Raven On Podcast



Raven On is a podcast of all things Game of Thrones, recorded every Tuesday after each episode (and if all goes well, out on Wednesdays). It features Brisbane-based journalists and GoT tragics - general gadfly Natalie Bochenski (@girlclumsy) and the chocolate-voiced mountain god Stuart Layt (@discostu).


  • Who's Raven On | Ascension of the Cybermen

    26/02/2020 Duración: 01h52min

    Nat & Stu are back, with Nat uncomfortably keen to update everybody on her health, leading to a wild Inception-style tangent stack into June Dally-Watkins, 90s-era deportment courses and egregious hormone use on teenage girls. Eventually they crack open this week's Doctor Who episode, which starts with the Doctor conveniently parking the TARDIS far enough away to allow PLOT to occur. Nat & Stu still aren't entirely sure of what the Lone Cyberman's plans/goals are, but admit they're mostly enjoying trying to figure it out. The most fun is had discussing the "Brendan" flashback subplot, which very much proves writer Chris Chibnall has a *thing* for throwing young men off cliffs. We're just sayin.' Thanks for listening, and enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On | The Haunting of Villa Diodati

    24/02/2020 Duración: 01h44min

    Natalie has not been well, which accounts for the first ten minutes of this episode describing symptoms to her long-suffering co-host Stu that were probably not necessary. But still, it hopefully sets the scene for the spookiness of the Doctor's trip back to Lake Geneva circa 1816, in which Frankenstein may or may not be written, and Mary or Percy Shelley may be the most important person in history. There's Lone Cyberman talk, joy at the Doctor having to make tough (house) calls, and predictions for the final two-parter. Also Stu keeps Nat up to date with what's happening in pop culture due to her utter inability to keep up with the kids. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On | Can You Hear Me?

    11/02/2020 Duración: 01h43min

    Nat is back in Brisbane but suffering from serious gym-related physical pain, so is back on Skype with Stu for "Can You Hear Me?". There's a general feeling that this was a mixed bag, with some cool spooky concepts (such as Kevan Lannister's immortal fingering) but a slightly odd take on mental health, conflicting fears and nightmares. There was also a HYPER WEIRD scene between Graham and The Doctor, feeding the theory that 13 is a sociopath. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On | Praxeus

    06/02/2020 Duración: 02h28min

    Natalie's been roller skating and crashed on her head, which might explain another long episode of Who's Raven On. However, she and co-host extraordinaire Stu also discover there's way more crap in this episode than you initially think on first viewing. So there's a lot of pointing out the messy joins in "Praxeus". There's also a TON of radio in-jokes that will be really funny to maybe three people. Greg from the Smart Enough to Know Better podcast also joins in the fun; plus Stu brings a lot more pop culture news and views to the table, including Star Trek: Picard; Marvel and Witcher.

  • Who's Raven On | Fugitive from the Judoon

    30/01/2020 Duración: 01h48min

    Hells bells, wasn't that just the darnedest good episode of Doctor Who in a long time?! Nat & Stu are back to swoon over the platoon of Judoon near a lagoon (or canal); not to mention all the other VERY EXCITING REVEALS in this episode. They're so focused, they even forget to do lengthy sidebars about other topics. That's how thrilling this episode was! Enjoy.

  • Who's Raven On | Nikola Tesla's NoT

    24/01/2020 Duración: 02h09min

    Saddle up for another deep dive, as Nat & Stu connect via Skype to chat all things Nikola Tesla. Turns out this episode was... fun? A nice change from last week. Electricity and scavenging scorpion creatures make for a good time. Greg from the "Smart Enough to Know Better" podcast also weighs in; plus there's a bunch of other pop culture news, including the return of Captain Picard and the somewhat questionable first images from "The Watch", the adaptation of Terry Pratchett's classic Discworld novels. Tune in and drop out, y'all!

  • Who's Raven On | Orphan 55

    19/01/2020 Duración: 01h30min

    Natalie and Stu catch up via Skype to talk about the general disappointment that was "Orphan 55", the third episode of this season of Doctor Who. Disappointment is one word - "giant unholy and rather preachy mess" are several more. Greg from the Smart Enough to Know Better podcast even chimes in to express his A n G e R Y feelings about this relaxing-spa-trip-gone-wrong-oh-wait-it-turns-out-it-was-man sermon of a show. Apologies for the tardiness ("Tardis-ness"?!?) of this upload - Natalie has been in Perth getting a show up and running. Check out www.actreact.com.au if you want to see what she's up to!

  • Who's Raven On | Spyfall 2

    08/01/2020 Duración: 01h12min

    Greetings! Nat & Stu were able to do a Skype hook-up to discuss the second part of the Doctor Who adventure "Spyfall". They discuss the rollicking adventurous nature of it, complete with historical badass ladies and just plain bad old Nazis. They also check in with Dan and get his written suggestions on the episode after his tirade last time. And they put the call out for fans to "call in" (or, you know, leave a comment), on what you reckon "The Timeless Child" is, was, means, represents, etc. Enjoy!

  • Who's Raven On | Spyfall 1

    05/01/2020 Duración: 01h10min

    Welcome to the first podcast of 2020! Another year of what Natalie calls "friendship" but what Stu might call "getting press-ganged into indulging more of Nat's rambling opinions on things she is mostly unqualified to comment upon"! This time, Dan from the "Smart Enough to Know Better" podcast joins Nat & Stu to discuss "Spyfall Part 1", the New Year's Day episode of Doctor Who, which turns out to be the start of the latest season. Lots of chats about spies, Stephen Fry, and that "O" guy. Enjoy!

  • Raven On Garbage

    29/12/2019 Duración: 02h05min

    It's the last Raven On podcast for 2019! Natalie & Stu are joined by Greg from the "Smart Enough to Know Better" podcast to recap the final episode of season one of "His Dark Materials", before launching into a discussion of all things "Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker". As an aside, the title "Garbage" is inspired by Natalie's Dad, who accidentally calls in to the podcast just moments after it gets underway. According to Marcus, most everything is garbage, especially that whole Star Wars business. Thanks to all listeners who've stuck with us during our final Game of Thrones podcasts this year (including our live audiences!), and for going with us as we experiment with other shows. See you in 2020!

  • Raven On Subatomic Skidmarks

    19/12/2019 Duración: 02h52min

    Nat attempts to surprise Stu with a belated birthday cake, and accidentally creates the new broadcast format "cake-casting". The subsequent sugar rush allows the chatty pair to rave on for nearly three hours, but that's OK, because at least they're not out on the streets causing trouble. Chill out and enjoy many thoughts on the penultimate episode of His Dark Materials, including the BEAR FIGHT, before a deep velvety dive into the final episode of Watchmen, including eggs, dong placement, fancy pants and even trivial things like the nature of time and contextual links in pop culture. Or something. Enjoy!

  • Raven On Baby Yoda

    12/12/2019 Duración: 02h31min

    Look, Baby Yoda is only tangentially mentioned in this podcast, but the name just stuck. That's right, Nat & Stu are back in the same room and raring to go HARD on Ep 6 of "His Dark Materials" and Ep 8 of "Watchmen". Strap yourselves in for an epic run-time, because there's a lot to talk about. There are problematic daemons, Mrs Coulter back walking the corridors and the destruction of Bolvangar in HDM, while Angela and Dr Manhattan's love story gets the wibbley-wobbley timey-wimey treatment in Watchmen. Lots of tangents along the way of course, plus a bunch of pop culture catching-up on topics such as James Bond, Wonder Woman, Doctor Who, and Disney Plus (hence Baby Yoda). Enjoy!

  • Raven On Elephant in the Room

    08/12/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    It's a particularly spell-binding episode, as Natalie had just seen the first instalment of "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child" play before catching up with Stu via Skype. Natalie's increasing exhaustion means this is the shortest episode to date, clocking in at just over an hour. What?! Still, the pair manage to shoot the breeze over Episode 5 of "His Dark Materials", which Natalie found more entertaining than Stu, mostly because the Panserbjorne lost the Panser to go exploring with Lyra. The pair then get cracking on Episode 7 of "Watchmen", which featured more twists and turns than a licorice rope in a Gravitron. Also: farting, courtesy of Adrian Veidt. Enjoy!

  • Raven On Panserbjorne

    01/12/2019 Duración: 01h51min

    Nat & Stu are back on Skype this episode, given Natalie has been running around Nakatomi Plaza as part of "Die Hard: The Movie, The Play" and could only podcast very late at night. It's another long episode as your daring duo discuss two great episodes of TV - Episode 4 of "His Dark Materials" and Episode 6 of "Watchmen". There's armoured bears and aleithiometers galore, plus the exquisitely told origin story of Will Reeves/Hooded Justice. Plus a tangent in which your heroic hosts grapple with the merciless march of time. Enjoy!

  • Raven On Squid Pro Quo

    24/11/2019 Duración: 01h39min

    This week, Nat & Stu drag special guest - Greg, from the Smart Enough to Know Better podcast - down to their level, as they get stuck into His Dark Materials Episode 3 and Watchmen Episode 5. There's all manner of tangents about fantasy, and space, plus a lot of respect for the synchronicity of the joke "squid pro quo". Enjoy another lengthy chin-wag around the microphone!

  • Raven On Bad Monkey

    17/11/2019 Duración: 01h39min

    It's a cross-city chat as Nat & Stu Skype the latest Raven Dong/Daemon On episode. This girthy instalment covers Episode 2 of His Dark Materials, which features Ruth Wilson walking down a series of corridors, and Lyra essentially trapped in a golden cage like some sort of metaphor. Your intrepid interlocutors then turn their attention to Episode 4 of Watchmen, which featured more batshit crazy stuff such as Jeremy Irons in jodhpurs pulling swamp clone babies out of crab pots, and Stu's new favourite (and practical!) superhero, "Lube Man". Strap yourselves in!

  • Raven On BBD

    10/11/2019 Duración: 01h39min

    Nat & Stu reunite to yabber on about not one, but TWO, new series. First up it's His Dark Materials, the BBC/HBO production of Phillip Pullman's popular young adult series. There's a lot of discussion about what a "Daemon" is, and whether or not it needs to poop, along with how to do exposition in a fantasy series. Please note! Natalie has read the books, and while she has forgotten most of it, is trying very hard not to reveal any possible book spoilers. The BBD of the title stands for "Big Blue Dong", because hooooo boy there's a lot of wang talk this episode when it comes to Watchmen. Stu confesses his instant, undying love for Laurie Blake, FBI vigilante buster extraordinaire, and there's speculation about where exactly Jeremy Irons IS. Once again, spoilers for both the book and TV series. It's another big listen, but we hope you enjoy it. Or not, if you're a masochist. :P

  • Raven On Abnomaly

    02/11/2019 Duración: 02h22min

    It's been more than FIVE MONTHS since Nat & Stu have seen each other, which means a catch-up podcast is LONG OVERDUE. Strap yourselves in though, this is a long one. But you've got pause and stop buttons, and you're sensible humans, you can listen in whatever fashion you like. There's about half an hour of general chit-chat, including tales of Natalie's theatrical adventures around the globe. Examining the end of Game of Thrones, the highs and lows, as well as what's happening with the sequel/prequel series takes up the bulk of the middle. Nat & Stu then delve into the new "Watchmen" series, discussing the first two episodes. There are plenty of tangents, of course, and Natalie asks that you forgive her potential self-indulgent pretentiousness. Stu is, as always, a perfect podcaster in every way. Oh, and the explanation for "abnomaly" comes in around the 15.30 minute mark, in case you're interested.

  • Raven On S8E6

    22/05/2019 Duración: 02h12min

    A special LIVE performance of the GoT theme kicks off the final Raven On Live podcast, marking the final episode of the best TV show ever. Wendy Lang and Zannah(@wendylangmusic & @zannahmusic on Insta)return later in the episode to debut Zannah's new song "Bones Lay Still", a beautiful GoT-inspired piece that we were privileged to enjoy. Yes, this is the LONGEST episode ever of the podcast, but who wants to edit when there is so much love in the room - from Nat's audience-assisted Diet Coke habit, to Stu's Tormund Giantscake. There's surprisingly actual talk about the episode too, and where all of our favourites wind up. What a ride it's been! Thanks to everyone who has listened - whether live at the Brisbane Powerhouse, or in the privacy of your own podcast app - Nat & Stu very much appreciate it. They'll return soon enough for a wrap-up podcast, after having some time to process the entirety of the season. Plus they have plans in store for more podcasts, so stay tuned!

  • Raven On Podcast S8E5

    18/05/2019 Duración: 01h52min

    It's flame time on Raven On, as not only do Nat & Stu discuss the huge events of "The Bells", including Daenerys' epic decision, but they also lay the foundations for their own long-awaited feud. With a fantastic live studio audience, Nat & Stu tackle the big issues of plot development, character arcs, Clegane Bowl, and whether Jon Snow should have just had sex with his auntie and saved everyone a whole lotta mess. Plus questions from the audience and a final episode of the short-lived sitcom "Cersei & Qyburn Try To Make This Work". Thanks to Mary Mae's Bar & Kitchen at Brisbane Powerhouse for hosting us - come down on Tuesday 21 May for the final ever live episode for the final episode of Game of Thrones!

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