Coffeehouse Questions With Ryan Pauly



Coffeehouse Questions seeks to give clear responses to questions about Christianity as well as ways to teach different apologetic and theological topics.


  • Jesus Is Calling You To A Different Ethic

    22/09/2023 Duración: 48min

    There are many different ways in which Christian parents try to encourage their children to live rightly. We may use the same strategies on ourselves when desiring to do what is right. Unfortunately, if we do not have the right motivation then our efforts are often in vain. Today's show combines insights from Ryan's research on a theology of the body with a sermon he recently preached on 2 Corinthians 8:9. Watch and discover the correct motivation for Christian living.

  • Challenges To Christians In The Sciences (Dr. Casey Luskin)

    10/08/2023 Duración: 59min

    What challenges do Christian students face while studying science in high school and college? Is there academic freedom to study, research, or teach about the scientific debate over Darwinian evolution and intelligent design? Dr. Casey Luskin joins the show to make a case for intelligent design, help you navigate the challenges to being a Christian in a scientific field, and answer your science and faith questions related to intelligent design. Dr. Luskin is a scientist and an attorney. He holds a PhD in Geology from the University of Johannesburg and a law degree from the University of San Diego. He works as Associate Director of the Center for Science and is a California-licensed attorney, practicing primarily in the area of evolution-education in public schools and defending academic freedom for scientists who face discrimination because of their support for intelligent design. Dr. Luskin co-edited with William Dembski and Joseph Holden "The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith: Exploring the Ultimate

  • Is Masculinity "Toxic"? Surprising New Data On Christian Men (Nancy Pearcey)

    05/08/2023 Duración: 53min

    The cultural narrative is that masculinity is toxic and that evangelical Christian men are some of the worst offenders. Where did this idea come from? Is it supported by evidence? Today's conversation with Professor Nancy Pearcey will look at surprising new findings from sociology that challenge this secular script. Join us and see why authentically committed Christian men test out as the most loving and engaged husbands and fathers who have the lowest level of divorce and domestic violence of any group in America. Nancy Pearcey is a bestselling author and speaker. A former agnostic, she was hailed in The Economist as "America's pre-eminent evangelical Protestant female intellectual." Her work as appeared in the Washington Post, Washington Times, First Things, Human Events, American Thinker, Daily Caller, The Federalist, CNSNews, and Fox News. She has appeared on NPR, C-SPAN, and Fox & Friends. She is currently a professor and scholar in residence at Houston Christian University. Pearcey's books have been tr

  • Christians In The Public Square - 303 Creative Supreme Court Decision

    01/07/2023 Duración: 48min

    How should Christians live out their faith in the public square? What does it look like to have our faith influence the laws ways we vote? Does the recent Supreme Court decision with 303 Creative allow Christians to discriminate against gay people? Join the conversation as we Think Well about Christian political engagement. Ryan's Info Website: Email Updates: Facebook: Instagram, Twitter, TikTok: @ryanpauly3 iTunes Podcast: Soundcloud: Spotify: Amazon Music: Speaking Requests: If you have received something of value from this ministry and want to give back, or if you want to partner in equipping the church for cultural engagement, would you prayerfully consider joining our financial support team? More information can be found here

  • Why Secular Thinkers Are Considering Christianity Again (Justin Brierley)

    17/06/2023 Duración: 01h02min

    Secularism seems to have taken over, but is there a change coming? Agnostic journalist Douglas Murray commented that a number of his intelligent friends had converted to Christianity in recent years. Justin Brierley (former host of Unbelievable? and current host of the Re-Enchanting Podcast) was seeing a similar trend among the secular thinkers he had interviewed on his show. Jordan Peterson, Tom Holland, Dave Rubin, and many others have found themselves surprised by the continuing resonance of the Christian faith. These stories, and more, are documented in Justin's new book, "The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God: Why New Atheism Grew Old and Secular Thinkers are Considering Christianity Again," which is set to release in September. Justin joins the show to discuss his work and "persuade you that the reason so many people are attesting again to the fact that Christianity works is because it really is true."

  • Call-In Show On The Moral Argument For God's Existence

    03/06/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    What is the moral argument for God's existence? How does it lead to belief in God? How does it apply to moral situations today? Today's show will focus on answering questions related to the moral argument for God's existence.

  • A 12-Year Run Is Coming To An End | Q&A

    13/05/2023 Duración: 41min

    Big changes are happening this summer... Think Well is officially ready to bring Ryan on in an increased capacity! This means more interviews and YouTube content! Donors have come alongside this ministry in an incredible way to make this goal a reality, helping us raise over 90% of our 2023 budget. Wow! This is our final push to raise the last 10% before launching into full gear. We are looking for 30 new monthly partners this month that want to help us reach our goal. Become a Think Well monthly partner and join the mission in creating passionate and confident ambassadors for Christ! Check out the link for more info! Think Well is here to serve some of the big needs today: - Sharing the Gospel in an increasingly hostile culture - Students doubting that Christianity is true and good - Parents and youth leaders feeling unequipped to address, engage and disciple amidst these struggles - The next generation deconstructing and leaving Christian exclusivity - Co

  • Tips To Discussing Controversial Topics Without Arguing

    29/04/2023 Duración: 43min

    Having productive conversations should be the goal of a Christian's cultural engagement. This show will offer practical tips on how to discuss hard questions and controversial topics without being argumentative. If you have received something of value from this ministry and want to give back, or if you want to partner in equipping the church for cultural engagement, would you prayerfully consider joining our financial support team? More information can be found here.

  • An Atheist & Christian Discuss Deconversion & Evidence For God

    28/02/2023 Duración: 01h05min

    Ryan interviews A Roaming Goliath, a recently deconverted Christian who identifies as an atheist. They discuss why he left Christianity and reasons for and against the existence of God.

  • I Would Believe In God, But... | LIVE Q&A

    04/02/2023 Duración: 58min

    Evangelism efforts are sometimes met with, "I would believe in God, but..." Are you ready to respond to common objections and reasons for not wanting to believe in God? Ryan works through eight common responses to the Gospel and takes questions from listeners.

  • Why Doesn't God Just Show Up & Prove Himself? (Dr. Tim Stratton)

    07/01/2023 Duración: 01h06min

    “In fact, of all the arguments for and against God's existence (and I've heard them all) this is the most powerful I have encountered in support of the atheist position. A tour de force."” - Michael Shermer, Publisher Skeptic Magazine Divine hiddenness is a problem that many people have to work through. Skeptics claim this is one of the best objections against God and in support of atheism. Today's show will look at this argument, see where it breaks down, and provide a thoughtful theological and philosophical response.

  • Join the Challenge & Help Think Well

    20/12/2022 Duración: 08min

    I thought I’d be the last to do a giving challenge, but then a generous donor offered to match all donations to Think Well before Dec. 31 up to $5,000! Praise God! Please message me with any questions you might have, and help us max out this cool opportunity! Giving options can be found here.

  • It's Possible God Exists & He's Better Than You Think (Dr. Paul Gould)

    16/12/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    "The deep longing of the human heart is for a story that is both true and satisfying." But how can we know which story is true? Does the religious or non-religious story better line up with reality? Dr. Paul Goul looks at 11 clues to understand the universe at our place in it and encourages you to adopt a different posture toward the question of God. Dr. Paul Gould is associate professor of philosophy and director of the philosophy of religion master's program at Palm Beach Atlantic University. He is the founder and president of the Two Tasks Institute, an apologetics institute and podcast, and a sought-after speaker. Gould has written numerous books, including "The Story of the Cosmos" and the award-winning "Cultural Apologetics."

  • The Best Lies Sound The Most Beautiful (Alisa Childers)

    26/11/2022 Duración: 01h24s

    Live your truth. Follow your heart. You only have one life to live. God just wants you to be happy. Love is love. These cultural statements flood our news feeds and sound so positive, but are they true? In order to Think Well we must discern the messages we see and compare them to biblical truth. Alisa Childers joins me to discuss her new book, "Live Your Truth and Other Lies: Exposing Popular Deceptions That Make Us Anxious, Exhausted, and Self-Obsessed." This show will help you evaluate popular lies by looking at what Scripture has to say.

  • Famous Movies Reveal Our Desire for an Ultimate Hero (Dr. Frank Turek)

    19/11/2022 Duración: 01h02min

    Instead of ignoring culture or simply imitating it, what if Christians took it seriously and thought well about how they could incorporate its valuable truths into our teaching? This is what the apostle Paul did with the Athenian leaders at Mars Hill (Acts 17:16-31). What would it look like in our day? Dr. Frank Turek is the president of and the coauthor of "I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist." Zack Turek is an officer in the United States Air Force and a graduate of Southern Evangelical Seminary. Together they have authored the book, "Hollywood Heroes: How Your Favorite Movies Reveal God."

  • How Jesus Followers Have Shaped Everything (Dr. Jeff Myers)

    22/10/2022 Duración: 59min

    It's shocking how the narrative of human history has changed. Students are being taught that religion (Christianity) is the cause of the world's problems. The truth may surprise you! Dr. Jeff Myers joins me to discuss how Jesus followers have, and can, transform the world in times of crisis. Dr. Jeff Myers is the president of Summit Ministries. Summit is an organization that equips and supports the rising generation to embrace God's Truth and champion a biblical worldview. Dr. Jeff is one of America's most respected authorities on Christian worldview, apologetics, and youth leadership development.

  • 2 Bad Arguments Against Christianity

    15/10/2022 Duración: 35min

    Does an all-knowing God make free will an illusion? Since heaven is without sadness, does mean that we won't be ourselves? These two arguments were put forth in posts that students sent my way. Let's work through these bad arguments and learn to think well.

  • Navigate Tricky Conversations with Mormons (Eric Johnson)

    17/09/2022 Duración: 01h04min

    This conversation will get you ready to present the case for Christianity with confidence and grace. You'll be better equipped to navigate those tricky conversations as you delineate biblical teachings from Mormon doctrine. Join us and Think Well about some of the the most important theological topics. Eric Johnson works with Mormonism Research Ministry ( and has written and coauthored several books, including "Answering Mormon's Questions," "Mormonism 101," and "Sharing the Good News with Mormons." He currently lives in Utah with his wife and three daughters.

  • Why You Can't Separate Love From Belief- A Response To Randal Rauser

    10/09/2022 Duración: 01h15min

    I invited Randal Rauser on my show back in July. After our live conversation, he offered me a thought experiment that tried to show that loving rightly is more important than believing rightly. His thought experiment is in his video, "How You LOVE is More Important than What You BELIEVE" on YouTube. I told him that I would make a video with a more detailed response, so here it is!

  • How Relativism Undermines Your Faith In Christ

    21/08/2022 Duración: 56min

    Our culture has gone through a major shift that is influencing and impacting our students. We may think that our students are protected from the culture inside their churches, families, and schools. However, recent studies show that the relativistic ideas in our culture are undermining the faith of students. How can Jesus be the Truth if there is no truth? Ryan explains how relativism is undermining your student’s faith in Christ and gives practical ways in which we can respond.

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