Losing Our Religion



A former megachurch pastor leaves religion behind to rid himself of the exclusivity created by its dogmas in order to open himself up to learn from the lives, stories, and experiences of everyone else. To prove we are more alike than we think and we can all get along no matter what we believe. Topics range via guest's experiences growing up in religious homes, where Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Secularism, Judaism, Hinduism, Tao, Heathenism, Wicca and all forms of dogmas and ideologies programmed into the mind of a child. What happens when that child becomes an adult? What good things do they hold onto? What things do they lose? Where are they now, and in what ways are they finding the peace that we all desire, with or apart from the religions they were raised with? Losing Our Religion is a wild ride with a community of diverse humans each seeking their desired life away from dogma and exclusivity.


  • EPISODE 022: Sort of Xmas Special-ish

    23/12/2015 Duración: 01h22min

    Happy Holidays Losers!!!! Welcome to this year's Christmas Hanukkah Kwanzaa Krampusnacht Krampus Nothingness Every Holiday Special! Jen and I sit down to discuss our holidays past, present, and future. We know that the holiday season isn't great for everyone, and typically it's been difficult for us as well. But we try to make it fun with Holiday Movie Music fun and games. As well as we continue our tradition of doing Holiday Lottery Scratchers in honor of Jen's late mom. Hope you enjoy this episode and have as much fun or more as we did. Join the CounterCulture Society: http://eepurl.com/bwqMWT Help Produce the Show: https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion Find Out More: http://www.losingourreligion.org This Episode's Landing Page: http://www.losingourreligion.org/episodes/022-christmas-hanukkah-kwanzaa-krampusnacht-krampus-nothingness-every-holiday-special Twitter: https://twitter.com/LosingRReligion Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LosingOurReligion Christmas Spotify Mix Tape Playlist: https://open.spo

  • EPISODE 021: "Fundamental" Atheism: Part 1: Chad Mummert

    16/12/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    We have had other atheist on the show before, but none like Chad. Chad would be the equivalent of me as a believer, except he’s atheist-agnostic. What I mean by equivalent is that he has spent time researching what he owns. He holds it as truth. After the recording; Chad and I had, even more, discussion. He asked me why I still believe despite the failure of the church and scientific proof. My only answer..."It's the only thing that gives me hope, that one day, our world could be unified, in love with one another, and different." Every time Chad and I see each other we chat and chat and chat about stuff. He’s a smart man, well read, and has an amazing knack to remember all he’s learned and be able to talk about it. I'm grateful for this time with Chad and looking forward to even more.   Join the CounterCulture Society: http://eepurl.com/bwqMWT   Produce Our Show: https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion   Find Out More: http://www.losingourreligion.org   This Episode's Landing Page: http://www.losingourrelig

  • EPISODE 020: Yeah it's Jacked, but What Else is There? : Billy Power

    09/12/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    "Sometimes the answer to prayer is us." - Billy Power This episode is a battle of the sexy voices. Never before have we recorded an episode in the morning, but since Billy is in New York, we had to record early. 6:30 am my time, 9:30 am his time. We chat about organizational religion and corporate culture. His upbringing, his military experience, some great life lessons, and his music career. Billy was a part of running Tooth & Nail Records for about ten years. He and I agree the existing institutional church model in America isn't working. But what's the alternative? He attends Hillsong NYC at the request of his wife and has some decent things to say about it. When he took a trip to Kenya, it changed his life. Getting out of our comfort zones and embracing life outside of ourselves will often do that.   Join the CounterCulture Society: http://eepurl.com/bwqMWT Produce Our Show: https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion Find Out More: http://www.losingourreligion.org This Episode's Landing Page: http://ww

  • EPISODE 019: Cheers Queerdo! : Dash López

    02/12/2015 Duración: 01h14min

    “We’re so rarely pulled out of the church - it’s all of us who leave and have such specific informed convictions. Church is like a pressure cooker - you either end up buried under the weight of it to the point that you never get out, or the pressure builds up so much that you just get shot out the other side - right into some other form of thinking.”- Dash López “I am NEVER, as much as I can control, going to allow any outcome of my life to be determined by fear ever again.”- Dash López This is a fascinating episode. No guest has shared more deeply and transparently what the mega-church experience was like at Mars Hill and the Acts 29 Church Network than Dash. Not only was he a valued staff member there, he learned to play the game. His experience with Redemption Group therapy seeking to make him straight left him just as he is, gay, except with religious scars. I once had a very healing experience with Redemption Group, which just goes to show us that systems and processes are not one size fit all. Dash is a

  • EPISODE 018: A Clean Whiteboard: Lynn Morrow

    25/11/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    Lynn Morrow is a rad chick! Our inside joke was that, "I went into the bar looking for a blonde but ended up with a brunette.” LOL. You'll have to listen to know why that's funny. She's a former "pastor/church director" who has come out as a lesbian, and outside of that has now found freedom in wiping the whiteboard clean. Tune in to hear her story and find out what all of this means. Lynn was born on the mission field. Educated in Bible College and seminary. Former Pastor....errr I mean "Director" (as it wasn't ok to call her, a female, a pastor during her time on church staff). Though gratefully owning her sexuality as an important part of who she is, Lynn also views it as simply one of the many pieces of her identity.  She is a strategist in mind, an athlete in body, and a seeker in spirit. Lynn is a lover of life who desires to bridge the gap between the LGBTQ and church communities through dialogue, discernment, and leaning into authenticity over comfort. Lynn is currently serving as a professional execu

  • EPISODE 017: (Trans*) Love to All: Laird Young

    18/11/2015 Duración: 01h15min

    Laird is a trans-man. I didn't even know going into the recording! We were introduced to each other by our sneaky mutual friend Cameron, met in one of the bars at my hotel, hugged at first sight, and the rest was easy. Laird is a well spoken loving man. We chat about his past as a married woman, a Catholic, his transition, how to love all people, and how to give great hugs! Of course, there are many amazing things we discuss in between, but this is a podcast to listen to not a blog to read. This episode is a challenge to all who listen to love each other well. To love those outside our comfort zones, and how to do that. "If you love human beings, then treat everyone as a friend that you haven't met yet." - Laird Young, Transman, and Advocate Join the CounterCulture Society: http://eepurl.com/bwqMWT  Produce Our Show: https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion  Find Out More: http://www.losingourreligion.org  This Episode's Landing Page: http://www.losingourreligion.org/episodes/2015/11/17/017-trans-transman-lo

  • EPISODE 016: Certainty Addiction: Christian Piatt

    11/11/2015 Duración: 01h19min

    Christian is one of those guys that I wish I wouldn't have written off back in my Mega-Dick Ministry days. I've heard his name from time to time over the years, no doubt because he has written almost ten books. The titles and content of which I am now in love with, but they probably would have threatened all the religious insecurities I had back then. Which would have lead me to ignore the much-needed voice he has. We spend some time in this episode discussing how the human brain works and how it infects religion in dangerous ways. With all the many wonderful things we chat about, I feel like we kept knocking on the door of Security Addiction. How our addiction to certainty being a crux to dependence on things like religion. I also finally learn the difference between a Heretic and an Apostate! Haha! Which it sounds like I am more of a heretic these days than I thought. We need heretics! But as we say..."FUCK LABELS!" Christian is a contributor to the Huffington Post; a blogger for Patheos; a contributor to S

  • Episode 015: Dropping Our Beliefs: Seattle Sounder: Steve Zakuani

    04/11/2015 Duración: 01h07min

    Steve was present for the last sermon I ever preached at my former Mega-Machine. In fact, that's when we first met. I knew almost immediately that he was much different from any other pro athlete/celebrity I had ever met. In Seattle, Futbol (Soccer) sells out stadiums. The MLS team, The Sounders, actual win. The team is owned by comedian, and The Price is Right host, Drew Carey. So Steve is a celebrity in the city and the Futbol world. He is well loved, and well respected by both colleagues and fans. What drew me to Steve was his graciousness, humility, and desire for continual learning and growth. Even though our public chats are often interrupted by fans, we always dig deeper than surface level in our conversations. As a young man, Steve was mentored by Myles Munroe. A speaker from the Mega-Machine I had listened to several times. In fact, Myles was one of the few Mega-Ministers I ever felt at ease hearing speak. His focus on Jesus and the Kingdom of God, instead of prosperity gospel and tithe taking was al

  • EPISODE 014: Jesus Chakra & Porn: Seth Taylor

    28/10/2015 Duración: 01h27min

    This may very well be the most transparent and meaningful episode we've recorded yet. (At least in regards to my own experience of losing my religion.) A journey into the depths of my own past hurts, current fears, and repressed anger that I am still endeavoring to be free from. Owning my own shit and slowly learning how to cast off the net of religion. By which I grow continually free of anger I've held against the ones that introduced me to the religion. Growing to love all people equally is not a task as a human I may ever reach. Certainly not one I can reach alone. Seth, a self-proclaimed Christian Mystic shows me a path. But it's not a new one. I've been shown it before. Many times before. But I am finally getting to a point of suffering to take the deeper journey onto this path. This episode you have the opportunity to be a fly on the wall to some of my own revelations and desires. Imagine you're the fly over looking our conversation from my therapists bookcase. But instead of crying, we're are drinking

  • EPISODE 013: A Mom & Son Story: Terra & Leo

    21/10/2015 Duración: 01h14min

    Terra and Leo are my friends. Terra is a successful working Mom of two. While working and raising the Kids with Jeff, one of my good friends, and the kid's Dad. (Papa as they call him.) Terra had a Christian upbringing through the Foursquare denomination. As a native of Portland Oregon, she attended Imago Dei Community. Upon moving to Seattle, it seemed like Mars Hill Church was the best option in attending a church in the Seattle area that might be like how Imago Dei was in Portland. We can all just imagine how that ended up going. Which in turn, led her not to ascribe to Christianity anymore. Being a former Christian, now recovering Jesus follower myself, I find her story to be all too common these days. The story's like Terra's need to be told. They need to be heard, and they need to be sympathized with so that we can become a better functioning common humanity. A humanity not divided by religion and race, doctrine and dogma. Now in raising two kids, Terra and Jeff have never told the kids about God, but L

  • EPISODE 012: Art & Being: John Criscitello

    14/10/2015 Duración: 01h01min

    John is one of the few people I have ever met that has no religious background at all. He would refer to it as a more naturalist upbringing. However, his experience with televised American Christianity is hilarious. John is an amazing artist. A man that speaks his mind and doesn't seem to have a lot of walls or filters that are holding him back from creating art and using words. His transparency in the subject matter of his work such as rampant materialism, capitalist culture, gay culture, and homoeroticism has grown him a large, appreciative following and made him a beloved part of our neighborhood. John and I chat through religions, the cosmos, myth, legends, culture, pop-art and even drugs and addiction, until we find commonality in allowing creativity to come through you unhindered and the freedom that comes from releasing that art medium without trying to control its outcome.   Become a Co-Conspirator Producer of this Show: https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion Join the CounterCulture Society: http:/

  • EPISODE 011: There is Power in Being Public: Lysia Nieves

    07/10/2015 Duración: 01h01min

    We've always wanted Losing Our Religion to be a hilarious and candid look at religion and culture, where I, a former American pastor has drinks with former religious freaks, and others I used to shun. Like Gays, Anarchists, Queers, Atheists, Transsexuals, Punk Rockers, and the rest of us that are considered rejects on this island of misfit toys. This episode is finally getting to that goal. Misfits UNITE! Much of the heart behind Losing Our Religion has been to highlight how much we can learn from those that are different than us. If you had asked me ten years ago to sit down with a feminist, bisexual, New Yorker. I would have arrogantly laughed, said no thanks, and ran back to my role as an evangelical, charismatic, mega-dick. But as my personal suffering grew, and my knowledge of the life and teachings of Jesus grew, my Christianity began to crumble, and my walls began to lower. Then my eyes began to open, and the beauty of creation and humanity began to expand. We're all just misfits on this universal isla

  • EPISODE 010: Christian Anarchy?: Tooth & Nail Alumni Jeff Bettger and Matt Johnson

    30/09/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    Jeff Bettger & Matt Johnson have known each other for over 20 years. They've played in multiple bands together in and outside of Tooth & Nail Records. Ninety Pound Wuss, Raft Of Dead Monkeys, Suffering And The Hideous Thieves together and then Matt has played been in Blenderhead, Roadside Monument, and a shit ton of other bands. They also both happened to be drawn into the Mars Hill Church culture and served as Pastors. These Tooth & Nail boys and I sit down with whiskey, beer, beards and glasses to chat about the state of our faith and our hopes for the future. Jeff and Matt also have some great times reminiscing about the record label days while I ask them the questions we all really wanted to know back then. Where the bands doing drugs? Having sex with groupies? And did MXPX pee on stage? These whiskey induced theological ramblings are an important and joyful conversation about things we may never be able to prove but hope life could be like. Matt does a rad job summing up the rambling and give

  • EPISODE 009: Things Being Learned After the Institution: Seth McBee

    23/09/2015 Duración: 01h15min

    It's funny how often the friends that you need in certain seasons tend to show up. Although I know that's not all of our stories, because there's been many seasons of hard times in my life that no one showed up. Seth was a friend that came into my life right after I left the machine (aka institutional mega-church). We've both had a lot of institutional detoxing to do over the years, and it was nice to do it together. Seth was also an elder with an Acts 29 Network church, yes the Network that Mars Hill Church started. He was drawn to this church family because at the beginning they really wanted to live out being the church as we see in the scriptures. Within communities of love and service, not with big liturgies, rock concerts, and programs. But that only lasted so long as the pressures of building an institution in America often do. He transferred from eldership to move to Phoenix because he wanted to continue to progress in the values of being the church not going to church, but the institution desired oth

  • EPISODE 008: Labeling Our Own "God's": Michael Schmitt

    16/09/2015 Duración: 01h11min

    Labels are STUPID!  I hate titles, categories and the boxes we put each other in.  SO many of us have this need to label ourselves and each other. Far too often we embrace the labels they put on us; we put them on our chests like scarlet letters.  We even put them on other people and miss out on the beauty that's in their life, because we can't see past the label.. I mean, labels work great when you're organizing your junk drawer, but somehow they always fall short when we use them to describe people. In this episode, Michael (From EPISODE 004) has some questions regarding the void religion fills, the labels we attach to, and what do we fill religion fails to fill the void. He baits me into discussing theology which I don't want this podcast to be about because theology is another way to label shit.  But we might as well go there since he baited me to it. LET'S STOP LABELING OTHERS!  DON'T LET THEM LABEL YOU!     WEBSITE:  www.LosingOurReligion.org

  • EPISODE 007: They're Not All Bad Right?: Nathan Parrish

    09/09/2015 Duración: 01h30min

    Welcome, my friend Nathan Parrish to the show. Nathan does tattooing - art - and music - IN FACT he's currently touring with Christian Mega Group KUTLESS, that's what he does.  But what we do, doesn't define who we are.  Nathan is a good man, an inquisitive doubter like myself, and someone whose curiosity just doesn't let him roll over and obey someone's commands just because they said so.  Like me, he wants to know why. What happened to that?  When we were kids, we asked why about everything.  Or at least until annoyed parents or insecure, non-compassionate loud mouth authority figures shouted, "BECAUSE I TOLD YOU SO!" Well like me, "because I told you so", didn't work for Nate.  So he began to study, to read, to learn why he couldn't ask why, and what he found...well...he can tell you for himself. But unlike me, Nate still believes in institutional religion.  His experiences are different, and his desires are different, and he believes there's hope still in the machine.  If you know me, you know I'm at a di

  • EPISODE 006: The Magic of Questioning Everything: Taylor Hughes

    02/09/2015 Duración: 01h18min

    What if you had spent 20 years giving your life to an institution, then as you began to see what was on top of it, knew you couldn’t do it anymore and resigned? But instead of a thank you, you were given a bribe.  A $12,000 nondisclosure agreement to keep you quite about your experience there.  Then a threat that if you didn't sign it they would make you pay back the $22,000 scholarship money that had given you? WELCOME TO THE AMERICAN RELIGIOUS CORPORATION…where you are no longer an actual person, but a means to an end to someone else's corporate greed and institutional cover-ups. My friend Taylor had this exact experience about a year and a half ago, but he's still smiling, still loves God, and has returned to his childhood dream of professional magic. He is one of the only people to have performed in all three showrooms at the World Famous Magic Castle before the age of 21. He is a featured act on the television series “Masters of Illusion” and was recently presented the awards for “Best Illusion” “Best Co

  • EPISODE 005: The Wrassle Roo Underwear Revolution: Jonathan Bowles

    26/08/2015 Duración: 01h04min

    Entrepreneur, podcast host, and underwear revolutionist Jonathan Bowles!  The first time I have drinks with a fellow podcaster on the show. We discuss the faux pas you face when leaving institutional religion, getting to what's next, and moving on. Jonathan is a pioneering pirate, a voice for what's next and a professional encourager. After a 16 year career in institutional religion, Jonathan and his wife Kirby decided to think differently and live adventurously. They founded a non-profit, Slingshot Syndicate and started several creative businesses. They currently live on the beach in Los Angeles, CA and would love to have you over for dinner at their rather small table in their tiny apartment. Slingshot Show iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-slingshot-show/id906876859 Slingshot Show: http://www.slingshotshow.com/podcast/ Wrassle Roos: http://www.wrassleroos.com/   JOIN US Join the CounterCulture Society:  http://eepurl.com/bwqMWT Become a Producer:  https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion Fi

  • EPISODE 004: Coming Out of Both Closets: Michael Schmitt

    19/08/2015 Duración: 01h17min

    What if most of your life you felt like you had to hide?  That if you shared what you really felt, you’d be beaten up? Rejected? Shamed? What if you knew you could continue to hold in your doubts?  Your secrets?  But for how long?  Could you continue to live a lie just so that others wouldn’t be made to feel uncomfortable by your questioning?  What if you realized you had nothing to fear?  That you could learn to live out in the open, and if those you cared about rejected you, you’d find a way to make it without them? Losing Our Religion is a show about coming out.  Coming out of the darkness, shame, and fear that religion creates.  This episode, in particular, is a coming out story, for both Michael and I. What could life be like if you left religion behind and were able to freely be yourself without the fear of rejection, shame, or loneliness?  Maybe it's like this story? Michael is my friend.  By profession, he is a food scientist.  In this episode, he takes the time to educate us about Scotch.  Using it a

  • EPISODE 003: Marriage: Depression: Take Your Meds

    11/08/2015 Duración: 01h09min

    My wife Jen I sit down for the first time recording together.  We have a great time!  She tells her story.  We open up a bit more about the freedoms found after leaving institutional religion, and we discuss how she continues to heal after the death of her mom, depression, anxiety and taking medication without condemnation. This was a big deal for me to have Jen not only want to do the show but have a great time doing it.  Jen is primarily the quiet one, the introverted one, the hardworking, Sephora slinging home body.  But on a mic...she apparently becomes alive. You'll love it, and if you're married, going to get married, deal with anxiety or depression, or live with someone who does, this will be a show that can help you.   JOIN US Join the CounterCulture Society:  http://eepurl.com/bwqMWT Become a Producer:  https://www.patreon.com/losingourreligion Find Out More:  http://www.losingourreligion.org Twitter:  https://twitter.com/LosingRReligion Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/LosingOurReligion Call 'Lo

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