Zebra Dev Podcast



Build on the platforms you knowon devices purpose-built for Enterprise


  • Zebra DEVPODCAST: Developing the Performance Edge of Printing

    21/03/2019 Duración: 26min

    Zebra DEVPODCAST hosts Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley are joined by MicroEJ’s CEO Fred Rivard and VP of US Sales, Robert Diloreto. MicroEJ builds cost-driven solutions for embedded and IoT devices. MicroEJ decided to try and duplicate what has been done for the smart phone industry for printers. With developers moving to develop on the Android platform, MicroEJ saw an opportunity to add app capability to other devices to provide additional value and to future proof them. By building a small application platform to fit into lots of printers and to re-use and scale apps across broader fleet of devices, MicroEJ was able to embed the full standard language of Java to create an on-board service onto a Zebra printer. With growth and rise in mobile phones, and as Android continues as the preferred platform along with Java growth, MicroEJ, alongside Zebra can help developers develop faster and easier with Java applications as they build for printers. So how much of the Java applications are proprietary to the Mi

  • Zebra DEVPODCAST: It's A Matter of Trust: Engaging Blockchain

    08/02/2019 Duración: 14min

    Building trust with your customers and partners is a key component for success in today’s tech world. In this DEVPODCAST, Zebra’s Dan Quagliana interviews Sameer Parekh, CEO, and Himanshu Srivastava, VP Solutions from Qodenext, a Zebra partner for over 20 years. Qodenext, a software and hardware company, is based in India and specializes in traceability solutions within the manufacturing and T&L industry. They are working with Zebra to expand their business internationally. Imagine this; you just purchased a nice, white fluffy cotton from your local Target or Walmart. It says its 100% cotton, but can you trust this claim? Well, the cotton was collected in Egypt, where it was picked, tagged and placed in bales and the supply chain of cotton eventually lands in India. There have been use cases where the towel claims its 100%, but was not, and this can damage a business’s credibility. With Qodenext, they are able to attach a QR code to that towel to ensure that lot of cotton that made that towel was truly 10

  • Zebra DEVPODCAST - Build It, Buy It, Bring It with Zebra Savanna Data Services

    30/11/2018 Duración: 16min

    Join Dan Quagliana as he interviews Doddle’s Gary O’Connor, CTO and Ben Rodway, Head of Technology about becoming an ISV, their takeaways from Zebra’s last APPFORUM and what’s in store for them in 2019 as they are Early Adopter Partners for Zebra’s Savanna data service platform. Doddle is an in-store software technology company focused on retail and logistics and where they come together. This includes parcel online ordering delivery in-store for customer pick up and the reverse of that process, when people return items to stores to ship back out to online vendors or put back into stock. While the UK market is their primary focus, they have recently expanded to the Netherlands and Australia, with plans to further expand their US market in the coming year. Doddle began working with Zebra as a customer and followed a development path to become an ISV. With Zebra’s ISV validation process, it increased their visibility and provided credibility with their Zebra validation logo. As an Zebra ISV,

  • Zebra DEVPODCAST - Living in an IoT World

    05/10/2018 Duración: 17min

    Listen to Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley as they dive deep into the IoT world and Zebra’s Savanna data services platform with Brooks Canavesi from Problem Solutions. Sensing the physical world and bringing it into the digital world is a key movement. The Zebra Savanna platform allows us to collect data across multiple devices, pull it together in central data space and then take actionable insights based on the data. Problem Solutions was part of an early Beta because, as a custom product development shop deploying numerous IoT based solutions, they are often asked to integrate custom or off-the-shelf sensors to ingest a collection of mission critical data and then extract this across the corporate value chain. Having the Savanna platform allows Problem Solutions to access system level data points on Android Zebra devices and location data and then push updates and important information out across their Enterprise deployments. Our listeners may want to start thinking about how to get into the IoT world. L

  • Zebra DEVPODCAST - How Do You Develop for Enterprise Deployment?

    14/09/2018 Duración: 27min

    Speaking with Brett Cooper from BlueFletch and Brent Grandil from Arrowhead, our hosts Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley, learn from these Zebra partners about app maintenance and continuous development when developing for the Enterprise. BlueFletch builds Enterprise mobile apps, with a focus on Android rugged devices. Arrowhead creates custom solutions and software applications for enterprise printing like Mobi Print. Brett and Brent discuss how they balance app deployments across multiple operating systems and operating system versions, partnering with their customers on app and OS updates, and balancing the risks of security versus compatibility. They also discuss their approach to third party library usage, as these are a necessity, yet add additional security and maintenance risks. Hear how these two developers and business leaders approach Enterprise deployments via App Stores or custom deployment for their Enterprise customers varying in size from single use to tens of thousands. Learn how partnering

  • Zebra DEVPODCAST - Developing in the "Now" Economy

    15/08/2018 Duración: 25min

    As enterprises migrate to Android, there seems to be a slower adoption in warehouses. Why is this and what is being done to address the issues? Join our hosts, Dan Quagliana and Mark Jolley as they talk with Joe White, Zebra General Manager, Mobile Computer Division, about this and learn about the challenges customers have faced and how Zebra is helping organizations to move from siloed, closed environment leveraging green screen terminal emulation sessions to a robust, connected cloud, mobile IoT sensing platform for the enterprise through Android. Zebra has made a significant investment to lead the marketplace in the adoption of purpose built devices such as our TC8000. We are also not just about the devices, but about the application ecosystem that surrounds this making manufacturing, retail, and other vertical businesses more connected. As an ISV or software developer, the best time to develop is now. The “now economy” today embodies the idea of a connected worker. Digitizing workflows and gaining vis

  • Zebra DEVPODCAST - Serving Up A Satisfying User Experience and Interface

    21/06/2018 Duración: 25min

    Join hosts Dan Quagliana, Head of Zebra's Developer Relations and Mark Jolley, EMEA Sales Engineer, as they share the table with Zebra EMEA CTO James Morley-Smith to learn how you can define user experience and user interface by examining a meal consisting of a banana, a pineapple and a bowl of cereal. The experience and how you eat them each will be very different - much like how one would develop. Think about it this way: The Banana – It’s fresh, easy to peel and eat, easy to carry around, you know when it's ripe and it’s a smooth, sweet treat. The Pineapple – How exactly how do you carry a whole pineapple to work for lunch? It’s a bit more prickly than a banana, and it’s not so easy to identify when its ripe. And peeling it could be a challenge when compared to the banana! As an end user or consumer, you want to have a good, solid effective “experience”. Developers should consider not just the end result, but how their users will experience technology. They are the center of a solid user experience.