Saint + Elizabeth + Ann + Seton + Parish



Homilies, Teaching, and Inspiration from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Mechanicsburg, PA


  • The King Whose Name Is Love (Deacon Hall)

    26/11/2017 Duración: 04min

     Above and beyond every person on this earth who has the prerogative of any power over others, we have a Good Shepherd who has promised: I myself will look after and tend my sheep (Ez 34:11).Download Transcript

  • Investment, Risk, and Change (Father Eseke)

    19/11/2017 Duración: 11min

    You will have noticed that, as we come close to the end of the liturgical year, the Church begins to place before us readings that remind us of the need to be spiritually awake, the need for us to continue to take a step back and look at how we can deepen our relationship with God…. So the question is, what are you ready to change in your life today, in your relationship with Christ? 

  • Penalties at Mass (Monsignor King)

    19/11/2017 Duración: 06min

    Remember what is often said in athletics, ‘There’s no”I” in church.’ Okay, so that’s not often said in athletics, but it’s true. Jesus began His public ministry by calling together a group who would work together, pray together, learn together, and walk through the joys and sorrows of life together. Jesus hasn’t stopped calling His little flock, and that’s why we’re here together. There truly is no ‘I’ in church, and the witness we give to others (especially the kiddos who are at Mass) by our example goes a long way toward helping each person learn and walk with Jesus.Download Transcript

  • It’s Not About the Oil (Monsignor King)

    12/11/2017 Duración: 05min

    ‘No’ is not the answer we expect. We expect generosity. We expect outstanding generosity: ‘Yes, please, take all the oil you want.’ The disturbing part of this is that the parable is not about generosity. The parable is about the end of time and the return of the Lord. 

  • Integrity (Deacon Hall)

    05/11/2017 Duración: 06min

    The Psalmist describes integrity as someone who stands by his oath even to his hurt or to put it another way, makes firm commitments and does not renege on his promise (15:4). Integrity is someone who is willing to say, ‘I was wrong.’ Integrity is helping others at a cost to ourselves. The test of integrity is when the heat is on––when we are under pressure.Download Transcript

  • Be a Saint (Monsignor King)

    01/11/2017 Duración: 44s

    Everything you do today, be a saint.

  • Unless You Love (Monsignor King)

    29/10/2017 Duración: 02min

    This faith of ours isn’t an academic discipline. Yes, it’s helpful to learn, helpful to know, helpful to study, helpful to have knowledge of its history, background, and meaning, but unless you can love, unless you can put this faith into practice in love, it matters not at all. 

  • Three Spiritual Implications (Father Eseke)

    29/10/2017 Duración: 14min

    You may have heard it said that love liberates. It’s not just a metaphor. When people say that love liberates, it’s not simply a metaphor. It’s real. True loves liberates an individual, it liberates a community , and, believe me, it liberates a culture. And that’s precisely why, in our readings today, we now see Jesus reducing everything about religion and religiosity to love of God and the love of neighbor. 

  • Sojourners and Strangers (Father Schenck)

    28/10/2017 Duración: 16min

    In the first reading tonight, we hear the exhortation, ‘You shall not abuse the sojourner, the alien, the stranger. You shall not do him wrong, for you yourselves were once aliens and strangers in the land of Egypt. 

  • God Calls Our Name (Deacon Hall)

    22/10/2017 Duración: 08min

    Before we were born, God knew every one of us. He knows our name. He knows what our days hold. He knows when the last chapter of our life on earth will end. 

  • No Longer Running Away from God (Father Barnabas)

    14/10/2017 Duración: 13min

    Remember we heard Adam say, ‘It’s not me; it’s this woman.’ And the woman says, ‘It’s not me.’ … You can just imagine, my dear brothers and sisters, after that dialog, that very evening, in our context of today—when they got back home—what do you think Adam would have said to Eve? Or what do you think Eve would have said to Adam? ‘Why are you accusing me to God? I didn’t do it.’ And therefore there is the need for reconciliation, to reconcile us to one another. 

  • Choking on Worry (Monsignor King)

    08/10/2017 Duración: 07min

    Where does your mind spend most of its time? Tearing yourself apart worrying about the woes and troubles of the world — and there are certainly enough of them to strangle yourself in worry — or reinforcing hope and strength and virtue by focusing on whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise?Download Transcript

  • Where Do You Locate God? (Father Eseke)

    08/10/2017 Duración: 06min

    In the scheme of things in your life and in my life, where is God located? In the things going on in your life, as we are trying to balance a lot of things in life: our life’s ambitions, our life’s dreams. Where is God located? 

  • Respect Life (Father Eseke)

    01/10/2017 Duración: 08min

    You know the good news? The Lord’s vineyard is not a gated vineyard. It’s an open vineyard. And so when you change your mind at 4 pm and you want to go into the vineyard, come on in! You change your mind at 6 pm, come on in! Because his mercy is open. His invitation is open. 

  • East of Eden (Monsignor King)

    01/10/2017 Duración: 14min

    The first lie and the first sin were the same: to deny the dignity of woman and man as human beings, to betray their worth as created by God and breathing the very breath of God, to diminish their meaning as persons fashioned by God’s hands.Download Transcript

  • A Look at God’s Mercy (Deacon Hall)

    24/09/2017 Duración: 07min

    Those who started to work early and worked all day were paid the promised day’s wage. Those who worked half a day were paid a day’s wage. Those who worked the last hour of the day were paid a day’s wage. That is the mercy of God. No matter when we turn to him––as a child or as an older adult––there is full forgiveness and the gift of eternal life.Download Transcript

  • Jesus the Eucharist: Forty Hours 2017

    12/09/2017 Duración: 15min

    What does ‘Mass’ mean? It comes to us from the very charge we’re given at the end of Mass: Ite, missa est. It’s the past participle of ‘to be sent.’ It’s to remind us of that service aspect–that what we do here continues out there. It cannot be contained within walls, just as He could not be contained. 

  • Jesus the Church: Forty Hours 2017

    11/09/2017 Duración: 17min

     Jesus chose … to be related to all of us who bear His name in baptism by water and the Holy Spirit. That’s His family.

  • Never Forget (Monsignor King)

    10/09/2017 Duración: 03min

    Sin makes us small—it focuses on our smallness: our small wants, our small desires and passions, a small world we construct around ourselves. Grace connects us to God’s majesty in the vast universe. It enlarges us, teaches us to have an outsized hope. Sin arises from small thoughts and ambitions—me! me!—but grace opens our visions to vast horizons, all touched with the grandeur of God.Download Transcript

  • Jesus of Nazareth: Forty Hours 2017

    10/09/2017 Duración: 17min

    You and I are together for three nights. So I thought we would look at that Man in the tomb with us for 40 hours in three ways. Tonight: Jesus of Nazareth—God made man, a human being who walked our dust and died our death. Tomorrow: Jesus Christ, the Church. And finally, then, on Tuesday night, Jesus Christ in the Eucharist, the Blessed Sacrament. 

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