Radiant Church



Radiant Church We exist to lead people to become radiant disciples of Jesus Christ, who are seeking the Kingdom first, growing in Community and engaged in Mission. www.radiantcoast.org


  • +MORE - Part 2


    Explores the workings and grace that is poured out by the Holy Spirit. The message is focused around Luke 11: 10-13, and looks at what the Holy Spirit desires to give to all of us. Ask and it will be given to you; Seek and you will find; Knock, and the door will be opened to you. Our identity, purpose and life is revealed and released in us by the working of the Holy Spirit.

  • +MORE - Part 1


    Discover the Fullness of the Spirit Filled Life. Receiving Christ is just the beginning of our new life, it doesn’t end there. There is MORE.

  • SEEK - Part 2


    Few spiritual disciplines can "re-calibrate" our lives as fasting does. Denying our flesh and renewing our minds to the ways and teaching of God always produces long-lasting fruit. Fasting is not required but it is both beneficial and expected. Impossible situations can be broken through fasting as you are strengthened by the wisdom and mercy of God.

  • SEEK - Part 1


    It's important that we recognize our role in fulfilling the Great Commission. Collectively we are able to spread the truth when we first individually recognize and walk in our calling. Too often Christians will fill their lives up with busy work and don't end up adding real value to the cause of the Kingdom of God. We need a fresh vision for every aspect of our lives. A word from God is far more important then even the best planned new year's resolution.

  • I Am David - Part 5


    David recognized the importance of not just apologizing for his sin but to mark his life and heart as an alter for God's presence. It's incredibly easy to look at and put our trust in the natural resources in our lives and not place our full faith in Jesus Christ. A vulnerable person is one that finds their strength, vision and purpose in God. He is our provider and defender not our witty words and best efforts.

  • I Am David - Part 4


    David throughout his life proved that he was a faithful leader, friend and worshipper. His daily disciplines of remaining consistent and true to his own word paved the way for him to be King. More then anyone David was an Old Testament example and type of Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe Of Judah. Jesus was faithful to the Kingdom Cause even in the midst of it bringing tremendous anxiety. All of us have the capacity to be faithful regardless of the circumstances that surround us.

  • I Am David - Part 3


    One of the great deceptions that we buy into is that we can live a "neutral" and passive life. Spiritually we are always in a battle with Christ as our leader. When we don't intentionally pursue a relationship with God and defend ourselves from the schemes of the enemy we will stumble and fall. Are you a courageous warrior connect to a Kingdom cause or a victim of the enemy barely making it through life? Know God, your calling, weaponry and examine your heart. Fight the good fight!

  • I Am David - Part 2


    Far beyond just moments of need David was a man that passionately seeking after God's heart. Too often we experience God only in the context of our church services without ever really dedicating our lives to Him. Worship is an attitude and posture of our hearts. A lifestyle that can't be forged or lied about. Would you be considered by God a person that worships Him in spirit and truth?

  • I Am David - Part 1


    As this 5 week message series begins, we get reintroduced to David the overlooked. From the time that Samuel visited the home of Jesse to anoint the next king of Israel, to the years that would follow where David sat on the throne, many people didn’t see David for who he was.

  • Unholy Shift - Part 3


    Finding our life and being in Christ is the only existence that is truly freeing. LGBT individuals are loved by God and should be loved by Bible believing Christians. The truth in love sets a precedence that we should both hold to the values released to us in the Word of God while accepting people where they are at. We have been called and so should we call others to a higher and more holier way of living. This is not a civil rights or equality issue but an identity crisis. Many have traded the truth for their lustful desires. Denying our flesh and renew our minds is a daily mandate set for all of us and every sin.

  • Unholy Shift - Part 2


    Culture will continue to run out of control at an ever increasing pace. The "norm" has been redefined by our sinful desires but the Bible requires of us that we remain light bearers full of truth and discipline. Sin is fun for a season but in the end we will reap what we sow. If we want freedom in intimacy with our spouse we must intentionally protect our sexuality and thoughts both before and during marriage.

  • Unholy Shift - Part 1


    The vast majority of Christians understand and agree that abortion is murder which directly contradicts the very nature of God. What is our responsibility in the midst of a secular society that's embraced this mass genocide as an acceptable practice? We're called to love people while intentionally resisting sin. It's time to overcome evil with good.

  • Celebration


    Few things are as important and powerful as Christ-followers receiving Holy Communion together. Denominational walls come crumbling down in the presence of a living King remembered. This Christian Sacrament is to be done often and with thankfulness in our hearts towards the God of love that rescued us from the grips of death and the grave. It's our honor and privilege to proclaim the Lord's death until He comes again.

  • Campgrounds - Part 4


    DEADLY DESIRES SPEAKER: JERRY THEIS Too often we find ourselves being tempted and falling to the same sins which will eventually lead to our demise. We have an enemy and we live in a fallen world but if we refuse to recognize our part in temptation and sin we will continue to stumble through life. There is an ownership that must take place in-order for us to turn from our wicked ways into the arms of a loving Father.

  • Campgrounds - Part 3


    Gossiping is something that all of us are tempted by and engage in far too often. For a variety of reasons we find ourselves being snared by the words of our mouth. It's far easier to whisper in secret then auto confront the individual we have an issue with controlling our thoughts and tongues. Breaking the cycle of perpetual drama in our lives starts with ending the gossip.

  • Campgrounds - Part 2


    Everyday we have a choice. Do we decided to remain on the safe path that God desires for us or do we venture off into the unknown territory of sin. The world system is at odds with the truth and wisdom found in the Bible. When applied the Word of God has the power to radically change our lives and move us closer to our life-filled destiny.

  • Campgrounds - Part 1


    It's easy to take our eyes of the ball and quickly wreck our lives. We all have the same amount of time in a day but where we invest our time will directly effects our lives. Assess your life and adjust accordingly in-order to avoid the pitfalls of a slothful and purposeless life.

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