Box Office Pulp | Film Analysis, Movie Retrospectives, Commentary Tracks, Comedy, And More



Box Office Pulp hosts discussions and analysis of film, directors, genres, and movie pop culture. We love Batman, Jaws, and arguing if Schwarzenegger could beat Robocop in a dance off.


  • X2: X-MEN UNITED Commentary Track


    Escalation. Since the discovery of the formula, superhero movies have known it to be the secret to their survival. The debate rages: Do audiences want more action and a grander scale the second time around, or a more personal experience with these characters? Either way, it is a historical fact: X2: X-Men United had it both ways. The academy's sophomore outing attempted to adapt God Loves, Man Kills, delve into Wolverine's origins at Weapon X, unravel a presidential assassination conspiracy, set up the Dark Phoenix Saga, AND be a sequel to the original film, and by some miracle of mutation it all worked out. In BOP n' A Movie's second installment of our X-Men commentary series, we examine how this jam-packed screenplay updates the mutant metaphor for the Bush era, and how its structure gave us the blueprint for the modern team-up movie, before we wonder at the Munich circus's own Incredible Nightcrawler, witness the origin of Michael Dougherty, and once again lament how little James Marsden has to do. SCREAM



    From the cthonic dank of the interwebs comes a podcast of most immemorial effulgence! An innumerably indescribable discussion on a frenzied blaze of cosmic daemonicum! Okay, we'll stop now. But in our defense, we're just so darn excited to talk up the madness of one Howard Phillip Lovecraft! Recently, in some glorious begotten miracle from the Great Old Ones, the legend himself, Richard Stanley, returned to filmmaking after 20-plus years with an absolutely mind-bending adaptation of one of Lovecraft's greatest and most terrifying, COLOR OUT OF SPACE! So, join us as we dissect the horror Lovecraftian horror, what Stanley added from an allegorical standpoint, and how Nic Cage is not the meme you think he is. Feed the Alpacas by downloading now! Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Stitcher:

  • X-MEN Commentary Track


    Comic book movies: The key to multi-media empires. It has enabled us to view men in rubber suits punching penguin-men, spandex-clad alien visitors turning back time, and Shaq attempting to act. But every few decades, comic book movies leap forward. With the impending release of NEW MUTANTS, the final in-continuity film in the franchise that changed the course of action cinema and cemented a genre into the pop culture zeitgeist, the BOP Crew is celebrating where it all began with a trip down Mutant Lane, going deep and introspective on the X-MEN franchise! It's a BOP 'n A Movie X-TRAVAGANZA! In the first feature audio commentary of the series, we travel back to humble beginnings in the year 2000, where the superhero had died in a blaze of Bat nipples and ice puns, ready to be re-birthed with a new purview of what the genre could be. The world was ready for the mutant metaphor and something new and strange. It's the film that changed comics, movies, and made Toad a household name, this is X-MEN! What happens t

  • CHILD'S PLAY 3 Commentary Track


    Just when you thought it was time to put away childish things like dolls and do something grown-up like put on fatigues and pretend war for a bunch of old white dudes, movie studio executives come beckoning with insane demands like putting out another sequel less than a year since your last entry! Such is the strange and sad tale of Don Mancini's CHILD'S PLAY 3, a Bop n' A Tragedy if there ever was one! With only mere months to throw together a script, cast, and film an entire movie from scratch, it's a testament to Mancini's talent that Chucky and Andy's third bloody tango is worth watching, examining, and appreciating! With themes of toxic masculinity, adulthood, and the friggin' coolest haunted house put on film, there's plenty of charm to be found in this trilogy capper before the big tonal reboot! So, begin your voodoo incantations and join us for this audio commentary! Look Who's Stalking by downloading the commentary here! Find us on Facebook: Twitter:

  • Monster Crime!


    CRIME! It's shambling its way across this great land of ours, and we all know who's responsible! Creatures from the grave and beyond, coming into our towns, terrorizing our babysitters, striking down our camp counselors, and carrying our brides into the sea! Thankfully, the good men and otherwise of the B.O.P. have been tasked with restoring the rule of law, and in this broadcast they will suss out which of these Ghoul-Americans are hard-working members of society, and which should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. THE PHANTOM: Opera-house menace or harmless prodigy? MICHAEL MYERS: Who will speak for The Shape? DRACULA: Is he too dead to prosecute? Listen, or else they may soon be stalking your home... or yours... OR YOURS! EVERY DOWNLOAD MEANS A CROSS IN THE HAND OF YOUR LOCAL VAMPIRE HUNTER! Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Stitcher: http://www

  • BOP Brews: Vol. 1


    This New Year's Evil, pour yourself something nice, sit next to a roaring fire, and listen to the first-ever Box Office Pulp clipshow! Then immediately throw out whatever drink you just made, because our Senior Mixologist  Cody "Drinking" Alft is your guide through the world of movie-themed booze. Want the perfect drink to get you in the mood for Clue? Cody's drunk it™! Looking to dull the cosmic horror of Event Horizon? Cody's drunk it™! Want to get plastered while watching Harry Potter? Highly inappropriate for a variety of reasons, but you better believe Cody's drunk it™! So enjoy this compilation of one man's desire to unite cinema and suds, and for the love of Papa Satan, do your drinking indoors instead of forcing yourself upon the world like some kind of drunk Frankenstein, trapped in a world he never drank. WHEN THE GLASS IS FULL, DRINK UP, DRINK UP. THIS MAY BE THE LAST TIME WE SEE THIS CUP. IF GOD WANTED US SOBER, HE'D KNOCK THE GLASS OVER, SO WHILE IT IS FULL WE DOWNLOAD! Find us on Facebo

  • Netflix And BOP


    As countless movie trailers keep reminding us, the world is changing. With theaters struggling to attract butts to seats, streaming sites are shaping up to soon be the primary way we see new releases. So how well are they handling the responsibility? Join Cody and Jamie as they discuss the highs, lows, and Brights of the former pop-up ad nuisance and current King Of New Media, The Net-Flicks. Does The Irishman live up to the hype, or did Disney put out a hit on Martin Scorsese for nothing? Is word-of-mouth going to be enough to make these titles stand out in an increasingly flooded library? Are we close to Netflix Horror becoming a sub-genre of its own? And for God's sake, will somebody tell Tom Waits how high a bird can count? Next episode playing in 3... 2... 1... BECAUSE YOU LISTENED TO BOP, DOWNLOAD HERE Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: St

  • John Carter (Of Mars) - LOVE THE BOMBS


    Mars ain't no place to set a movie. In fact, it's cold as hell. This is a lesson Andrew Stanton would learn in 2012 when the release of his dream project, a mega-budget adaptation of Edgar Rice Burroughs' massively influential John Carter novels, was met with spectacular apathy from critics and audiences alike. Released a month before The Avengers, this mocap-heavy sci-fi/fantasy/western was going to kick off the next great Disney franchise, but inexperience, bad timing, and one of the most ill-advised marketing campaigns in recent memory doomed it to the scrap heap. A shame, since it's one of the most charming and lovingly-crafted adventure flicks of the last decade. In this edition of How I Learned To Love The Bombs, we detail how a Pixar director with no live-action experience rescued John Carter from 80 years of Development Hell, the trilogy and more we almost got from a team with three Oscars and a Pulitzer between them, Lynn Collins' turn as the 2010's most unsung action heroine, and how this movie is o

  • THE ADDAMS FAMILY (1991) with Spooky Gal's Corner


    The BOP Crew does what they wanna do and says what they wanna say... and the podcast might be worst off for it. In this extra special creepy and kooky episode, we turn the clock back to the radical '90s to talk one of our most affectionate childhood movies, Barry Sonnenfeld's THE ADDAMS FAMILY! But, since we three are only mysterious, creepy and kooky, we needed someone to really bring in that spooky! So we reached out to friend of the show and real life Morticia, Jasmine of Spooky Gal's Corner! With our powers combined, we're all together ooky, which is the perfect state of being to talk about this seminal film in many people's lives, which would go onto birth a whole movement of classic TV to film adaptations and cement the iconic versions of these decades old characters. Not to mention immortalize the late Raul Julia. So snap your fingers in tune because it's time to play wake the dead! Perform your own Mamushka by downloading the episode here! Find us on Facebook:

  • Return To BOP's Lot: The Worst Of King


    We've talked about a lot of good Stephen King movies on Box Office Pulp, but tonight we want to tell you about the ones that weren't so good. A lot of other podcasts have made fun of these, and we finally decided that if you want something done right... you ought to do it yourself. So join the BOP Crew as they reminisce about a childhood wasted waiting for The Langoliers to eat that airport, Matthew Mcconaughey's leisurely stroll toward The Dark Tower, the tremendous lasting impact Maximum Overdrive has somehow had on American culture, and the sinister storefront where each item comes at a terrible cost... boredom. When the dust clears, paper will have been torn, Tommyknockers will have Tommyknocked, and Cody will have been forever entangled in the nightmare that is... the Dreamcatcher. BE SADDENED BY THE CREATIVE CHOICES OF DONNIE WAHLBERG BY DOWNLOADING HERE! Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes:

  • TRICK 'r TREAT Commentary Track


    During the spookiest time of the year, there are a few guidelines all horror fans should follow. Always check if there's a Blumhouse release out, never go to a stranger's home to see their VHS collection, and NEVER watch alone. I see you're ready to pop in the 2009 anthology Trick r' Treat tonight, but not so fast, Timmy! You want to let The BOP Crew check that movie for razor-blades, so give this BOP n' A Movie audio commentary a listen first! Our Samhain Specialists are here to explore how Michael Dougherty's directorial debut showcases the holiday in all of its forms, from the innocence of youthful corpse-carving to the romance of your first werewolf transformation. Along the way, they'll unwrap the SFX techniques that span generations of film-making, the balancing act of conflicting tones it pulls off effortlessly, the questionable decisions of a studio that tried to bury it at every turn, and the complex motivations of Leslie Bibb in a robot costume. And after they're done, you'll have so many delicious

  • THE PUMPKIN KARVER Commentary Track (A Big-Ass Pumpkin Day Extravaganza)


    Get out your knife and a really big spoon, because it's the only day of the year the BOP Crew looks forward to more than Halloween: The Great Gourdening, Dia de los Calabaza itself, Big-Ass Pumpkin Day! And to properly prepare for the festivities, we suggest you put on a slasher so obscure it makes you think "Wow, Amy Weber and Minka Kelly are really slumming it," THE PUMPKIN KARVER! Mix together this year's BAPD Cocktail, and listen to Cody, Mike, and Jamie get lost in the dangerous world of expert pumpkin carving.  Then grab your own pump', cut a full circle around the top, leaving plenty of room for scooping. Once the ole' orange-boy is hollow, draw your desired Jack-O onto the gourd with a a black marker, and carefully remove the desired pieces in a gentle, see-saw motion. Just don't carve with any evil in your heart! But also don't be afraid to go crazy, Jack's a versatile dude!  Around this time, the Crew should be lost in a terrifying alternate reality where the pumpkins have come to take bac

  • BOP's Lot: The Best of Stephen King


    The author from Maine strode across the silver screen, and the BOP Crew followed. Not, like, in a stalker way or anything, we just-- it's a podcast, okay? And in honor of this year's love affair with the man, we're spotlighting the legend, inspiration, and goddamn industry that is Stephen King! People (mainly us) have gushed about The Shining and IT aplenty, but what about the lesser-known cinematic gems from the most-adapted author since God? Listen to Cody Flagg, Mike Renfield, and It Was Always Meant To Be Jamie as they revisit the time two masters of horror gave us the love story of a boy and his Plymouth; a tale of revenge from beyond the grave from the man who resurrected Jason; the only Rob Reiner movie more upsetting than North; the evilest of fucking rooms, and more! HOP IN YOUR BI-PLANE AND SHOOT DOWN DRACULA BY DOWNLOADING HERE, HOSS. Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes:



    Beep Beep, folks! The BOP Crew is floating their way on back to Derry to fulfill a blood oath. A blood oath to... to talk about movies. We take talking about movies very seriously, all right!? But regardless, we find ourselves collectively at the conclusion of the horror juggernaut that is Stephen King's clown-tastic, IT CHAPTER 2! Andy Muschietti takes on the Herculean task of providing a satisfying end to a story that generally... is not known for having a satisfying ending. After crafting a masterpiece with Chapter 1, is he able to land safely, or is there Langoliers-sized turbulence? Join Mike, Cody, and the great cosmic Turtle in this dead lights deep dive! Perform your very own Ritual of Chüd by downloading here! Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Stitcher:



    Satan's in deep shit! The BOP Crew is sitting down with some instant coffee and whipping chocolates at the refrigerator. Cody's housewarming party? No, it's because we're talking about the 1992 sci-fi/horror/noir/comedy from the writer of Hollow Man and The Fast And The Furious, SPLIT SECOND! Haven't heard of it, you say? Neither had we until the passing of it's star, Rutger Hauer, but what we found was a chronicle of the far-flung future of 2008, where a troubled detective who doesn't play by the rules searches the flooded streets of London for a killer who may be something more - or less - than human. In other words? B-Movie heaven! Listen we as we discuss it's eerily feasible "future" setting, the avalanche of plot points that take us from gene sequencers to astrology charts, whether or not this movie knows it's ridiculous, the joy of seeing prestige actors dress like action figures, why it really should have been called Black Tide, and how Stephen Norrington gave us the first live-action Venom. It's alway

  • CHILD'S PLAY 2 Commentary Track


    Oh, you thought it was the end, friends? Clearly you don't know how slasher flicks work! We're continuing our BOP 'n A Movie series on the franchise that keeps going and going and going and going. And unlike that piece of crap Energizer Bunny, Chucky don't need no batteries to do it! This time, we tackle the baby steps the series took as it moved on from Tom Holland, slowly began embracing a more campy tone, and sky rocketed everyone's favorite killer doll into a pop culture sensation! A debate has raged between series fans for decades on whether this sequel is a worthy successor. While The Crew all share differing opinions on that very subject, the aim is to dig deep and show to even it's defenders... Don Mancini's CHILD'S PLAY 2 is more interesting than it first appears! From the differences between alternate cuts, it's brutal take on violence, Andy's one-of-a-kind arc, and it's unique take on suburban horror. So, knock that annoying Tommy Doll aside and join us for this feature commentary! Look out for gu

  • Mini BOP - VENOM


    The nineties were a grand ole' time if you were a geeky kid. An era ruled by a wise and fair Macho King, all your favorite characters co-existed in ice cream form, and an invasion of bigger, badder, and extrem-ier anti-heroes hit comics like a flaming-hot meteor, and cooled off just as quickly. Over thirty years since his creation, VENOM has not only outlived the trends that birthed him, but thrived -- much to the chagrin of the same readers who were his first fans. In Eddie Brock's film debut (we don't talk about Spider-Man 3), Ruben Fleischer and co. have not only paid shockingly faithful tribute to the nerd world's #1 problematic fave, they've chucked the macho doom-and-gloom for an upbeat romp about a boy and his blob. So why all the hate? In this Mini BOP, Symbiotic Experts Mike and Jamie weigh in on fans' curious relationship with the character, the one-of-a-kind tone that sets it apart from a sub-genre aching for experimentation, where this ranks in the annals of Weird Tom Hardy Performances, and how V

  • CHILD'S PLAY (1988) Commentary Track


    The BOP Crew will be your friends 'till the end! Or at least until you shove us into a fire place and light us ablaze. But even being a congealed, melted hunk of plastic won't keep us from bringing you this BOP 'n A Movie! With the remake having just recently graced theaters, it seemed appropriate to travel back in time to the beginning of a now incredibly long-running horror series, to the first time Charles Lee Ray bellowed out an incantation to transfer his soul. The first time he screeched out "you bitch!" or skittered about the floor with a kitchen knife to threaten a small child. Ah, memories. But in seriousness, this franchise has evolved like no other, changing in tone and rebooting itself to stay with the times, never betraying it's continuity or characters, all while proving that a severe lack of AA batteries is one of the scariest things of all. So, join us for this feature commentary that dissects how the hell an 80s movie about a killer garbage pail kid is so god damn terrifying, effective, and w



    In today's troubling world, we need real heroes now more than ever. That's why we're glad to report that a new icon has risen to inspire America in its darkest hour: Mysterio, the star of Marvel's Spider-Man: Far From Home. Listen to us rave about how Jake Gyllenhaal brings the iconic inter-dimensional traveler known as Mysterio to life, the surprisingly relevant themes his character represents, and what the developments he brings to the table mean for both Spider-Man and the MCU at large. In a world where Into The Spider-Verse exists, what does this movie do to step out of the shadow of a cultural touchstone, and how does it all, in the end, come down to Mysterio? Only by listening can the truth be found! Raise a drink to Mysterio by down loading here! Find us on Facebook: Twitter: iTunes: Stitcher:



    History (and Hollywood) can't help but show, again and again, how nature points out the folly of man, and usually it's with a giant, radioactive, morally-ambiguous lizard beating the ever loving snot out of some monsters. Now THAT'S an environmental lesson we can all get behind! It's been many a years since Gareth Edwards rose a new Americanized big budget Godzilla from the depths. It may not have been perfect, but with the release of Michael Dougherty's damn fine roller-coaster ride of a sequel, it is the perfect cinematic equivalent of "I set 'em up, you knock 'em down!" And boy, did Dougherty knock 'em down! Aided by one hell of a cast, some killer effects, new and fascinating allegories, a surprisingly engaging human story, and more Monster Zero and Mothra action than you can shake a Rodan at,  GODZILLA: KING OF THE MONSTERS is a Kaiju slug-fest that all others should bow down to! I mean, Rodan definitely will, but he'll bow to a startling breeze. So, with a purposeful grimace and a terrible sound, p

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