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  • Israel’s Fight for Survival Continues

    27/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Chris Katulka is assistant director of North American Ministries at The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry and host of The Friends of Israel Today radio program. He is a Bible teacher, and writer for Israel My Glory magazine and is author of the book, Israel Always.--Jim began the discussion portion of this broadcast with comments from the Biden-Harris team concerning President Trump and those that gathered at the National Religious Broadcasters convention. Chris responded with a review of Trump's accomplishments on behalf of Israel.--As the conversation moved along, Chris commented on the following----Did the IDF miss something that allowed for the October 7th attack----How October 7th was the result of a constant festering in Gaza -15 years of missiles lobbed into Israel from Gaza- that gave way to the massacre on the Gaza border.--Why doesn't humanitarian aid get to where it's needed, even to the hostages----What's the latest on the hostage talks----Is a cease-fire in the best interest of Israel----Why the

  • Warning Regarding “Gender-Affirming” Care

    20/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Dr. Jane Anderson is Vice President of the American College of Pediatricians and Lead Author of their Position Statement, -Mental Health in Adolescents with Incongruence of Gender Identity and Biological Sex- released in February, 2024.--As then former Vice-President Joe Biden was running for the presidency, he said that -transgender rights are the civil rights issue of our time.- Since being awarded the White House, he has made great efforts to transform government, our society, schools, sports and even medicine as he has carried through on his promise of advancing and seeking to normalize something which is not normal spiritually, mentally or even biologically. His administration has often claimed that gender transition procedures are -necessary- and has even used the phrase -life-saving.- Without body mutilating surgeries or the blocking of hormones or taking opposite sex hormones, his administration has warned of depression and even suicidal death.--While the Department of Health and Human Services contin

  • News Roundup & Comment

    17/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    The stories flowed quickly as Jim had much to share on yet another edition of the Round-Up. Here's the bulk of the stories mentioned during the first quarter hour-----On Tuesday, the House narrowly voted to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.----Wisconsin Congressman Mike Gallagher announced that he will not be seeking re-election this year. He voted against the impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas. ----Senator Marco Rubio talked about refugees and those here illegally. He communicated that those coming into this nation are getting paid more than those who have worked and are entitled to benefits. Jim provided audio of his comments.----An article from the Epoch Times alleges that it's the U.S. that is bankrolling our own invasion by funding the U.N. and its partners, which in turn give hundreds of millions of dollars in cash and aid to migrants that eventually cross the U.S. southern border illegally. ----Newly discovered emails between the Department of Homeland Security officials and journa

  • Indoctrinating Our Children to Death

    16/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    What is happening under the guise of public education is both frightening and appalling. Last Fall we learned of a Christian student who filed a religious discrimination lawsuit indicating she was ordered by Chicago Public School staff members to meditate during a required quiet time. She was told to bow to deity that she didn't recognize and to internalize mantras in order to reach -Zen.- --Other school districts have required students to memorize the Islamic pillars of faith and even take a field trip to a mosque. Textbooks have been rewritten to push Critical Race Theory and a false accounting of our nation's history. Planned Parenthood has been invited into schools for their services. Then there's the account earlier this month of a drag-queen teacher in West Virginia that was arrested on child sexual exploitation charges. In Colorado, legislation is being considered that would require the state's public and charter schools to socially transition any gender-confused student by adopting that child's prefer

  • Israel’s War Against Hamas Update

    15/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    This Crosstalk featured the return of Dr. Jimmy DeYoung Jr. Dr. DeYoung is a speaker, teacher, Mideast guide, videographer and speaker on Prophecy Today. He lived and worked in Jerusalem for many years, is a fully credentialed journalist and has led numerous tours to Israel.--Just over 4 months ago, Israel suffered a very barbaric attack by Hamas, an Islamic terrorist group, that denies Israel the right to exist. Due to this planned genocide by Hamas, Israel declared war and has been systematically rooting out and eliminating the evil doers. --A dramatic rescue this past weekend freed a couple of Israeli hostages, while many more still remain. Negotiations to release the rest have fallen short. A truce or cease-fire seems unlikely as well. Meanwhile, Israel has discovered a top secret Hamas intelligence center right underneath the United Nations Palestinian refugee agency, and recently President Biden described Israel's response in Gaza as -over the top---Don't miss the coverage of these and other aspects of

  • Climate Change Agenda Targets the Populace

    14/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Perhaps you're not aware, but there are ways in which Agenda 2030 is being methodically implemented, not just in the U.S. but around the world. This has ramifications for our economy, our food supply-security, land use, private property, our energy independence and much more. This pressure isn't just coming from the United Nations. Sometimes this pressure comes from our own state legislatures and city planning commissions.--Regardless of the level of influence, there are those making a positive impact on many fronts. These individuals realize that this is not a spectator sport and that as many as possible must be engaged to make a difference. --One of those difference makers is Tom DeWeese. Tom is president of American Policy Center. Tom is one of the nation's leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education, American sovereignty and independence and protecting our Constitutionally-guaranteed rights. Tom is also the grassroots coordi

  • Butler County OH Sheriff Issues Warning

    13/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    There are significant warnings being expressed by some individuals concerning the internal safety and security of the United States. These warnings are coming from the highest levels of government all the way down to the level of our county sheriffs.--The importance of this matter cannot be overstated. Jim proved the point as he aired 3 audio clips. The first was from Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson as he questioned Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas concerning what's been taking place at the southern border. The second audio clip featured Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray, who noted how multiple foreign terrorist organizations have called for direct attacks on the U.S. or its assets and the threat from domestic extremist groups. In the third clip, FBI Director Wray discussed the ongoing, multi-pronged threat of China. --These audio clips set the stage for comments that came from Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard Jones. At a press conference conducted last week, he shared information obtained

  • News Roundup & Comment

    10/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Here's a sample of the many stories Jim rolled out to get listeners caught up on the news. Listeners were given their chance to comment as well.----The Supreme Court seems poised to allow former President Trump to remain on the Colorado ballot and expressing deep concerns about permitting a single state to disqualify the leading Republican candidate from seeking national offices.----A visibly upset President Joe Biden addressed the nation late Thursday to respond to news that a special counsel tasked with investigating his handling of classified documents had chosen not to charge him but also detailed numerous examples of his memory loss. The special counsel report, while clearing the president, sparked questions about his mental fitness. ----President Biden got completely lost during a press conference and a reporter had to remind him they were talking about Hamas. ----Congressional Republicans were quick to condemn the Justice Department for not prosecuting Joe Biden for his mishandling of classified docume

  • “Religion and Science” Weekend

    09/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Jay Seegert is the founder - managing director for The Starting Point Project. He holds degrees in both Physics and Engineering Technology. Jay is an international speaker and author.--This coming Monday, February 12th, is the birthday of Charles Darwin who was born in 1809. This is the same day as Lincoln's birthday, but unlike the former president, Darwin was a promoter of evolution and his teachings have been promoted throughout society, especially in educational settings and museums. Sadly, this theory has also been adopted by many churches and religious organizations.--Back in 2004, a man named Michael Zimmerman was engaged in a battle against a school district in Wisconsin because he didn't like creation being taught. He brought approximately 200 clergy together to sign a letter to the school board. As a result, they retracted their policies regarding the teaching of creation.--Zimmerman was encouraged by this and others encouraged him to take this nationwide, so he started the Clergy Letter Project. Th

  • Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands

    08/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Many skeptics feel the Bible is a fairy tale or myth. Some claim it can't be trusted because it's full of contradictions and errors. Still others doubt the locations and events that the Bible describes. While the historical accuracy of the Bible has fallen under increased scrutiny and has been a topic of debate, new archaeological discoveries from an expanding host of ancient sites found in Bible lands continue to provide evidence pertaining to questions of reliability.--To provide insight on this issue, Crosstalk welcomed Dr. Titus Kennedy. Dr. Kennedy is a professional archaeologist and a research fellow at Discovery Institute. He is a consultant, writer and guide for history and archaeology documentaries and curricula, and currently directs archaeological projects in Bible lands. He's also researched and photographed archaeological sites and artifacts around the world. He's an author of the newly released, The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands- Uncovering Biblical Sites of the Ancient Near East

  • How to Brainwash a Nation

    07/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Recently Jim reported on some startling figures indicating that nearly 30- of Gen-Z'ers are identifying as LGBTQ-. In some areas, Social Services are removing minor children from parents because they believe parents are not affirming. --The Daily Caller is running a story today regarding audio they've obtained of a psychologist at a medical training summit in 2022. This psychologist indicated that it's parents who do not affirm their child's gender identity as having a mental illness.--What's causing this brainwashing that makes people believe that socialism is better for America, that taking the life of the unborn is good but abusive to women to protect that same life-- --Perhaps even more telling is a statistic from George Barna and the Cultural Research Center indicating that pre-teens are on track to abandon biblical Christianity in record numbers. --Can we document what's causing this deterioration of society-- William Federer can and he does just that on this broadcast. He's a nationally known speaker,

  • The Unravelling Border

    06/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Andrew Arthur is Resident Fellow in Law and Policy for the Center for Immigration Studies. He began his legal career through the Attorney General's Honors Program as a clerk to an Administrative Law Judge in the Office of the Chief Administrative Hearing Officer at the United States Department of Justice, Executive Office for Immigration Review. Later in his career he was promoted to the Immigration and Naturalization Service General Counsel's Office in D.C., first as an Associate General Counsel, then as an Assistant General Counsel and Acting Chief of the INS National Security Law Division.--Crosstalk continues to monitor progress on our nation's southern border because many believe this to be a national security issue. One state, however, decided to take action. The governor of Texas made great efforts to secure his state but is being thwarted and fought against by the Biden administration. Speaking of the President, he curtailed many of the Trump policies which brought much broader protection to the U.S.

  • News Roundup & Comment

    03/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Below is a brief look at a number of key stories presented by Jim from this week's broadcast-----Earlier this week, Senator Josh Hawley of Missouri grilled Mark Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Meta -formerly Facebook-, at a Senate Judiciary Committee meeting. Jim provided audio from the exchange.----A bipartisan bill to slash taxes for businesses and enhance the child tax credit is a step closer to becoming law.-----Joshua Schulte betrayed his country by committing some of the most brazen, heinous crimes of espionage in American history.- That's a statement from U.S. Attorney Damian Williams. Schulte, a former CIA officer, was sentenced to 40 years in prison on Thursday over a litany of charges. ----Mat Staver will bring oral arguments Wednesday morning before the Florida Supreme Court regarding a proposed amendment to the Florida constitution that would codify unrestricted abortion as a right. Mat appeared via a pre-recorded segment with Jim where he outlined the issue.----Representative Ilhan Omar made conce

  • Disease X

    02/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Alex Newman is an award-winning international freelance journalist, author, researcher, educator and consultant. He is senior editor for The New American. He is co-author of Crimes of the Educators, author of Deep State- The Invisible Government Behind the Scenes and the new book, Indoctrinating Our Children to Death. He's also founder of Liberty Sentinel.--The World Health Organization is promoting a pandemic treaty for all nations of the world to surrender individual sovereignty to a worldwide body to make your healthcare decisions and that of the world. In fact, next week, February 5th-9th, is the seventh meeting of the working group on amendments to the International Health Regulations. The document would be binding as international law.--Also on the international health front, world leaders gathered in Davos, Switzerland, at the World Economic Forum, and one of the topics of discussion was preparation for a worldwide pandemic known as Disease X. Alex described it as a hypothetical-theoretical disease tha

  • LGBTQ+ Agenda Continues Its Advancement

    01/02/2024 Duración: 53min

    Increasingly, the push for full acceptance and promotion of the LGBTQ- agenda is advancing. In fact, According to one poll, 28- of Gen-Z adults are identifying as LGBTQ. --The result-- Women's sports are being decimated and dominated by men who are identifying as women. Leading up to the Super Bowl, the NFL is committed to bowing to the diversity, equity and inclusion movement as it will be hosting the third annual, -A Night of Pride- with GLAAD during Super Bowl Week. Politically, additional LGBTQ- appointments to the federal bench are being made by the Biden administration, while polyamory is on the increase.--Are we fast approaching the days of Lot-- That's a question to ponder as Crosstalk welcomed Peter LaBarbera back to Crosstalk. Peter is the founder and president of Americans for Truth. He's a former reporter for the Washington Times and and a former contributing editor for Human Events.- -The Public Religion Research Institute is the organization making the claim that 28- of Gen-Z ad

  • Israel at War: Tunnels, Terrorism & Threats

    30/01/2024 Duración: 53min

    January 27th, was International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The words -Never Again- was associated with lessons learned from the holocaust that never again would such genocidal actions take place. Yet on October 7th, 2023, another genocidal attack took place by Hamas. Calling this attack genocidal is no exaggeration as the Hamas charter expresses the goal of wiping Israel off the face of the earth. So as a means of self-preservation, Israel has gone to war against Hamas in an attempt to permanently eradicate the threat.--The war is now in its 17th week. As of today, rockets continue to be launched toward Israel. Recently, at an outpost in Jordan, 3 U.S. soldiers were killed and over 30 service members were injured by a drone attack. All this is taking place while threats continue to come from Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi camps.--Appearing on Crosstalk to bring his perspective on Israel and the Middle East was Dr. Jim Showers. Dr. Showers is executive director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry. He lea

  • News Roundup & Comment

    27/01/2024 Duración: 53min

    Here are some of the headlines that Jim shared---- Trump backs Abbot, urges states to provide Texas full support to secure southern border-- Biden Administration has released 6.2 million illegal migrants into U.S. in 3 years, often through parole loophole-- Mom sues DHS for -100M after daughter raped, killed by suspected migrant MS-13 member-- Is the Arizona migrant who said 'soon you're gonna know who I am' head of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan---- Vermont resettled Somalis, shootings are up 185--- Speaker Johnson says he confronted Biden to his face about the border- 'Do your job'-- Ex-FBI officials warn of 'soft invasion' at border-- Trump White House official Peter Navarro sentenced to 4 months for defying Jan 6 subpoena-- Trump vows to demolish the Deep State globalists in New Hampshire primary speech-- WEF panel moderator says elections in 2024 are a risk because people may elect the wrong leaders-- Trump wins New Hampshire primary, breaks vote record-- Trump wins 14th Amendment ballot fight in Massac

  • Deceiving and Being Deceived

    26/01/2024 Duración: 53min

    Mike Gendron is the Founder and Director of Proclaiming the Gospel Ministry. Mike was a devout Roman Catholic for over 3 decades and was taught to rely upon the authority of the church above all else. Mike searched the Scriptures and was amazed to find that what he read in Scripture contradicted the teaching and tradition of the church he had been a part of for so long. He trusted Jesus as his Savior and now the Bible has become his sole authority in all matters of faith. Mike is the author of the books Preparing for Eternity and Contending for the Gospel, and has produced numerous videos with warnings concerning false teachings versus the truth of the Scriptures.--Paul's second letter to Timothy has so many important applications for believers in Jesus Christ. I'd like to draw your attention to Chapter 3 in which Paul wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, -This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.- He then warned about the marks of the last days such as -men shall be lovers o

  • J6 Investigations: Truth or Treachery?

    25/01/2024 Duración: 53min

    R. Cort Kirkwood is a former newspaper editor and a long-time contributor to The New American.--If you listen and swallow the message from the leftist media and leftist politicians, you will come away believing there was an insurrection on January 6, 2021 that was wholly instigated by then President Donald Trump.--President Biden indicated just a couple weeks ago that this January 6th was the day -we nearly lost America.- In that speech on the 3rd anniversary, 12 times he referred to this as being an -attack- and 12 times he used -insurrection.- He has also intimated that January 6th was supposedly the worst attack on our democracy. He has accused Donald Trump of rewriting the facts from that day.--You can watch selective footage from that day and you will find some who insist this was a terrorist attack. You'll be informed about all the information and testimony that came forth from the House Select Committee. But you will not be told about the number of FBI or DHS assets that were mixed into the crowds. You

  • The Violence of Islam

    24/01/2024 Duración: 53min

    Usama Dakdok is the Founder of the Straight Way of Grace Ministry. He is the speaker on the daily radio broadcast Revealing the Truth About Islam. He speaks fluent Arabic and has translated the Quran into English. He is the author of Exposing the Truth about the Qur'an and Exposing the Truth About Jihad as well as the booklets The Violent Truth about Islam and The Straight Way to Eternal Life.--Tragically, today it was announced that 21 Israeli soldiers were killed by a group of Hamas terrorists who came out of the orchards and fired RPG's at two buildings which immediately collapsed upon the soldiers. The ages of the soldiers ranged from age 22 to 40. This is the largest killing of Israelis since the Islamic attack on October 7th, 2023. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in his mourning pledged to continue the war with Hamas until -absolute victory.---As Islamic terrorist attacks continue to be launched, Islamic religious leaders are heating up their rhetoric. One such Imam preached that Jews -will all be exe

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