Matthew (2013)

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 182:28:43
  • Mas informaciones



True stories of the lives of famous people quickly move to the top of the best sellers' charts. Listen to this series about the engrossing story of the life of Christ as told by a once-hated tax collector, Matthew. See how his emphasis is on Christ as the promised Messianic king. Find out about the not-to-be-missed practical ways this gospel can impact your life.


  • 67 - What am I Missing? [b]

    15/02/2015 Duración: 57min

    Was Jesus really the Messiah, and, if so, where is the promised kingdom? Listen to this lesson to find out that John the baptist was wondering about this as he was languishing in prison. Hear that based on John’s background, he was not doubting that Jesus was the Messiah. See what it meant for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit from the day of his birth. Find out what his relationship was to the prophet Elijah and why his father, Zacharias, became mute. See that not everyone responds to the gospel until many times of hearing it, if at all.

  • 66 - Patterns and Principles [c]

    08/02/2015 Duración: 54min

    Did Jesus offer universal healthcare when He was on earth healing people? Listen to this lesson for a review of the first ten miracles of Jesus. Understand that there are patterns in these miracles that are exactly what will happen in history. Learn that the gospel went first to Israel, then to the Gentiles, and in the future to Israel again. Learn that Jesus doesn’t want part-time soldiers but He wants us completely sold out to Him. If you make the decision to be a disciple. it will involve following Jesus by studying God’s Word and walking by means of the Spirit.

  • 65 - Rewards [b]

    01/02/2015 Duración: 58min

    When you became an adult and were leaving home, did your parents give you admonitions and warnings? Listen to this lesson to learn about nine warnings Jesus gave His disciples. See how He emphasized that their allegiance must always be first to God, rather than to their family. Understand that God requires a radical revision of how we use our time and that we have to be willing to give up what we desperately want for God’s plan, if required. See that we need to keep in mind the Judgment Seat of Christ so we can make decisions and live our lives in the light of eternity.

  • 64 - Take Up Your Cross [b]

    25/01/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    What does catching a monkey have to do with taking up our cross daily? Listen to this lesson to learn that as Christians we live in enemy territory. See that unless we are fortified with the Word of God we will become casualities in the angelic conflict. Find out the three types of peace mentioned in the Bible and why Jesus said He did not come to bring peace. Understand that our worst enemies may be our own families. Learn that on a daily basis we have to make decisions to deny ourselves and submit to God’s authority.

  • 63 - The Challenge of Discipleship [b]

    18/01/2015 Duración: 47min

    You can run but you can’t hide from the battle of the ages raging in the world. Listen to this lesson to learn two categories of casualties in this warfare. See how Jesus emphasized discipleship for all believers which means to become a student of the Word of God and make it our highest priority even when we face persecution. Learn why people hate Christians and the awards and benefits for overcomers at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Believe that when our agenda is God’s agenda, He promises to always take care of us.

  • 62 - Praised by Christ, or Not? [b]

    28/12/2014 Duración: 53min

    What does it mean to commit your life to Christ? Listen to this lesson to see that this is not a command found in the Word of God but that all believers are called to be disciples. Find out about the responsibilities and challenges of discipleship as taught by Jesus. Understand the distinction between directives to unbelievers on how to be saved and directives to those who are believers on how they are to grow and mature. See that believers who are disobedient are under divine discipline here on earth and will suffer loss of eternal rewards but will not lose their salvation.

  • 61 - Focus on the Future! [b]

    14/12/2014 Duración: 46min

    Why does God allow sin and evil on this earth? Listen to this lesson for a Biblical answer to this age-old question. Learn about the differences between God’s sovereign permissive will and His decreed will. Find out that the suffering we face in life is known by God and is intended for our ultimate good. See what Jesus said about earning or losing rewards during our Christian life.

  • 60 - Fear Not! [b]

    07/12/2014 Duración: 53min

    If someone is hurling insults at you, what should you do? Listen to this lesson to learn that Jesus warned His disciples they shouldn't react in fear when someone insults and persecutes them for believing in Him. Sure, insults and persecution cause us to become afraid, but we need to understand that while fear is a natural reaction, we can make a conscious decision to trust God. See a number of reasons that show how much our Heavenly Father knows and cares for us. Apply this commandment not to fear to your own circumstances so you will not be ruled by the fear factor.

  • 59 - Jesus Warns of Persecution [b]

    30/11/2014 Duración: 55min

    Hated? Dragged into court? Our own families turned against us? Listen to this lesson to hear how Jesus warned his twelve disciples that they would face persecution. Learn the difference between the Gospel of the Kingdom and the Gospel of the Cross. Understand what ''he who endures to the end will be saved'' means. Even though this was directed to Jesus' disciples and those in the future Tribulation, understand that during the Church Age we will face opposition and that Jesus promises never to leave us or forsake us. Click here to listen to or view this Bible class.

  • 58 - God's Training Program Includes Adversity [b]

    23/11/2014 Duración: 58min

    "Bah Bah Bah". We are all like little sheep who have lost our way. Listen to this lesson to learn about Jesus' compassion for the Jewish people, the lost sheep of the House of Israel. Learn how He sent out His twelve disciples to teach them and find out why He told the disciples not to go to the Samaritans. Master five questions to ask when interpreting Scripture which explain some seeming contradictions. See that we are to be free from cares and anxieties and thoughtful in our response to those who attack us for what we believe.

  • 57 - Sending the Twelve [b]

    02/11/2014 Duración: 43min

    The King has come! Accept him as your Messiah and He will establish His kingdom on earth! Listen to this lesson to learn that when Jesus was on earth He offered His Kingdom to the Jews but the religious leaders rejected Him as their Messiah. Hear about the 12 men first called disciples and later apostles who were sent out to proclaim His message. Understand the deep compassion Jesus felt, showing His mercy and grace for the undeserving. Accept that this grace is extended to all of us.

  • 56 - Discipleship [b]

    26/10/2014 Duración: 55min

    Have dinner with a bunch of low-class losers? Not on your life! Listen to this lesson to learn how Jesus calls a hated tax collector to be His disciple. See how this upsets the religious crowd and hear Jesus' grace-oriented answer to them. Learn that all believers are called to be disciples and it may involve uncomfortable changes in our life. Evaluate what kind of disciple you want to be and what kind you are now based on your priorities.

  • 55 - Restoration of Sight and Speech [b]

    19/10/2014 Duración: 56min

    "Come on, shouldn't we just go along to get along? What harm does that do?" What happens in a culture when people can no longer see the difference between what is evil and what is good? Listen to this lesson to learn that Biblical values need to be firmly adhered to even in the face of negative consequences. See how Jesus restored sight to two blind men and speech to a man possessed by a dumb demon. Understand that these miracles are unique to the Messiah and demonstrated Jesus' credentials as God. Learn about seven "Son of" titles that relate to Jesus. Understand that Jesus saw the crowds of people as sheep without a Shepherd and He sends out a call for disciples.

  • 54 - The Power of Jesus: Cleansing Sin, Restoring Life [b]

    12/10/2014 Duración: 01h01min

    Can you imagine laughing at the Creator of the universe? Listen to this lesson to learn about a weeping, disorderly crowd who didn't share the faith of a 12-year old girl's father who begged Jesus to heal his daughter. See how Jesus demonstrated His power by restoring life to this girl. Find out about a suffering woman who was commended by Jesus for her faith, even though she was ritually unclean. Understand from these two events that when Jesus came into contact with that which would defile Him, He remained sinless. Appreciate that when we believe in Christ, He gives us new life and eternal security.

  • 53 - The Power of Jesus; Forgiving Sins [b]

    05/10/2014 Duración: 58min

    What if someone could read your thoughts? Even when you're thinking something bad about them? This is what happened to the scribes when Jesus told a paralytic man that his sins were forgiven. Listen to this lesson to see that the scribes were shocked and were mentally accusing Jesus of blaspheming. See how Jesus showed them that He had the power to forgive sins and also to heal, revealing that He was God. See the significance of the title, Son of Man. Learn about four types of forgiveness and that all sin is basically against God. Decide to forgive others who have wronged you just as God graciously forgives your sins.

  • 52 - The Power of Jesus; Deviled Ham [b]

    28/09/2014 Duración: 52min

    Fearsome, naked wild men that are too strong to be chained. Two thousand pigs rushing off a cliff. A crowd begging Jesus to leave. Listen to this lesson to see that all of these are connected when Jesus uses His authority to cast out demons and allows them to take up residence in pigs. See why the demons asked if Jesus was going to torment them before the right time. Understand the differences between demon influence and demon possession. See if there is a passage of Scripture that tells how to know if someone is demon possessed. Learn why Christians need not fear demon possession but need to avoid demon influence by letting their thinking be overhauled by the Word of God.

  • 51 - The Power of Jesus; The Faith-Rest Drill [b]

    21/09/2014 Duración: 49min

    When a storm rocks your soul, what do you do? Hit the panic button or start to recall the promises of God? Listen to this lesson to learn that all of us will be hit with unexpected disasters and frightening experiences from time to time. See that what matters is how we handle them. Learn about three areas of application we can use, including God's essence, His grace, and the faith-rest drill. See how Jesus rebuked the disciples when they were frightened out of their wits during the storm on the Sea of Galilee. Understand how we can rely on Him calming the storm in our soul when we trust in Him.

  • 50 - Healing in the New Testament [b]

    14/09/2014 Duración: 41min

    You're ill and many are praying for you to be healed. Does it depend on how much faith you have? Listen to this lesson to learn what God has revealed in the Bible about healing in today's world. See how healing is accomplished in different ways in different times in the Bible. Understand why Jesus healed some, but not all, people when He was on earth. Learn that the twelve apostles established their credentials by their ability to heal. Beware of being deceived in regard to the tests that come into your life and accept that God's plan for believers is perfect and that it may or may not include being healed. Additional information on healing is available in Dr. Dean's Doctrine of Healing

  • 49 - Does God Heal Today? [b]

    07/09/2014 Duración: 47min

    Does the Bible teach that it is always God's will for us to be healed? Or can health problems be a test to teach us lessons that will bless us now and for eternity? Listen to this lesson to learn biblical answers to many questions about healing including healing promised by fake healers. Understand the reasons for the accounts of Jesus and the apostles healing people. Recognize that we need to guard against becoming distracted by adversities in our life and accept that sickness is an opportunity for us to trust God and be a witness to those around us.

  • 48 - Miracles of Healing [b]

    31/08/2014 Duración: 56min

    Who doesn't love to see previews of coming attractions at the movies? Listen to this lesson to see that when Jesus was on this earth He was giving a preview of the future Kingdom. Hear about His miracles and see how the selection and order of the events chosen by Matthew are designed to showcase Jesus as the promised Messiah. Gain an understanding of leprosy and the significance of Jesus healing the leper. Marvel, along with the humanity of Jesus, at the faith of the centurion. Accept that the only solution to our problems is trusting in Christ's death on the cross.

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