Raven On Podcast



Raven On is a podcast of all things Game of Thrones, recorded every Tuesday after each episode (and if all goes well, out on Wednesdays). It features Brisbane-based journalists and GoT tragics - general gadfly Natalie Bochenski (@girlclumsy) and the chocolate-voiced mountain god Stuart Layt (@discostu).


  • Raven On S8E3

    03/05/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    TORMUND GIANTSBANE IS ALIVE! That's pretty much the only thing Stu cares about after the epic battle of "The Long Night", but he and Nat still find a lot more to chat about in this week's live podcast. Arya stabbing! Bran warging! Melisandre flaming! A bunch of people unexpectedly surviving! Plus, we were treated to an amazing musical performance by Wendy and Zannah, who sang "Jenny of Oldstones" so beautifully. It will give you chills! Make sure to check out @wendylangmusic and @zannahmusic on Instagram to see more of their work.

  • Raven On S8E2

    24/04/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    Valar Morghulis has never seemed so real as we approach The Great Big F***-Off Final Battle. Nat & Stu are joined by an enthusiastic crowd who want to process all the quiet hope and despair in this episode, and also to boo Natalie's puns, apparently. There's an episode quiz, audience input AND a big survey on who we think will live or die in the Battle for Winterfell. Plus the (highly likely) final instalment of "Living at Home with Grey Worm and Missandei". Get the tissues and copious alcohol ready for next week's onslaught!

  • Raven On S8E1

    17/04/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    Valar Morghulis! Valar Dohaeris! Your loving servants of the Old Gods, New Gods, Red God, Drowned God, Many-Faced God, and God of Death, Nat & Stu are BACK! Game of Thrones Season Eight is finally here, and your two recapodcasters (sure, that's a word) have returned to get super excited about all things Westeros, and super scared about the impending end of the best show ever. There's lots of setting things up this week, moving chess pieces into place, but also some moments we weren't expecting, such as dragon-riding, and big revelations, such as a certain brooding former-King-in-the-North's family history. Plus the threatened new segment, "Cersei & Qyburn Try To Make This Work". This is Nat & Stu's first ever LIVE podcast recording too - and thanks to our amazing first audience! If you're in Brisbane, come down to Mary Mae's Bar at the Brisbane Powerhouse every Tuesday night from 7pm to catch the live recording of Raven On! It's FREE!

  • Raven On S8 Preview

    04/04/2019 Duración: 01h27min

    They're back! With just a few precious days until Game of Thrones Season 8 starts, Nat & Stu catch up for a chat about all things Westeros ahead of the beginning of the end. They chat about trailers and other publicity HBO has been drip-feeding to we thirsty fans, relive older episodes in a blaze of nostalgia, plus many, many sidebars. And there's a new in-podcast sitcom! Get ready for "Cersei & Qyburn Try To Make This Work"! (It'll make sense when you listen. Maybe). Enjoy, and thanks for listening!

  • Who's Raven On S11 E11

    06/01/2019 Duración: 01h25min

    Happy 2019, everyone! Nat & Stu are joined by special guests Nick Wiggins and Greg Rowbotham to mine over the last episode of Season 11, and first (only?) episode of 2019 - "Resolution". This is a particularly long listen, so maybe jump on the treadmill, or bike, or scooter, or do some cleaning - basically settle in for a deep dive into the nerd pool. Thanks to everyone for listening to Who's Raven On this season - no doubt we'll see you more in 2019! Have a wonderful year.

  • Who's Raven On: Jefferon Starfish Episode

    03/01/2019 Duración: 35min

    It's finally here - the long-talked about, possibly foolish, self-penned episode of Doctor Who: "Jefferson Starfish". When the Doctor and Stu accidentally wind up in London on New Year's Day 1889, they're startled to discover Jack the Ripper might be back. But soon twists reveal a different culprit at play, bent on an EXPLOSIVE revenge! Featuring cameos from real-life historical figures such as Inspector Abberline and police surgeon Thomas Bond, "Jefferson Starfish" should you have hooked as least as much as one of the shabbier episodes of Doctor Who S11. Featuring Nat & Stu as "The Doctor" and "Stu", as well as the vocal talents of Nick Wiggins, Scott Driscoll and Gregory Rowbotham. Tremble in fear at... JEFFERSON STARFISH!

  • Who's Raven On S11E10

    14/12/2018 Duración: 01h21min

    All good things must come to an end - even a "mostly fine? It was fine, wasn't it?" season of Doctor Who. Join Nat & Stu for their final S11 recap podcast, in which they wade in to the Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, get reacquainted with Tim Shaw, and Joining the team for one last trip in the TARDIS is Greg from the Smart Enough to Know Better podcast, who helps the hosts muse over Jodie Whittaker's debut season, and some of the ups and downs therein. This won't be the last podcast - we've still got to record our masterpiece self-generated Doctor Who story "Jefferson Starfish", plus we'll return for the New Year's Eve special. But thank you all for joining in for this podcast through space and time (in particular time, as hooooo boy these really blow out in length).

  • Who's Raven On S11E9

    06/12/2018 Duración: 01h18min

    Nat & Stu go to Norway for magic mirrors, alternate dimensions, crap creepy monsters and COSMIC FROGS! Yes, it's another pretty good episode, is "It Takes You Away". There are also plenty of tangents this week because your hosts were in weird moods. Natalie rants about Coca-Cola and is inflicted over Zac Efron as Ted Bundy; while Stu is still riding BIG COW all the way to the paddock. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On S11E8

    29/11/2018 Duración: 57min

    Nat & Stu are back, and they're on Skype again! Forgive the odd technical glitch as they VOIP it up and discuss "The Witchfinders". Nat also goes on a typical Nerdy History Rant, Stu muses over the gender implications of the Doctor becoming a woman finally seeing the light of day, the pair both praise the devil out of Alan Cumming's King James, and ponder what the final two episodes might hold. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On S11E7

    20/11/2018 Duración: 01h10min

    Kerblam! Nat and Stu are joined by journalist and Doctor Who fan Nick Wiggins for a look at this subtle examination of human labour versus robotic efficiency OR massive dig at/exoneration of Amazon. Stu is cranky that the key message is that mega-corporations have it right, and that you shouldn't rebel, just be happy you have a job. Nick brings an intriguing season-arc theory to the table, which is cleverer than anything Nat & Stu have come up with. Meanwhile Nat seems mostly excited about next week's episode about witch hunts, judging by the amount of times she references medieval woodcuts. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On S11E6

    14/11/2018 Duración: 01h06min

    Welcome back to Who's Raven On, where this week Nat & Stu declare "Demons of the Punjab" to be their best-liked episode so far this season, and not just because of CRUMPET. However, as expected, there are some flaws and questions about this episode, and the broader question of how interventionist the Doctor should be, particularly when fake personal histories are mixed in with real historical events. Also Natalie talks a lot about her own Gran, plus the attempt to develop a Doctor Who episode takes another, potentially grim, turn. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On S11E5

    07/11/2018 Duración: 01h07min

    Tiny hungry space monsters and strangely undermined plot points form key talking points of this week's Who's Raven On podcast. Nat & Stu are puzzled by an episode that had lots of promising parts, but somehow left them both with more questions than answers. Plus there's a special appearance from guest podcaster, Chloe Giantsbane!

  • Who's Raven On S11E4

    02/11/2018 Duración: 01h04min

    SPIDERS! GIANT SPIDERS! RAP MUSIC! MR BIG! It's all happening on this week's episode, as Nat & Stu wrap their hairy legs around toxic Sheffield spiders and irresponsible yet ebullient capitalism. There's a bit of talk about how Stu & Nat feel Jodie Whittaker is travelling as the Doctor, plus a lot of talk about writing their own episode involving starfish. Tune in for more development as we go along!

  • Who's Raven On S11E3

    26/10/2018 Duración: 01h22min

    The Doctor is back in time and hooooooooooo it's complicated. Join Nat & Stu - and special guest Dan Beeston from the Smart Enough to Know Better podcast - as they talk about "Rosa". They are, of course, all very white, and are very aware that they may accidentally offend given the subject matter of the episode - race in America - is just a *teensy* bit incredibly complicated and loaded. There are a few inevitable tangents, and Natalie continues to struggle against the march of time by insisting she is still relevant and "hip with the kids".

  • Who's Raven On S11E2

    17/10/2018 Duración: 45min

    Nat & Stu are coming to you via Skype this week, but that doesn't stop them throwing down some incisive commentary on Doctor's accidental visit to Desolation in "The Ghost Monument". Art Malik has a lot of fun as the organiser of an intergalactic space rally, the TARDIS gets a makeover, and what is "The Timeless Child"? All that and more nitpicking from Nat in this week's podcast.

  • Who's Raven On S11E1

    10/10/2018 Duración: 01h01min

    Nat & Stu crash through the train ceiling of charming adventure drama with their first podcast of the new and womanly improved series of Doctor Who. Hear their thoughts on Jodie Whittaker as the new Doctor, the change in theming, tone and music, a lowdown on companions, plus special guest Greg from the Smart Enough to Know Better weighs in on that toothy villain. As the Doctor herself says: "Well, this'll be fun!"

  • Who's Raven On: S11 Preview

    04/10/2018 Duración: 36min

    Nat and Stu are back, and it's FANTASTIC! (They hope) Your intrepid Game of Thrones tragics are filling Westeros void by jumping onboard the TARDIS train and doing a podcast about the new season of Doctor Who - you know, the one with the WOMAN! A WOMAN! Can you even imagine, goodness gracious, what on Gallifrey is going on? Anyway, this is a preview/introductory podcast in which Nat and Stu discuss their history with the good Doctor, some thoughts on the impending season, and a fairly good chunk of Game of Thrones chat because they just can't help themselves. Thank you for listening!

  • Raven On - All Sizzle, No Sausage

    21/07/2018 Duración: 01h43min

    Well, stone the crows, if it isn't a wildly out-of-season Raven On episode! Natalie and Stu decided to get together for some old-fashioned banter, as well as introduce Stu's newborn daughter CHLOE GIANTSBANE to the world of amateur podcasting. It's been a year since S7 ended, and who knows how much longer we have until S8 takes GoT out of our lives together, so strap in for some poorly-researched ramblings about anything vaguely related to our favourite folks from Westeros and beyond. There's also, as usual, many tangents onto other subjects, including Nat's forthcoming adventure, and internet culture. Thanks for listening!

  • Raven On S7E7 Full Podcast

    12/09/2017 Duración: 01h18min

    Deja vu, it's another Raven On S7E7 podcast! As promised, this is the full, "Hey they're in the room together" finale rundown that Stu and Nat promised before Nat selfishly went to New York and disrupted the usual schedule. There's a bit of chat about recapping New York-style, then onto the episode itself, Jon Snow's buttocks, and the BOAT SEX between blood relatives. Littlefinger's demise is welcomed and revelled in (almost a little too much), and everybody is thrilled with Jaime's intense face-acting, and eventual decision to ditch Cersei. Nat & Stu are determined at some stage to either start another podcast, or do something else GoT-related while they wait and wait and wait for Season 8. If you have any thoughts, feel free to suggest them!

  • Raven On Podcast S7E7

    29/08/2017 Duración: 29min

    With Natalie in New York for the big GoT S7 finale, she and Stu catch up via the wonders of VOIP for this intermediary podcast. They discuss the potential fall out from the Jon/Dany Boning Potential reaching 100% likelihood, and Natalie's strong reactions to said boning (so strong she didn't even take time to appreciate gratuitous ass shots). They also chat a bit about the very timely justice that was brought to Littlefinger and the Ice Dragon bringing the Wall down with mighty ice-fire. Or fire-ice. Whatevs. A full podcast will follow in early September once Nat & Stu can get back in the same room and EMOTE their little hearts out. Enjoy this one in the meantime!

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