Explore Your Enthusiasm, With Tara Swiger | Craft | Art | Business



How do you craft a successful, sustainable handmade business? Explore your goals, your profit, your marketing and your mission in this podcast with Tara Swiger - maker, author and Starship Captain. Learn how to craft a business you'll love, meet your fellow explorers and get inspired to keep going.


  • 289: How to decide on your next goal

    18/12/2019 Duración: 14min

    Are you stuck between two really great ideas? Wondering if you have to choose or if you should just do them both at the same time? How could you choose between them? Today I’m going to help you answer one of the BIGGEST questions I get about creating do-able plans for your next goals: Do I have to pick just one and how the heck do I do that?! In my book Map Your Business and in my Starship Program, you begin by getting clear on your big vision. Then you set a goal and break it down into steps and actionable to-dos. For the last two weeks we’ve talked about how to stay on top of those To Dos, so they actually get done. But this week we’re going to back up and answer the question: How do you even pick the next goal? Especially when you have several projects that all look like good options? This question came up in the monthly coaching call inside the Starship Program (learn more at taraswiger.com/starshipbiz) and it’s one I know we all deal with. So let’s break it down - do you need to pick just ONE goal? And i

  • 288: How I use planners in my business - Asana edition

    11/12/2019 Duración: 24min

    How do you keep track of all the moving parts in a recurring or upcoming projects? What if you’re waiting on other people to do their part before you can do your part? I do this with project management apps, so today we’re going to make it a bit less overwhelming and how to pick the software that will help you. This week I’m answering the question that occurs after you make a map - how the heck do I keep track of all the moving parts? You see, in my book Map Your Business and in my Starship Program, you begin by getting clear on your big vision. Then you set a goal and break it down into steps and actionable to-dos. But after you have that big list of what you need to do and the order you need to do them in, then what? How do you make sure you don’t forget the stuff that comes LATER? And that’s where a lot of us get stuck. So for the month of December on the podcast, we’re having a series on planning - the actual figuring out what to do each day and week. Last week we started by talking about how to keep trac

  • 287: How I use planners in my business - paper planner edition

    04/12/2019 Duración: 20min

    How do you turn your to-do lists into a plan? How do you know what to do every day? How do you fit your work around non-work appointments and responsibilities? This is what we’ll talk about this episode. This week I’m answering the question that occurs after you make a map - how the heck do I follow through on this every day? You see, in my book Map Your Business and in my Starship Program, you begin by getting clear on your big vision. And then you set a goal and break it down into steps and actionable to-dos. But after you have that big list of what you need to do and the order you need to do them, then what? You can’t get it all done in a day or two, you have to continue to work on it over weeks. And that’s where a lot of us get stuck. So for the month of December, we’re going to have a series on planning - the actual figuring out what to do each day and week. Today we’re going to start by how I use paper planners, and next week we’ll talk about task management software. As we near the end of the year, we’

  • 286: Favorite books: Autumn 2019

    27/11/2019 Duración: 12min

    It is time for my seasonal round-up of the very best books I’ve read. We’re talking sequels that live up to your hopes, toddler parenting books and of course, mysteries and thrillers. Usually we talk about building a creative business, goal-setting, marketing, and confidence. But we also love to read and talk about books! For the past 6 years I've shared my monthly reading list on my blog, and since January 2018, I've shared that list on the podcast (Starting in episode 192). I've heard from a lot of you, that you love to talk books with me, so I'm making even more bookish videos and a book club, over at Patreon.com/taraswiger I also know you’re busy you may not read 100+ books/year, so here on the podcast, I sort through all I read and share my FAVORITE books of the season. Favorite books of Autumn: Let's talk about my favorite books that I read from September – November 2019. I'll share these by category, like my fave mystery/thriller, fave sci-fi, etc. But first, let’s look at the stats: I read 21 books, 9

  • 285: Mental health during the holidays

    20/11/2019 Duración: 16min

    It’s mid-November, the holidays are upon us, so I wanted to check in - how are you feeling? REALLY? Are you feeling scrambled or stressed or depressed or anxious? Let’s talk this week about how to stay emotionally and mentally healthy during this busy season in both your business and your life. I’m not a mental health professional or a doctor. I am your big sister or best friend who is here to remind you to take care of yourself. If you want to hear more about my own mental health adventure, check out episode 123, where I first opened up about my lifetime struggles and suicide in our community, and episode 153 about a year leater, where I share what was working for me in managing it. I’ve also got a Mental Health Checklist in episode 241. This isn’t self-care, this is self-maintenance. Like giving your car gas and changing the oil isn’t extra, it’s part of keeping it running. (I don’t know enough about cars to make this metaphor any bigger, but you get it right?) These tips are in order of importance for my m

  • 284: You have more than enough time

    13/11/2019 Duración: 16min

    You have more than enough time. Yeah, I know, it feels like you don’t have any time. But today we’re going to talk about why you believe that and how you can change it. Today we’re going right into tough love territory I know it feels like there's never enough time. With kids and work and starting your business, it can all be super-overwhelming. Since becoming a parent, I have learned that it can be shockingly hard to even find time to take a shower. I get that. You believe you don’t have time because it FEELS like you don’t... You don’t have time to work on your business. You don’t have time to invest in learning how to make your business profitable. You don’t have time for marketing. You believe you don’t have time because: You haven't already made time for it. You have never done anything like building a business before - so how could you possibly have time for it? You may not know anyone who is doing it. In fact, everyone around you is probably saying they don't have time to do anything. But are you t

  • 283: How to make time to APPLY what you learn

    06/11/2019 Duración: 15min

    You have just read a great business book, or attended a workshop or joined an online class… but how do you get your investment out of it? How do you APPLY what you’ve learned? How do you make sure that it makes a difference in your business and your life? Today I’m answering a question a Starship Captain recently asked after she read a great book - how do I APPLY this to my business? You see, I’ve thought a LOT about how to make business education and information applicable. I’ve built it into my courses and program, so that as you work through the Starship Program, you are prompted to work WITH it in real time. We do this through apply-it-to-YOUR-biz worksheets, weekly accountability, chunking the content into pieces, and pacing it so that you work on it in an order that makes sense. You can learn about how I structure it and WHAT you need to apply to your business in my free masterclass, the Four Foundation Method. Join me at TaraSwiger.com/foundations  Go Slow One of the mistakes we ALL make is that we get

  • 282: Get your shop ready for the holidays

    30/10/2019 Duración: 21min

    Happy Holidays! Ok, so I just filled your heart with dread, didn’t I?! If you are a shopper, it’s annoying to see ANY holiday stuff months before the holiday begins, it’s like Live in the NOW, man!... but if you own and run a shop, it is VITAL to plan for your holiday season… starting right about now. This week I am going to help you make a PLAN for getting everything out of the holiday season that you want to! We’re going to set a goal, creating a vision for what you want out of the season, then we are going to talk about math (very briefly!) and marketing. This can be your most profitable time of year, but so that it can be your most peaceful time of year! Or at the very least, not absolutely miserable! Your holiday season may start now, or American Thanksgiving and go through the last night of Hanukkah, or New Year’s Day, or all the way through the Epiphany. Sidenote: I wrote this whole episode and then realized that these steps are exactly what I guide your WHOLE business through in my free masterclass. I

  • 281: How to invest in your business

    23/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    I recently made a big decision about an investment in my business. And I spent the last week talking to makers about how to know WHEN something is the right investment in their business business. When I opened the Starship to new members last month, this is the question that most people have - how do I decide if this is the right investment for me, right now? Our conversations have me reflecting on how I make these decisions in my own business, and how anyone knows that anything is the “right” for them. I have a few questions I ask myself before buying, whether it's a $25 guide or a $999 Program. If you are ready to grow and expand your business, you are probably asking yourself - what do I invest in? Where do I spend my time and energy in order to make the biggest growth. Well I cover the ONLY 4 foundations that need your focus and attention my masterclass. You can join (for free!) at TaraSwiger.com/foundations. So before we dive into investing your business, I have to be super clear, when you’re looking at

  • 280: Biz lessons from (foster) parenting

    16/10/2019 Duración: 23min

    So hey, I became a parent this year! I parented 5 kids in 12 months, not concurrently but consecutively. And in this year of parenthood, I have learned a LOT about myself, my worldview, my marriage AND my business. Today I want to share what parenting has taught me about business. This episode is ultra-vulnerable, because I usually talk about stuff that I know quite a bit about, that I’ve researched and experienced. Well, parenting is not really my expertise. And I’m gonna be honest - I wanted to be a parent for SO LONG that when it DID happen, but in a very nontraditional way, I still feel a little bit of imposter syndrome. I am NOT a parent the way most parents are. I did not give birth or get pregnant. I also didn’t lose pregnancies or go through massive infertility treatments. And I haven’t adopted a child. So right now, I don’t actually, legally, HAVE kids. I temporarily have kids, but as you can imagine, the day to day of parenting feels very very real. Heck, it IS real. I am having the experience of pa

  • 279: How to survive social media burnout

    09/10/2019 Duración: 15min

    Are you DREADING logging on to IG? Has it been WEEKS since you posted to your Facebook page or group? Honey, you are not alone. It is totally normal to get burnout, and this week I'm going to help you avoid it and deal with it when it happens, and I'm going to give you a dose of tough love! Today's episode is brought to you by my darling patrons, you can join them in supporting the show, at Patron.com/Taraswiger, for as little as $1/mo. It is sooo easy to get burnt out with social media. You feel like you have to be on all the things - Instagram, Facebook, groups, maybe even Twitter or Tumblr or YouTube depending on your Right Customer. Not only do you need to CREATE for those platforms, you also have to INTERACT, comment, like, reply to comments and DMs.... ahhhh It can get super overwhelming very quickly. So let's first talk about how to AVOID overwhelm and then how we will deal with it when it happens. To start with you need to accept one very big Truth: you don't have to be on everything. In fact, you CAN

  • 278: Business Plans: Sneak peek into our business plan (+ how to make your own)

    02/10/2019 Duración: 27min

    Today is kind of a part 2 to last week’s episode, where we talked about if you even need a traditional business plan. Last week I walked you through what to do for an effective plan, if you don’t need a traditional one. You can find that at taraswiger.com/podcast277 That episode is going to help 98% of you, my readers, get super-clear on where your business is and where it’s going and how the heck to plan that out. But if you DO need a traditional plan, today I’m not only going to tell you what to include, I’m going to share snippets of our own business plan. The one Jay and I took to banks and business advisors, when we were planning on buying a comic shop. Now, even if you don’t think you need a traditional business plan, I don't want you to skip this episode, because I want you to dream BIGGER. Expand your idea of what's possible. So many makers are afraid that getting "big" would be too scary, so I want you to hear what it actually takes, because I know you ARE capable of it. So if you've ever had a dream

  • 277: Business plans: Do you need one?

    25/09/2019 Duración: 36min

    Do you need a formal business plan? If not, how can you plan your business so it’s profitable and successful? How will you measure if it IS successful? Today's deep dive into business plans comes to you because my Boss-Level Patrons voted that I make this episode this month. Several years ago I created a video where I shared the process of making the business plan to buy the comic shop that my husband worked at. When I made the video we were in the middle of planning to buy the shop, which didn't end up working out for reasons totally outside our control. But that video is still one of the most popular videos on my channel. So I recently went back and rewatched it and I realized I talked a lot about what we had done, but nothing that was very instructional if you want to make a business plan for your own business. And you know I want to be super-useful to you, so over the next two episodes, I am going to go MUCH deeper into the practical aspects of a business plan. Today we’re going to talk about when you DO

  • 276: Q+A: promotion, saying no, and balancing multiple businesses

    18/09/2019 Duración: 31min

    What is the BEST tool to promote your business? How do you say NO without losing customers? How do you balance multiple businesses? Today I am answering YOUR questions in this Q+A episode! Thank you to my Patrons:  Brenda Erin Marianne Weber of MWsDesigns Sarah Schira of Imagined Landscapes Kim Werker Rowena Roberts Most weeks I teach a lesson to help your creative business, but today I am answering YOUR questions! I gathered questions from my community of supporters on Patreon, and my Instagram comment section. I am going to answer your questions about the BEST tool to use right now to promote your business, how to balance multiple businesses and how to say NO. And if you want to learn how to avoid the three mistakes I see most creatives making, come to my workshop THIS week: TaraSwiger.com/foundations. Before we get into answering these questions, I want to thank Sarah Schira of Imagined Landscapes for her support of the show! Sarah makes best Gnome puns around! If you need more gnomes in your knitting, c

  • 275: What I Read: Summer 2019

    12/09/2019 Duración: 30min

    First off: Thank you Patrons!  Racheal Herron, author of Stolen Things  CC of Geeky Girls Knit Ana of RagTyme Design Jana Ford I read a LOT this summer, today I'll share my very favorite memoirs, mental health books and a lot of brand-new thrillers. For the past 6 years I've shared my monthly reading list on my blog, and since January 2018, I've shared that list on the podcast (Starting in episode 192). I've heard from a lot of you, that you love to talk books with me, so I'm making even more bookish videos and a book club, you can find all the details below. Here's the other thing I hear from you- you're busy, you may not read 100+ books/year, so here on the podcast, I'm going to sort through all I read and share them here with you, my FAVORITE books of the season. I'll still be doing the monthly round-up videos here at the end of each month. If you want even more bookish videos, there's even more on Patreon.com/taraswiger Favorite books of Summer Let's talk about my favorite books that I read from June -

  • 274: How to recover from summer

    04/09/2019 Duración: 29min

    Hello! I am back! After a summer of pre-recorded episodes and rebroadcasts, I am back with you in nearly-real-time! Today we are going to talk about how to recover from your summer - whether you took time off, or you got tons of work done, or you did a bunch of craft shows or you went on vacation - how do you get back into it and move forward and reach your goals for the year? Today I'm going to give you an update on my summer, we're going to talk about how to learn from the summer and move forward, and I'll share some changes I'm making in my business! First, I have to thank YOU for sticking with me over the summer - for staying subscribed, for sharing the show with friends, for leaving a review on iTunes or comments on YouTube and for those of you who supported the podcast on Patreon - I'm going to be thanking my patrons AND linking them up over the next several episodes. If you want to support the show and get some bonuses every single month, head to Patreon.com/Taraswiger. Thank you to long-time patron, J

  • 273: Pressure to be perfect (rebroadcast)

    28/08/2019 Duración: 21min

    In this week's rebroadcast we're tackling the pressure to be perfect. Do you know that feeling? Are you feeling pressured by Instagram to pretend like your life is perfect? Today we’re going to talk about this pressure for perfection and at the end of the episode I’m going to share where I’ll be next. I've been hearing a lot that there is this pressure, from Instagram and Pinterest (and the internet in general) to be perfect, to edit your life perfectly, to have a perfect house and perfect craft and perfect hair. And when I heard I thought, yeah, that makes sense, I've felt that. There IS that pressure. Then I was reading an article in New York magazine about Instagram influencers in the fashion industry – how fashion companies are now paying them to wear their goods – which is something going on in every industry and it makes perfect sense – people are paying attention to their phones more than to commercials, so move your commercials to where people pay attention. But what struck me is that the women who fo

  • 272: Stretch Goals (rebroadcast)

    21/08/2019 Duración: 14min

    This week's rebroadcast is all about stretch goals, and reaching for them. Did you set a stretch goal this year? How do you know what the right amount of stretch IS? How much is too much? What is ridiculous and what is a good kind of challenging? Today I'm going to answer a question I got in the Starship, my online community, about Stretch goals. How much is too much? What if you're just being delusional? Is there a way to know what's realistic? I struggled with this question for a while because, like so many questions about motivating yourself and pushing past your perceived limits, it really comes down to YOU. Are you going to stretch yourself? And is a stretch goal motivating to you? And is this goal in particular motivating to you? First of all, even if your goal is really really unrealistic, and there's not a chance you're going to hit it, that doesn't make it a bad goal. Really! What matters, and I REALLY want you guys to get this: What matters is what your goal does for YOU. I've said this a few times

  • 271: Get over your fear of dissaproval (rebroadcast)

    14/08/2019 Duración: 10min

    Are you unsure of your next step, because you’re afraid of the reaction you’re going to get? Are you avoiding rejection, because you want to have the approval and acceptance of your customers and audience? Yeah, me too. In this rebroadcast, covering how to get over your fear of disapproval. It's a great follow up to last week's podcast on how to stop seeking approval in the first place. You can find the original episode here. Today we’re going to talk even MORE about Rejection – so much fun! Back in episode 171, I suggested you need to get a LOT more rejection in your biz, in order to have more success. And dudes, you really liked that episode! I’ve gotten sooo much feedback about how you needed to hear that, and how you’ve been re-listening, which I totally love! Let’s dive a little deeper into rejection! It’s one thing to know you need to get straight-up rejection from a specific gatekeeper – like to get into a show, or get a wholesale account with a shop. But what about all those times that a fear of rejec

  • 270: Stop Seeking Approval (rebroadcast)

    07/08/2019 Duración: 31min

    In today's rebroadcast I'm sharing why (and some tips on how) to stop seeking approval so that you can build a great business. You can find the original episode here. Here’s a dichotomy: You want to listen to your customers and your audience, to give them what they want, to create an awesome business. But yet, needing their approval has you frozen or afraid or feeling kinda needy. How do you balance this? In the last week of 2017, I did a live video (you can watch it at the show notes for podcast189) about the lessons I learned in 2017. It was very honest, very vulnerable and one of the lessons I shared REALLY resonated with a lot of viewers, so I wanted to explore it deeper with you. The lesson I learned in 2017: I am not here for your approval. Whoa! How do you feel when I say that? Do you feel defensive? Upset? I’ve found that some people just nod along, “Yeah, duh Tara.” And others go: “WAIT A MINUTE! BUT I’M A CUSTOMER (or listener).” Your reaction is super useful! Not for me (because this is all about m

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