Click/tap episode titles to listen, or subscribe in iTunes or wherever!


  • Good Food, Banana Milkshakes, and Hollywood Stock Exchange


    Another day, another episode. Rhett is back into trading stocks on Hollywood Stock Exchange after a 20 year haitus. With the US opening back up, Michael gets back out into the world a little, visiting two of his old favorite lunch spots back to back. Michael shares how he once made Ernie Hudson cry. We discuss the progressive nature of the roles of Tom Hanks. But then, real controversy: Bananas in milkshakes. Thanks for listening!

  • Card Trader Mixed Drinks & Mischief


    If you've been missing discussion of collective nouns, hyper-local references you have no chance of recognizing, and two of three guys attempting to navigate the Star Wars Card Trader app for the first time in years, then today is your lucky day. Join us, Tommy, Rhett, and award-nominated podcast host Michael, as we hit record for a while and talk.Bonus online-only content: Recipe for Michael's cocktail, the CTWhy:1 part, vodkaNumber of parts of your choosing, Dwayne Johnson's energy drinkEnjoy!

  • The Rise of Skywalker, Spoiled - a.k.a.: The Last Card Trader


    Well, this is it. The last of the Skywalker saga has come and gone. We go over what the advance crowd-sourced info on Reddit got right (all of it), and wax poetic about our takes on what it all means as an end to a story that has had such an impact on our lives. We compare and contrast what's happening in Star Wars with what's happening in Star Trek, including hashing out the start of the Picard series. As far as Star Wars Card Trader, we're so far removed from it now that it doesn't seem to make sense to even pretend that's what this is about. So let us know if you still want to hear from us, and we'll see if we can't find something else for the "CT" in CT Illuminerdy to stand for. Thanks as always for listening!

  • The Rise of Skywalker Preview Spectacular


    A beloved franchise, with a new historically significant episode, years in the making. An episode not without controversy, both in what's come before and what may lie ahead. Yes, it's another edition of this podcast, where we discuss an upcoming movie. We don't discuss any leaked The Rise of Skywalker spoilers or rumored spoilers, but if you've even avoided the official trailers, or cast list, or any publicity, we do mention one character that you might not automatically assume would have a presence. We discuss The Mandolorian as well, including some of the characters and dialogue up through the 6th episode, so consider yourself spoiler-warned on that as well. Also, trigger warning if you have aversions to discussion of kitten viscera, and/or the new build of the SWCT app. Other than that, it's the CTI you know and love...thanks as always for listening, and a special thanks to those who check in telling us they want to hear more...Michael's finely-honed indifference is vulnerable to the voices of th

  • Star Wars Card Trader 4th Anniversary Special


    It's been 4 years since the TOPPS Star Wars Card Trader app was unleashed upon the world. Since it's the reason we're here as a podcast, we give it its due. Rhett literally phones in the episode, accidentally doubling as our "from the WWII front lines" correspondent.We discuss cards that have been under represented in the app:- "Capes of Calrissian": when will we get this set?- Lack of baby Ewok cards: only seen in classic art that we could find.- Abandonment of Lott Dod base cards- Poggle rainbow check-in (spoiler: not going well)Other Star Wars things we're liking:- The two-foot Super Star Destroyer expansion for the Star Wars: Armada miniatures game- Hasbro's massive Jabba's Sail Barge- Michael shares how he was moved to tears by the new novel, Queen's Shadow. We conjecture the collective noun for a group of handmaiden ("tale").We also discover there are a lot of characters in the Star Wars universe that have double-g in their names.

  • Pig Latin Character Names and Real-life Totsicles


    "This episode has more fan service than Solo".Topics include:- Real-life totsicles- When will we see a set of cards based on card trading podcasts?- Highlights magaine- Deleting 20,000 tweets...and if it's possible to keep tweets deleted on a rolling basis- State of the studio discussion and speculation about Lucasfilm- The Last Jedi characters as seen in the SWCT TLJ Characters set

  • SPOILERS: Post-Solo Debrief


    Warning! This discussion is full-on Solo spoilers. Rhett, Michael, and Tommy are joined by Earl, recording right after we saw Solo in the birthday party room of the movie theater. Bonus attendee DaveSecura walks in mid-way through and sticks around even though he hadn't seen it yet(!). We stay remarkably on topic...for us, thanks to Earl's valiant efforts. Even though it typically went back to going around in circles about how to say "Enfys Nest". What did you think of the movie? Or are you like Dave, and just like to listen to spoiler-filled discussions of movies you haven't seen? Let us know!

  • Pre-Solo


    With summer fast approaching, what better way to beat the oncoming heat than a new episode recorded when it was still winter? Complete with current-event jokes riffing on Trump being spanked with a magazine (remember that?) and discussion of the untimely passing of The Cranberries' lead singer Delores Rearden. We come up with a reality show pitch: having the lead signer of a band fend off newcomers. Also: scarf-wearing and best steaks. And finally a resolution to the cliffhanger of Michael's missing Poggle card. Most importantly, and actually timely, we discuss our feelings in advance of seeing Solo.

  • Exclusive Interview: Post-Crystal-Flood Craziness


    With Topps accidentally flooding people's accounts with millions of crystals, temporarily shutting practically all of the app's store, it raises many questions about what happens behind the scenes that leads to mistakes like it. We were able to interview someone that we hoped could give some insight. Rhett unfortunately was not able to join us until after the interview, but weighs in with his perspective on the fiasco. As a bonus, after we think we've wrapped, Michael discovers that there's a Heritage Poggle card, and a Taun We card for Rhett, and they start cracking packs like it's 2015.

  • The Last Jedi Spoiler Debrief


    We saw the movie and had to get our thoughts aired. Joining us this week, possibly from the 1940s, is our friend Earl, who some of our listeners may recognize from The Deucecast Movie Show. Don't listen if you haven't seen the movie. Even if you don't care about it being spoiled, it just won't make any sense. Maybe that's par for the course, though. We give a teat-count, coin the phrase Constable Zuvio-ed, and wax philosophical about the direction and tone of the movie as it compares to The Force Awakens. Enjoy!

  • Last Jedi Holiday Spectacular


    It's that time of year...grab your box of Canto Bites to snack on and head to the theater! Michael's under the weather, but that's not stopping us from getting out an episode. In no particular order:- Cats that look like Wilford Brimley- Chickens as pets- How saving a wild rabbit could work- What's fun to chase in the app- App woes- Rian Johnson said to be heading up a new trilogy- How do the Praetorian Guards see out of their masks?- What if anything you put in your will had to be carried out?- Sweet potato tots- Who talked Lucas into selling LucasFilm for just $4 billion?See you at the movies!

  • Happy Halloween!


    Where do you get more bacteria exposure? Hotels? Airplanes? Movie theaters? Which condiments work to be consumed standalone? We address these questions and more, including coverage of raclette, and pickled foods.We give the app some love, too. Rhett's spending is ramping up, which he's working to keep under control. He's working on completing most of the parallels of the Underworld set, and looking forward to the low-count overall award. Tommy hasn't been able to log in. And for what is probably the most exciting news of the week, Michael won an original sketch from Topps in their porg contest!

  • Happy Force Friday II


    Happy Force Friday II. Here's an episode to enjoy while trying not to drown in the endless retail porg-sea. Rhett gives a post-eclipse debrief, having driven to view totality. We discuss Star Trek transporters: how do they work? We compare and contrast Blizzard customer service with ToppsSeries 5: we're overall not enjoying the aesthetics yet, and wanting more cards with named characters. Michael asks: how is there is no Sleazebaggano card after all this time?The aftershow catches up on the latest of Zamphyr, and more importantly, Esteban. We hash out a good screenplay pitch based on him, and, even more viably, reality show.

  • Crystals, Obi Wan movie rumblings, Series 5 previews, Eclipse


    A new episode with lots to cover, both in-app and out. Not official yet, but we talk about the probably Obi Wan standalone movie. In-app, we discuss the new pay-only currency, Crystals, and what we've seen so far of the look of Series 5. Also, of course, happy eclipse day; hopefully you're able to get a glimpse of it where you are. But safely! We do not officially recommend using your 3D glasses from The Phantom Menace to stare at it.

  • 2-for-1 Guy, British Monarchy, Logo Contest


    Logo contest: we want your logo submissions! If yours is chosen, you get a complete Commemorative set. Contact via Twitter DM, @CT_Illuminerdy. If you're not on Twitter, 1-1 LeftyTheHutt about it in the app.We toss around some new card trading app ideas. MTV VJs? World leaders? Imagine hoarding Margaret Thatcher or Manuel Noriega. Michael shares some breaking news about the Queen of England -- she is abdicating her throne due to illness...according to the tabloid Michael saw at the grocery store.Rhett's enjoying trading, and especially enjoys those who offer any of their inserts in exchange for any two. We discuss what we're chasing, and how we're chasing it.

  • Rhett's Back in the App


    As seen on Twitter, the Kenner marathon set has done it -- pulled Rhett back in the app. He hasn't taken out a second mortgage on his house (yet), but he's not F2P, either. Will it last?Also, we discuss tattoo technology, and some of us are looking forward to My Little Pony: The Movie. For the kids, of course.

  • What's in a name?


    An NSA contractor who was arrested for leaking confidential information happened to be named Reality Winner. Does a person's name lead to a certain Destiny, or is it just being born in a socioeconomic environment where a name is common that makes it so?What's available at the modern public library? Rhett's opinion of them moves from indifferent to hostile. And then does the same with rural volunteer fire departments.Michael's bought into the Star Wars: Destiny collectible (physical) card and dice game, and he and Rhett have gotten to play.Rhett still hadn't been in the app when we recorded this, just before the Hasbro inserts dropped. But that changed after they did...stay tuned for the next exciting episode!

  • Star Wars Plot Twists, Star Wars: Destiny


    Happy birthday, America! Seems like as good a time as any to release an episode.Rhett cracks some Star Wars packs! Not Card Trader, but Star Wars: Destiny. A card and dice game that he's keen to recruit Michael into playing as well.We discuss remote controls. Is a fake remote a good place to hide valuables? I.e., would it be taken in a robbery? Day-to-day, is the remote the most valuable item in the home?Michael shares his new hoard in the app: credits. Not towards any purpose, just the most interesting thing for him to chase at the moment.We also discuss the upcoming Star Wars movies, and the obsession in the Star Wars universe and fandom with plot twists.Contest results not discussed in this episode, but are forthcoming!

  • May the Fourth Be With You


    May the fourth be with's a good excuse to release a new episode. In this one we ask a lot of questions.We go over the May the 4th bundle sales in the app, and are they good enough to tempt Rhett to update his app and open it? 105K credits for $4.99 is a phenomenal deal, and Rhett is quick to ask why would buy the 300K bundle for $24.99. And quicker still to call them an idiot.What legitimate businesses are depicted in the Star Wars films? Cantina, Jettster's Diner, Watto's shop, the bar where Obi-Wan talks to the death sticks kid...and? Canata's Castle?What local law enforcement is depicted in the Star Wars films? Is Bespin's ships private security? Is Naboo palace guard local law enforcement? Does Constable Zuvio actually appear in The Force Awakens?What was the last line of toys that you worked on collecting as a child?What fast food restaurant brings you shame? That is, the cup from what restaurant do you try to avoid carrying back with you from lunch into your workplace so others won't know

  • Meeting Topps, post-Celebration glow, and a Giveaway


    After our last mini-episode, we come back with a whopper. An exciting opening, with Tommy on the road and a technical snag all in the first 7 minutes, but full steam ahead after that. Some points of discussion, definitely not in this order:-We're having a legit giveaway: Leave us a review on iTunes  before the end of the month to be in the running for a pack containing the SWCT Orlando-exclusive Stormtrooper insert, and physical Card Trader Illuminerdy swag physically mailed to you!-We got to meet Topps! It took some tracking them down, but we not only met with Topps Digital's Emily, but also some fellow Star Wars Card Traders.-App talk: A new Poggle card! Sets being chased: Fan's Choice, Might of the Empire, Attitude, Widevision-Other convention talk: a discussion of the new Star Wars location as a "major hub in the pre-lightspeed travel era" has Rhett questioning how that would be possible. He also questions whether there will be any opportunities for...private character encounters, say, with a Kiminoa

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