Mike Connell Ministries



Mike and Joy Connell are the Senior Pastors at Bay City Outreach Centre, Hastings, New Zealand.They moved to Hastings from Dannevirke in 1985 to pioneer their first church and have been in ministry now for over 25 years and pioneered 5 other churches. An internationally recognized teacher of the Word, Pastor Mike moves powerfully in prophetic, deliverance and inner healing gifts. His strong love and sensitivity for God and His people have enabled him to minister and bring great healing to the hurt and broken. A man full of the Spirit and faith, Pastor Mike will open and take you to another level of spiritual encounters with God.He is sought after all over the world to bring teaching and great moves of God. He has standing yearly appointments teaching in international Bible Schools and impacting many of the worlds leaders in conventions and business conferences.Mike has a heart for people and is able to bring a wonderful balance of humour, compassion and truth to his teaching messages. Mike's annointed messages are ones that have affected the hearts of people worldwide.Mike & Joy have seven children and are also very proud grandparents. They both believe in strong family values and this is obvious when you meet them.Mike & Joy have a unique commitment to pursuing what God would have for their lives and continue to travel the globe ministering to broken hearted people and showing them God's love. Their love of laughter and positive attitudes to life make them dynamic people.


  • New Beginnings


    Many people will enter 2021 fearful and carrying loss and suffering from 2020. This message is a prophetic word of hope as we enter an new year. God always calls us to new beginnings. The story of Jacob reveals how God gave him a new beginning that changed the course of his life when he heard and responded to the call to Arise and go up to Bethel, dwell there and build an altar

  • The Wise and Foolish Servant


    Jesus Taught several parables concerning His second coming and He warned believers of the need for preparation and faithfulness. The parable of the Wise and Foolish Servant (Matt.24) teaches the importance of faithfulness and diligence in our care for and encouragement of fellow believers, and the potential rewards or consequences of failure to do so.

  • Warrior King


    Jesus was born a King, lived as a King, proclaimed the message of the Kingdom, was described as a King on the inscription on the cross, and will return as a Warrior King. The Warrior nature of Jesus is revealed in the story of Gideon, a mighty deliverer in the Book of Judges. Five key aspects of Gideon's life and how they relate to Jesus and us are identified. We are also called to be Warrior Kings

  • Keys to being led by the Holy Spirit


    Our journey to become mature sons of our Father begins when we learn to be continually led by the Holy Spirit. But who is the Holy Spirit? Where does He lead us? What are the keys to being led by the Holy Spirit as a regular daily experience? This teaching will provide practical keys for youth exciting journey with the Holy Spirit

  • The Need for Faithfulness - The Parables of the Talents and the Minas (12 of 12)


    Two important parables, concerning the end-times and coming Kingdom, are the parables of the Talents and the Minas. Jesus has entrusted believers with “His goods”, and calls every believer to be faithful in stewarding what has been entrusted to them. He has devised a plan to discover who he can entrust with great authority to rule with Him in His coming kingdom. There is no limit to the faithfulness that any person can cultivate and develop over the course of our life. At stake is reward and joyful participation in Jesus coming reign on earth.

  • Abundant Entrance to the Kingdom (11 of 12)


    In 2 Peter 1, Peter describes the necessity of personal transformation and fruit-bearing in the life of the believer. Peter shares his revelation of Christ coming in majesty to rule and reign, and the necessity of the believer to be diligent in adding to their foundational faith the character qualities of Christ. Believers who neglect to commit to personal growth, Peter describes as barren, unfruitful, blind, short-sighted, and forgetful of the work and calling of Christ. Personal growth, heart and character transformation ensure we will never fall, will be fruitful and stable, and will have an abundant entrance into the Coming Kingdom of God.

  • The First Resurrection (10 of 12)


    The First Resurrection is presented as the great hope and the prize to be won by the believer. Believers and unbelievers will both arise together in the General resurrection at the end of the 1000-year Millennial Kingdom of Christ. However, the First resurrection is for those believers who qualify to participate. It is possible for a believer not to qualify for this First resurrection. Some principles of selection are shared in this important study.

  • The Judgment Seat of Christ - Part 2 (9 of 12)


    Every believer shall stand before the judgment seat of Christ to give account of how we have served the Lord and what our lives have become. What will Jesus take into account when He evaluates our life and service? This study examines key heart qualities that Jesus is looking for that reflect His image has been formed in us, and which overflow into works that honour Him and advance His Kingdom.

  • Celebrating 50 years


    Our journey of 50 years marriage has been a deepening friendship with one another and with Jesus. By building a strong foundation of commitment to Christ that began in our wedding service, we have experienced the favour and blessing of God. Our journey began with broken and wounded hearts, and we have seen Jesus move to heal, deliver and restore and empower us to build a legacy that is inter-generational, and internationally impacting multitudes. So often we see the visible success of others but are unaware of the decisions and choices that were made over a period of time. Powerful keys to the lifestyle we chose and keep choosing are shared in this message.

  • The Judgment Seat of Christ - Part 1 (8 of 12)


    Every believer must appear before the Judgment seat of Christ to give account of our life and stewardship service. Our life and works will be examined to establish what rewards we will qualify for. For some believers this will be a time of celebration, joy and eternal honour. For other believers it will come as a shock as they discover they have wasted the life and opportunities entrusted to them, and that their life and works fail to qualify and they are excluded from the rewards that Jesus had prepared for them. Such believers are saved, but forfeit rewards in the coming Kingdom of Jesus.

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