Beth Jones International Speaker

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 38:16:49
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The official podcast of Beth Jones, International Speaker and Amazon Best Seller Author. Use your gifts for God. Live a life you love. Fulfill your great purpose.


  • Live Your Days In Wisdom

    16/02/2020 Duración: 16min

    As believers in Jesus Christ and in the days we're now living in, we need God's wisdom to be our GPS, to guide us and helping us with daily decisions. James 1:5 teaches us to ask God for generous wisdom. When God asked King Solomon one night what he desired, instead of asking for riches or the life of his enemies, Solomon requested wisdom and discernment to rule the people of Israel. God was pleased with this request and gave him wisdom such as no king before him had ever had, or any king of his day. In this episode, I share 7 tips for living a life of wisdom.  --- Support this podcast:

  • The Coronavirus and other bad news; Don't be afraid

    25/01/2020 Duración: 08min

    I don't read the news a lot because so much of it is negative and I believe it induces fear for the purpose of the government controlling the masses. But I read just enough of the big news to stay current, usually on Facebook. Recently the Coronavirus is in the news. It is believed to have started in Wuhan in a seafood market from animals, which spread to humans. So far as of this podcast, 41 people have died and 1,355 have been infected. China's Leader Xi Jinping has suspended travel abroad and the State Department has ordered all American workers at the U.S. Consulate in Wuhan to evacuate. It has spread to other nations such as Japan, Hong Kong, Australia, France, and possibly the U.S. The news headlines today are scary. Luke 21:25-26 warns that in the end times, people would feel terrified at what is coming. God doesn't want you and me afraid, but to believe in and trust in Him. Today's episode shares encouraging Scriptures to battle the spirit of anxiety and fear. Be sure to check out my book on this topi

  • Happy 2020. Our Daughter's Broken Fibula of the Ankle

    31/12/2019 Duración: 17min

    As I sat this morning in my pink, polka-dot pajamas and drinking my creamy, hot coffee, I prayed and thought about the upcoming year 2020. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:9 that we can make our plans, but God directs our steps. I had big, exciting, new plans for 2020 as I do before every new year, but my plans were changed. Our daughter Leah fell on the ice and snow in the driveway at her house, and it broke the fibula in her right ankle! The orthopedic doctor recommended surgery. After doing research, Leah found out this is the common treatment for her injury, a spiral fracture. She is now waiting on a call from the surgery nurse to schedule it. My #1 priority for the new year is to help our daughter as much as possible. Nothing else matters right now! Please pray for Leah's complete, speedy healing. Have your plans for the new year been changed, too? Don't be afraid, because He is a good God! As we look to God, obeying and trusting Him daily, we will experience His many blessings this coming year. God has alr

  • Ask God for help. He has the answers.

    12/12/2019 Duración: 14min

    What do you need help with in your life right now? Finances? A troubled marriage? A prodigal spouse or child? Health issues? A toxic, narcissistic relationship with a family member, in-law, neighbor, or friend? Problems at work with your boss, a co-worker, or customers? Whatever it is, God is here for you. He loves you and wants to help you. Today I share a reading from Melody Beattie's book, The Language of Letting Go. The very hard lesson God has been teaching me this year is learning to let go and let God, trusting Him. I have cried so many tears, but I simply need to let go and trust Him--and ask for God's help. God is your and my Helper.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Whatever happens, give thanks

    30/11/2019 Duración: 11min

    I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving Day celebration with your family and friends. Today's episode is about gratitude. Yesterday I recorded a Gratitude Challenge video, thanking the people in my life who I love and who are such a gift to me. You can watch this at YouTube at My Gratitude Challenge. In today's podcast, I share 1 Thessalonians 5:18 in the Contemporary English Version which reads, "Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do." This can be a hard pill to swallow, because of the hardships, stresses, and heartaches you and I may be going through. And yet God commands us to be thankful. He is good and worthy to be thanked and praised.  --- Support this podcast:

  • 20/20 Vision: Your Dreams and Goals

    16/11/2019 Duración: 17min

    It's hard to believe that Christmas is almost here, isn't it? The new year 2020 is almost upon us! At the end of each year, I set aside time to pray and reflect on the past year: what went well and what didn't. To evaluate if I achieved my dreams and goals. I also pray about the new year, asking for God's protection, guidance, and help for me and my family. In this podcast, I share about dreaming bigger with God, getting His vision and goals for your new year. What hindered or stopped you from your dreams and goals this year? What new habits do you need to develop? What do you need to maintain? Where do you want to go (traveling)? What do you want to do? Let's believe for an exciting new 2020! Join me for my online event, 20/20 Vision for Speakers & Writers, at  --- Support this podcast:

  • Learning to let go

    03/11/2019 Duración: 18min

    Our daughter Leah just moved out of our house to be close to her new job as assistant baker in another city, about an hour north of us. This week God is teaching me the hard lesson of letting go. I've also been cleaning, organizing, and de-cluttering my home and office. It is so freeing. Right now it is fall in Missouri. It is cooler and the trees' leaves are turning glorious shades of orange, yellow, red, and brown. There is a powerful quote: "Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go." We need to let go and let God, trusting Him with people and things in our lives. Who or what do you need to let go of?  --- Support this podcast:

  • Coffee with God time

    09/09/2019 Duración: 12min

    Do you have quiet time with God each day? Each morning after breakfast, Beth Jones drinks a hot, creamy cup of coffee, prays, and reads the Bible. She calls this her "Coffee with God" time. This is not a rigid, religious ritual, but a relaxing time to spend time with God to hear His still, small voice and to get His wisdom and direction for the busy, hectic day ahead. You don't have to spend hours to do this, and it doesn't have to be early in the morning. It can be any time, day or night. You can include worship and praise, journaling, making a to-do list, and even jump start your speaking and writing. Be encouraged by Beth for God to become your daily GPS on this exciting, sometimes scary, adventure called life.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Each Word A Gift

    26/08/2019 Duración: 06min

    Do you struggle with your thought life or the words of your mouth like I do? I think Speaker and Author Joyce Meyer may have written her book, Me and My Big Mouth, just for me! Words are powerful. They can encourage and bring hope, or they can tear down and destroy. God Himself created the world with His words. You and I are made in His image, so our words are powerful, too. As speakers and writers, our words matter. They have influence. Be encouraged and inspired in today's podcast that each word you speak and write is a beautiful gift. Find out where Beth Jones will be speaking next on this topic. --- Support this podcast:

  • Saint Patrick: God uses your pain for His glory

    17/03/2019 Duración: 08min

    Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! One of my fave holidays, because I love Ireland and green is my favorite color. Saint Patrick was captured by Irish pirates when he was 16 and taken to Ireland. While there herding sheep and watching cows, he began to pray to God and eventually converted to Christianity. He escaped Ireland but later came back to share the love of Jesus. What about you? Would you be willing to go where God sends you? --- Support this podcast:

  • Make Jesus Well-Known--You are His Letter

    10/02/2019 Duración: 09min

    I saw a sign in town the other day which read, “Try to be worth following instead of trying to be well-known.” More importantly, you and I should try to make Jesus inside us well-known. You and I are His letter to a dark, lost world. We make Him known by operating in the fruit of the Spirit, being humble, and walking in His purpose and our calling. Join Speaker/Author Beth Jones as she shares how you and I can be Christ's ambassador, letting His light shine through us to others.  --- Support this podcast:

  • Testing Podbean App

    21/01/2019 Duración: 45s

    Testing the Podbean app on my iPhone for someone else to make sure I can upload to Facebook and a website. --- Support this podcast:

  • Faith in Jesus and prayer will bring God's reward

    30/09/2018 Duración: 08min

    What do you have faith for today? Do you believe you'll receive it? God wants to give you the desires of your heart! It is faith that pleases Him. I've been praying for years to go to Ireland. Recently God answered that huge prayer and dream, and I flew to the Republic of Ireland with our precious, beautiful daughter Leah, who wanted to go, too. Ireland is gorgeous and was amazing! God is so good. He wants to answer your prayers, too. In this episode, be encouraged that God will reward your faith in Him. --- Support this podcast:

  • Happy July 4 and Prayer for the USA

    04/07/2018 Duración: 05min

    Happy Independence Day! Have a fun and safe one with your family. In this short episode, Beth Jones prays for our nation America. II Chronicles 7:14 says, "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land." --- Support this podcast:

  • Kate Spade: Shatter the Stigma & 5 Tips for Depression

    08/06/2018 Duración: 31min

    "Neither the sun nor death can be looked at steadily."--Francoise de La Rochefoucauld. Successful New York Fashion Designer Kate Spade, 55, was found dead two days later in her New York apartment by her housekeeper, by an alleged suicide. Kate and her husband Andy created a mult-million dollar empire with their handbag company, Kate Spade. In 2016 she returned from a decade long hiatus to launch Frances Valentine, an accessories line named after her daughter and changed her name to Kate Valentine. Her husband Andy said she had struggled with depression and anxiety for five years, was under a doctor's care, and was on medication trying to heal, but "she battled personal demons." Her sister believed she had bipolar disorder. The news of Kate's tragic death has caused social media to blow up. In this podcast, I share about my own struggles with suicidality and attempts and panic attacks and the healing, delivering power of Jesus Christ. I share about the need to shatter the stigma of mental illness and mental di

  • The seed in your heart

    07/05/2018 Duración: 14min

    Is the seed in your heart growing and producing a harvest of righteousness? What kind of soil does your heart have? Recently I changed the theme on my website at, and the header has a beautfiul sunflower picture. Sunflowers have many seeds and there are some fascinating facts about sunflowers. One is that sunflowers track the sun, following the sun across the sky as the earth moves each day. Sunflowers always face the light. Even as sunflowers follow the sun and the light, may we as believers follow the Son and the Light, Jesus. In this podcast, I share about Jesus' parable on the farmer scattering the seed. What kind of soil is in your heart? Is the seed bearing fruit, or have the enemy Satan, distractions, and the cares of this worlder stolen the seed and choked it out? Consider and pray if your heart's soil is fertible, ready to receive and grow God's word to produce an abundant harvest of righteousness. Remember to sow good seed iday and night nto the life of others, sharing your love, spiri

  • Hope believes even in the dark

    16/04/2018 Duración: 11min

    Do you need hope? Have you ever felt I-just-can't-take-this-kind-of-pain despair? Join speaker/author Beth Jones as she encourages you that through fatih in Jesus Christ, there is always hope. There are times in your life that are so dark, it looks impossible for anything to change. But hope and faith believe even in the dark. Hope is very important to your success, health, and happiness. "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not being seen." (Hebrews 11:1) --- Support this podcast:

  • When you are insulted, you are blessed

    01/04/2018 Duración: 12min

    Have you ever been criticized by someone? Have you ever been insulted for your faith in Jesus? Recently someone overheard a conversation where two people were talking about me. They said, "Beth talks about Jesus too much." The conversation took me aback, as I thought at least one of the people liked me. But it's not my job for people to like me. It's my job to please God and glorify Jesus Christ. The good news is that if you are being insulted and persecuted for your faith in Jesus, the Bible says you are blessed. (Matthew 5:11, NIV) In this episode, I also share about my new ebook for the Kindle at Amazon, Metamorphosis: Transformed From Hate to Love. I share transparently about my life-long struggle with hatred. God is love and He wants us to unconditionally love Him and people, not hate. He will teach you and me how to love others. In this ebook, I share how to overcome hate if you battle this. You can find out more about this book on Amazon.  --- Support this podcast:

  • The Spirit of the Lord

    25/03/2018 Duración: 21min

    Have you ever had a family member or a friend visit and you were so excited that you just wanted to shout? Today is Palm Sunday, the day Christian believers celebrate Jesus' triumphant entry into Jerusalem. I want to encourage you this Easter week to reflect on all that God has done for you and His promises to you of what He's going to do in your life. Jesus came to set you and me free from sin, sickness, poverty, loneliness, marriage difficulties, financial struggles, business and ministry problems, unhappiness, depression, stress, worry, fear, confusion, isolation, and so much more. Have you ever seen a worried, scared, stressed-out, depressed, angry butterfly? No. They are happy and free. This is what God desires for you and me--to soar free. In this episode, I  also share about Shelley Hitz's 7-Day Writing Week challenge which I just joined and which starts March 26 (doors close at midnight March 25). It is absolutely free and God's anointing is on Shelley to lead us writers to write (or finish) our books

  • There is war over your writing

    06/03/2018 Duración: 24min

    Recently I was chatting with a friend who is excited about nearing the completion of writing and publishing her first book. But she also shared how lately she has felt fatigued and wondered if it is related to spiritual warfare. In this podcast, I share that there is spiritual warfare over your writing. The spiritual realm is real and we must use spiritual weapons to defeat Satan. That is why you struggle with procrastination, perfectionism, distractions, busyness, laziness, suddenly wanting to eat junk food or do a movie binge, clean, or any number of things that hinder or stop you from writing! God has given you a talent and ability to write, which is a precious gift. The enemy Satan doesn't want you to write, because it's a threat to his kingdom of darkness. He knows that God gave you this gift to write for His glory and to help others. Be encouraged and empowered to keep writing! --- Support this podcast:

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