Monday Morning Mojo



Jump start your week with an inspirational message from Cannon Financial Institute's Executive Chairman of the Board, J. Phil Buchanan.


  • Episode 292: Time Is Going To Pass

    07/08/2017 Duración: 05min

    After 10 days off the grid, away from phones, email, wifi, television, etc., Phil returns with key insights he gained while conversing with a gentleman who had also used those ten days to abstain from technology. This particular gentleman has managed to maintain an impressive number of accomplishments, which brought up two questions: Why do you do the things you do? And, how do you find the time? In this episode we discuss the importance of taking advantage of the time we are given. Time passes whether you are doing great things or not, so why not do great things? We all have dreams; now is the time to move those dreams into action.

  • Episode 291: Higher Responsibilities... and Accountability

    31/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    What does “just doing the job” mean to you? When you ask those who have served, fought and received the Congressional Medal of Honor, “just doing the job” means demonstrating unparalleled valor and courage against enemy forces. Talking to these men and discovering the humble way in which they speak of their experiences and accomplishments is inspiring. On the battlefield, men learn brotherhood and the importance of putting the fate of the whole above the fate of one’s self. And off the battlefield, these men realize the importance of putting their relationships with family, friends, and fellow soldiers above the pettiness of everyday life. In this episode, we encourage to learn from their stories and measured approaches to life. Put the needs of your clients and your clients’ families above your own and always hold fast to humility. We do more than influence our clients’ journeys, we serve as chief navigators, and with that responsibility comes great accountability. Resources: Congressional Medal of Honor S

  • Episode 290: Cousins - Success & Failure

    24/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    “See I believe life is an influenced journey. Based on certain Circumstances, we are all put into situations that at times empower us and at other times restrain us. The key is appreciating the lessons in all circumstances.” - Words from Chief Justice John G. Roberts’ commencement address (2017) Failure is not permanent, but neither is success. How will you choose to embrace success and failure? How will you choose to relate to them? How will you choose to learn from them? And finally, how will you ultimately choose to manage them? In this episode, we reflect on the importance of staying humble and kind when you are filled with pride and success, and to own your failures in a way that will shape your life for a positive future. Failure is not permanent, but neither is success, and to accept this, is to become a force for good.  Resources: Chief Justice John G. Roberts’ commencement address: Tim McGraw’s, “Humble and Kind”:

  • Episode 289: Who Has Said?

    17/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    The hypothesis: Monday Morning Mojo listeners are likely leaders in various forms or fashions. Now, you may be asking yourself, “Why would they think this?” Well, we came to this conclusion based on our research which shows most of you to be active learners – listening to three or more podcasts a week and reading voraciously. We realize that leaders come in many forms, and when you invest in yourself by seeking knowledge, perspective, and understanding, you grow in your capacity to influence those around you. Thus, this past Wednesday we proudly launched the inaugural episode of our latest podcast series, the Cannon Curve. This podcast is dedicated to unearthing the stories of impactful leaders through a series of interview-style episodes. In the handful of interviews conducted to date, we are already noticing a pattern of great leaders possessing the unique ability to instill confidence in their peers and to even go a step further by motivating their peers to achieve more than they once believed possible. In

  • Episode 288: Getting the Thoughts Down

    10/07/2017 Duración: 06min

    What great thoughts are locked in your brain? Have you ever thought to write them down? For Spanx founder and entrepreneur extraordinaire, Sara Blakely, writing down her thoughts and ideas about a seamless, body-slimming undergarment helped to solidify her business plan for her now multi-billion dollar company. In this episode of Monday Morning Mojo, we discuss the importance of taking time each day to reflect on your day’s journey, the people with whom you interacted, as well as any inspiration you found throughout your day. We encourage you to keep a journal close at hand to collect these thoughts. Who knows you might have the next great idea. Sources/Resources Spanx – Sara Blakely: Plato - Journaling: -     What is Journaling - -     Benefits of Journaling - -     Health Benefits of Journaling - http

  • Episode 287: Who Are Your 5?

    03/07/2017 Duración: 04min

    Who are the five people with whom you spend the most time? Looking at the past and present relationships you have cultivated and the individuals that you have chosen to surround yourself with, can you specifically identify those who have influenced you in some way? As Jim Rohn famously stated, “you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with,” and this Monday morning, we challenge you to examine your relationships and consider what traits you admire most in your closest peers, colleagues, friends, and family. If you find certain characteristics in those individuals that won’t enhance or contribute to making you a better person, take caution to not let those relationships have unwarranted influence on you. Influence is an incredibly powerful tool, be aware of those influencing you, and with your influence, be a force for good.  Resources: Jim Rohn: 

  • Episode 286: Enough...

    26/06/2017 Duración: 04min

    When did we lose our capacity to respectfully engage with those who hold a different opinion than our own? Have we forgotten how to disagree without being disagreeable? It’s astounding how today, society is quick to reject perspectives that align perpendicular to our own, and quick to judge one another based solely on our differences.  Life is too short to live this way, and in this morning’s episode, we challenge you to consciously remain open to other perspectives and acknowledge that sometimes you must respectfully agree to disagree. Because when one dismisses another entirely due to a disagreement on a particular point of view, he or she may be missing out on building a great relationship.   Resources: - Depeche Mode – “People are People” - Music Video: - Lyrics: - Friendship between Justices Ginsburg and Scalia - Article:

  • Episode 285: When Success Fails

    19/06/2017 Duración: 04min

    All successful leaders fail.  The key to great leadership is not a 100% success rate; the key to great leadership is the ability to step up and adjust or pivot our initial course of action despite the feeling of failure. Many of us are afraid of the unknown or a lack of a plan B, which greatly inhibits our willingness to seize opportunities. However, if we get comfortable in life with ambiguity, and acknowledge that not every deal, job, or project will work as planned, we set ourselves on a path to achieve greatness.  This Monday morning, we leave you with three ideas to incorporate into your professional endeavors, and challenge you to embrace failure as an essential component of any learning experience. Success may fail at first; it is up to you to not let that failure hinder your ability to be great.

  • Episode 284: Service and Disruption

    12/06/2017 Duración: 04min

    Netflix has replaced Blockbuster, Spotify replaced Apple, Uber replaced taxis, and it seems technology continues to disrupt old-school business models... Or does it? This Monday Morning, we discuss the biggest threat to any firm, and it just so happens, it is not technology. Yes, there are competitive robo-platforms, but instead of being threatened by them, we should simply respond by integrating technology into our own business model while focusing the majority of our energy on our time with clients. The value proposition of an advisor is embedded tightly within his/her relationships to clients, and if an advisor can satisfy a client’s technology needs while building deeper professional connections, they will remain ahead of the curve. To maintain or grow market share, one must find the solution that is completely client-centric, and not doing so is the biggest threat to any business.   Resources: - Alberto Brea:

  • Episode 283: Trust And Character

    05/06/2017 Duración: 04min

      On June 9th, 2017 – only four short days from today – is a day many believe will live in infamy. This Friday is the DOL Fiduciary Rule implementation day, and it is a day making headlines in the financial news – carrying a multitude of questions for advisors and financial firms alike.   How will the Fiduciary Rule evolve business practices? What impact will the rule have on our future and current relationships with clients? These are excellent questions many of us are asking, but perhaps this rule is not as earth-shattering as we seem to think.   This Monday Morning, we are taking a moment to explore the fundamental meaning of the word fiduciary. Once dissected and peeled back to its root, we find that to be a fiduciary is to be an individual who values trust and character. We must remind ourselves that to act as a fiduciary, you are simply required to act in the interest of another; and if you operate within a business that upholds a genuine client-centric model, you are already acting in this manner. Cete

  • Episode 282: Engage Or Exit

    29/05/2017 Duración: 05min

    We have heard it before – the story of a toxic corporate culture or the tale of a not-so-fabulous boss. This is a challenging situation to find yourself in, but in the event that you do, you have two options: exit or engage.   This Monday morning, Phil defines the importance of establishing and maintaining a healthy relationship with one’s colleagues, clients, and supervisors. It’s no surprise that corporate culture matters. Those you surround yourself with matter. A healthy, inviting corporate culture is absolutely imperative for a successful and growing company. As a member of a team, your active contribution in preserving an environment where your colleagues feel welcome and appreciated is critical. Additionally, those in a leadership position must set a positive example and deliberately work to cultivate a strong culture for his/her team.  

  • Episode 281: Overcoming Inertia

    22/05/2017 Duración: 05min

    What mindset do leaders indoctrinate into the backbone of their failures and successes that enables them to achieve the extraordinary? As Dr. Chuck Swindoll correctly stated, “life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you react to it.” This is just one of the key realizations successful leaders must program into their mind’s framework in order to fully accelerate their career.   In this episode, Phil outlines three courses of thought leaders must actively engage in to answer the question: “How is it that great leaders are able to overcome the two great limitations of inertia and fear?” As a preview of the content of the new Cannon Curve podcast coming this June, this Monday Morning serves as the beginning of an attempt to define the habits and characteristics of exceptional leadership.   Resources: Insight for Living: Twitter: @chuckswindoll Facebook:  

  • Episode 280: Leaders Act

    15/05/2017 Duración: 04min

    If you were to take a look into the minds, routines, and character traits of today’s leaders, what would you find? Phil begins to answer this question in his new podcast series – The Cannon Curve. Coming in June, this new series features interviews with many of the nation’s top leaders, CEO’s, and thought provocateurs in the business world, providing insight into the mechanics of modern day leaders. This Monday morning, Phil shares seven pivotal lessons he has learned from the first of these interviews in order to begin to reveal how these influential individuals function. Although leadership styles vary, there are core characteristics and habits that the majority of leaders have in common, and in this episode, Phil has gone straight to the source to identify what they are. Learn More:

  • Man and Machine

    08/05/2017 Duración: 05min

    Instead of viewing technology as man vs. machine, what if we saw it as man and machine?   In the financial industry, the value of genuine human interaction is irreplaceable. There is great value in genuine communication and established relationships – a simple reality unlikely to change. Yet, if we can successfully blend technology into our work, we have the opportunity to build even stronger connections with our clients and make our practice even more efficient.   This Monday morning, Phil reviews the highlights of Envestnet’s industry conference, and discusses the benefits technology can provide to advisors as well as their clients. Together, man and machine have the opportunity to strengthen and advance the financial industry.     Resources: Envestnet: Envestnet on Twitter: Envestnet on LinkedIn: Jud Bergman, Chairman & CEO, Envestnet: Bill Crager, P

  • Acknowledge

    01/05/2017 Duración: 06min

    Have you ever been in a relationship (work, social, personal) where you felt unappreciated or that you didn’t belong? What caused you to feel this way? You’re probably no longer in this relationship, right.   Now, let’s think. Upon first meeting with you, would your clients feel a connection? What do you do to create that connection? How do you show them that you appreciate their business? In this episode, Phil challenges us to do some research and background on our clients. Find a common interest or passion that you can both connect over to create a long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationship.    

  • Simple Problems Need Simple Solutions

    24/04/2017 Duración: 07min

    Do you know how to change a flat tire? This once simple task has now become an overly complicated process that takes up more time than warranted. Simple problems need simple solutions, and this concept applies to more than just flat tires.   Now switch gears and think about your clients and their experiences with you. Is there a way to simplify your interactions with them? How can you make their experience straightforward and effortless? In this episode, Phil challenges you to stay away from over-complicated processes like he experienced with his flat tire, and find a way to always provide simple solutions to simple problems.  

  • Solver, Not A Seller

    17/04/2017 Duración: 03min

    You have a dilemma, who are you going to call? The expert sales person or the known problem solver?     Most would choose the problem solver, and in this episode, Phil explains the significance of that choice. The way others perceive you and your personal narrative can either have a positive or negative impact on your personal and professional relationships. How will you present yours?

  • Quality Endures

    10/04/2017 Duración: 04min

    Think about an experience (good or bad) that has left a lasting impression. Have you shared your experience? That experience that left a lasting impression on you; has left a legacy. You spread that legacy, by telling people about your experience. What legacy will you leave? In this episode, Phil challenges you to take a look around and consider ways in which you can ensure your legacy.    Phil’s Favorite Springtime Activities Augusta National Golf Course - 2017 Master’s Tournament - History of the Masters -

  • The Greatest 9 Days...

    03/04/2017 Duración: 03min

    How much happiness can you stand? What if I told you that the next nine days will be the greatest nine days in American sports this spring? But how are sports and Spring connected? Spring is the season of new life and new beginnings. It marks the end of many seasons, be it winter or basketball, equally it invokes new beginnings for things like baseball and outdoor activities. In this episode, Phil challenges you to build and expand your relationships by taking advantage of the longer days, warmer weather and seasonal activities that Spring has to offer. Phil’s Favorite Springtime Activities 2017 Master’s Tournament - NCAA Men’s Basketball Championship - Major League Baseball - Pebble Beach Food & Wine - Austin Food & Wine Festival - New Orleans Wine & Food Experience - https://www.nowfe.

  • Giving More Than Money

    27/03/2017 Duración: 03min
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