Saint + Elizabeth + Ann + Seton + Parish



Homilies, Teaching, and Inspiration from Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Mechanicsburg, PA


  • Resurrection (Monsignor King)

    16/04/2017 Duración: 04min

    The last chapter of humanity has been written. It doesn’t end on the cross. It ends in resurrection. It ends in glory. It ends in restoration. It ends in reconstituting the original innocence with which we were all created in the Garden.

  • Our Salvation History (Father Eseke)

    16/04/2017 Duración: 15min

    Our salvation is like a bouquet of flowers. Yes, you can look at each stem in its isolation; it will be beautiful. But if you want to look at the totality, what some people would say is ‘the big picture’, then you’ve got to have faith—to perceive, to look, and to believe.

  • Good Friday 2017 (Monsignor King)

    14/04/2017 Duración: 11min

    What is the worth of a person? …Love bade me welcome. Yet my soul drew backGuilty of dust and sin.But quick-eyed Love, observing me grow slackFrom my first entrance in,Drew nearer to me, sweetly questioning,If I lacked any thing.A guest, I answered, worthy to be here:Love said, You shall be he.(Love, by George Herbert)

  • Holy Thursday 2017 (Monsignor King)

    13/04/2017 Duración: 12min

    Here was Jesus, leaving the meal and putting on a servant’s apron, washing the feet of his students…. Jesus already knew that Peter would turn his back on Him in His hour of need, yet here He is, on his knees, as a slave, before him.

  • The Cross of Jesus (Monsignor King)

    09/04/2017 Duración: 06min

    Each painful wound that Jesus carried, each particle of the cross he hoisted to his shoulder, comes from your life and mine. So as we begin a week we know so well, as we begin a week of events we can narrate without any text, allow the Lord to make this Holy Week yours. Let him reach into your heart and take the crosses you carry onto his own shoulder. Let him reach into your memories and heal the crosses that cause you pain.

  • The Other Side of Death (Deacon Hall)

    09/04/2017 Duración: 10min

    In this act of raising Lazarus––and waiting to do it, even though it caused Mary and Martha more distress––Jesus showed his power over death even before he himself went to the cross.Download Transcript

  • Looking for God at Work (Deacon Hall)

    26/03/2017 Duración: 09min

    We need to understand that God works in these spectacular and powerful ways. We need to be awestruck sometimes. We need to be humbled sometimes. Knowing that God works in these ways which are beyond our comprehension is right and good. But we also need to be able to see God at work in a way that is much more intimate and personally encouraging.

  • Seeing Truth (Father Eseke)

    26/03/2017 Duración: 12min

    Even if you forget every other thing I said this morning, there are three things I don’t want you to forget:  Number one, spiritual obedience. Number two, witnessing. And number three, worship. These are the three things that bring the joy of Christ in our hearts.

  • Looking at Jesus (Monsignor King)

    19/03/2017 Duración: 16min

    There are lots of people who sit in the seats with Jesus, Sunday after Sunday. They might be attracted to him. Like Veronica, they’re interested in the image of Jesus. Or like Pilate, they may have heard something about him and they want to hear a little bit more. Or like the women from Jerusalem, they like doing good deeds, and the Church does good things, and so they are a part of the Church. But they’ve never looked Jesus in the eye. They’ve never seen themselves reflected back in the pupil of his eye. They’ve never spent time with him …

  • A Brief Picture of Reality (Deacon Hall)

    16/03/2017 Duración: 05min

     God does not overwhelm us. God wants us to trust him. So Jesus let three of his disciples see his glory once during those ministry days. It was enough to pave the way for a Faith that would change the world. We can believe today because there is a credible eyewitness record that has been established by the Apostles. Peter and John both wrote that they saw…. and they testified that these things are true…. and then they lived —in such a contrasting way to who they previously were—so that people looking at them took notice that they had been with Jesus. Download Transcript

  • The Impossible Rules of God’s Kingdom: Life in the Spirit (Deacon Hall)

    19/02/2017 Duración: 11min

    The more God’s Spirit controls us, the more we will be able to respond according to his character. So you see, as in the whole Sermon on the Mount, the emphasis is not so much on what we do in any given situation as it is on who we are. There are not enough rules to guide us in godly living, even if we could keep them by ourselves (which we cannot). But what rules cannot accomplish, God’s life in us can as we ‘live in the Spirit.'Download Transcript

  • Salt and Light (Father Eseke)

    05/02/2017 Duración: 12min

    We see Isaiah drawing two lines for us: the vertical axis and the horizontal axis. And Isaiah now lays down a fundamental concept: that there is a correlation between our vertical relationship with God and our horizontal relationship with our brothers and sisters. And I can’t tell myself, ‘Oh, Father Tony, I love God and I am making progress vertically,’ but that vertical progress has no translation to a horizontal axis.

  • You Are the Light of the World (Monsignor King)

    05/02/2017 Duración: 08min

    You—you—are the light of the world. Not someone else. You. Where do you go to get light in this world? What sheds light on the events of this world for you? Where do you go to have light brought into the misunderstandings of this world? For those who know you, you should be the one they look to to find meaning and purpose to the events of this world.

  • What Truly Matters or, “Jesus, You’ve Got To Be Kidding” (Deacon Hall)

    29/01/2017 Duración: 09min

    A right understanding of what God has said and done through his Son calls us to dare to believe that we do not need to live under the burden of what consumes our world, either frantically seeking the so-called good or living in fear of the bad. Christian Faith turns the world’s common values upside down. As Christians, you and I are asked to believe that there is another world far more important than this one….. and then let that belief—that faith—affect the way we think and speak and act.Download Transcript

  • The Wounds of Life (Monsignor King)

    22/01/2017 Duración: 05min

    Jesus was wounded deeply when he heard that his cousin John had been arrested. As soon as Jesus heard that John had been arrested, His life changed radically. He left his hometown and the comfort that represented. He began teaching, healing. He began to surround himself with his 12 closest disciples. In the wounds of Jesus there is to be found the pungent goodness of God and the savory healing of the Lord.

  • Transcending Categories (Father Eseke)

    22/01/2017 Duración: 11min

    What is it about human nature that is prone to divisions and divisiveness? What is it about human psychology—be it in our interpersonal relationships, in our intercultural relationships, and even in our inter-religious and intra-religious relationships—that is sometimes susceptible to divisions and divisiveness? What is it about our human heart? That’s the question.

  • Mary, Mother of God and Mother of the Church (Deacon Hall)

    01/01/2017 Duración: 10min

    Jesus took his human flesh from his mother. The Church teaches clearly, and has always taught, that Mary is not divine. She is human, a creature, just like us, created by God. When we come to faith in Jesus, we are adopted so that Jesus is our brother (Heb 2:11) and Mary becomes our mother. Then we are all one in Christ in his mystical Body. This Body, of course (as Paul explicitly teaches), has different parts, different roles, and different gifts. Not everyone does the same thing. Mary has a special role: She is Mother, because she is literally the mother of Jesus’ physical body, and as we are joined to Christ through the Holy Spirit as his mystical Body she becomes our Mother, too.Download Transcript

  • The Parable of Christmas (Monsignor King)

    25/12/2016 Duración: 12min

     The parable of Christmas … isn’t to bring the universe to me. but to open and expand my heart … that I might see possibilities in those who have no standing in this world, that I might see possibilities even in the darkness and the challenges and setbacks of my own life. When I think I have nothing to offer and nothing to live for and nothing more that can go wrong in my life, it’s in the midst of the darkness of that long winter’s night that we hear a tiny baby’s voice piercing the darkness. That’s that parable of God, making us unsettled, so that we can learn to trust only in God and no one else. 

  • Prepare the Way for the Lord (Deacon Hall)

    04/12/2016 Duración: 08min

    God’s love is so intense that it consumes sin. We are invited to enter into the love of God with such abandon that all our sin is burned up. That actually happens in the process of repentance and forgiveness.Download Transcript

  • Contemplative Prayer with Sacred Scripture (Monsignor King)

    29/11/2016 Duración: 16min

    Have you ever thought that the Lord is drawing you deeper into prayer—where there are no words? Contemplative prayer is an ancient practice in the Catholic Church, but many think of it as something for monastics. In fact, contemplative prayer is used by people in all walks of life as an everyday form of prayer. This rich and meaningful form of prayer is one that Monsignor King uses frequently, and he shared it with us as the first gathering in our Advent Prayer Experience 2016 on the First Sunday of Advent.Download Overview and Guide

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