Tara Lee Davis's Podcast



I never knew I could teach until I found myself in a classroom in Kenya with 60 children and no translator. Years later, my absolute favorite thing to do is teach God's Word. I currently work full-time as a children's pastor for a non-profit organization that focuses on outreach in our city. When I am not speaking or working on my book, I enjoy time with my bloodhound and laughing with friends!


  • Unmasked: The Real You

    29/03/2018 Duración: 49min

    We all fight social media split personality, hiding behinds masks of Pinterest perfect lives and homes when in all reality, our lives are a mess. Adam and Eve once hid from God too, but they thing is they never were actually hidden, even in shame. The same God who walked the garden and knew exactly where they were hiding is the same God who sees you and I today. The problem with wearing masks is not in convincing others to see and believe what we see and believe, but rather that we've already bought into a lie ourselves. It's time to get real, it's time to take off the masks, it's time to surrender to be fully you; broken, sinful, messy you.

  • Spontaneous Worship with Kristin Baker

    29/03/2018 Duración: 50min

    I will never forget the first time I heard her worship Jesus, she carried His presence so sweetly and had a beautiful anointing that ushered us into His presence. Anyone can stand up and sound good in a microphone, but to be able to steward the presence of Jesus in such a way that He just continually pours out more of Himself on you? That's my friend Kristin Baker, she lives a life completely undone and poured out for the glory and fame of Christ. I'll spend a few minutes in this episode asking her to share her heart behind worship, and then we dive in together for an evening of spontaneous worship through song, prayer and speaking the Word. I hope you'll join us and be refreshed in His presence.

  • My Testimony

    28/03/2018 Duración: 18min

    Ever wonder how a Yankee like me ended up in Texas? My life has been a constant story of God weaving His mercies and goodness into the midst of my failures and heartaches and writing something beautiful.

  • Remembering God's Faithfulness

    27/03/2018 Duración: 32min

    The Israelites struggled in their journey towards the Promised Land because time and time again, they forgot all that God had done for them. We too will struggle in our walk with Jesus when we are quick to forget His faithfulness to us over the years.

  • The Ugliness of Sin and The Beauty of Repentance

    06/02/2018 Duración: 47min

    What does sin have to do with vomit?! A whole lot! So often we talk about the pleasures of sin and how enticing it is, but the reality is much different. Sin is ugly, it's a cancer, and it always brings death. Just how deadly is sin? And since we all have a sin problem according to Romans 3:23, what do we with it? The Bible tells us to repent and obey, but what exactly does that look like? In this message we talk about how ugly sin is and yet how beautiful repentance is. Wordly sorrow always leads to death but Godly sorrow always leads to repentance!

  • Glory Came Down

    14/12/2017 Duración: 19min

    What is Christmas really about? And what is the significance of Jesus coming for our lives today? Could it be that we've missed the real meaning of Christmas?

  • Worship: Whack or Worthy

    28/11/2017 Duración: 32min

    Worship isn't counting what it will cost us but rather worship is measuring the worth of the One we're adoring. All of us spend every moment of every day worshipping someone or something, and if we are not worshipping Jesus, then our worship is whack. We cannot worship who we do not know. What does a pinata filled with vegetables have to do with worship? Take a listen and find out!

  • Built To Battle

    17/10/2017 Duración: 50min

    As children of God, we have a unique advantage when it comes to warfare. We fight from a place of victory rather than fighting for a victory because Jesus has already won it all on our behalf! When it comes to engaging in spiritual battles, there are 3 keys to take away from Gideon, the ultimate underdog of the Bible.

  • Faith Over Feeling

    16/10/2017 Duración: 35min

    When was the last time you realized what faith could do? Hebrews 11 is packed with powerful snippets of everyday people who simply chose to live their lives by faith rather than feeling and because of this, God was able to do incredible things through them. What would it mean for us, in today's jacked up world, if we were intentional about living by faith rather than feeling? Abraham lived by faith while Jonah lived by feelings, one ended up in a pile of puke while the other ended up walking home with his son whom he was to sacrifice. Be encouraged, God can do so much through just a little bit of faith.

  • Unpredictable Fighters

    27/09/2017 Duración: 22min

    Anyone who's ever done any boxing will tell you that the best boxer is the unpredictable one, and the same is true with our spiritual lives. David was the complete underdog with zero votes of confidence. What does it take to defeat Goliaths when you're just a David? Here, we take a look at 3 keys of success to be an unpredictable fighter and win the battle every single time. You and I were created for more!

  • Following Jesus Against All Odds

    05/09/2017 Duración: 19min

    Peter denied Jesus Christ not once or twice, but three times. And yet, this same Peter climbed out of a boat and walked on water. Peter wasn't fueled or motivated by a hunger for himself or his pride and or even a second chance, but Peter was motivated and fueled by his hunger for the presence of Christ. What does it look like to follow Jesus wholeheartedly? What does it mean to follow Him against all odds? How do we maintain our mountain top intimacy with Jesus in our everyday humdrum, mundane and busy lives? Could there be more to following Jesus than we realize?

  • Jesus Our Anchor

    05/09/2017 Duración: 30min

    Everyone is anchored to someone or something, and if you're anchored to anyone or anything other than Jesus than when life happens and things fall apart, you will not make it. Who is Jesus, and why does it matter to be anchored to Him?

  • Do You Want to Be Well?

    31/08/2017 Duración: 41min

    In John 5:6, Jesus asks one of the most audacious questions when he encounters a man who's been lame for 38 years, "Do you want to be well?" The truth is, all of us have something that we are hanging onto today that cripples us in our walk with the Lord; idols, pride, sin, unforgiveness, bitterness, etc. And Jesus asks us the same question today, do we want to be well? Even Dagon, a fish god statue, could not stand before the presence of God, and the same is true today. It's time to quit living the lie that we are god, it's time to pick up our mats and walk.

  • The Breaking of Self

    18/07/2017 Duración: 01h05min

    The Bible tells us to wage war against sin but failing to realize the seriousness of sin and understanding the cycle of sin, we don't fully tap into the solution of sin who is Jesus Christ. Your sin will always cause someone else's storm and likewise, your obedience will always alleviate someone else's storm. What would it like if the people of God stopped picnicking on playdates in the park and parading around with the enemy of our souls and instead feasted with the Father at His banqueting table where His banner over us is always love? Sin destroys but Christ and His Word always bring life and life to the fullest, it's not too late to begin waging war against sin!!!

  • Breaking Chains of Unforgiveness

    18/06/2017 Duración: 22min

    List most humans that have ever wandered this tiny blue dot of a planet, you've likely struggled to forgive someone. Somebody once said that choosing not to forgive someone is like drinking poison and hoping the other person suffers. So what does it mean to forgive and how do we do that? What does the Gospel say about forgiving others? Every single time I have struggled to forgive someone else, I simply stare long and hard into the cross on which Jesus died and therein find the courage and inspiration needed to let go of bitterness, resentment and unforgiveness. The cross of of Jesus Christ was enough for every last enemy of mine.

  • Gideon the Unlikely Hero

    27/04/2017 Duración: 36min

    Have you ever found yourself winning when you never should have? Ever felt paralyzed by your own fear and hiding out in a cave? So did Gideon. In Judges 6-8, we discover a coward of a man that God uses to defeat an overwhelmingly large enemy, and God totally does the impossible and gives His people the victory. But in the end, Gideon makes much of himself and God's people yet again choose to follow after false gods, forgetting the God who delivered them!

  • When Jesus Vomits

    24/04/2017 Duración: 27min

    There is nothing mediocre about Jesus Christ. Looking at Revelation 3:16, we learn that Jesus can't stand a lukewarm follower. What are the 3 signs of a lukewarm follower and how do we get back to being lit up for Christ? Until we acknowledge the one true God and stop trying to play god ourselves, we will never grow and mature to be hot followers of Christ. Even Jesus said it is far better to be cold than to be half-hearted when it comes to Jesus! Take a listen, join us as we discuss what this thing looks like and let's get back to the basics of loving Jesus more than self!! Be encouraged!

  • When Golden Calves Become "god"

    16/01/2017 Duración: 48min

    The Israelites longed for a God to lead them into their Promised Land, but when they grew impatient waiting on Moses to come down from his conversation with God, they took matters into their own hands. Burning gold, forming a golden calve, and bowing down and worshipping this was foolish at best, yet each one of us can find golden calves in our own lives that we need to shatter. It's time to return and repent to the one and only true God who never fails us!

  • Wilderness Wandering

    12/12/2016 Duración: 27min

    We often waster our lives with peasant wanderings when we were created for Kingdom dwelling. God created us for so much more, but we often lose sight of that because we give up in our wilderness seasons. What if the wilderness path was intentional on God's part because He knew if you went the quick, fast way...you'd lose heart? Our lives mirror that of the Israelites, but there is hope even in the midst of a wilderness season but God is in the midst of it all.

  • Jesus: The Greatest Gift

    04/12/2016 Duración: 13min

    What is the true meaning of Christmas? Who is it that we celebrate? Jesus Christ, He is the greatest gift of all! Come and explore the reason we celebrate Christmas, Jesus.

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