SermonAudio Classics



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  • Clip: The Need for God's Power


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  • Clip: Church of Evan Roberts Today

    04/10/2023 Duración: 01min

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  • Clip: Multigenerational Christianity

    04/10/2023 Duración: 01min

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  • Global Prayer for Revival

    27/09/2023 Duración: 06min

    Oct 3-4, 2023 is being set aside as a --Global Day of Prayer for Revival--. Organizers of this effort include Paul Washer, Hensworth Jonas, Joel Beeke, Josh Buice, Paulo Junior, Scott Brown, Tom Ascol, Jeff Johnson, and Jorge Rodriguez. --We wish to put in our own endorsement for this worthy effort and would encourage God's people everywhere to take every opportunity to pray with God's people in extraordinary prayer for revival.----Learn more about our Daily United

  • AI as Artificial Moral Agents

    13/09/2023 Duración: 51min

    -SermonAudio and Bob Jones University are cooperating in a mutually beneficial relationship to advance God's kingdom and to inspire the next generation.----The Computer Science Department at Bob Jones University will be periodically hosting lectures for the SermonAudio Technology Lecture Series that will feature informative and educational presentations focusing on the latest advancements and trends in technology utilized by the SermonAudio platform.---We have invited --Nick Logan--, founder and CEO of Cornerstone Payment Systems, a credit card processing company that establishes businesses, organizations, and ministries with the ability to accept Visa, MasterCard, and the other major credit cards. He will speak on -AI as Artificial Moral Agents.---Nick was formerly the President and Chief Operating Officer of PMT -Formerly PMTS- NASDQ-, President and Chief Operating Officer of Nova Information Systems -Formerly NYSE- NIS-, and has held various other senior executive roles with public and private companies.--

  • First Love

    03/09/2023 Duración: 02min

    I had a bit of nostalgia as I went through some old family videos. As I saw my wife in those videos, it made me think of -first love- and how we all need to return to it.---Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.- Revelation 2-4.--As we get busier and busier with life, it is entirely possible to leave our first love. Do you remember a time in your life when you enjoyed the Lord in a -first love- kind of way-- What changed-- Who changed-- The Lord doesn't change. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. If anyone has changed, it is us. And the Lord is always the one who bids us return to Him. He is the one that stands at the door and knocks. He wants anyone -- anyone- -- to open the door so that He can come in and, -sup with him, and he with me.- Isn't that incredible that the LORD wants to fellowship with us-- --Friends, I want you to consider your first love today. When we pray for revival, we're simply praying for a restoration of the joy of the Lord

  • How It All Began

    01/09/2023 Duración: 01min

    Some raw video footage of SermonAudio in the early years of our existence. That's my wife, and that's my firstborn daughter. --

  • The Vault Milestone Animation


    The animation sequence showing the assembly of the servers, storage, and switches of The Vault. Part of the video VLOG called Milestone. Be sure to watch it-

  • The Foundations Conference NYC

    30/07/2023 Duración: 02min

    The Foundations Conference is coming back to New York City this coming December 12-13, 2023.----Our desire is to refresh and equip church leaders with powerful preaching, united prayer, and God-honoring praise. We're serious about powerful preaching, which is why we always seek to assemble a unique blend of strong preachers from various circles. We're serious about united prayer, which is why we put a heavy emphasis on encouraging one another in this oft-neglected discipline. And for this year, we will have the joy of singing some well-beloved psalms in God-honoring praise. In an increasingly divided world, let us gather around these foundations of ministry and enjoy a season of fellowship, refreshment, and unity.----We're late, but let's do

  • Foundations NYC Loop Video

    28/07/2023 Duración: 02min
  • Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

    18/07/2023 Duración: 39min

    -Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God- is a sermon written by the American theologian Jonathan Edwards, preached to his own congregation in Northampton, Massachusetts, to profound effect, and again on July 8, 1741 in Enfield, Connecticut. The preaching of this sermon was the catalyst for the First Great Awakening.

  • Global Sermons in Africa

    10/07/2023 Duración: 07min

    This past week I had the opportunity to try out a GLOBAL SERMON in a very remote part of the world -- East Africa. I was able to record the reaction of the local Kenyans on video. It's priceless. --The impact and significance of Artificial Intelligence -AI- is profound and is taking the world by storm. It might be fair to say that AI could be the most transformative technology since the invention of the Internet itself. It is our belief that a powerful tool of this magnitude must be employed for the kingdom of God and the Gospel.--In our labs, we have successfully proven the concept of what we are calling -Global Sermons- where we can take any sermon preached in English and have it -re-preached- in multiple languages like French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Because AI tools are fundamentally designed to handle large amounts of computationally intensive language models, we can achieve a high-level of accuracy and natural-sounding voice that has never before been possible.--We believe that this is our moment

  • The Vault Milestone

    23/06/2023 Duración: 03min

    In this VLOG, we take the time to celebrate a very important milestone to us. After an initial failed attempt, we have finally been able to launch the biggest and most critical piece of infrastructure called THE PIPELINE into THE VAULT successfully. We thank God---It also happens to be our one-year anniversary of being on the campus of Bob Jones University. We take some time in this video to reflect on the miracle of how God brought it all together and we give all glory to God.--Help us FILL THE about The

  • Global Sermons

    30/05/2023 Duración: 03min

    The impact and significance of Artificial Intelligence -AI- is profound and is taking the world by storm. It might be fair to say that AI could be the most transformative technology since the invention of the Internet itself. With any revolutionary technology, there are pros and cons that could be argued as to its use. However, it is our belief that a powerful tool of this magnitude must be employed for the kingdom of God and the Gospel.--In our labs, we have successfully proven the concept of what we are calling -Global Sermons- where we can take any sermon preached in English and have it -re-preached- in multiple languages like French, Spanish, Russian, and Chinese. Because AI tools are fundamentally designed to handle large amounts of computationally intensive language models, we can achieve a high-level of accuracy and natural-sounding voice that has never before been possible.--We believe that this is our moment. ---We do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God.- - Acts 2-11--Learn abou

  • Translation Submission System Demo

    18/05/2023 Duración: 03min

    Translation Submission System -TSS- is a SermonAudio system that allows volunteer translators to assist SA developers in producing a website and mobile applications that support non-English speakers. --The website and apps contain various text fragments called strings. As developers work on the website and apps, they add new strings and occasionally modify existing strings. TSS enables volunteer translators to see the English strings, review their translations, and submit improvements to the translations.

  • Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly

    02/05/2023 Duración: 04min

    On April 20, 2023, Elon Musk launched the most powerful rocket ever built called the Starship. 4 minutes into the launch it experienced a -rapid unscheduled disassembly,- according to SpaceX. In other words, it blew up. --We had a launch of our own on April 30, 2023. We launched a major piece of infrastructure in The Vault called THE PIPELINE and observed how it was able to handle the full load of Sunday traffic. In similar fashion, what began well ended in a -rapid unscheduled disassembly.- --This VLOG examines some lessons learned from this initial launch attempt. The Lord is looking for fruit in our lives. And the most important fruit is not a successful launch, but a right response.--Help us FILL THE about The

  • 3 Godly Men that Changed Computer History

    21/04/2023 Duración: 57min

    The Computer Science Department at Bob Jones University hosted the inaugural lecture of the SermonAudio Technology Lecture Series on April 18 at 7 pm.--The SermonAudio Technology Lecture Series features informative and educational presentations focusing on the latest advancements and trends in technology utilized by the SermonAudio platform.--For this inaugural lecture, we have invited Brantley Coile, inventor and pioneer in the computing industry, to speak on the topic -Three Godly Men That Changed Computer History.- Among his accomplishments, Brantley holds the fundamental patent on the Network Address Translation -NAT- protocol. He also invented the first firewall and load balancer for CISCO.

  • The Interns of SermonAudio

    14/04/2023 Duración: 02min

    For this VLOG, we put some focus on our fantastic interns from the Bob Jones University Computer Science Department- --Part of our strategy with The Vault is to be in proximity to talented young developers that can benefit from the experience of working with our seasoned developers while enjoying the satisfaction of using their technical skills for the kingdom. --What I didn't get to mention in the video is that the RESULT of such an effort was that the fear of God fell upon the surrounding kingdoms. I find that fascinating because the teaching was directed to the cities of Judah. I take that to mean that when the whole counsel of God's Word is faithfully declared to God's own people, the effects will be felt on even the surrounding heathen lands. Over the centuries, as the -book of the law of the Lord- has gone into darkened nations, they have consistently been transformed. This is our prayer as we continue to broadcast faithful preaching all around the world -- that God's Word will not return void.--SermonA

  • Technology Lecture Series

    21/03/2023 Duración: 03min

    SermonAudio and Bob Jones University are cooperating in a mutually beneficial relationship to advance God's kingdom and to inspire the next generation.--The BJU Computer Science Department presents the SermonAudio Technology Lecture Series, a collection of informative and educational presentations that focus on the latest advancements and trends in technology utilized by the SermonAudio architecture.--Bob Jones Science about The

  • Interview with Nick Logan of Cornerstone Payment Systems

    18/03/2023 Duración: 10min

    In this interview, I wanted to introduce Nick Logan, CEO of Cornerstone Payment Systems, a Christian-based credit card processing company. SermonAudio recently made the switch to Cornerstone and it is part of our overall Vault strategy to protect our ability to broadcast great preaching worldwide.--Learn about

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