Counter Culture With Aaron Lujan



Counterculture: (noun) coun·ter·cul·ture \kaun-tr-kl-chr\ a culture with values and customs that are very different from and usually opposed to those accepted by most of society; also : the people who make up a countercultureIm a blogger producing videos and podcasts that report news and analysis in the sole pursuit of truth. Independent of corporate influence and a political agenda, I think of my reports as an experiment in objectivity. Considering that so much of todays news reporting is either entirely omitted or spun to fit a particular world view, my hope is to present the facts in a manner that challenge the general trend of thought so we can unify under the truth rather than remain divided by ignorance and lies. This is possible because I hold true that the power of the individual is greater than that of the corporation. If you would rather know the truth even if it costs you your beliefs and values, I invite you to join me in this bold experiment.


  • Ep.22 - #MarchForOurLives Was Well Meaning People Manipulated Into Marching To Lose Their Right To March

    25/03/2018 Duración: 25min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Ep.22 #MarchForOurLives Was Well Meaning People Manipulated Into Marching To Lose Their Right To March march for our lives, #marchforourlives, washington, gun control, d.c., students, guns, youtubeusat, march, washington d.c., gun violence, cbc, dc, gun-control, gun, bumpstocks, bump-stocks, trump, matthew soto, david hogg, grandaughter, d.c. mlk jr., civil liberties, human, government politics, north america, social issues, social affairs, political civil unrest, protests demonstrations, united states, general news, gun control, lawmakers, jarrad henderson, marjory stoneman douglas high school, marjory-stoneman, parkland, gun-debate Are You Prepared?

  • Ep.21 - Gun Control Supporters Argue the NRA Represent Gun Manufacturers. That's Untrue and if it Were, Who Cares?

    12/03/2018 Duración: 28min

    Ep.21 - Gun Control Supporters Argue the NRA Represent Gun Manufacturers. That's Untrue and if it Were, Who Cares? Http:// independent-news, podcast, gun-control, NRA, National Rifle Association, Gun-Manufacturers, Politics, gun-debate-news, florida, politics, news, florida-school-shooting, gun-legislation, guns, parkland-florida, marjory stoneman douglas high school, school shooting, gun violence, congress, latest-news, us-gun-control, parkland high school shooting, #neveragain, florida-shooting, gun control debates, americasnews, stoneman douglas high school shooting, florida-gun-control, shooting, us gun violence, gun-rights,

  • Ep.20 - More Gun Control May Stop Mass Shootings & Conservatives Should Admit That

    02/03/2018 Duración: 26min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Ep.20 - More Gun Control May Stop Mass Shootings & Conservatives Should Admit That  

  • Ep. 18 - "Net Neutrality Died Today And That Is Awesome"

    16/02/2018 Duración: 24min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Ep. 18 - "Net Neutrality Died Today And That Is Awesome"  

  • Ep.19 - Florida Shooting Proves We Need LESS Gun Control

    16/02/2018 Duración: 21min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 19 - "Florida Shooting Proves We Need LESS Gun Control"  

  • Ep. 17 - Our Selfishness And Addiction To Distraction Is Destroying Us

    16/10/2017 Duración: 35min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 17 Our Selfishness And Addiction To Distraction Is Destroying Us

  • Episode 16 - We Are All As Evil As The Las Vegas Shooter

    03/10/2017 Duración: 23min

    October 2, 2017 Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 16 - We Are All As Evil As The Las Vegas Shooter Are You Prepared?

  • Episode 15 - Ending DACA is An Act of Compassion

    06/09/2017 Duración: 19min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 15 "Ending DACA is an Act of Compassion"  

  • Episode 14 - Trump Is Right, Mentally Ill Shouldn't Serve in Military

    31/07/2017 Duración: 40min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 14 - "Trump Is Right, Mentally Ill Shouldn't Serve in Military" Transgenderism is not an immutable characteristic that requires protection, it’s costly and demoralizing to our military and society. Are You Prepared?  

  • Episode 13 - Vox and Media Are Lying About Donald Trump Jr. Emails

    14/07/2017 Duración: 31min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 13 - Vox and Media Are Lying About Donald Trump Jr. Emails   The hysteria continues as Ezra Klein of Vox echoes what many in the controlled media point to emails of Donald J. Trump Jr. as proof of their narrative.  I deconstruct and expose the lies and manipulations.   Are You Prepared?  

  • Episode 12: Comey’s Firing Doesn’t Hide Trump Russian Ties, It’s Hiding Far Worse

    15/05/2017 Duración: 41min

    May 15, 2017 Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 12:  Comey’s Firing Doesn’t Hide Trump Russian Ties, It’s Hiding Far Worse   In episode 12 we expose the hypocrisy of the political establishment in their advancement of the Russia ties motive to the firing of James Comey as the Director of the FBI.  We suggest he could have been fired for rational reasons as well as serving as a distraction from Trump's betrayal with Obamcare, War and his connection with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein.  Are You Prepared?

  • Episode 11: What Just Happened with the Obamacare Vote and How it Created a New Crisis in America

    08/05/2017 Duración: 34min

    May 8, 2017 Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 11:  What Just Happened with the Obamacare Vote and how it Created a New Crisis in America #AHCA #Obamacare #TrumpCare   In today's episode we discuss how Obamacare wasn't actually repealed but replaced with Obamacare 2.0 and how this will result in a crisis of confidence between Americans and their government. Are You Prepared?  

  • Episode 10: Why Lack of Principles Gave Us North Korea, Trump's Failure and Censorship

    01/05/2017 Duración: 38min

    May 1, 2017 Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 10:  Why Lack of Principles Gave Us North Korea, Trump's Failure and Censorship Episode 10 of Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan discusses the importance of having principles and how a lack of them gave us a many of our current crises.  Three generations of North Koreans living under an evil dictator isn't because the leadership lacks principles, its' because the oppressed people have not demonstrated they are willing to exercise upon any.  100 days into the new administration and we now have full proof Donald J. Trump is a failure of a president and poised to betray the Americans who voted him into power.  The recent purge of conservative voices is clearly a witch hunt from political opponents yet they were only allowed to do so due to a lack of principles on behalf of Bill O'Reilly, Alex Jones, Tohmi Lahren and Milo.  Are you prepared?

  • Episode 9 - The Most Criminal Abuse of Power in US History

    13/04/2017 Duración: 03min

    April 4, 2017 Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 9 In Episode 9 of Counter Culture, Aaron Lujan explains the most criminal abuse of power in US History when it was revealed by Mike Cernovich that Susan Rice abused her authority and spied on the incoming President, his family and the incoming administration. Are You Prepared? #SurveilanceGate #SusanRice #BoiledRice #UnMasking

  • Episode 8 - Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan - Truth Is The New Hate Speech

    27/03/2017 Duración: 38min

    Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan Episode 8 - Truth Is The New Hate Speech March 26, 2017   'Truth Is The New Hate Speech' is the title for Episode 8 of Counter Culture in which I discuss recent efforts by governments and corporations to identify and persecute 'hate speech' and 'offensive content'.  I am able to prove the hypocrisy of these motivations by showing how they ignore greater examples of hate speech, offensive content, and actual violence.  I ask who gets to define hate and offensiveness because if I do Madison Avenue and Hollywood are the greatest offenders.  Pornography and violent movies rarely get criticized but in fact promoted by those same governments and corporations in the position to censor and persecute.  I argue that the best solution is to simply protect free speech and live with the undesirable consequences of getting our feelings hurt for the sake of liberty.   Are you prepared?  

  • Counter Culture Episode 7 - #DisruptJ20

    19/01/2017 Duración: 23min

    Episode 7 of Counter Culture covers the danger looming over the January 20, 2017 inauguration of Donald Trump in Washington DC.  Stay Tuned Are you prepared

  • Episode 6 - Media Trust Plummets, Ford To Mexico, Mexico Wants Wall, Space Travel & More

    16/09/2016 Duración: 55min

      Episode 6 of Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan American Trust In Media Takes Sharp Turn Ford Shipping Factory To Mexico Mexico Wants Wall, On Southern Border Obama Increases Refugees From Terrorist Nations DHS Hides Damning Immigration Report That Would Help Trump Clinton Discourages Third Party Voting Former US Diplomat Warns Clinton Will Start Nuclear War Bernie Sanders Is Peoples Top Pick To Replace Hillary Trump Ties Clinton in Michigan, A Dem Stronghold Since 88 NASA Plans Passenger Planes To Exceed Speed of Sound Amazon Founder Plans For Space Tourism Self Driving Cars Will Eliminate 4.1M Jobs Big Alcohol Bankrolls Fight Against Legal Pot Missouri Bucks Governor, Loosens Gun & Voting Laws 13 Year Old Shot By Police, Looming Race Controversy Robot Disarms Suspect In Standoff Marijuana Breathalyzer Introduced Organic Industry Proposes Labeling of Meat TV Ad Encourages German Women To Wear Hijabs Rare Lunar Eclipse Tonight Deutsche Bank AG Fined 14 Billio

  • Episode 5 - Monsanto/Bayer Merge+Fed/Chicago Gang Allegations+New Clinton Emails & More

    14/09/2016 Duración: 30min

    Counter Culture Episode 5

  • Episode 4 - Hillary Neuro Test, Saudis Kill Kids, O Thwarts 911 Victims, Wells Fargo Fraud & More

    13/09/2016 Duración: 24min

    Counter Culture Episode 4 with Aaron Lujan

  • Episode 3 - Clinton Health,Radical Tim Kaine,Google Manipulation,Fed,Homlessness Spikes,Immigrant Surge,Predictive Policing

    12/09/2016 Duración: 28min

    Episode 3 of Counter Culture with Aaron Lujan September 12, 2016 #ClintonHealth #TimKaine #Google #FederalReserve #Homelessness #Immigration #AI

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