Abundant Intuitive Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 55:59:31
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Partnering with the wisdom of your intuition is easier than you may think. Our inner wisdom is always inviting us to go inward and seek the answers that already exist to all of life's questions. We just have to tune in, listen, and trust in the wisdom of our Higher Self.The Information Age is actually helping to usher in a more Intuitive Age. We are overwhelmed by heaps of information and knowledge but what we are actually seeking now is wisdom. Our intuition is, in fact, one of the most practical and useful tools we possess. It's time to take the more esoteric and woo woo aspect out of working with this incredible tool that has only one purpose - to point the way towards our path of true abundance and our highest good.


  • The Abundant Intuitive Podcast is Closing!

    05/01/2020 Duración: 03min

    The official closing date of this show will be January 11, 2020. So it's a great time to binge on the 170+ episodes on this show before it goes away! Thank you for being such an amazing listener for the last 3 years!! I'd like to invite you to join me on my new podcast show, The Time Bender's Toolbox. Many blessings and much love and peace to you all.

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 11/24/2019

    25/11/2019 Duración: 23min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Weekly Energy Check-In for 11/24/2020 As we close out 2019 and retreat into a period of self-reflection, it’s the perfect time for a life review/ year review with the help of the Galactic Chakra and Archangel Jeremiel. #energyforecast #lifereview #galacticchakra

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 11/17/2019

    18/11/2019 Duración: 17min

    Weekly Energy Check-In for 11/17/2019 It can be very easy to be seduced by the hive-mind consciousness of 'doing all the things' before we close out this calendar year. Yet, we are really entering a period of deep retreat, stillness and incubation as we feel the heavy cloak of winter closing around us here in the Northern hemisphere. Use your energy instead to allow for your inner vision to unfold and to learn to trust what you're being shown. #innervision #energyreport #5Dvisionary *****   *****   ***** When you click the link below, you can check out the FREE Module 1 of Out From Behind the Veil of 3D ~ Timelines Expanded Masterclass series.   This program is not like any other course you have taken.   It will help you engineer and access elevated levels of consciousness by playing with the alchemy of time in this one of a kind experience. We'll be discussing how to bend, collapse, quantum jump, merge and opt out of false timelines. And it's $200 off the price of $497 through this Friday,

  • 5 Signs You’re Unhooking from the 3D Matrix

    14/11/2019 Duración: 53min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ 5 Signs You're Unhooking from the 3D Matrix and ready to embrace the next level of your awakening process. I'll be discussing.... ~ why you're questioning long-held beliefs and paradigms of thought ~ why you're experiencing an increase of sudden, spontaneous life-altering events ~ why you often are observing yourself 'outside of time' ...and more ...AND what are your next steps that will lead you to your higher reality potentials in the future timeline starting right now. #3Dtimematrix #5Dvisionary #soulmatrix

  • Weekly Energy Check-In and 11:11 Portal

    11/11/2019 Duración: 16min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ How can you take advantage of the amazing energy this week? Watch today's Energy Check-In to find out! #energyforecast #5Dvisionary #1111portal  

  • Out From Behind the Veil ~ Activating the 4th Eye

    11/11/2019 Duración: 54min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ The opening and activating of the 4th Eye is a natural part of your awakening process at this time. Being in the dense energy of 3D- largely a survival-mode consciousness- we have made self-negating personal choices, opted into thinking lower frequency thoughts and feeling low vibration emotions. We have also limited ourselves to rigid belief systems on an individual and collective level that keep us hooked into mass consciousness. The collective participation in the 3D Matrix of Time is one such belief that keeps humanity behind a veil of perception where possibilities and potentials are limited-- simply because our scope of perspective is confined to such a small sphere of

  • Can you change your past?

    07/11/2019 Duración: 37min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Can you change your past? Let me help you unravel that... What is your past outside of your perception of it from where you are right now? ***** ***** *****   Did you know that you can sign up for Timelines Expanded Masterclass now at 25% off AND get invited to the next live round in January at no extra cost?

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 11/03/2019

    05/11/2019 Duración: 15min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach and 5D Visionary who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ The next two months and the close of this calendar year is about listening-- deep listening and surrender. 2020 will be a MAJOR pivot year for many of you. An identity shift of perhaps colossal proportions may be in store and if that's the case, there's an excellent chance that you are already feeling this big time! #collapsingtimelines #3Dpurge #5Dvisionary

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 10/27/2019

    27/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ This week's Scorpio New Moon may be a shock to your system! In this week's energy forecast I'll share why and what you can do to bring the unpredictable influence of this energy under control and to make more sense of HOW this energy is serving your evolution process in powerful and potent ways! #5Dvisionary #scorpionewmoon #energyforecast

  • How I Bend Time and You Can, Too!

    26/10/2019 Duración: 14min

    Knowing how to bend, stretch, slow down and accelerate time jump starts any manifestation that you endeavor to create. It also allows you to opt-out of the hive mind of mass consciousness, thus evolving you past the limitation, separation and lack felt so strongly in the 3D Time Matrix of reality. Playing with the fabric of time is easier than you think. In the #timelinesexpanded Masterclass Series, I'm sharing simple explanations on the nature of time and powerful practices to play with the 3D Time Matrix that help you to re-shape the fabric of your life. Join here: https://bit.ly/2mFHd2i #timelinesexpanded #5Dvisionary #bendingtime

  • The Truth about Scary Opportunities

    26/10/2019 Duración: 07min

    Opportunities only come along when we are aligned to receive them. We can't always see how the Universe is working on our behalf to line things up behind the scenes so this opportunity can be made fully manifest. But we are being asked to trust and have faith that all will work out exactly as it is meant to.

  • Unhooking from the 3D Time Matrix and Mass Consciousness

    26/10/2019 Duración: 24min

    When you unhook from the 3D time matrix, you unhook yourself from mass consciousness and reclaim the authority to create your reality. "Seriously, it's only been two classes and I'm playing with time... AND already seeing changes in the physical.... and the tools work FAST. I'm already seeing them working for me." ~ Courtney Harper You can check out the Intro Module of this program FREE with the link below, complete with audio from our Intro class and additional bonus material. In Class 1 Intro to Time and Timelines.... How do humans create time/timelines in 3D? How do we begin to opt out of the 3D time matrix/ mass consciousness? Start thinking about how you are locked into the 3D matrix and mass consciousness based on these 7 areas of your life-- emotional, spiritual, mental, physical, financial, social and environmental. What emotional reactions do you have to your present reality that are a result of events and experiences of your past and are keeping you in a closed loop of time? Come join us live

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 10/20/2019

    21/10/2019 Duración: 10min

    Weekly Energy Check-In for 10/20/2019 Start taking inventory about what you believe is possible and where those beliefs stem from. The way we are taking the human collective forward has everything to do with how much we are individually hooking into the current mass consciousness of limitation and beliefs about what is or isn't possible. It is every individual's responsibility to start shifting that by understanding that you have infinite potential that you have just barely started to explore. #5Dvisionary #energyforecast #massconsciousness

  • False Timelines and DNA Activation

    17/10/2019 Duración: 36min

    False Timelines and DNA Activation False Timelines are distorted historical human records that create DNA damage in the past, present and future. These are containers of information that are the by-products of frequency fences, seals and implants that are keeping humanity from ascending towards elevated consciousness and severely impairs our ability to access and align with the Source Matrix of All That Is. Humans actively participate in keeping these False Timelines alive by re-experiencing emotions of lack, fear, blame, doubt and limitation over and over again. By not collapsing these False Timelines that hold these emotions, we are severely impairing our individual and collective ability to embody our divine creation code and expression of Pure Source Being.

  • Are You the Hunter or the Hunted?

    17/10/2019 Duración: 12min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Reflections on this week of the Hunter’s Moon... Are you the Hunter and Gatherer or the Hunted? #energyforecast #5Dvisionary #desires

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 10/6/2019

    08/10/2019 Duración: 15min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Weekly Energy Check-in for 10/6/2019 This week's topics: ~ clearing distortions in your field that keep you from feeling in alignment with Source ~ speaking with courage about your convictions, your truth and having mindful awareness and compassion while you do it And a word about my upcoming Free Class series ~ 5 Days and 5 Ways to Being 5D. Join my email list to get notified when this goes live here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/

  • If you align with 5D, do you stay there?

    04/10/2019 Duración: 13min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/   Your vibration equals your location. You have to CHOOSE to be in 5D.  

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 9/29/2019

    04/10/2019 Duración: 40min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ Weekly Energy Check-In for 9/29/2019. -intense Wounded Healer Energy ready to clear - practice being the objective observer of your life this week- very liberating exercise!

  • Weekly Energy Check-In for 9/22/2019

    23/09/2019 Duración: 47min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: https://www.kathrynmussell.com/ One of the biggest hurdles to raising our consciousness as humans is rising above our victim mentality. We overthink. We imagine worst case scenarios as outcomes. We often make things harder than they need to be. We don't realize how powerful we are as creators. We don't believe that our own extremely active and creative imaginations are designing our destiny by doing all of the above. We think some greater force (consciousness) in the universe is pulling the strings-- holding all the cards- and so we convince ourselves that life is happening TO US, not for us. When we are locked into victim mentality, we feel confined to just going through the motions of REACTING to the aftermath of seeming

  • 7 Points of Light Connection and Activation

    19/09/2019 Duración: 35min

    Hello! I'm Kathryn and I'm an Elevated Consciousness Coach who shares the tools to help you engineer your inner technology to the frequency of 5D consciousness so you can connect to the truth of who you are as an elevated soul who is here to THRIVE. Learn more about me and my services here: kathrynmussell.com 7 Points of Light Connection and Activation. This exercise is just one of the 8 tools that I'm sharing in my upcoming book and companion 8 week live program, The Consciousness Mechanics of Ascension ~ Activating and Applying the Technology of 5D Consciousness to our 3D Reality Now. We started today, 9/19 at 10 am PT!! But you can still join this program live until 10/3/2019. Join here: Consciousness Mechanics of Ascension

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