Escape! - Blake Sawyer And How To Survive The Collapse



ESCAPE! is a hard-hitting, fact-based radio show that provides important life-or-death information for the person considering to expatriate. Host Blake Sawyer details WHERE you can survive a plethora of disasters that are happening right now and those that will happen in the near future. Whether they are natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts or floods; or the global economic crises, wars, pandemics, famines, ruthless governments or any number of life-threatening problems an expat would face. There are many places that are potentially dangerous to an expat, yet there a few safe havens that are/will be immune from these crises. ESCAPE! helps you make the best decision on expatriation so you do not jump from the frying pan into the fire.


  • Royalty - Living The Superior Sovereign Life

    17/08/2016 Duración: 01h06min

    Blake Sawyer provides you today with an opportunity never before offered or understood, how to bring your brain, body, and being to homeostasis - or divine health COST EFFECTIVELY. He gives the solution to those who think it is too expensive to live in divine health - doing all the things needed to do to achieve homeostasis. Few people will survive The Collapse, The Tribulation, The Cleansing without being in homeostasis.

  • Inside Information

    03/08/2016 Duración: 01h07min

    Blake Sawyer shares with his audience the opportunity they have to possess honest inside information about the future and how to survive the next few years of life on planet earth. He likens everyone to being forced to 'play' Russian Roulette, whether they think they are playing the game or not. This podcast allows the listener to put the gun down and walk away from this dangerous 'game'. Your life, and the lives of your loved ones, may very well depend upon what you do after you listen to this podcast.

  • Death Via Insanity

    20/07/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    The narrative in the USA has become totally insane. A sane, 'normal' conversation is long gone. The vast majority of the American population has been brain washed, under mind control, as well as being dumbed-down to accept a state of insanity and unreality like the world has never seen. Insanity is epidemic in the US of A.

  • Why 99% of ALL US Preppers WILL Be Dead Within The Next 10 Years

    06/07/2016 Duración: 50min

    Host Blake Sawyer returns after a few weeks in Costa Rica to share with you his thoughts, insights, and truths. This week's topic: death, premature death, being killed, becoming a murderer, watching your family die in front of you...and how to avoid all of it.

  • Invest, ROI, Success

    08/06/2016 Duración: 01h06min

    In today's podcast, host Blake Sawyer speaks directly to those with 'ears to hear' and those who are 'wise', sharing with them the OPPORTUNITIES that they have to survive, thrive, and live in the coming days, weeks, months, and years. Every person on this planet has 1,440 minutes of opportunities every day. Only the people who listen to this edition of ESCAPE will understand the opportunity they have to avoid the most dreaded failure/castastrophe that anyone can ever imagine having to face in their lifetime. Now that you have read what is discussed on today's podcast, what are YOU going to DO about it?

  • Time Is Of The Essence

    25/05/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Blake Sawyer shares with his audience the most important information you need to know, right now, in order to live and survive the next few to several years of life on planet earth. Only for those with "ears to hear". NOTE: Some "quotes" are used with the bad language 'blanked" out.

  • We Are Now On The "OTHER" Side

    11/05/2016 Duración: 01h03min

    Blake Sawyer has done 212 weekly podcast/radio ESCAPE shows over the past 4+ years. Today's is his 'final' WEEKLY podcast. They will now only come when he feels as though he needs to share something important and NEW to his audience, maybe once or twice per month. In today's podcast, Blake presents the reason why we are now on the OTHER side of this conversation. He lays his heart out for all to see, and why actions speak louder than (his) words. Today just MIGHT be THE day in which you have an epiphany, that TRANSFORMATION of your life, that places you on the path to life, liberty, and reality of happiness.

  • We Are Way Beyond That

    04/05/2016 Duración: 59min

    Truth Seekers know absolutely horrible things are happening in the US of A. Insanity rules the day. Virtually all things have been turned upside down: bizarre and violent behavior is "normal", right is wrong, being good is bad, being bad is "normal", hatred for all that is civilized is "normal", being kind is weak, being nasty is "cool"... The country is lost, permanently lost. So what are you going to do about it? Keep on talking about what is wrong, or actually DO something to protect you and your family from them being harmed, and ultimately killed by the insanity? Host Blake Sawyer offers the ONLY solution for this "problem" facing every man, woman, and child in the US of A.

  • The True Meaning of a Truth Seeker

    27/04/2016 Duración: 55min

    Blake Sawyer answers the ULTIMATE question nearly everyone eventually gets around to asking, "What is truth? What is the truth? And how does being deceived affect me?" The ONLY way to survive The Collapse, The Tribulation, The Cleansing is detailed and laid out plainly for all those truth seekers who have 'ears to hear'. The end IS near.

  • The Keys To Surviving The Collapse, The Tribulation, The Cleansing

    13/04/2016 Duración: 01h09min

    Blake Sawyer shares his infinite wisdom on how to survive the next decade of life on planet earth, when the Luciferian globalists will reduce the world's population by 90% - through wars, disease, famine/starvation, democide/evil governments and more... He even gives insights to his plans on how he and others will not only survive The Collapse, but prosper and be able to help many people through the most difficult time of human history.

  • Accurately Predicting The Future

    06/04/2016 Duración: 01h08min

    Podcast host Blake Sawyer explains how he accurately predicts the future - to be safe from harm and to save money, time, energy, and effort so all that he does is effective and moves him in the right direction toward his goals. You too can learn the secret to this amazing skill.

  • The Top 100 Reasons Why I Chose Costa Rica 1-100

    30/03/2016 Duración: 01h16min

    Blake Sawyer gives his top 100 reasons why he chose Costa Rica to survive The Collapse, The Tribulation, the Cleansing. All in one show/podcast. Mind boggling stats, facts, and insights!

  • The Top 100 Reasons Why I Chose Costa Rica - Part 3

    23/03/2016 Duración: 01h04min

    Opportunities to learn inside information about why expatriating to Costa Rica is just one of the main reasons to listen to today's podcast, as #75 through #101 are given. Blake Sawyer expounds on why Reason #100 is the most important and amazing - mind-blowing truth about Costa Rica. It's revelatory information that you will not want to be without.

  • The Top 100 Reasons Why I Chose Costa Rica - Part 2

    16/03/2016 Duración: 53min

    Blake Sawyer continues his series on why Costa Rica is the best place in the world to survive The Collapse, The Tribulation, The Cleansing. Reasons #54 through #74 are given in today's podcast.

  • The Top 100 Reasons Why I Chose Costa Rica

    09/03/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    Host Blake Sawyer begins anew his series on why Costa Rica is his choice on where to survive The Collapse, The Tribulation, The Cleansing. Reasons #1 thru #53 are presented in today's podcast. Stats, info, and jaw-dropping insights will open your eyes and mind to understand why Costa Rica is the unique safe haven opportunity to live, survive, and thrive; whilst the rest of the world deteriorates into chaos, death, and destruction.

  • The Top 10 Reasons Why You May Be Too Late To Expatriate

    02/03/2016 Duración: 01h20min

    The title of this podcast says it all. You can only HOPE that you are not TOO late and still have time to get out before the doors close, either to keep you in and not let you out or to prevent you from expatriating INTO a safe haven. Reason #10 is the most important and the one that will take some soul-searching that may well end up being one of the most important decisions of your life.

  • Solutions & Answers Versus Unresolvable Predicaments

    24/02/2016 Duración: 01h12min

    Blake Sawyer lights up the airwaves with the simple yet profound truth that the vast majority of "advice" given on life and death issues is either misguided at best or purposefully harmful at worst. The REASON you need TRUTHFUL solutions is now, more than ever, a life and death situation.


    17/02/2016 Duración: 01h03min

    Blake Sawyer explains the opportunity you have to join his exclusive private membership club for those who are serious about expatriating to one of the best, safest, and most ideal places on earth - with other like-minded individuals. ESCAPE INSIDER is like for expats - and then some. Fascinating opportunity.

  • Zika, The Truth, And Then Some More Truth

    10/02/2016 Duración: 01h05min

    What DO you know about the Zika virus? Blake Sawyer gives you nearly everything you NEED to know, and then some, in today's podcast. Not for the faint of heart, nor for the head-in-the-sand naysayers. Let this truth set you free. Tags and Keywords: zika, zika virus, dengue, chikungunya, the collapse, the cleansing, the tribulation, eugenics, population reduction, Darwinism, homeostasis

  • Yes, You Are Going To Die

    03/02/2016 Duración: 01h09min

    Did you know that more than 90% of ALL American die 30 to 50 years PREMATURELY? Of PREVENTABLE diseases? Today's podcast is THE ULTIMATE one-hour guide giving you THE information you need to be in control of your own health destiny. You will NOT be disappointed!

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