Gary Renard Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 43:41:11
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The Gary Renard Podcast -- produced and co-hosted by Gene Bogart.Featuring news, updates, interviews, and discussions with Gary Renard, author of the best-selling books, "The Disappearance of the Universe", and, "Your Immortal Reality: How to Break the Cycle of Birth and Death". Both books are published by Hay House.Gary's works elaborate on the spiritual classics, A Course in Miracles, and The Gospel of Thomas, and focus on the development and practice of "advanced forgiveness", a unique brand of "quantum" forgiveness quite unlike the old-fashioned model.The Gary Renard Podcast is released regularly, and is produced and co-hosted by professional voice artist, writer, and metaphysical entertainer, Gene Bogart. ( • Each podcast program involves discussion with Gary, either from his home, in the studio, or via telephone from one of his many traveling destinations. These conversations elaborate on the themes of forgiveness presented in Gary's works, and also involve his experiences while "on the road" during his busy schedule of presentations and workshops. Gary's well renowned sense of humor is always in evidence, and the conversations are invariably as entertaining as they are enlightening! Podcast listeners are invited to submit comments and questions for Gary to address during upcoming shows.• Gary's own website - which he claims to have named, himself - is• The Gary Renard Podcast is a production of EnLighten-Up Creations and is presented by


  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep016

    19/02/2008 Duración: 37min

    Episode 16: Gary starts off this episode by discussing his schedule, as well as the scheduling (and other factors) involving the completion and publishing of his third book with Hay House. He goes on to discuss interacting with a number of other well-known authors, including Esther and Jerry Hicks, Doreen Virtue (the voice of Pursah in the DU audio set), and Wayne Dyer (who coincidentally has a home in the same town as Gene.) Also discussed: Michael Mirdad (whom Gene has been friends with for many years, and Gary has appeared with); as well as Gregg Braden, thought very highly of by both Gary and Gene. • Then, it's time for, "Questions for Gary!" First up: the "Other Side"... what is it, and how does this concept fit into Gary's teachings? Gary goes into some detail on this, discussing the Course principles of levels, the "serial dreams" involving belief in bodies (as well as seeming to be 'out of body'), and how forgiveness is the solution to finally ending the dream entirely

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep015

    05/12/2007 Duración: 27min

    Episode 15: Gary and Gene start off by discussing just what has been taking them so long to get a new podcast episode up! Then, Gary talks about just having returned from Hawaii, one of his favorite locations on Earth. Upon his return to California, Gary spoke at the Agape center alongside noted author and spiritual leader Michael Beckwith; Gary uses this as a springboard to discuss the metaphysics of the Course as compared to the now popular "law of attraction". Speaking of Southern California, Gary has just made the cover of LA's "The Learning Annex!" And Gary also talks about his trip to New York a short while back, where he appeared on the TV show, "New Realities"; he discusses as well, other TV opportunities he's investigating in L.A. Gary then discusses in some depth - for the first time in a podcast - his recent divorce, and how that experience is reflected both in the form of love as the Course defines it (and which is focused on in Gary's upcoming third book), as well

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep014

    11/09/2007 Duración: 23min

    Episode 14: Gary and Gene resume their conversation from the previous podcast episode, where Gary has brought up the concept that the world is not being done "to us", but rather is being done "by us". Gene follows up with the example that the Course holds God in a much higher esteem than most religions traditionally have, in that God is not at all responsible for any of the terrible things that happen in this world; Gary responds with comments concerning the concept of duality, and how that must reflect a "separation" from the whole, from the perfect Oneness of God. Gene presents to Gary two questions from listeners, which are on the same topic, and are in fact related to the earlier discussions: is "the script" actually "written" and unchangeable, or are we able to influence and change our outcomes? The second question goes a step further in asking Gary how this applies to an experience such as he had at the Indian mound in Cahokia, as described in "You

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep013

    31/07/2007 Duración: 28min

    Episode 13: Gene discovers that Gary has returned from Europe, and is living in California! Well, he actually already knew that, but this is the first podcast the two guys have done since all of that happened. OK, "seemed" to happen... Gary describes a kind of impromptu international ACIM gathering that took place in Northern Scotland, and also tells some interesting stories about an official Course in Miracles gathering in California. Also currently happening in California, the re-appearances of Arten and Pursah, who now sit on a "new" couch - and Gary explains why. He also explains why he decided to move to California as opposed to Hawaii, his well-known "first love". Gary has a bold idea concerning how to determine the authenticity of self-proclaimed "Masters" here in the material world; and he and Gene discuss the differences between religious doctrines and the "real spirituality" approach to God as presented in ACIM.

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep012

    14/06/2007 Duración: 29min

    Episode 12: Gene presents to Gary another episode of simply, "Questions for Gary"! A listener writes in with a question concerning how to continue the Holy Spirit's way of forgiving, even though circumstances in her life are not improving, and she in fact has issues about the safety of where she lives and works. Gene asks Gary to elaborate on this topic, particularly as it might concern people in professions that could potentially involve violence, such as police officers or military personnel. Another listener asks about the message of ACIM in relation to marriage and having children, considering the Course's teaching regarding "specialness" in relationships. Also: is it possible to "undo the script"; or is the script completely written, with no way to alter the outcome? And how does this relate to the many new-age teachings about the "law of attraction"? Another listener asks Gary to elaborate on the actual process of forgiveness as described in "Your Immort

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep011

    07/05/2007 Duración: 29min

    Episode 11: This episode was recorded just prior to Gary leaving for his long-awaited "European Vacation"! Well, alright, not really a vacation; mostly workshops and appearances, but still... First, though, Gene and Gary discuss Gary's recent visit to Lake Charles, Louisiana, which included an unexpected layover in New Orleans. Gary describes the current post-hurricane state of the region, and how inspiring are the folks who live there under often still-difficult conditions; and how this translates into a major forgiveness opportunity for us all. • Gene discusses with Gary some of his own funnier moments while facilitating Course gatherings, and Gary talks about his upcoming third book with Arten and Pursah, and how humor was central to J's message even, "way back when". • Next up, we have some "Questions for Gary!" Gary's asked to go into detail about the form of "joining meditation" that's described in his first book, "The Disappearance of the Universe."

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep010

    29/03/2007 Duración: 25min

    Episode 10: "Questions for Gary!" Expanding on a popular feature of the podcast series, this is the first episode to be comprised exclusively of, "Questions for Gary!" Gene reads to Gary questions submitted by listeners, including: how does one take care of the body's health and needs, without reinforcing the ego's belief that the body is actually real? Can the idea of angels be of assistance in this? Also: can the exquisite beauty of someone like Pursah become a "trap", by causing Gary (or anyone else) to focus on the physical, rather than true Spirit? Can our experience of ascended masters, via Gary's writings, actually give us the same quality and value of experience that he gained from meeting them "in person"..? And: can the practice of forgiveness as described in ACIM as well as in Gary's two books be accomplished properly, even if one has not yet completed the Text, or started the lessons in the Workbook of A Course in Miracles? And can forgiveness be applied

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep009

    14/02/2007 Duración: 31min

    Episode 9: "Gary's Hawaii Visit!" Gary and Gene start off this show discussing Gary's current visit to the 50th State, and Gary talks about his schedule while on Kauai and Oahu, as well as many of the spiritual connections he has made while visiting the islands. (And speaking of spiritual connections, Gary tells Gene about his recent visitation from Arten and Pursah!) The two guys also discuss their mutual enjoyment of, and perhaps future plans for a visit to, Key West. Questions from listeners include: asking Gary to update the audience about his film appearance as a "Living Luminary"; Concerning other people in our lives: are they "real", or just imaginary? Gary is asked why, for some, "Angels", as manifestations of the Holy Spirit, may or may not "appear" as actual beings; and if this is connected with one's level of accomplishing one's own forgiveness practice. Gary elaborates on how some illusions are used by the HS to lead us out of illusion entirely, a

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep008

    22/01/2007 Duración: 33min

    Episode 8: Gary gives Gene his "Top Ten List" for 2007; also talks about his recent trip to California, his upcoming visit to Hawaii, and his first trip this Spring to the Netherlands. Questions from listeners include: how to deal with a "slow burn" when encountering difficulties with relatives; how to handle something like the desire to lose weight, while keeping in mind that the body is only an illusion. Also: how did Gary initially deal with his teachings from Arten and Pursah that showed him that the world as he thought he knew it was false? How does one then handle the "good things" in this world, that we all might be reluctant to feel we now have to give up? Gene wraps things up by asking Gary to re-visit his "New Year's Resolution Challenge" for 2007, and discusses how many podcast listeners have positively responded to this radically new concept of interacting with the world.

  • Gary Renard Podcast - ep007

    03/01/2007 Duración: 34min

    Episode 7: "The New Year Podcast!" Gary surprises Gene with a New Year's greeting that has to be heard to be believed; Gary discloses the "real secret" in getting what you really want out of true, no-nonsense spirituality. Gary answers listeners' questions ranging from whether we keep our individual personalities after returning to the oneness of God, to how (and if) to discuss the teachings of the Course with children (and also suggests a great book for kids!) Finally, Gary lays to rest some common misperceptions concerning the differences between the "urtext" and the final edited version of the Course that we use today; and in closing, invites Gene and everyone to share in his personal Course-based New Year's resolution for 2007.

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