Till Boadella Show



The Till Boadella Show is a series about business, marketing, entrepreneurship and personal development. With over seven years of elbows in the mud business experience and from working with hundreds of entrepreneurs and small business owners all across the globe through my marketing agency Nexilitas, Ive gained a wealth of experience. Ive helped bootstrap startups from zero to six figures and seven figures, doubled, tripled and even quadrupled the revenue of established businesses and broke two industry records with product launches. I have a track record of successful marketing campaigns for clients in the fitness industry, health industry, motorsport industry, permaculture industry, music industry and many other retail branches. Ive built campaigns for celebrities, large corporations and many experts and gurus. Think of me as the mastermind pulling the strings behind the scenes.


  • Drop Shipping Tips — How To Target One Country But…

    23/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    If you’ve paid attention to my content, then you know that I recommend targeting only one country per Shopify store. You should streamline everything on your store. Everything needs to be aligned with the country you’re selling to: The language of your store, ads and customer support, the domain ending, and most importantly the targeting … Continued The post Drop Shipping Tips — How To Target One Country But… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Secrets Of Success — Why Most People Fail At Business…

    22/02/2017 Duración: 11min

    It’s an undeniable reality that most people who start a business fail. I believe that’s the case for most things in life including getting in shape, learning to play an instrument and becoming an athlete. The odds are just against you in life and business. So why is that? I think we can expand this … Continued The post Secrets Of Success — Why Most People Fail At Business… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Running Ads For Money — How To Track Sales And…

    21/02/2017 Duración: 04min

    If you’ve been studying marketing and advertising for a while, it might be worth it to build a little marketing agency as a side hustle. Why not capitalise on your new skills? Sure, you can use your knowledge to build your own business. But you can also build an additional income stream by running ads … Continued The post Running Ads For Money — How To Track Sales And… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Drop Shipping From China — Will The Word “Aliexpress” Be…

    20/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    I got a follow up question after yesterday’s post where I talked about why you shouldn’t be worried about the price on the package you drop ship from China to your customers all around the world. The question was regarding the word ‘Aliexpress’ and if it’s going to show up on the package your customers … Continued The post Drop Shipping From China — Will The Word “Aliexpress” Be… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Drop Shipping From China — What If The Customer Sees…

    19/02/2017 Duración: 07min

    When you drop ship products from China to consumers all around the world, the supplier will include the Aliexpress.com order value on the outside of the package because its required for customs clearance. A lot of people are very concerned about this. The big fear is: “What if the customer sees the original price on … Continued The post Drop Shipping From China — What If The Customer Sees… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Selling Marketing Services — Do You Need A Website To…

    18/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    One of my subscribers is interested in building his own marketing service business and running ads on behalf of his clients. He was wondering if having a business website is important. Here’s the short answer: It doesn’t matter. The amount of clients I get for my own marketing services from my website is extremely small. … Continued The post Selling Marketing Services — Do You Need A Website To… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Amazon Affiliate Marketing — How Does The Amazon Partner Program…

    17/02/2017 Duración: 02min

    If you want to start earning commissions by recommending products on Amazon, here’s a quick start guide on how to do that really fast. First of all, you need some sort of website. When you apply for Amazon’s partner program, you’ll be asked to enter a website. Having a little online brand, no matter how … Continued The post Amazon Affiliate Marketing — How Does The Amazon Partner Program… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Working With Freelancers — How To Hire Freelancers In A…

    16/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    As your business grows over time you’ll probably want to work with freelancers or virtual assistants to help you deal with everything. My favourite place to get freelancers is Upwork.com. In fact, I’m hiring new people right now for some new positions in my company. I like to work with contractors rather than employees, since … Continued The post Working With Freelancers — How To Hire Freelancers In A… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • YouTube Marketing Tips — How Many YouTube Channels Do You…

    15/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    I recently got a question from one of my subscribers who is selling information products in the health niche. But he also sells physical products on eBay and Amazon. So he was wondering if he should use one or multiple YouTube channels to promote his products. It really depends on the niche of all those … Continued The post YouTube Marketing Tips — How Many YouTube Channels Do You… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Psychological Pricing — What To Look Out For When Pricing…

    14/02/2017 Duración: 04min

    Whenever you price your products, I recommend you apply psychological pricing to increase your conversion rates. So what is psychological pricing? It’s when you use prices like $19.99 instead of $20 or $97 instead of $100. Unconsciously, when you look at a price with psychological pricing, it seems like a better deal. Although $19.99 is … Continued The post Psychological Pricing — What To Look Out For When Pricing… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • My Daily Routine — How I Structure My Day To…

    13/02/2017 Duración: 07min

    My daily routine has changed many times over the last five years. And it will continue to change every few months because a routine is not meant to be rigid, it’s meant to fit your current life situation. However, there’s a few principles that I live by every day. I believe the best way to … Continued The post My Daily Routine — How I Structure My Day To… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Shopify Fraud Protection — Understanding Risky Orders And Chargebacks |…

    12/02/2017 Duración: 06min

    Every once in a while you might receive an order on Shopify or in your payment gateway that’s flagged as risky or fraudulent. A lot of people are confused about what this means. So let’s shed some light on this topic. Credit card frauds are common on the Internet and people steal credit card information … Continued The post Shopify Fraud Protection — Understanding Risky Orders And Chargebacks |… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Drop Shipping Business — Can You Start A Drop Shipping…

    11/02/2017 Duración: 04min

    I get a lot of questions from people asking me if they can drop ship if they live in India or in South America and all sorts of other places. Since it’s one of the most frequent questions, let me address it. From a technical stand point, you can run a drop shipping business from … Continued The post Drop Shipping Business — Can You Start A Drop Shipping… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Side Hustle Ideas — How To Make Extra Money On…

    10/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    If you’re looking for some side hustle ideas to save up some money there’s many things you can do. Here’s three different ways to make $300 in a week without having to spend or invest any money upfront. 1) Do a couple small freelance projects Sign up for a site called Upwork.com and start bidding … Continued The post Side Hustle Ideas — How To Make Extra Money On… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Shopify Payment Methods — My Experience Accepting Bank Deposits On…

    09/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    I recently got a question from a subscriber who asked if I accept bank deposits on my stores. He was wondering if I could share my experience and talk about any downsides related to it. Here’s the short version of the story: Yes. I’ve used bank deposits on my Shopify stores for a while. However, … Continued The post Shopify Payment Methods — My Experience Accepting Bank Deposits On… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Drop Shipping From China — How To Deal With Import…

    08/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    . Every country has different rules when it comes to importing products. In Germany, for example, there usually won’t be any additional import duties or taxes if your Aliexpress order value is under 22 Euros. However, if you’re planning to sell items that cost more than that, import duties and taxes will probably have to … Continued The post Drop Shipping From China — How To Deal With Import… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Return On Investment Explained — Why Marketing Software Shouldn’t “Cost”…

    07/02/2017 Duración: 06min

    Every once in a while I get a question from a subscriber asking me if I think ClickFunnels is worth it. Or why I use Shopify and pay $29 a month when I could use something like WooCommerce instead. The answer is: It all comes down to the return on investment. Most things in your … Continued The post Return On Investment Explained — Why Marketing Software Shouldn’t “Cost”… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Start Drop Shipping For Free — How To Start Drop…

    06/02/2017 Duración: 05min

        The post Start Drop Shipping For Free — How To Start Drop… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Drop Shipping From Aliexpress — How To Avoid Problems With…

    05/02/2017 Duración: 05min

    When you’re drop shipping products from China to other countries, your products will end up with customs. Just like anything that’s imported, customs will evaluate and clear incoming shipments. There are different regulations and laws regarding customs and importing of products that vary depending on the country. The USA has different importing rules than the … Continued The post Drop Shipping From Aliexpress — How To Avoid Problems With… appeared first on Till Boadella.

  • Selling Digital Products Online — How To Sell Digital Downloads…

    04/02/2017 Duración: 03min

    If you’re planning to sell only one or two digital products then Shopify isn’t the right tool for you. What you need is a platform that allows you to build dedicated landing pages and sales pages for your products. Shopify is more like a catalogue of e-commerce products. However, when you sell only one or … Continued The post Selling Digital Products Online — How To Sell Digital Downloads… appeared first on Till Boadella.

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