Top Listing Agent Show - Real Estate Coaching & Training With Chadi Bazzi



The Top Listing Agent Show is a Real Estate Training Podcast that is produced by Top Real Estate Coach & Trainer Chadi Bazzi.After having been on over 20,000 one on one coaching sessions with real estate agents from all the USA, what I found to be common amongst the agents I was coaching is that they were all becoming The Top Listing Agent in their marketplace.Each week I will personally be sharing with you at least one new podcast episode where I will either be interviewing a Top Listing Agent, giving you a specific training or answering all your questions.The bottom line is I want to help you each of you who listen to this show to Become a Top Listing Agent.I believe anyone can do it.


  • 3 Feet from Gold

    28/04/2023 Duración: 12min

    Are you continuously finding yourself in situations where you always seem to stop just short of goal? you've taken the first steps, you've written out a realistic plan and is prepared with the skills to execute that plan but then after weeks or even months into it, due to varying circumstances the initial fire just seems to get weaker from day to day until it finally reaches a point where it feels like it has completely fizzled out, just right before you hit that breakthrough Chadi in this episode explains to us that in order to achieve an upgraded level of success you have to equally upgrade the level of your burning desire to match the magnitude of that which you are wanting, for that will give you the needed energy and drive to keep plugging away no matter what is in front of you and reach a mental state that will never let you stop again 3 feet away from gold Key Contents: + 3 feet away from gold + Why do I stop? + Different people move at different speeds + Reason why YOU stop + How do you turn it on eve

  • The Power of Affirmations

    05/04/2023 Duración: 07min

    Chadi despite feeling under the weather in this episode resolves to push thru the temptation of skipping on his commitment to do the podcast and shares with us the strategies and affirmation "magic tricks" that he personally uses whenever he is confronted by internal or external negativity that may affect and cause him to back out on any of his obligations for the day. Chadi at the end also recommends the book that he says is the greatest book that has ever been written regarding the encompassing "power of affirmations" Key Contents: + Sick intro + Mind magic trick + 17 positive messages + The power of affirmations + The loony millionaire + Your own affirmations   Quotes from this Episode: "It don't matter how people perceive me what matters more is how I feel about the experience that I'm creating for myself everyday"   "What is it that you need to be affirming to yourself every hour on the hour that is going to make you feel good?"   ▶ ▶ ▶ WANT CHADI AS YOUR COACH ? Schedule 1:1 Coaching Strategy Session::

  • I don't Hustle. I don’t Grind. I Serve

    29/03/2023 Duración: 09min

    Chadi discusses in this episode how cultivating relationships based on providing sincere service and genuine concern for your clients will detach you from the pressures of having to "close" on people and save you from the eventual burnout that agents experience when solely relying on the traditional "hustle and grind" mindset   Chadi explains that a connection like that starts with you making a conscious decision of the type of agent you want to be and then after to ask yourself specific questions that identify the things that are keeping you from serving at the highest level with the goal of eventually becoming top of mind in your community when it comes to anything about real estate. Key Contents: + Detachment + Focus on serving people + I don't hustle. I don't grind. I serve + Questions to ask yourself + Making a choice + Homework for the week Quotes from this Episode: “I don't hustle. I don't grind. I serve”   "What is getting in the way of me serving my community at the highest level that I possibly can

  • From Doubt to BreakThrough

    22/03/2023 Duración: 10min

    Ever feel so spent the day before at work that the thought of doing it all over again just seems to feel like an insurmountable task? feeling overwhelmed from the pressure of the things you know you have to do, commitments you have to honor and appointments you're expected to show up to, you just find yourself caught in stasis for minutes to hours looking for distractions and reasons to let this day go, just this one time, just today   on days like this, how do you get yourself together in spite of the way you feel?   Chadi Bazzi gives us his formula for battling these moments of indolence to get you back into a state of feeling good and in a state of momentum and through the consistency of adhering to these habits you build your mental muscles that will minimize those bad days from happening again and when they do happen they won't last for very long like they used to   Key Contents:   + feel like not working today? + get yourself together + your feel good list + interrupting your patterns + what makes you f

  • Do Less Do Better

    03/03/2023 Duración: 19min

    The episode covers the concept of doing less but actually doing better, Chadi highlights the idea that success is not necessarily always going to be about doing the most of whatever you need to do in your job for the rest of your career and proposes the possibility that after reaching a certain point laying down the foundation of your business you can learn to leverage specific systems, people and processes that can get you more of what you want by actually doing less.   Chadi talks about 3 habits that help shift your focus from old tech, into the new ways of doing things faster, easier and in less time. he then explains that by doing so, you can work smarter, not harder, giving you more space and energy to replicate success in more areas of your life Key Contents:   + Do less Do better + How to have better conversations + The Learning Habit + The Thinking Habit + The Habit of Imperfect Action + Getting good at that one lead generation system   Quotes from this Episode: “Questions dictate Thinking"   "How

  • How to Win Big in 2023

    25/01/2023 Duración: 45min

    This episode lays down the complete playbook of what you need to do to be able to perform your duties with a winner’s mindset as early into this year as possible and the systems you need to employ that will help compel you into action everyday to do your job with the same level of commitment and clarity of what you want and the person you want to be   Chadi enumerates the specific skills anyone in the real estate industry should be leveraging more of in order to grow your business this 2023, from your social media presence, your listing presentation, your tactics to bring you back into a state of feeling good, down to the deeper more intangible stuff of connecting to people and becoming the professional who your clients can trust, respect and follow lead regardless of the economy. Key Contents:   + Your compelling reason + Who are you being? + Creating a simple business plan  + Creating a simple daily schedule + Daily personal development education + What makes you feel good? + The journaling process + Beco

  • Fast Forward Your Real Estate Business with Lauren Rosin

    13/01/2023 Duración: 40min

    First episode for 2023 of the top listing agent show Chadi Bazzi invites real estate educator and Owner/founder of RosinTeam eXp Lauren Rosin   Lauren has been in one of the nation's most competitive Real Estate Markets for almost two decades and has mastered various disciplines of Real Estate strategies including: buying and selling homes, short sales, Trustee sales, tax strategies, legal strategies, fix & flips to name a few.   Chadi and Lauren discuss in this episode her real estate playbook to leverage your business to the next level by Focusing on one thing first then mastering it before attempting to expand your field and your services   Lauren also shares with us the 3 most important things she advises her own agents to implement in order to build then manage a successful team to eventually become a true real estate expert that is of contribution not only to the client but also to multiple sectors and individual businesses in their marketplace. Key Contents:    + Adapting, identifying and going f

  • Whatever it takes with Chadi Bazzi

    31/12/2022 Duración: 48min

    Before the end of the year Chadi Bazzi in this episode holds a bonus session for his private LOD coaching class. He discusses his realizations after a recent trip abroad and how these ideas translate directly into how most people go about their business and asks the question if we truly are doing "whatever it takes" Chadi talks about every individuals foundation of beliefs and how these beliefs can propel you to success and how harboring negative ones can limit your potential and for that reason, Chadi also shares with us techniques on how you can optimally prime your mind and belief system using emotional visualizations, audiobooks and by creating "masterminds". Key Contents: + Whatever it takes + The most important thing to focus on the next year + Murder you limiting belief systems + All emotion is preceded by thought + Emotional Visualizations + The Power of the Mastermind + Who not How   Quotes from this Episode:“The more inspired action that you take the more you attract what you want with less effort”

  • 4 Lead Generation Systems to focus on in 2023

    13/12/2022 Duración: 18min

    This episode of the top listing agent show gives us a glimpse of what a prospecting session inside Listings on Demand’s private coaching group looks like.Take notes as Chadi gives the clients specific guidelines on what to focus on at work for the remaining days of the year with their online marketing, their foundational selling skills and the highlight of this episode:their lead generation by being mindful of where and who they spend most of their time, with the intent to eventually let go of the things that are no longer in line with their goals and better position themselves mentally in preparation to take their business to the next level come 2023. Key Contents: + Where a lot of people waste their time on + 2 disciplines that will launch your business to the next level + Thoughts about investing in Online Marketing + 4 things to focus on in terms of lead generation + Working on a kickass listing presentation  + The importance of practicing    Quotes from this Episode:“Show me how beautiful life can be”  

  • The 2023 One Page Business Plan

    19/11/2022 Duración: 20min

    In the last episode of a 3 part series, Chadi Bazzi shares with us the template of his one page business plan for the year 2023. This episode will guide you in creating the commitments necessary to build the foundation of a successful business by identifying your statistical targets and defining the purpose behind them to keep your motivations always top of mind. Chadi will run down the specific skills needed as a real estate agent and the proven systems you have to put in place in order to run a business that gives you the ability to work less while actually making more in the years to come.   Key Contents:   + Getting clear with your goals for 2023 + The systems you have to put in place + The skills you have to master + The most important skill you need to develop + Determining your non negotiables everyday + Your commitment with your signature   Quotes from this Episode:"If you're not getting 7+% return on your database every year you have a broken database"”   "He or she that has the most amount of videos

  • The 5 C's Method

    16/11/2022 Duración: 17min

    Second part episode of a 3 part series, the top listing agent explores the 5 C's method of business    Chadi talks about how it is fundamentally crucial for you to be specific and crystal clear of what it is that you want in life and or business and then after determining the goal, what tactics you can employ to strengthen your resolve in achieving that same goal and by conditioning your whole being to believe that you are exactly the person who can do it.   This episode encourages you to take on inspired action with how you deal with people in your daily life by simply being genuine and honest, embodying a person of contribution that is clearly not interested in closing people but in opening sincere relationships instead. Key Contents:   + Clarity "What is it that I really want?" + Certainty "I believe that I am a person that can achieve the goals that I want" + Confidence "It doesn't matter what Im gonna say, whatever it is, it's going to be the right thing to say + Contribution "The focus should not be y

  • The 7 Keys to becoming a Top Listing Agent with Chadi Bazzi

    11/11/2022 Duración: 24min

    In this episode of the top listing agent, Chadi Bazzi enumerates the 7 keys necessary to unlock your full potential as a real estate agent and make 2023 your breakthrough year to do it. This episode dives deep into the characteristics and default behavior that we all have a tendency to automatically fall into and in most cases remains unacknowledged for years that are holding you back from achieving more things in both your career and personal life  Chadi discusses how to fix a broken focus, how a negative state of mind can transfer onto the next client and influence their reaction towards your approach and how your environment and the people you choose to be in it affect your daily motivation and energy. As a bonus Chadi at the end also shares his 5 non-negotiables he has to do everyday no matter what as a top listing agent to maintain flow and establish purposeful focus.  Key Contents: + I gotta become the kind of client I want to attract + Let yesterday die + You control your focus by the questions you ask

  • Brand your way to more business with BrandFace

    01/11/2022 Duración: 48min

    The Top Listing Agent show welcomes back Tonya Eberhart and Michael Carr of Brandface, a personal branding company for serious professionals who want to differentiate themselves in their industry and attract their ideal customers so they can be recognized and become sought after local celebrities. Chadi, Tonya and Michael discuss in this episode how it is vitally important for your business that people become familiar with you and what you stand for, even before ever meeting with you in person. They share criterias on how your brand should precede you to create and entice a communal following that establishes your personality, opinions, advocacies and the services you provide in a given locality, so that when the need arises the decision makers already have made the decision to work with you well beforehand, thru your authentic and effective branding/marketing  Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr are international bestselling authors & partners behind BrandFace®. Their mantra is, “People don’t do business w

  • The Renaissance Real Estate Agent • Jennifer Wehner

    20/09/2022 Duración: 47min

    The Top Listing Agent show welcomes real estate coach Jennifer Wehner who has helped hundreds of buyers, sellers, and investors around Phoenix and other surrounding cities in Maricopa County “innovate their business without losing their minds!”.  Chadi and Jennifer discuss in this episode how awareness of your belief systems and of how the people you are constantly in contact with affect your mindset, where you tend to focus your energy and ultimately what you think is possible in life and business Jennifer shares with us strategic pointers to implement everyday that are intended to improve health in multiple aspects of your life Key Contents:  + Strategic implement to improve mindset everyday + Importance of having clear goals and time blocking your calendar  + How does one change their belief system? + Who do you look up to? + The benefits of collaboration + Where to get an additional 1 to 2 more deals a month + Setting expectations with a growing team Quotes from this episode:  In our journey there will be

  • Handle This Objection Take More Listings

    10/09/2022 Duración: 12min

    In this episode of the top listing agent we discuss one of the most common and also one of the hardest objection a lot of real estate agents encounter, when the client says “they are not selling anymore/right now” Chadi shares how to get over this objection by providing a framework on how to address it step by step and have the client get the impression that you are on the their side, not only winning you this one transaction but potentially many more from this same person’s referrals   Key Contents: + Framework for handling the objection + Why is “WHY” a dangerous question to ask? + Winning over not just clients but advocates + The way of a top listing agent Quotes from this Episode: "If you can’t handle the objection, you won’t take the right action" "WHY" is a dangerous question if not used correctly" "Don't just win over a new client, win over an advocate that will lead you to many more clients down the line"

  • More Money Less Hustle with Jess Lenouvel

    26/07/2022 Duración: 46min

    The Top Listing Agent show welcomes back realtor entrepreneur and The Listings Lab founder Jess Lenouvel, here to share with Chadi and the community more of her proven business strategies that help realtors double their revenue in the next 12 months to get to the goal of having a 6 figure to low 7-figure income business without sacrificing lifestyle or freedom, therefore creating real impact in their lives. Key Contents:    + How to build a 7 figure Business by leveraging + Creating a system that serves you + Working less but with Higher return + Your Zone of Genius + Eliminate. Outsource. Automate + The social circle we are in affects what we think is possible Quotes from this episode:  “Do not look at your phone for the first hour that you are awake, you have to take care of you first before the world gets access to you” - Jess Lenouvel “Results don't take time they take courage” - Jess Lenouvel "Don't make yourself wrong for not doing the things that other people are doing, they're doing what works for th

  • How to Sell 100 Homes a Year using Online Marketing with Krista Mashore

    19/07/2022 Duración: 45min

    In this episode of The Top Listing Agent Chadi Bazzi talks to former teacher turned real estate marketing queen Krista Mashore, Krista has been in the top 1% realtors nationwide for 20 years, runs a successful coaching business and is also the author of four best selling books focusing on digital marketing which is one of the topics, including mindset and emotional mastery during a recession, that she will be discussing today with Chadi in this episode. Key Contents: + Being a marketer first makes it easier to be a top producer + How much minimum should you spend on an ad budget? + The Best thing you can do in a recession + Being a Commodity vs Increasing your value + Power of Video Marketing + 3 things to recession proof your business Quotes from this episode: Stop being an observer and Start being a creator - Krista Mashore Sometimes we have to be willing to do right now what other people are not willing to do so we don’t have to do what they have to do later - Krista Mashore Thoughts become Things - Krista

  • Real Estate Scripts 101 with Chadi Bazzi

    12/07/2022 Duración: 15min

    Real estate scripts 101 discusses the top 3 questions people want Chadi to talk about during a listing presentation The questions are: flow of conversation and scheduling the appointment, getting the listing agreement and how to achieve conversation flow outside of the script Chadi discusses how all 3 questions fall into the same category of how soon can you make the prospect believe that you are the only agent that they would want to be in business with, even before getting the listing appointment by displaying your script mastery and conversation competency. Key Contents: + mastering the listing presentation script + thinking like a strategist + getting into the mind of a FSBO + above and beyond the script + 2 questions to ask before the appointment    Quotes from this Episode: and that's where the conversation really ends when the prospect feels like you're really not listening and you really don't get it.. you are being commanded by the script Do all the thinking upfront, know exactly every single obstacl

  • How to Recession Proof Your Real Estate Business Pt.3

    05/07/2022 Duración: 12min

    Third part of: Recession proofing your real estate business talks about the steps that you need to take to keep your business afloat when the market truly does shift. Key Contents: + extending your market reach + saving money for content marketing + conversations during a market shift + tracking the numbers of your business + the art and science of communication   Quotes from this Episode: the numbers are telling you exactly what areas of your business you need to be working on the better you understand your numbers then the better you understand your business and the better decisions you make to move your business forward don't wait for times to get tough before you start telling yourself you need to get tough.. work on you right now,  equip yourself now, get tougher now ▶ ▶ ▶ WANT CHADI AS YOUR COACH ? Schedule 1:1 Coaching Strategy Session:: ▶ REAL ESTATE LEAD GENERATION Download Top Listing Agent Black book: RedX: ▶ ABOUT CHADI BAZZI C

  • How to Recession Proof Your Real Estate Business Pt.2

    28/06/2022 Duración: 15min

              How to Recession Proof Your Real Estate Business Pt.2                      Second part of: Recession proofing your real estate business Chadi talks about how diversifying your lead source by specifically implementing 6 lead generation systems will protect your business to withstand any market shift or condition. Chadi explains how each of these systems will help you generate leads dependably and gives his suggestion on which of these you should prioritize as it will dictate how and what systems you need to implement next. Key Contents: + determining if you are getting leads actively or passively + 6 lead generation systems diversity + taking your offline farm and turning it into an online farm + 3 social media platforms you should be on + where to begin with your lead generation systems   Quotes from this Episode: if you're not getting a minimum of 10% conversion on database every year, you have a broken system and you need to revisit that system in order for you to have a recession proof business,

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