Conrad Rocks

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 404:55:45
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I talk about how to get closer spiritually to the biblical Jesus. I discuss what it means to "walk after the Spirit" and to have a relationship with God. My experiences and scriptural exploration will help you to Know Jesus - and not just know about Him.


  • Casting Down Vain Imaginations - HACK

    28/03/2020 Duración: 39min

    Are you casting down vain imaginations only to have them come back again and again? In this podcast I am sharing a ‘hack’ that has been working for me. Casting down Imaginations 2 Cor 10:4-5 ; Romans 12:1-2 renewing our minds; Benefits of renewing our minds; 2 Timothy 2:19-26 anchor passage ; We are to depart from iniquity; Sinners are slaves to sin John 8:34; Romans 6:15-16 we are servants of who we obey; We purge ourselves to be meet for the Master's use; Holiness Hebrews 12:14 1 Thessalonians 4:7 2 Corinthians 7:1; The struggle with the mind and flesh Romans 7:25; Romans 7 becomes Romans 8 !!!; The formula for freedom John 8:31-32; We reap what we sow now Galatians 6:7-8 ; God watches our thoughts Psalms 19:14; The John 10:10 suicide exposure; Sources of vain imaginations; The old way - the sun and the cross; Philippians 4:8 intentional thought life; Revelation 2-3 benefits of overcoming; Casting down WHILE adopting the values of God; This wicked thought has no place in my future!!

  • The Temple of the Lord - Vain Confidence

    22/03/2020 Duración: 36min

    I heard in the Spirit a phrase found in Jeremiah chapter 7. It clearly applies to today. I heard in the Spirit a phrase in Jer chapter 7; Hearing from God with partial phrases; Lying words and trusting too much in the temple; God dwells not in temples made with hands Acts 17:24; Traditions nullify the word of God Mark 7:13; Worship in Spirit and Truth John 4:21-24; Vain confidence is rejected ; Doing pagan traditions and thinking it is ok; Obeying the voice of God Heb 12:25; FIST

  • My Journey in Healing - From Skeptic to Believer

    21/03/2020 Duración: 37min

    Exploring my journey in Faith Healing. I used to think it was fake but now I am a firm believer. I used to think healing was fake; I grew up in Cessationist church; Faith healers were exposed as frauds; A man raised from the dead exposed as fraud; Watching Benny Hinn closely; I prayed for a lady to live and she did!; David George gets healed at church! ; OFCC had many testimonies of healing; Man's eye straightened up; Couple gets pregnant through prayer; Dave and Patty Lage interview ; Kevin Riordan praying for people on the Street; Stephen Barret - Radical Transformation in healing; I saw healings first hand with Garry Nesbit; Seeing healings first hand with Doug Hanson; Praying with doubt #DoesNotRock ; Praying in the "Name" of Jesus ; Being meet for the Master's use; Links http:

  • After This Manner Therefore Pray Ye

    07/03/2020 Duración: 16min

    Prayer walk in Pascagoula - "after this manner therefore pray". Meditate in the precepts Joshua 1:8; Meditating in precepts and have respect unto thy ways Psalm 119:15; Didache they prayed the Lord's prayer 3 times per day; Jesus is the Word and the Way to the Father; Praying in the spirit versus rote memorization; Moses waited on God 7 days Exodus 24:16; Acts 13 waiting on the Spirit to Speak; Quakers quietly waited on the Lord; Praying the Lord's Prayer "after this manner"; Links Didache on youtube

  • Getting Close to Jesus

    29/02/2020 Duración: 23min

    Going to heaven or being with Jesus? What is more important? Show Notes: Tracts focus on going to heaven; Is there more than heaven and hell?; I use tracts as conversations starters; Getting people closer to Jesus than they were before they met me; God is worthy to be praised no matter where we are; Would you tell people about Jesus even if you went to hell? ; Lazarus and the rich man Luke 16:19-31 ; Man in hell wanted to warn his brethren; Love is to be a primary motivation; Exodus 32 Moses intercedes and is willing to be blotted out; Paul is willing to be accursed for his brethren - Romans 9; Matt 7:21-23 lip service for heaven sake ; Depart from Jesus - not from heaven ; Rev 3:21 overcomers sit with Jesus in His throne; Matt 25 - depart from Jesus - not depart from heaven; John 14 - God abides with those that love Him; Prodigal son Luke 15:11-32 notice the proximity and death; Gen 2:17 Adam died the day he ate the fruit; Luke 17:33 seeking to save our lives; Mark 8:35-37 seeking to save o

  • Moving Toward Jesus and Away from Sin

    22/02/2020 Duración: 27min

    Some of us grit our teeth and try to stop sinning. This is different than simply seeking God. When we seek God, sin loses it's grip. The bible has answers! ; Drawing near to God and He draws near to us James 4:8; Recovering ourselves out of the snare of the devil 2 Tim 2:25,26 ; PSALM I have kept myself from mine iniquity PSALMS 18:23; Self Sabotage I very real in Christianity; Know Jesus and get free John 8:31-32; We need to be proactive in our thought life; David graduated from lion and bear to Goliath 1 Sam 17:34-37 ; David encouraged himself in God and then recovered1 Samuel 30:6 ; A friend sent me a prophetic dream about me; Demonic attacks happen; Fear is a spirit that we have to take authority over 2 TIMOTHY 1:7; The devil often flees in the presence of God; Jesus is the Way and the Truth! John 14:6 ; Prodigal son knew to go back to the Father Luke 15; In HIs presence is fullness of Joy! Psalm 16:11; Psalm 91 abiding in God AND HIS protection; John 8:31,32 knowing the Word and be

  • Effective Prayer - Facebook Chimes in

    15/02/2020 Duración: 35min

    Show Notes: I posted a question on Facebook asking followers about their tips on effectual prayer. Rachel says something happens when she prays for others; James 5:16 says to pray for one another; William says to pray scripture back to God; Isaiah 55:11 GOds word comes like rain; Many people mentioned persistence in prayer; The widow and the unjust judge Luke 18; Luke 11 and the persistent man that needed bread; Marshall says faith is the key; Mustard seed faith luke 17:6 and Luke 13:18,19; Faith works by love Gal 5:6; Cindy says to pray in the spirit; Stefanie says spirit led prayer with the word; Groaning intercession; Jesus groaned before raising Lazarus John 11:33; Rom 8:26 the spirit groans effective prayer; Bobby quotes according to God's will in 1 John 5:14-15; Carol says be intimate and spend time with God; Hosea 5:15 God lets things get tough so we seek Him; Heb 11:6 God rewards those that seek Him diligently; Jesus urges the church to go back to their first love Revelation 2:4-5

  • Abiding in The Vine

    08/02/2020 Duración: 30min

    Some revelation on abiding in the vine of Jesus. John 15:1-8 the Vine passage; God brings mentors; Dialing into the spiritual reservoir; Abiding presence versus manifest presence; Jeremiah 5:24-25 sin and iniquities make us further away; 1 John 1:8-9 confession, repentance, and forgiveness can lead to nearness; Pastor Howard and Karen mentors; My green season with God; Distractions can knock us out of abiding; An example of 'presence' with my cat Boaz; Distraction in the world or in ministry; Getting too comfortable in our relationship; David numbering Israel in his own will; 2 Samuel 6:6-7 Uzzah and the ark of the covenant; The Word cleanses us John 1:5:3; The Word sets us FREE John 8:31-32; Are you in a dry season? take stock; Psalm 16:8 keeping God always before us; Romans 12:1,2 a living sacrifice; Luke 9:23 carrying our cross daily; Galatians 2:20 our life is God's ; Related posts

  • Intentional Thought Life

    01/02/2020 Duración: 33min

    Digging into having an intentional proactive thought life. Being proactive about what we allow into our minds; Cast down vain imaginations 2 Corinthians 10:5; Don't be conformed but renew our minds Rom 12:1,2; Think about what is holy and pure Philippians 4:8; Being proactive with spiritual armor Eph 6; We unconsciously create thinking habits; It begins when we wake up; Eve wasn't proactive in guarding her thoughts; God wants us to have good success in His Word Josh 1:8; Our silly thoughts lead to destruction Pro 22:13, Prom 20:4; Keeping our mind on God gives us peace Is 26:3; Our negative thoughts turn into our identity; David was proactive in his thought life 1 sam 30; David reframed his thoughts about Goliath ; Humming to spice up our thought life; Rehearsing God's promises and loving my cat; Rehearsing and meditating on scripture proactively; A friend set his watch at 10:10 each day for John 10:10; Affirmation reminder apps to remind you; Links to similar podcast and posts: https://www

  • Revival In Iran

    25/01/2020 Duración: 24min

    There is currently a revival taking place in Iran! I wasn't expecting what I stumbled upon; Clip - Iran is the fastest-growing church; Mosques are empty in Iran ; Poverty neighborhood next to wealthy church buildings; The message in the west is totally different; Iranian protests are contrived by the ruling elite; Iranian Christians realize persecution grows the church; This revival rivals the revival in China; The satanic lullaby of western Christianity; Not seeking a political solution but a spiritual one; links: Try Amazon Prime for FREE! The Heavenly Man book Sheep Among Wolves Free Documentary CBN clip FIST

  • Jerry Alford Testimony for Jesus

    21/12/2019 Duración: 20min

    God sets up divine appointments today! Testimony interview and Ministry Spotlight with evangelist Jerry Alford from TEAM - Truckers Evangeslizing America Ministry. show notes: How we met evangelist Jerry Alford was a divine appointment; Cold windy day street preaching and then Disc Golf; Jerry Alford shares how he got saved from a gospel tract; Jerry Shares about the ministry; Links: Try Amazon Prime FREE FOR 30 DAYS! Jerry is @TeamEvangelist on Twitter; is Jerry's email;

  • Praying it Through

    14/12/2019 Duración: 43min

    Often times God will initiate a conversation with a believer. We then need to "pray it through" to the conclusion. Show Notes: James 5:16 effectual fervent prayer gets results; Supernatural events kick-off dialogue with God; Spirit of Truth dialogues with us to teach us; Know the Word and Know the Author; I began my relationship with God as s child; Suppressing the voice of God like a ball in the water; Meditating on the Word and Precepts; The Word is the Way to the Father which is Spirit; Mentors should have sings of a believer and fruit of the spirit; Jesus manifests Himself to the believer John 14; Psalm 100:4 Seeking to get into His spiritual presence; Judges chapter 6 God's dialogue with Gideon; Jeremiah chapter 1 God's dialogue with Jeremiah; Acts 13 church meeting ministering and fasting; Must have a relationship with God first; Acts 10 God's dialogue with Peter; Truth teaches us we were wrong about or ignorant of; Amos 8 God's dialogue with Amos; Daniel 10 Angel's dialogue with D

  • Paganism in the Church

    07/12/2019 Duración: 32min

    Paganism in the body is a long time repeating biblical precept. I heard Sennacharib several times in the spirit and prayed through the revelation. Here is the resulting podcast. Show Notes: Dialoging with God; Commands to tear down high places; Ps 78:58 God is angry with high places; Deut 12:2-6 Command to destroy high places; Kings afraid to tear down high places; Exodus 32:3-6 Aaron makes a golden calf to worship; 1 Kings 12:28 Jereboam makes TWO golden calves to worship; Principality that keeps showing up throughout history; Rev 2:20-23 Jezebel principality; Church celebrates pagan holidays while ignoring the biblical ones; Jesus tells us how to remember Him 1 Cor 11:24-25 ; 2 Chron 32:10 Sennacherib bashes Hezekiah; The world thinks Christians celebrate God like pagans do; Leaders in the bible have faults; Mankind's wicked heart; Ezek 8:13-18 Leaders worshiping the sun inside the Temple of God; Paul had a tough time with Corinthians and paganism; 1 Cor 10:20-22 Can't drink the Lord's

  • Stay Spiritually Connected with God

    30/11/2019 Duración: 31min

    It is important to read the bible and maintain a spiritual relationship with God. Sharing my experience and wisdom from Smith Wigglesworth and George Mueller. Dad introduced me to prayer; My 1995 Spiritual hunger for God; God spoke using scripture; Spirit never violates the Word; Words of knowledge byproducts to a relationship with God; Cares of the world make the word unfruitful Mark 4:18; The spiritual flow seems to turn off; Repent and do the first works - first love Rev 2; Emphasizing bible listening while neglecting prayer life; Wigglesworth and reading the bible; George Muller on reading the bible; The prayer life of George Muller; Spirit of Truth teaching us ; links Alexander Scourby audio bible Smith Wigglesworth Apostle of Faith book George Mueller of Bristol book

  • Should Christians Meditate?

    23/11/2019 Duración: 24min

    Should Christians Meditate? The benefits of meditation. The difference between the New Age Meditation and Biblical Mediation. Quakers and how they worship, and my conclusion of "Should Christians Meditate? " Joe Dispenza meditation workshops are drawing attention; Human Mind is powerful; Health benefits of meditation; Difference between Eastern Meditation and Biblical Meditation; Biblical meditation passages; Romans 12:1,2 Transform the mind; Psalm 46:10 Being still and knowing God; Joshua 1:8 God commands Joshua to meditate; Satan's selfish distraction in Isaiah 14; Isaiah 26:3 staying our mind on God; Learn not the ways of the heathen Jer 10:2 and Deut 12:29,32; Acts 13 and the quaking Quakers; My experience in New Age meditation practices; Different Brain wave states and meditation; Christian Meditation does not focus on getting into trance; The Word is The Way to the Spirit of God the Father; Meditating on the precepts of God; Meditating on the words and the original Hebrew Letters;

  • False Light - Don't fall for lying signs and wonders!

    16/11/2019 Duración: 21min

    Don't fall for false signs and wonders! Beings of light show up at a conference, and I dicsuss a very revelaing dream I had about it. Christians should strive for spiritual discernment; Light beings showing up at a new-age type conference; Science is joining the New Age; The bible talks about the power of the mind Mark 11:22-26; Placebo works because of belief; I had many supernatural experiences as a child; From New Age to Christian; Deut13:1-5 prophets leading people astray; False signs and wonders in the bible; Well-intentioned, but leading people away from Jesus; Jesus emphasizes faith in God and forgiveness; A lot of the supernatural is demonic; My dream about these beings of light; 2 Cor 11:13-15 False apostles appearing as angels of light; God is the Father of lights James 1:7; Lucifer means light-bringer; Psychics and Tarot card readers never point to Jesus; Links:

  • Nick Serre - Prophetic Evangelism Interview

    09/11/2019 Duración: 01h12min

    Continuing in the series "Prophetic Evangelism" I interview Nick Serre from Canada. Sola Scriptura and following the Spirit; Don't need to be a prophet to prophesy; Discerning God's voice through relationship; Waiting on the Lord; Being led by the Spirit during evangelism; Treasure hunting approach; Spending time in the prayer closet; How to pray for healing; Ignoring the prompting to pray for someone; How to approach people; Reasons we miss it - discernment; Different sources of information in the spirit realm; The Spirit empowers us to do His Will; Evangelizing at a Marylin Manson concert; Reading the book versus doing what the book says; Authority is given for us to Go! ; Dare to take the step of faith; Huddling after spiritual encounters; Nick prays for the listeners; Nick's FB Nick's PayPal

  • Spiritual Mentors and Spiritual Warfare

    02/11/2019 Duración: 39min

    Sometimes we need Mature Spiritual Mentors to help us wage good warfare! Show Notes: A recent vision of dogs; Spiritual mentor had a very similar dream; Realizing we have authority over the enemy; My faith against an attacking pitbull!; Are we purging the old dog out of us?; Purging ourselves to be vessels for God 2 Tim 2; My victory over panic attacks and depression; The root of the panic attack fruit; How the devil tricks us into agreeing with him; Spiritual Warfare Journal; Ephesians 6 examination ; The Lord allows us to go through trials (Peter and Job); Faith and quoting scripture against the devil; Spiritual Mentors in James ; Lady killed by demons; Galatian's spiritual mentors restore those overtaken; Mentors seem to show up out of nowhere; Elisha solved Naman's leprosy problem spiritually; Mentors that I have had in my life; Hebrews, Jesus, and John on spiritual maturity; Praying for the listeners about mentorship; Matt 7 removing the beam and wise counsel; Links: Master Your

  • Shawn Bolz - Through the Eyes of Love Book Review

    26/10/2019 Duración: 16min

    Reviewing Shawn Bolz's book "Through the Eyes of Love" from a perspective of exploring the nuts and bolts of prophetic evangelism. Show Notes: Reading some of the book descriptions; Shawn talks about hearing God's voice; Delivering a prophetic word; Missing a prophetic word; Practicing the prophetic; Old testament vs new testament prophetic; God showing us things to come; Sources of information in the spirit; links Get the audiobook for free for trying audible here: ; Get the book on amazon here:

  • Stephen Barret Prophetic Evangelism

    19/10/2019 Duración: 01h35min

    Interview with Stephen Barrett form Holy fire Japan about Prophetic Evangelism. Stephen and I met around 2010 on #Tworship; Frustrated with no results and God told him to fast; Many supernatural miracle healings ; Living by faith; Prophetic Evangelism is really spirit led evangelism; A word about Treasure Hunting; Words of knowledge about pain; Evangelism does not have to be 'prophetic' ; Initiating the conversation; Scanning in the spirit; Committing our way to the Lord so He will bring it to pass; Establishing rapport; Street evangelism and opening your mouth; The boldness that comes; Words of knowledge versus common knowledge; Missing it ; Stilling the thought life so you can hear in the Spirit; Sources of information in the Spirit; Prophetic mentoring; Talking too much instead of listening; Assembling the body together; Doing it versus making excuses; Stephen Prays us out; Stephen Barrett on Facebook blog https://w

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