Escape! - Blake Sawyer And How To Survive The Collapse



ESCAPE! is a hard-hitting, fact-based radio show that provides important life-or-death information for the person considering to expatriate. Host Blake Sawyer details WHERE you can survive a plethora of disasters that are happening right now and those that will happen in the near future. Whether they are natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, droughts or floods; or the global economic crises, wars, pandemics, famines, ruthless governments or any number of life-threatening problems an expat would face. There are many places that are potentially dangerous to an expat, yet there a few safe havens that are/will be immune from these crises. ESCAPE! helps you make the best decision on expatriation so you do not jump from the frying pan into the fire.


  • How To Avoid The Globalist's Orwellian System

    04/12/2013 Duración: 01h50min

    Host Blake Sawyer has done dozens of shows on where to survive The Collapse, but this is his first hard-core show on HOW to survive the diabolic, enslaving, Orwellian nightmare that is already upon us. You may have relatives or friends telling you that it is worldwide and no one can escape it. Not so! You can avoid the tentacles of the globalist's system that will enslave a vast majority of the world - except the intelligent few. This show discusses everything from the implementation of global government to the "Mark of the Beast" and what you can do to avoid being trapped in it!

  • 99 Reasons Why You Should Expatriate Part 2

    27/11/2013 Duración: 01h50min

    This is Part 2 of host Blake Sawyer's intensive and profound insights with helping you help convince, reason with, and explain to your loved ones WHY expatriating is the right thing to do. Reasons #49 through #99 cover many topics and subjects. Certainly several of them will be epiphanies to your family and friends questioning your decision to leave for another country. Part 1 was aired last week, and contains reasons #1 through #48.

  • 99 Reasons Why You Should Expatriate

    20/11/2013 Duración: 01h47min

    You understand the need to expatriate, but your loved one doesn't. They throw up question after question to argue with you. How do you respond? Host Blake Sawyer spent considerable amount of time to put together 99 intelligent and profoundly sound reasons why the right thing to do is expatriate. Today's show focuses on family issues, monetary questions, and Christians' doubts and questions. These 99 reasons just may help you convince your loved ones you are right, saving their lives. Part 2 airs next week.

  • The Frying Pan Is Heating Up - But Watch Out For The Fire!

    13/11/2013 Duración: 01h48min

    The US and other countries are on the verge of becoming unbearable places to live. But the worst mistake you could make is leaving one country for another that is even worse, or soon to be worse. You don't want to jump from the frying pan into the fire - so what is a person to do? Listen to today's show for keen insights from host Blake Sawyer so you may be one of the intelligent few when it comes to expatriating.

  • An Open Letter To America - You Have Been Warned

    30/10/2013 Duración: 01h51min

    Whether or not this show goes viral, becomes a classic and will eventually be considered the definitive work of host Blake Sawyer, only time will tell. If there is one show out of the hundreds he has done that is a MUST listen to, this is it. Decide for yourself if you have a life-changing experience after listening to it.

  • Contradiction, Dichotomy, and YOU!

    23/10/2013 Duración: 01h46min

    If you believed that pigs could fly, the moon is made of cheese, and the tooth fairy was real, how would that affect your life? OK, not much. But what if you believed 2 plus 2 equaled 11, you could spend as much money as you wanted and 'magically' the bank would keep putting money into your account, and you could cheat on your spouse daily without ever getting caught - your BELIEFS would have a dramatic effect on your life because they are NOT true or NOT reality. Hundreds of millions of people are living in the biggest dichotomy and contradiction in the history of the world. Are you one of them? NOTE: Are you an experienced organic 'farmer'? A job in the world's #1 safe haven MAY be waiting for you. Listen to today's show for details.

  • The 3 Most Important Decisions You WIll Make for The Rest of Your Life

    17/10/2013 Duración: 01h50min

    You make hundreds of decisions every day, consciously and unconsciously. What to wear. What to say. When to go to bed. Some decisions are life changers: Who to marry. How many children to have. Yet there are three decisions you MUST make in the near future that are LIFE AND DEATH decisions, more important than any others you will make for the rest of your life. You do not want to miss today's profound and thought-provoking show. IT may be the most important decision you make today.

  • THE Insanity: You Can't Stop It - So You MUST Escape It - Hour 1

    09/10/2013 Duración: 55min

    As a truth seeker, you most likely recently muttered the words, "This is insane", or something similar. The world is a crazy place and getting crazier. In the United States there is the government shut-down, Orwellian Obamacare, government spying and intrusion into your life, bazillions of laws to marginalize you, and an increase in corruption, crime, and the cost of living. Throughout today's show, host Blake Sawyer highlights some of the insanity, but spends a good amount of time explaining WHY the top three safe havens ARE safe havens,not only for today, but for your future as well.

  • THE Insanity: You Can't Stop It - So You MUST Escape It - Hour 2

    09/10/2013 Duración: 55min

    As a truth seeker, you most likely recently muttered the words, "This is insane", or something similar. The world is a crazy place and getting crazier. In the United States there is the government shut-down, Orwellian Obamacare, government spying and intrusion into your life, bazillions of laws to marginalize you, and an increase in corruption, crime, and the cost of living. Throughout today's show, host Blake Sawyer highlights some of the insanity, but spends a good amount of time explaining WHY the top three safe havens ARE safe havens,not only for today, but for your future as well.

  • Hour 1 - The Most Dangerous Country On Earth

    25/09/2013 Duración: 55min

    Subtitled: The 10 Worst Things That Can Happen to You - Are A High Probability in This Country. Host Blake Sawyer explains in painfully realistic detail why living in the most dangerous country on earth is like playing Russian Roulette. Before you listen to the show, make your own list of the ten worst things that could happen to you and compare them. You might be amazed at how similar they are. Solutions are presented at the end of the show.

  • Hour 2 - The Most Dangerous Country On Earth

    25/09/2013 Duración: 55min

    Subtitled: The 10 Worst Things That Can Happen to You - Are A High Probability in This Country. Host Blake Sawyer explains in painfully realistic detail why living in the most dangerous country on earth is like playing Russian Roulette. Before you listen to the show, make your own list of the ten worst things that could happen to you and compare them. You might be amazed at how similar they are. Solutions are presented at the end of the show.

  • The Top 5 Nuggets of Wisdom From Experienced Expats - Hour 1

    18/09/2013 Duración: 51min

    Do you have a fear of how difficult it will be to expatriate? Concerns about what really is involved? Are you making the right decision? Will you have regrets? Is there anybody 'out there' that can help you? All these questions are answered on today's edition of ESCAPE. Host Blake Sawyer takes you methodically through the 5 most important lessoned learned from people who have already expatriated. Incredibly valuable information.

  • The Top 5 Nuggets of Wisdom From Experienced Expats - Hour 2

    18/09/2013 Duración: 51min

    Do you have a fear of how difficult it will be to expatriate? Concerns about what really is involved? Are you making the right decision? Will you have regrets? Is there anybody 'out there' that can help you? All these questions are answered on today's edition of ESCAPE. Host Blake Sawyer takes you methodically through the 5 most important lessoned learned from people who have already expatriated. Incredibly valuable information.

  • Let's Talk - Hour 1

    11/09/2013 Duración: 57min

    ESCAPE's host Blake Sawyer discusses a plethora of topics today.These include the emails he receives, from hate mail to very good questions asked by you the listeners. He will also explain what Woofing is, and why it just might be your ticket to expatriation; why you MUST read and reread the ESCAPE website to properly understand the important points of expatriation; money, or the lack of money and the expat; can those with a criminal history expatriate?, and more. Solutions to these issues are always on the agenda.

  • Let's Talk - Hour 2

    11/09/2013 Duración: 57min

    ESCAPE's host Blake Sawyer discusses a plethora of topics today.These include the emails he receives, from hate mail to very good questions asked by you the listeners. He will also explain what Woofing is, and why it just might be your ticket to expatriation; why you MUST read and reread the ESCAPE website to properly understand the important points of expatriation; money, or the lack of money and the expat; can those with a criminal history expatriate?, and more. Solutions to these issues are always on the agenda.

  • Racism - What You Need To Know BEFORE You Expatriate - Hour 1

    28/08/2013 Duración: 53min

    Host Blake Sawyer takes you on a thought-provoking journey of the 'forbidden' topic of racism. Are you playing Russian Roulette with your, and your family's lives, simply because you refuse to examine the facts regarding racism? How does racism affect the lives of current expats? Are there places in the world where racism does not exist? Tune in and find out the answers to these questions and more... so you don't jump from the frying pan into the fire.

  • Racism - What You Need To Know BEFORE You Expatriate - Hour 2

    28/08/2013 Duración: 53min

    Host Blake Sawyer takes you on a thought-provoking journey of the 'forbidden' topic of racism. Are you playing Russian Roulette with your, and your family's lives, simply because you refuse to examine the facts regarding racism? How does racism affect the lives of current expats? Are there places in the world where racism does not exist? Tune in and find out the answers to these questions and more... so you don't jump from the frying pan into the fire.

  • The #1 Reason Why People Will Not Expatriate Out Of The USA - Hour 1

    21/08/2013 Duración: 53min

    There are hundreds of reasons why people do not expatriate, even though it would be the right thing for them to do, especially when it is a matter of life or death. Today we get into a deep discussion of the 'forbidden' topic of religion - specifically what the Bible has to say about the United States of America. Is the USA God's gift to the world, as most American Christians believe, or does God say it is a curse on the earth that will be utterly destroyed?

  • The #1 Reason Why People Will Not Expatriate Out Of The USA - Hour 2

    21/08/2013 Duración: 53min

    There are hundreds of reasons why people do not expatriate, even though it would be the right thing for them to do, especially when it is a matter of life or death. Today we get into a deep discussion of the 'forbidden' topic of religion - specifically what the Bible has to say about the United States of America. Is the USA God's gift to the world, as most American Christians believe, or does God say it is a curse on the earth that will be utterly destroyed?

  • The Rush Out of the US is On!: The Top 7 Reasons Why People Are Leaving the US En Masse - Hour 1

    14/08/2013 Duración: 53min

    Hour 1 Have you ever had that sinking feeling that you had been left behind? Maybe as a child your mother went off and left you in a store because she forgot she had you with her? Millions of US citizens are discovering that the rich, the intelligencia, the entrepreneurs, the thoughtful and faithful heads of families, and truth seekers are rushing the doors out of the US (and other nations) to safe havens.Host Blake Sawyer discusses the main reasons why this is happening and how it affects your options to expatriate - or not.

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