Marketing Secrets



Welcome To Russell Brunson’s Marketing Secrets Podcast. So, the big question is this, “How are entrepreneurs like us, who didn’t cheat and take on venture capital, who are spending money from our own wallets, how do we market in a way that lets us get our products and services and things that we believe in out to the world… and yet still remain profitable?” That is the question, and this podcast will give you the answers. My name is Russell Brunson, and welcome to


  • What To Do While You Wait For Your Paid Ads To Work

    15/05/2019 Duración: 21min

    A quick coaching session for Justin Guarini from American Idol, which will hopefully help you as well. On today's episode Russell gives some advice to the members of 2CCX about how to fix a funnel if it's not converting with paid ads. Here are some of the the helpful hints you will hear in this episode: How to keep the momentum going even when paid ads aren't working. Why people who listen to podcasts are the best buyers. And how hitting the podcast circuit made Russell change the title of Expert Secrets. So listen here to find out what kind of advice Russell has if you're feeling frustrated by your paid ads not converting. Transcript -

  • Producer Vs Consumer, What Are You?

    13/05/2019 Duración: 11min

    Here's a little trick to help you get off social media, make more money, and help your kids have an amazing summer as well. On today's episode Russell talks about what it means to be a producer vs a consumer. He explains how it is going to help his kids get off the TV for the summer and being producing something and finding their voices. Here are some of the awesome things you'll hear in this episode: Where Russell heard about being a producer of social media, rather than a consumer. Why Russell thinks this concept is key to getting his kids off their screens for the summer. And how becoming a producer will help Russell's children find their voices so early in life. So listen here to find out why being a producer is so important, and how you can use it to find your own voice. Transcript -

  • My First Wrestling Match In 15 Years… And What That Has To Do With You

    08/05/2019 Duración: 13min

    I did something this weekend that I've wanted to do for a decade and a half, and I'm hoping this episode gives you permission to do the thing that you've been dreaming about doing, but have been too afraid or too nervous to try. On today's episode Russell talks about attending his first wrestling tournament after a 15 year absence and why it should inspire you to do something similar. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear about in this episode: Hear about Russell's former glory days of wrestling, and the history behind his love of the sport. Find out why he hasn't wrestled in so long, and why he wants to get back to it. And finally, be inspired to do your own thing that you haven't done for various reasons, and just do it. So listen here to find out why Russell's wrestling again and why that should inspire you to do your own thing. Transcript -

  • My Secret Interview With Tony Robbins...

    06/05/2019 Duración: 33min

    A really fun interview we did before the launch. On today's special episode Russell interview Tony about a new course coming out with Tony, Russell, and Dean Graziosi. Here are some of the incredible things you will get to hear on this episode: Hear a little bit about Tony's humble beginnings and his road to becoming who he is today. Find out how Tony got started with mastermind groups. And find out what kind of things will be included in this new course. So listen here to see why Russell, Tony, and Dean Graziosi have created a course, and what it will be. Transcript -

  • A Consulting Call With My Mentor - Part 2 of 2

    01/05/2019 Duración: 35min

    On part 2 of this special episode series, Russell continues to give his mentor Mark Joyner some powerful advice. Here are some things that Russell tells Mark, that could be helpful to anyone running a business. Why you have to find a category you can be king of in order to become a billion dollar business. How the Expert Secrets book can help you become a charismatic leader, find a future based cause, and a new opportunity to sell. And how to create a front end funnel to bring people into your software. So listen to Russell offer sound advice to his own mentor, Mark Joyner, about how he can improve his business. Transcript -

  • A Consulting Call With My Mentor - Part 1 of 2

    29/04/2019 Duración: 24min

    I had a really rare opportunity to give some feedback to my initial mentor who got me started on this crazy journey. Listen in for thoughts and insights that should help you as well. On this special 2 episode series Russell talks about a recent social media post by Mark Joyner, and then he goes on to give him some awesome advice. Here are some things that Russell tells Mark Joyner, that could be helpful to anyone running a business. Why having too many upsells/downsells will make your customers turn on you. How removing complexity from software will make customers enjoy it more. And why the more significance you seek, the less you will actually get. So listen to Russell offer sound advice to his own mentor, Mark Joyner, about how he can improve his business. Transcript -

  • My Secret Notebook From The Puerto Rico Mastermind

    24/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    Want to see my top take-aways from the recent mastermind that I was at, with some of the top thought leaders in the world? On today's episode Russell talks about some of the things he learned during his recent trip to Puerto Rico for Brendon Burchard's mastermind group. Here are some of the amazing things you should listen for in this episode: Why Russell almost didn't go to the mastermind group, and how Collette convinced him that they should go. What some of the gold nuggets were that Russell picked up from people like, David Bach, Ethan Willis, and Rachel Hollis. And what mastermind group Russell recommends for you to be a part of for you to get the most success with your business. So listen here to find out what kind of awesome tidbits Russell picked up at the Puerto Rico Mastermind. Transcript -

  • If Only They Knew They Were Slaves...

    22/04/2019 Duración: 09min

    My favorite quote from Harriet Tubman and how it relates to you and your mission. On this episode Russell talks about a famous quote by Harriet Tubman and how he relates to it in the world of marketing. Here are some of the insightful things on today's episode: How Russell was able to relate a quote about slaves to his own life as an internet marketer. And how you can be like Harriet Tubman and Russell in your business by giving freedom to your customers. So listen here to find out how you can use your business to help free people who don't realize that they are enslaved. Transcript -

  • Becoming A True Artist...

    17/04/2019 Duración: 12min

    If you want to increase your happiness level, and your income; one of the biggest keys is becoming a true artist. On today's episode Russell talks about why he's wrestling again after nearly 20 years, and he also discusses what it means to be a true artist in your field and how it is different from just being good at what you do. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this episode: Find out why Russell is wrestling again, and if it will still be possible for him to compete soon when he already hurt his neck. See what it means to be a true artist in your business. And if you aren't a true artist in your field, find out how you can become one. So listen here to see how Russell is a true artist of funnels and how you can become an artist in something you love as well. Transcript -

  • Being A Chain Breaker

    15/04/2019 Duración: 16min

    What negative patterns did you get from your parents that are keeping you back from success today? On this episode Russell talks about a couple things that happened on his Disney Cruise that made him think about breaking negative chains in his generation history to make his posterity better. Here are some of the interesting things on today's episode: Find out what happens on the cruise that makes Russell think about why someone would act that way. See what some of the negative traits Russell decided to break from his own life. And see what some positive traits were that he received from his family that he has kept and even made better in his own life. So listen here to find out how you can affect future generations by discarding negative family traits, but keeping the positive ones. Transcript -

  • My Book Writing/Creation Process

    08/04/2019 Duración: 11min

    I'm officially working on the secrets trilogy... Let me show you behind the scenes of how I'm doing it. On this episode Russell breaks down his process as he begins working on his Traffic Secrets book. Here are some of the informative things you will hear in today's episode: See why it takes a few days of planning before Russell will actually begin to write the new book. Find out why Russell is re-writing parts of both his Dotcom Secrets, and Expert Secrets books. And find out how Russell is using Trello to arrange all three of his books to make sense. So listen here to hear Russell's awesome way of getting his framework all together before he actually begins writing. Transcript -

  • My Funnel Hacking Live Keynote Presentation - Part 4 of 4

    03/04/2019 Duración: 13min

    Listen to the final part of my keynote presentation from FHL. During this part of the presentation, I dive deeper into understanding and mastering hooks. On today's episode you will hear part 4 of 4 of Russell's first presentation at Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the super awesome things you will hear in this part: Find out why the hook is a little harder to catch onto, but why it's also the most important part. Find out why you should practice different hooks, much like a comedian practices different jokes. And find out how you can find examples of other hooks proven to work, and model your own after them. So listen here to the exciting conclusion of Russell's keynote presentation at Funnel Hacking live this year. Transcript -

  • My Funnel Hacking Live Keynote Presentation - Part 3 of 4

    01/04/2019 Duración: 31min

    Listen to part 3 of 4 of my keynote presentation from FHL. During this part of the presentation, I start diving deeper into how to tell stories and how those stories relate to the perfect webinar. On today's episode you will hear part 3 of 4 of Russell's first presentation at Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the super awesome things you will hear in this part: Find out why the story you tell is so important in order to break down false belief patterns. Hear why the more complex the product, the more stories you have to have to sell it. And find out what kinds of stories break specific kinds of false beliefs, and how they are different. So listen here to hear the third part of Russell's keynote presentation at this year's Funnel Hacking Live. Transcript -

  • My Funnel Hacking Live Keynote Presentation - Part 2 of 4

    27/03/2019 Duración: 27min

    Listen to part 2 of 4 of my keynote presentation from FHL. During this part of the presentation, I start diving deeper into how to create your irresistible offers. On today's episode you will hear part 2 of 4 of Russell's first presentation at Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the super awesome things you will hear in this part: Hear Russell give ideas for a written offer, an audio offer, and a video offer, that are all super easy. Find out why it's so important to not be a commodity and how you can avoid it. And see why Russell always has several things he can use to bulk up his offers. So listen here to hear the second part of Russell's keynote presentation at this year's Funnel Hacking Live. Transcript -

  • My Funnel Hacking Live Keynote Presentation - Part 1 of 4

    25/03/2019 Duración: 41min

    Listen to the first 1/4 of my keynote presentation from FHL. We talk about what funnel hackers are doing and start digging into "Hook, Story, Offer". On today's episode you will hear part 1 of 4 of Russell's first presentation at Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the super awesome things you will hear in part one: A little background into how Clickfunnels got started, and stats of where they are now. Find out why hook, story, and offer are the keys to your success. And listen to Russell show how increasing value in an offer is better than decreasing price to compete with others. So listen here to hear the beginning of Russell's first presentation at this year's Funnel Hacking Live about the Hook, Story, and Offer. Transcript -

  • You HAVE To Be Obsessed With The Game...

    20/03/2019 Duración: 19min

    When you become obsessed with this game, the impact, the influence, and the money will come. On today's episode Russell talks about why being obsessed with the game is the key to success. Here are some of the amazing things Russell has to say in this episode: Why Russell is again competing in a wrestling tournament after a 16 year absence. Why the product launching phase of internet marketing was a lot harder, and Russell is relieved it changed. And find out why being obsessed with the game creates a skill set that means only the best survive. So listen here to find out how the marketplace changed from an old boys club to only the best succeed, and why Russell is happy about the change. Transcript -

  • Funnel Hacking Live 2019 Recap - Day 3

    13/03/2019 Duración: 15min

    Sales And Belief - Behind the scenes of the two comma club awards, the two comma club presentation, and all the other cool things that happened on day #3. On today's episode Russell recaps day three of Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the amazing things you will hear in this episode: Find out what all the speakers spoke about. See what TV show everyone at the event was able to watch and how Clickfunnels is involved. And find out why the event is choreographed the way it is, and why they try to keep the order of speakers a little secret. So listen here to find out what happened on day 3 of Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Transcript -

  • Funnel Hacking Live 2019 Recap - Day 2

    11/03/2019 Duración: 17min

    Funnels - Behind the scenes of what happened at day #2 at Funnel Hacking Live. All the cool presentations, and Russell in an ice bath... On today's episode Russell recaps day two of Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the amazing things you will hear in this episode:: Find out which presentation Russell didn't feel great about and how Stu McLaren was able to save it. Hear about who the speakers were on day two, and what they spoke about. And find out why Russell took an ice bath at the end of the day, and was able to stay in the water for over 5 minutes. So listen here to find out what you missed on day two of Funnel Hacking Live. Transcript -

  • Funnel Hacking Live 2019 Recap - Day 1

    06/03/2019 Duración: 16min

    The Foundation - Russell recaps the first day of Funnel Hacking Live, the biggest tips, tricks, and insights, as well as how we lay the foundation for the rest of the event. On today's episode Russell recaps day one of Funnel Hacking Live 2019. Here are some of the amazing things you will hear in this episode: Find out who the speakers were and what they spoke about. Find out how much money was raised for both Village Impact and Operation Underground Railroad. And see how much money Russell's own mom was able to raise by making a quilt for the event. So listen here to see what you may have missed at Funnel Hacking Live 2019, on day one. Transcript -

  • ClickFunnels Startup Story - Part 4 of 4

    04/03/2019 Duración: 37min

    On today's episode you will hear part 4 of 4 of Russell's interview with Andrew Warner about the Clickfunnels start up story. Here are some of the awesome things you will hear in this part of the story: Hear Russell get put on the spot when he has to answer various questions from the audience. Find out why Russell loves Voxer so much and uses constantly. And find out how Russell plans to take Clickfunnels to the level of Sales Force in the future. So listen here to the final part of this 4 part set of the Clickfunnels Start up story as Russell is interviewed by Andrew Warner. Transcript -

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