Jim Duke Perspective

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 286:26:03
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Jim Duke Perspective is a weekly show discussing Conspiracy Theories and Exposing the New World Order agenda. We also analyze Alternative News related to a conspiratorial perspective, from a Christian view. We discuss Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Secret Government projects, the Supernatural and occult, End Times prophecy, Signs of the Times, and share biblical insight. Features special guests periodically. Information going beyond the mainstream and your Sunday morning sermon. Airs LIVE Sundays at 7pm EST.


  • Aliens

    22/09/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    In this episode Jim and co-host Darrin explain the nature of alien belief and the counter-argument that they may not be what people think. We go over the ideas of Sitchen and the Anunnaki argument and debunking some of his claims, as well as a rational explanation from a biblical perspective that they may not be from other external planets, but inter-dimensional beings masquerading as creatures from outside planets exploring our environment who only want to exploit us and deter us from the truth.Note this episode was pre-recorded prior to the "invasion" threat on Area 51.The Michael Heiser rebuttal on Sitchen can be found at http://sitcheniswrong.com

  • Illuminati and the Zionist Conspiracy

    15/09/2019 Duración: 01h51s

    In this episode we conclude a series of discussion on Zionism, Crypto-Jews and Jesuits to make a conclusion based on what we have found. Which corner do we look behind? Keep your eyes on each, or they will sneak in the back door of another facade. Sources:https://jimdukeperspective.com/origin-of-dispensation-pretribulation-doctrine/

  • Noahide Law Clarification

    10/09/2019 Duración: 05min

    This is an intermediate episode clarifying some things said on the previous podcast episode with a guest and our mention of Noahide Law. In the episode I stated the wrong title. I said HR104. Then corrected it to HJ Res. 104. We also stated that the action was not law. Upon further investigation, I found it considered public law under Public Law No. 102-14. So I stand corrected. In this clarification I state the appearance of the law as to recognize observance of Education Day in honor of Rabbi Schneerson, with a mention of Noahide as an ethical standard. In I don't see an enforcement of it, but certainly a consideration for International example. Does this mean persecution for the Christian saints? It could. But regardless of Noahide, genocide could be taken freely by the Elite and their forces at any time they desire. In the hands of the antichrist. But only when God allows.Here is the lawhttps://www.congress.gov/bill/102nd-congress/house-joint-resolution/104/textSee this episode on videohttps://youtu.be/iL

  • Johnny Cirucci: Jesuits and Crypto Jews

    08/09/2019 Duración: 01h45min

    Who are the Crypto Jews? Did they guise as Catholics as proposed by essays to infiltrate Vatican and control the Roman Church through the Jesuits, or do the Jesuits have reign on them? In his manner of naming names, places, and dates, Johnny shows us the affiliation of the powerful agencies and people in them. The Jesuits vs the Crypto-Jew argument is addressed.A supplement edition was produced to clarify a correction on Noahide Lawhttps://www.spreaker.com/user/jimdukeperspective/noahide-law-clarification_1

  • Steven Ben-Nun: Noahide Laws, Sanhedrin Council, Trump as Chosen One

    25/08/2019 Duración: 01h42min

    In this episode we are joined by Steven Ben-Nun, host of Israeli News Live, and his wife Jana to inform us of the progress in Israel and to explain to us the influence of the Noahide Laws, the significance of the Sanhedrin Council, and the plans of the Zionists for Israel, Jerusalem, and the world.

  • Franklin Files Child Sex Scandal

    11/08/2019 Duración: 41min

    In this episode we resurface the child sex scandal involving Executive of the Franklin Credit Union Larry King, who used his position to solicit politicians to have sex with boys from the Boys Town Institution, as well as funding child trafficking for the Elite. This scandal may have been forgotten, if the Epstein case did not bring suspicion back. This case had connections right up to the White House in Washington DC. A forgotten scandal recorded in the Franklin Files involving Boys Town Nebraska Institution for boys and the White House, linking an alleged boy prostitution ring with Washington D.C. A child pedophile ring involving the White House revealed in the 1980s included high ranking politicians, businessmen, attorneys, Judges, even departments of the FBI and CIA. Unfortunately the case was dismissed and deemed a hoax by the jury with not enough evidence to pursue since many of the testimonies recanted, some witnesses fled, some mysteriously killed, and an investigator in the case was killed in a plan

  • Aleister Crowley Influence in Society with William Ramsey

    04/08/2019 Duración: 59min

    In this episode William Ramsey shares his research on the iconic figure Aleister Crowley, the magician considering himself the Beast, who has had an impact in society. Some have modeled his philosophies, others his dark practices. Hollywood cabal and music performers hint of his rituals. We wonder if Crowley influenced the New World Order.

  • Exposing Sex Magick Rituals

    21/07/2019 Duración: 50min

    In this episode we discuss sex magic rituals and their purpose. Why do occultists practice? Many of the Elite may also be participating in these perversions that have connection with cults, child trafficking, and sex rituals.

  • Illuminati and Freemason Battle for America

    30/06/2019 Duración: 01h16min

    n this episode we take a look at the fight for Independence and the battle between the Secret Societies for control. Freemasons claim the land for their New Atlantis. The Illuminati have it in their sights for a Luciferian Utopia. And both seem to have different angles towards similar goals. Could it have been the plan from the beginning? Are Freemasons the rightful owners of America and have us in our best interest, while the Luciferians want to devour us? Or do both work towards a slow convergence for a peace and harmony under their rules? We take a brief examination through historical dates leading to the current conditions.CHECK OUT MY PATREON PAGEhttps://patreon.com/jimdukeperspectiveMy website is https://JimDukePerspective.com

  • The Illuminati

    09/06/2019 Duración: 01h22min

    In this episode we explore the Illuminati and some of the myths surrounding this mysterious group. Who are they and where did they go? Are they Jay Z and other entertainer members? This infamous group are blamed for everything, yet they do not seem to appear anywhere. Except on new websites that petition for members, and a few who claim to be of them. We trace some of their steps and reveal the secret behind their existence, as well as their bloodlines.CHECK OUT MY PATREON PAGEhttps://patreon.com/jimdukeperspectiveMy website is https://JimDukePerspective.com

  • Agenda 2030 and the Internet of things

    19/05/2019 Duración: 01h35min

    The United Nations introduced their Agenda 21 in policies back in 1992 as a product of the Earth Summits to draft a plan for Sustainable Development. Recently the announcement of the Internet of Things brought forth the development of technology towards this goal for the 2030 Agenda. What does this mean, and why should we be concerned? Bare Hayes joins me as co-host to explain the true agenda of the United Nations and its spiritual connotation,

  • Gary Wayne on the Jesuits

    28/04/2019 Duración: 01h33min

    In this episode Gary Wayne joins me with his research on the Jesuits, the para-Catholic Society. We go from their bloodline to inception to modern influence. Gary is author of the Genesis 6 Conspiracy and considers himself a Christian contrarian.CHECK OUT MY PATREON PAGEhttps://patreon.com/jimdukeperspectiveMy website is https://JimDukePerspective.com

  • Secret Societies Not Heard About

    17/03/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    In this episode we look at some of the Secret Societies many do not know about. We often talk about Secret Societies that are familiar. But there are some, even having major influence, that many have not heard. Some are splinter groups from well-known ones, others stand alone. And many operate within the known groups, only as inner circles. But all have the same purpose. We will explore them.

  • Operation Mockingbird

    10/03/2019 Duración: 52min

    What is it, and how does it affect society? Operation Mockingbird was a program under the CIA in a joint effort with the media to recruit leading American journalists into a propaganda network of manipulating news media in order to control it for propaganda purposes. How much of it has ceased, or did it just infiltrate modern media and still is active today in the control over the streams of information to the public?

  • William Ramsey: Smiley Face Killers, Aleister Crowley, and the occult Hollywood Cabal

    11/02/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    In this episode William Ramsey joins us to talk about the criminal cases such as the Smiley Face Killers and the West Memphis Three, and how Aleister Crowley has influenced occultism in society and the Hollywood Cabal.He is researcher and author of books such as Children of the Damned, Abomination, and Prophet of Evil, as well as has a YouTube channel “William Ramsey Investigates.”

  • Mark of the Beast Technology

    04/02/2019 Duración: 39min

    In this episode we explore the mark of the beast and how the thought of RFID may now be a past technology. The government has since been using biometric scanning and other methods to ID the citizens. Even if the RFID will be used, it may just be a stimulant to the activation of compliance to the Beast system. Technology with DNA has been used to resonate with it and activate specific parts of the body upon frequencies. We wonder if this will have something to do with the future plans. We can only wonder. But to insist and keep our eyes on RFID may be a distraction. However, we do not feel that the individual can be "tricked" into accepting the Beast mark. It will have to be a deliberate choice. Perhaps those not sealed with the Holy Spirit won't know the difference. But we shouldn't be in fear that we may unwittingly take it. Not like the UPC barcode that is stamped on ALL products of commerce.

  • Big Pharma Devils: Sorcery on Society

    14/01/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    Take a pill for this, take a pill for that. The medical industry is quick to just prescribe for every ail of the human body, whether it be physical symptoms, viruses, or even emotional conditions. But the side affects are just as frightening as the symptoms in which the medications are prescribed for in the first place and lead to further development of problems. So why are they so promoted and administrated? The pharmaceutical industry has created a monopoly of medicines, leading away from homeopathic remedies to synthetic forms of natural products that can be sold for extremely high profits. However, we know this is to keep the medical industry in control of the human body for the Elite bankers like the Rockefellers, who made their wealth in this racket, , as well as create an enslavement for dependency of the Elite. The industry was founded on the exploitation of disease and illness, making natural cures forbidden as the acceptable remedy, and making you dependent on them for your health survival. Are they

  • Opening Portals of Demonic Spirits or Aliens

    07/01/2019 Duración: 01h04min

    In this episode the panel discusses opening portals of spiritual consequences. Scientists have hinted to such intent as CERN director Sergio Bertolucci admits something from that world may come through into ours as they open a portal. New Agers using channeling to “summon” spiritual wise ones as they seek guidance from the Ascended Masters. And performers become possessed with the spirit of their alter personification. This relates to aliens as we question whether these beings are humanoids from other planets, spiritual Fallen Angels, or Nephilim of hybrid creatures entering our atmosphere either through inter-dimensional portals, or by finding an opening into our space. There are many ways to open a portal. Have you unwittingly done so yourself?

  • George Bush and the NWO

    17/12/2018 Duración: 01h16min

    George H.W. Bush legacy you will not hear on mainstresm. We recall his esoteric legacy. Bush was honored by officials, past Presidents, and others upon his death for his service and legacy as 41st President of the United States. As many attribute his successes, we will use this occasion to inform of his affiliations, secret background, family bloodline, and for his famous announcement of the New World Order.

  • Vatican Satanism

    10/12/2018 Duración: 01h16min

    This episode the panel discusses accusations by insiders of Satanism practiced in the Vatican, the head of the Holy Roman Church. We will address the practices and sex scandals and how it relates, as well as some of the eerie imagery surrounding Vatican that few question. The Jesuits run the show. Could they be suspect?

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