Bethel Crc Lacombe

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 323:38:40
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Our Sunday Morning and Evening Messages


  • July 30/ 23 YAHWEH: Judge of Evil -- A Refuge for His People Nahum 1

    01/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    Today we are starting a short series on the Prophet Nahum. We will start by reflecting on Nahum 1 Yahweh – Judge of Evil and Refuge for His People. Israel is being oppressed by the Assyrians, represented by their capital city of Nineveh. This occurs after the prophet Jonah warned the Ninevites of God’s anger. They repented, and God showed them mercy. However, Nineveh didn’t turn completely and God is preparing to punish Nineveh and rescue the Israelites. 

  • July 23/23 How Shall We Live - Hebrews 13

    25/07/2023 Duración: 37min

    Today we will complete the series on Hebrews. We will be reflecting on Hebrews 13 How Shall We Live. The writer wraps up his letter with a call to community and with phrases of encouragement: “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you;” “The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?” Then lastly, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” The thread flowing through all of them is the assurance that we can depend on God.

  • July 9/23 God: A Consuming Fire Hebrews 12: 14-29

    11/07/2023 Duración: 26min

    Today we are continuing our series based on the book of Hebrews. We are reflecting on Hebrews 12:14-29 God – A Consuming Fire. The writer to Hebrews calls us to holiness; a strange call for many people today. We’re called to a way of living with God. We do this by coming to him in a spirit of reverence and awe, with an awareness of God’s holiness and majesty. The writer takes us to mountains, drawing our eyes upward to God in order to hear his voice. God is a consuming fire, a God who, through Jesus’ sacrifice, burns away our old selves in order to reveal our new selves as his children. 

  • July 2/23 Faith: A Way of Life Hebrews 11

    04/07/2023 Duración: 38min

    Today we continue our series based on the book of Hebrews. We will be focusing on Hebrews 11 Faith – A Way of Life. Hebrews is all about faith; what it means and what it looks like in the lives of actual people in the Old Testament. Faith is the foundation for the hope we have in God’s promises and what Jesus accomplished for us on the cross. Faith helps us to live sacrificially for the generations after us and not for our own wants and desires 

  • June 25/23 Tabernacle: A Picture of Heaven

    29/06/2023 Duración: 30min

    We are continuing our look into the book of Hebrews. We will be reflecting on Hebrews 9 The Tabernacle – A Picture of Heaven. The writer of Hebrews now takes us into the tabernacle, the tent of worship given to Israel at Mount Sinai as a center of worship and the rituals given to them by God. The tabernacle is given as a copy of heaven and heavenly things. It points us to God, to who God is and what God desires of his people. It gives a hint of what God is going to do as he deals with our sin. The tabernacle is an image of coming closer to God.

  • June 18, 2023 Jesus: like Melchizedek Hebrews 7:1-8:6

    20/06/2023 Duración: 39min

    Today we are continuing our series based on the book of Hebrews and will be reflecting on Hebrews 7-8:6 Jesus – Like Melchizedek. We start to see the priestly influence of the writer in this part of the letter. The writer connects Jesus to Melchizedek, a king and priest who shows up out of nowhere in the Bible. Yet Abraham treats him as a superior. He even offers this previously unknown king 10% of the spoils of the battle he’s fought in order to save his nephew Lot and Lot’s family. Aaron, Moses’ brother is the head of the line of priests in Israel, but Melchizedek comes way before Aaron. His is a much older line. The writer connects Jesus to this older priestly line that comes out of the power of an indestructible life. This is another interesting thought the writer introduces. 

  • June 11/23 Maturing Our Souls - Hebrews 5:11- 6:3

    13/06/2023 Duración: 49min

    Today we are continuing our series based on the book of Hebrews. We will be reflecting on Hebrews 5:11-6:3 Maturing Our Souls. It’s easy to slip into complacency about our faith, doing all the right things, but never really engaging our faith in deeper ways. Sometimes we will depend on others to make sure we’re learning more about the Bible and God, but we don’t do the hard work of figuring out what that means in our day to day lives. The writer challenges the people to become more mature in their faith, to be able to eat solid food rather than being content with milk.

  • June 4/23- The Sabbath Rest Hebrews 3:7-4:16

    06/06/2023 Duración: 38min

    Today we are continuing our series based on the book of Hebrews. We will be reflecting on Hebrews 3:7-4:16 -The Sabbath Rest. The writer of Hebrews invites us to make sure that we enter into the sabbath rest God offers us through Jesus. He roots sabbath rest in creation. The first thing God does after creating humanity is to invite them to spend the day with him. Together they get to know the very good creation. The writer also ties the exodus of Israel to sabbath rest. We are invited to experience freedom from the work week and pressures of providing for ourselves and our families. By spending the day with God in his very good creation, we are pointed to the renewal of creation at the second coming of Jesus.

  • May 28/ 23- The Son: One of Us Hebrews 2

    30/05/2023 Duración: 38min

    Today we are continuing our series based on the book of Hebrews. We will be reflecting on Hebrews 2 The Son – One of Us. In chapter 2 we are challenged to remain close to Jesus, remembering that Jesus told us that if we love him, we will keep his commands. We’re reminded that Jesus is the source of our salvation and that if we ignore this, there is punishment for our sin. Jesus is crowned with glory and tasted death for us so that through Jesus, we are made holy as part of the family of God. We don’t often use the language of holiness today. Jesus came and became human like us, so that we could be made holy, through his sacrifice on our behalf, and find strength in Jesus when we are tempted.

  • May 21/ 23 The Son: The Eternal One Hebrews 1

    23/05/2023 Duración: 32min

    Today we are beginning a new series based on the book of Hebrews. Hebrews is a letter written by someone who has very close connections to the temple. It is filled with priestly references, images and focuses on a sacred and holy approach to Jesus. We will begin with reflecting on Hebrews 1 The Son –  The Eternal One. The author starts by introducing us to God’s Son and who the Son is: heir of all things, the one through whom all things are created, the exact representation of God’s hypostasis or substance and being of God. The Son is eternal and his years will never end. So much to reflect on and think about!

  • May 14/23 - Gifts from God The Gift of Generosity

    16/05/2023 Duración: 25min

    Today we are wrapping up our four-week series on Gifts from God by reflecting on Acts 2:42-47 and Acts 4:32-37, The Gift of Generosity. A few weeks ago, we reflected on the church as the body of Jesus - how we belong to Jesus and to each other. This is reflected in how we use the financial gifts that God has blessed us with. When we see that there are those who are struggling and need help, we realize that those who have been blessed with much are encouraged to be generous and help each other out. Following Jesus creates a different kind of community and way of living that often may seem odd to those outside the church because of our commitment to each other 

  • May 7/ 23 - The Gift of Prayer: An Act of Trust 1 Chronicles 5:18-22

    09/05/2023 Duración: 24min

    Today we continue our series on Gifts from God. We will reflect on 1 Chronicles 5:18-22 The Gift of Prayer:  An Act of Trust. This is our annual spring Prayer Day service and we will be taking extra time in our worship service to pray for various topics, including a special focus on our upcoming growing season. The writer in Chronicles describes a time of war between Israel and the Ishmaelites tribes. The Israelite warriors turn to God for his presence and help in the battle. God responds because their prayer is rooted in their trust in God. Prayer was an important part of Jewish life and we will reflect on what prayer is and how we can pray.

  • April 30/23- The Gift of Gifts - Romans 12:1-13

    02/05/2023 Duración: 29min

    Today we are continuing our four-week series on Gifts from God. We will begin be reflecting on Romans 12:1-13 The Gift of Gifts. The Holy Spirit gives us many gifts in order to build up the body of Jesus. Paul uses the image of a body to encourage the church to live together in health. With this goal are to be a blessing to each other so that the world can see the blessing it is to accept Jesus and be part of his body here on earth.

  • April 23/23- The Source of Our Strength: Isaiah 41:1-20

    25/04/2023 Duración: 29min

    Today we welcome Pastor Frank de Boer who will be leading us in worship. The focus of our worship will be on Isaiah 41:1-20; The Source of Our Strength. 

  • April 16/23 - The Gift of Time

    19/04/2023 Duración: 31min

    Today we begin a four-week series on Gifts from God. We will begin by reflecting on Ephesians 5:1-20 The Gift of Time. The gift of time really only becomes a gift when we approach it shaped by God; and the shaping of the Holy Spirit in us. As we begin to realize the gift of time that God gives us, we can then begin to embrace it as time to be shaped by God, as opportunities to become more like Jesus in living sacrificially; to understand the importance of learning Holy Spirit wisdom; and living in a spirit of gratitude. 

  • Good Friday- April 7, 2023 Were you there... Beneath the cross

    11/04/2023 Duración: 01h03min

     Today is Good Friday. Today we will be reflecting on Mark 15:33-39 Were You There… Beneath the Cross. This is a hard place to be. We know the theology, but do we really understand the pain or cost to Jesus? We will also be celebrating the Lord’s Supper as we reflect on Jesus’ body broken for us, on Jesus’ blood shed for us. 

  • Easter Sunday- April 9, 2023 Were You There... when He Arose

    11/04/2023 Duración: 24min

    Today is Easter! We will be reflecting on Mark 16:1-8 Were You There… When He Arose. The women come to prepare Jesus’ body properly after his death on the cross. As they journey to the grave, they wondered to each other who will roll the stone in front of the grave away since it was so large and heavy. They are surprised to see the stone rolled away and a young man sitting beside it with a message, “He is risen. He is not here… But, go tell his disciples and Peter.” The grave and death could not hold Jesus because he is the God of life. But Mark ends with quietness and fear; why? 

  • April 2/23 - Were you there.... as a demonstrator? Matthew 21:1-11

    06/04/2023 Duración: 28min

    Today we continue our Lenten series “Were You There…” by reflecting on Luke 19:28-40 Were You There… as a Demonstrator? Jesus is now preparing himself, his disciples, and the people for what is going to happen soon: his sacrifice. Jesus now publicly reveals who he is: the son of David, heir of David’s throne, King of Israel! Jesus uses the imagery of the Old Testament prophets to show the people that the Messiah has arrived and this triggers the start of what we call Holy Week, or Passion Week which will end with Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection. 

  • March 26/23- Were You There... as a Sympathizer

    28/03/2023 Duración: 24min

    Today we continue our Lenten series “Were You There…” by reflecting on Luke 23:26-31 Were You There… as a Sympathizer. As Jesus walks down the road to the place where he is going to be crucified, he comes across a number of women who are weeping for him and for what’s happening. Jesus tells them not to weep for him, but to weep for themselves and what’s coming up. Jesus likely has in mind the coming destruction of Jerusalem and the temple in AD 70, as well as pointing ahead to the day of judgement when the king will return to judge the world.

  • March19/23- Were You There... as a Spectator? Matthew 27:32-44

    21/03/2023 Duración: 28min

    Today we continue our Lenten series “Were You There…” by reflecting on Matthew 27:32-44 Were You There… as a Spectator? As Jesus is crucified, a whole cast of characters shows up, most of them taking the time to mock Jesus, only Jesus’ mother Mary, her friends, and John are there for Jesus. God’s plan of redemption is being played out in front of everyone, and yet no one sees God at work.

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