Wise Traditions



Looking to improve your health? The Wise Traditions podcast embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today! The key is to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, not processed, food-like products. Health coach Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is the host and producer of the show. She conducts down-to-earth interviews with leading health and wellness experts (scientists, doctors, farmers, physical therapists, and more) to uncover practical tips that you can incorporate into your life today. This podcast is brought to you by the Weston A. Price Foundation, committed to wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts.


  • 436: Behind-The-Scenes Summer Sampler

    31/08/2023 Duración: 32min

    What do guests say when the mic is turned off? What additional insights do they offer? This behind-the-scenes bonus episode features guests from full-length episodes published earlier this year. We hear from: Carrie Bennett, Kristen Files, Kate Kavanaugh, Dr. Tom Cowan, and Daniel Griffith. We cover the topics of electron depletion, muscle testing, cooking at home, dealing with hard truths, and an extreme approach to healing. For more resources, visit our website:  westonaprice.org And check out our guest's websites: Carrie Bennett – carriebwellness.com Kristen Files – forestcreekwellness.com Kate Kavanaugh – groundworkcollective.com Dr. Tom Cowan – drtomcowan.com Daniel Griffith –  danielfirthgriffith.com Want to hear more? Check out the full-length episodes with each guest on our podcast page: westonaprice.org/podcast

  • 435: Remove Limiting Beliefs And Move From Dis-Ease To Ease

    28/08/2023 Duración: 41min

    How can we rise above limiting beliefs or our present circumstances? How is our mindset tied to our health? And how can we renew both our minds and core being to realize our full potential? Peter Crone, also known as the Mind Architect, is a writer, speaker, and thought leader in human awakening and potential. Today, he shines a light on the lies or stories we tell ourselves or submit to that don’t serve us. Peter explains how inadequacy and insecurity can lead to sickness or dis-ease. And he offers insights for learning to live in a way that enables us to face life differently and experience true freedom and peace. Visit Peter's website: petercrone.com Register for the Wise Traditions conference in Kansas City. Check out our sponsors: Offally Good Cooking's Liver Lover Challenge and Optimal Carnivore.

  • 434: From Vegetarian To Butcher

    21/08/2023 Duración: 41min

    What could possibly persuade someone to go from vegetarian to butcher? Kate Kavanaugh tells what shifted in her that led to this profound lifestyle and dietary change. Kate is indeed a butcher, and also a farmer, and the host of the Mind, Body, and Soil podcast, among other initiatives. Today, she shares insights on our place in the complex web of nourishment. Among other things, she conveys her realization that what we eat becomes us, in a very real sense; how the seasons affect the fat and protein on an animal’s body; and how uncomfortable we feel with the death of animals…and just plain death, period. Kate also gets practical as she explains the process of processing (what happens to our meat before it hits our table) and how to find farms near us, wherever we live. Visit Kate's websites: groundworkcollective.com and westerndaughters.com and her podcast  Mind, Body, and Soil Make the 50% pledge - resources on our website: westonaprice.org Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore

  • 433: Gender Dysphoria

    14/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    What is causing gender confusion? Can anything be done to prevent it? Sally Fallon Morell, President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, covers today how to promote healthy hormonal function, covering material found in the Wise Traditions journal from the winter of 2022. Sally reviews the fact that nutrition is foundational for optimal hormonal function. She advises that we eat a diet replete with the right fats, whole raw milk, and include plenty of red meat and eggs from pastured animals. She discusses the hormone disruptors found in our food and environment: including seed oils and plastic. She also talks about the problems with sex change operations and puberty-blocking drugs. (Please note that this conversation may not be suitable for the littlest ears.) Purchase your copy of Wise Traditions Journal Winter 2022 Edition Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation Check out Sally's blog at nourishingtraditions.com Listen to Wise Traditions podcast 260 with Dr. Anthony Jay: Life in Plastic...Not Fan

  • 432: Bucking The Mainstream System

    07/08/2023 Duración: 36min

    Do you ever question the mainstream narrative about health, food, and the government? When you do, what do you do? Do you go with your gut or with the public agenda? What if you disagree with where it's taking you? How do you resist? The late Ronnie Cummins explains how to buck the system on multiple levels. Ronnie is the founder and former director of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), a long-time activist, protestor, and author. Ronnie passed away in April of 2023, but in May 2022, he shared his take on the state of world affairs, the importance of local, organic food, and how to live healthily in this contaminated world. Ronnie wasn’t just referring to toxins in our physical environment, but also in overreaching government, pharmaceutical companies, and leaders who collaborate to further their own interests in place of the interests of humanity. Ronnie offers insights today on how to buck the system and escape the mainstream ideological paradigm. Visit the Organic Consumers Association Spread the wor

  • 431: Still Sick? The Sun Can Help

    31/07/2023 Duración: 42min

    Brain fog. Low energy. Digestive issues. Anxiety. All of the above could simply be symptoms of a lack of natural sunlight. Carrie Bennett of the Quantum Body Collective today covers the many benefits of sunlight: how it can help heal the gut, sync our circadian rhythm, and set off a cascade of proper hormonal function for improved health and mood.   Carrie gets specific about the hormones that get “turned on” by the sunlight and their effect on the mood and body. She also explains how those who are fair-skinned or sun-shy can approach getting more sunshine, and she even has advice for those whose eyes are sensitive to its light and feel like they need to wear sunglasses all the time.   Visit Carrie's website: carriebwellness.com Register for our Wise Traditions conference in October 2023 Check out our sponsors: Pluck and Optimal Carnivore

  • 430: Why "Regenerative Agriculture" Is Not Enough

    24/07/2023 Duración: 45min

    Regenerative agriculture has been hailed as the solution for restoring the health of the soil...and the entire planet. But this label--"regenerative agriculture"--is limited in its scope. A new paradigm may be needed for true healing to occur. Daniel Griffith, author, co-manager of Timshel Wildland and President of the Robinia Institute, today calls us to consider a shift in how we perceive our relationship to the land and to ourselves. He reminds us that we ARE the earth and the soil, in many respects, and that we need to heal in ways we may not have previously understood. Returning to our roots may lead us down a new path, that has no label. He reframes the conversation about farming and healing in today's discussion. Daniel also shares insights about his own health story and how he went from physically broken to restoring his natural balance and renewing his health. Visit Daniel's website: danielfirthgriffith.com Find your local WAPF chapter leader (and real food near you) Check out our sponsors: Offally

  • 429: Myth-Busting Modern Biology

    17/07/2023 Duración: 46min

    Question everything. This is the challenge of Dr. Tom Cowan, author, podcaster, and proponent of the "new biology." Tom suggests that our current understanding of modern biology is based on a number of assumptions that we need to reexamine. Today, Tom busts myths (and perceptions) related to the covid virus (and viruses, in general), spike proteins, and the idea that humans can be genetically modified. He calls into question the notion that cell membranes have receptors, the concept of the human "virome," the idea of specific antibodies, and even our understanding of the body’s immune system! Tom points out fallacious thinking in scientific circles. And he makes a strong case for a need to re-think viruses, contagion, and many other aspects of modern biology.  Visit Tom's website: drtomcowan.com Check out "Nourishing Traditions" by Sally Fallon Morell in Spanish ("Tradiciones Culinarias") Check out our sponsors: Paleo Valley and Optimal Carnivore

  • 428: Toxic Superfoods: Identify And Avoid Oxalates

    10/07/2023 Duración: 39min

    So many innocent-looking "healthy" foods (even so-called "superfoods") could be actually compromising your health! Carrots, beets, spinach, and cashews, for example. These plant foods, and others, contain oxalates that trigger inflammation, steal minerals, destroy connective tissue and lead to a host of problems like kidney stones, arthritis, joint pain, osteoporosis, and oxidative stress in the body. Sally Norton, the author of Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick--and How to Get Better today reviews which foods to avoid (including potatoes, figs, nuts, some berries, and, yes, even chocolate) and what to do if you have symptoms of oxalate overload.   Visit Sally's website: sallyknorton.com Join the WAPF email list. Check out our sponsors: Upgraded Formulas and Optimal Carnivore

  • 427: Address Adrenal Fatigue

    03/07/2023 Duración: 34min

    Many of us walk around feeling drained, tired and depleted. What would it look like if we had the energy we longed for? No more afternoon crashes? No more brain fog? Kristen Files is a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Master Restorative Wellness Practitioner and the head of Forest Creek Wellness. Today, she talks today about adrenal fatigue, what leads to it, and how to address it. She covers identifying the symptoms, which can present as an inability to "turn off" at the end of the day, a lack of motivation, or procrastination. She also tells her story of how she was "born tired" and what shifts she noticed as she addressed the root causes of adrenal fatigue. Finally, she offers ideas for how to help heal and regulate your physiology. Visit Kristen's website: forestcreekwellness.com Become a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation Check out our sponsors: Green Pasture, Paleo Valley, and Optimal Carnivore

  • 426: Defending Bodily Autonomy

    26/06/2023 Duración: 45min

    It is unethical, immoral, and inappropriate for an individual, business, institution, organization, or government to force a person to put something into their body, or on their body, against their will. The Health Freedom Defense Fund, led by Leslie Manookian, is defending our right to bodily autonomy in the United States. They have won significant cases against the executive branch in the U.S. and currently have cases against Nike, Disney, and LAUSD. Their objective? To protect the constitutional rights of those who have simply been denied their rights to bodily autonomy. Some were denied religious exemptions from vaccinations; others were harassed for refusing to comply with mandates. Still, others were obligated to wear masks by the CDC (that only has the power to recommend courses of action, not to mandate them). Today, Leslie describes how her group seeks justice and defends our rights. She shares the hurdles they face and what successes they’ve had. She also touches on what she foresees down the line i

  • 425: How Vegetable Oils Destroy Our Health

    19/06/2023 Duración: 41min

    Vegetable oils (A.K.A seed oils) are pro-oxidative, pro-inflammatory, toxic, and nutrient-deficient. And they are virtually everywhere--used for cooking meals in restaurants, in our processed foods, condiments, and more. These oils create mitochondrial dysfunction that inevitably leads to different health conditions, including obesity, coronary heart disease, cancers, type 2 diabetes, dementia, Alzheimer's, age-related macular degeneration, autoimmune conditions, and more.   Dr. Chris Knobbe, author of "The Ancestral Diet Revolution," sounds the alarm that seed oils are the primary driver of these health issues. He points to countless studies and data that make this case. And he also offers solutions, pointing out what foods to avoid (like pork and chicken from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations, for example, and certain nuts and seeds) and other strategies to help reduce omega-6 fatty acids in the body and restore our health.   Check out Chris Knobbe's website: CureAMD.org Register for our Wise Tradition

  • 424: Biohacking The Ancestral Way

    12/06/2023 Duración: 45min

    Biohacking is trending: it's the art and science of optimizing the environment inside and outside of you to take control of your biology. This sometimes means using modern tools (or hacks). But this doesn't mean buying the latest and greatest gadgets, necessarily. Tim Gray is one of the most prominent biohackers of our time and the founder of the Health Optimisation Summit in the U.K. Today, he explains why the simplest "biohacking," like a nutrient-dense diet, plenty of sunshine, and sufficient sleep--offer the best foundation for our health. He also shares the serious health crisis that precipitated him to take his health into his own hands. He gets specific about detoxing protocols he used, enumerating those that provided the greatest benefit. Finally, he reminds us why we would do well to remain open-minded about new approaches to healing. Check out Tim's website: summit.healthoptimisation.com Get the FREE WAPF info pack See our sponsors: NTI School, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore  

  • 423: The Scoop On The COVID19 Shot

    05/06/2023 Duración: 38min

    Even though the covid "health emergency" has officially ended, lots of questions remain. The COVID19 shot is still being recommended by the CDC for inclusion on the childhood vaccination schedule. Boosters are continually encouraged. And one-third of private businesses still have COVID19 shot-related mandates in place. Dr. Larry Palevsky, a holistic pediatrician, has been questioning all of the above (and the shots themselves) since the beginning. He has witnessed the deleterious effects of the COVID19 injection, as have countless healthcare workers. Larry, today, tells us what is shifting, in terms of healthcare practitioners' view of the injections and the health care system, itself. He also shares protocols for detoxing from the shot, and how to build a strong health foundation, come what may. Visit Dr. Larry Palevsky's website: DrPalevsky.com Register for the WAPF Wise Traditions conference in Kansas City, MO - https://www.wisetraditions.org/ Check out our sponsors: Earth Runners, Paleo Valley, and O

  • 422: Homesteading: This vs. That

    29/05/2023 Duración: 36min

    In our modern lives, we look for things to make our lives easier and more convenient. So why would we choose to do anything that requires more energy and effort?! DIY projects around the house, cooking meals from scratch, and even growing produce or raising livestock all require a lot of elbow grease. Jill Winger, podcaster, author, and host of the Old Fashioned on Purpose podcast, helps us explore a more conscious approach to living simply. She discusses the benefits of rolling up our sleeves and working with our hands: slowing down, a deeper connection with our food, improved health, and mindfulness! She also covers what happens to our brains and bodies when life is “too easy.” Visit Jill's website: theprairiehomestead.com Become a WAPF member and enjoy our minisodes! Check out our sponsors: Nutritional Therapy Institute, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore.

  • 421: Pfizer Documents Exposé

    22/05/2023 Duración: 55min

    In March 2022, the court ordered the release of Pfizer documents, but they were lengthy and overwhelming--very challenging for the average person to go through, let alone understand. Daily Clout, a successful civic tech company, gathered over 3000 scientists and doctors to comb through them and analyze them, and what they found is truly astounding. Naomi Wolf is the CEO and co-founder of the Daily Clout, and today she goes over what the analysis of the documents revealed: the Pfizer mRNA injection causes a host of side effects, including death, stroke, infertility, neurological symptoms, covid itself, and clotting. The shots negatively impact human reproduction. They shed and transmit spike proteins through inhalation, skin contact, and sweat from the vaccinated to anyone. Worst of all, evidence indicates that Pfizer did not just turn a blind eye to these results, as if they were unintended consequences. According to the experts who analyzed the documents, Pfizer expected these results and intentionally so

  • 420: The Enemy Of Weight Loss

    15/05/2023 Duración: 51min

     What are the enemies of weight loss? Dr. Guillermo Navarrete, known as Nutrillermo, today identifies what they are and how to fight them for better health. He addresses sugar addiction and how to overcome it. Dr. Navarrete exposes the cozy relationship between BIG AG, BIG FOOD, and BIG PHARMA and how that is influencing our food choices. And he reveals the parallels between a mother's breast milk and what nourishes us, as adults, best. He also shares his own personal issues with weight gain (and loss) and what he's doing today to keep the numbers down and his health up (hint: it has to do with eating nutrient-dense animal products). See Dr. Navarrete's website. Register for the event at Sally's farm on May 21. Check out our sponsors: NTI, Upgraded Formulas, Optimal Carnivore

  • 419: True Midwifery

    08/05/2023 Duración: 43min

    What is the history of midwifery? Why has this profession been villainized in the past and how is it seen today? Is it legal in all states? What is transcendent about birth...and death? And how does it help to have someone present to assist? Lindsey Meehleis addresses all of the above. Lindsey is a board-certified midwife who was recently featured in the Heart & Soil movie "Nourished." She addresses the controversy of the way the movie starts: with two contrasting placentas. One from a mother who was well nourished, and another who was not. She also describes her commitment to making sure the baby's arrival is as safe and smooth, as possible. And why she believes we need to return to the model of womb-to-tomb care for tending to the sick and those who are arriving and departing from this planet. Lindsey is part of the "remembering" of honoring life, death, and everything in between. Visit her website:  lindseymeehleis.com Join our WAPF email list Check out our sponsors: EarthRunners, Paleo Valley, Optima

  • 418: Is Small Farming Sustainable?

    01/05/2023 Duración: 33min

    In 2022, Vermont had 130 organic farms. Just one year later, there are only 60, with another 30 expected to go out of business in the next 12 months. How can we turn things around? And is small farming actually sustainable? Cynthia and Rich Larson of Larson Farm in Vermont are grass dairy farmers that are working on the sustainability of their own farm and of those around them, too. They know that sustainability has to do with more than just what works for the land. It must also be valuable for the community and economically sustainable for the farmer. This is one reason they have joined hands with a local Land Care Community of 17 grass-based dairies in Vermont. They are a group that wants to leave the land in better shape than when they found it. They are working to improve the ecosystem, protect the watershed, reduce pollution and regenerate the soil. They use modern equipment and strategies for facing farming challenges. Rich and Cynthia today tell their story about that partnership, how and why they tran

  • 417: Where Physical, Emotional, And Mental Health Meet

    24/04/2023 Duración: 37min

    Depression. Arrhythmia. Stress. Emotional burdens. How can we address our complex health conditions? And how is the physical related to the mental and emotional components of wellbeing? And is it best to address issues with conventional or unconventional protocols?   Anette Ruiz is a holistic health coach and communications specialist. Alberto is a certified permaculturist and talk show host. Today, they tell their story of facing seemingly insurmountable health crises. Anette had moderate-to-severe depression; Alberto, a heart condition. Their island got hit by Hurricane Maria, and their stress levels went through the roof.   They discuss today how they faced these experiences and what they learned through them--particularly how they have incorporated tools for holistic living that address the physical, mental, and emotional health of the body. Among other topics, they cover how to recognize the symptoms of depression, the power of gratitude, and why they will not use a microwave oven.   P.S. We're so glad t

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