Dr Bergs Healthy Keto And Intermittent Fasting Podcast



Dr. Eric Berg DC, age 52 describes the truth about getting healthy and losing healthy weight. His area of expertise is in the subject of the Ketogenic diet, Intermittent Fasting, weight loss and overall body health. He is the director of Dr. Berg's Nutritionals and author of the best selling amazon.com book, The 7 Principles of Fat Burning. He has conducted over 4800 seminars on health related topics. Dr. Bergs YouTube and Facebook channels have over 1 million followed combined and has generated over 150 million views. He is relentlessly on a mission to educate the world on these subject


  • Watch This If You Can't Go Number 2

    28/05/2024 Duración: 07min

    When your diet is filled with processed foods and lacking essential nutrients, it can lead to constipation. The most common type of constipation is primary constipation, in which constipation is the primary issue rather than being caused by a tumor or obstruction. The first line of treatment for constipation like this is often a petroleum-based medication called polyethylene glycol, but it can cause other problems. Microbes are vital in breaking down fiber and supporting healthy digestion. When our diet lacks these beneficial microbes, it can lead to problems such as bloating, cramping, and constipation. The first step is to practice intermittent fasting by eating only two meals daily with no snacks. This gives the digestive system a chance to rest and catch up. The second step is fixing your diet by simplifying meals and avoiding processed and refined foods. This also includes incorporating grass-fed meat, fermented foods, including sauerkraut, to provide beneficial microbes for a healthy gut. Following

  • How to Counter Chemotherapy Side Effects

    27/05/2024 Duración: 07min

    One of the most common treatments for cancer is chemotherapy, which uses powerful drugs to target and kill cancer cells. Chemo can cause uncomfortable side effects such as nausea, fatigue, hair loss, and weakened immune function. Fortunately, there are ways to counter these side effects and support your body during chemo treatment. Compounds found in plants have a range of health benefits, including cancer prevention. Five specific phytonutrients that have shown strong chemo-preventative factors are sulforaphane, resveratrol, quercetin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), and allicin. They can be found in foods such as broccoli, grapes, green tea, and garlic. Magnesium deficiency has also been linked to cachexia, a condition where the body loses tissue and becomes weak. This can be especially dangerous for cancer patients who are already struggling with weight loss and fatigue due to their illness. Selenium plays a crucial role in immune function. If you are undergoing chemo or have cancer, you may want to su

  • The Best Fix for Dry and Wrinkled Skin

    26/05/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this podcast, I’m going to share the #1 remedy for dry hands and dry skin. Most moisturizers contain alcohol, which dries and dehydrates your skin. Your moisturizer also gets absorbed into your skin, then into your bloodstream and liver. There are many natural dry skin remedies that can help, such as vitamin E, coconut oil, and tallow, but the best remedy for dry skin is hyaluronic acid. Many of your cells make hyaluronic acid, which is also found in your skin and joints. Hyaluronic acid holds 1000 times its weight in water and can keep your skin looking youthful. It’s intimately involved in wound repair and can repair skin after a sunburn. As we age, our hyaluronic acid decreases. There are also health conditions like progeria that cause you to lose hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid can be injected, used topically, or taken orally. When taken orally, 2.5% of hyaluronic acid is absorbed, which can be enough to replace what you lose as you age. To get rid of dry, wrinkled hands and skin, take 200 mg

  • Do NOT Cook with This!!!

    25/05/2024 Duración: 07min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the best and worst oil for deep frying. Seed oils are polyunsaturated fatty acids. Vegetable oil is actually seed oil—it doesn’t come from vegetables. Seed oils go through industrial processing involving heating and the addition of solvents like hexane, a chemical found in gasoline. This process allows seed oils to be shelf-stable for long periods of time. Around 25% to 30% of our calories come from seed oils. When you cook processed foods like donuts in seed oils, you’re combining sugar with fat and heat. This process, called glycation, creates sticky proteins in the body. Fast food oil is reheated and reused repeatedly. The more it’s heated, the more toxic it becomes. Seed oils were not originally created for human consumption. They’re incredibly damaging to the mitochondria and lead to insulin resistance, fatty liver disease, obesity, heart disease, and an increased risk for cancer. Soybean oil causes the most damage to the body, followed by corn oil, s

  • Over 50% of Women Have THIS?!

    24/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    Around 20% to 50% of all women will have some sort of fibroid or endometriosis before the age of 50. A fibroid is a growth on the uterus that is not cancerous. Research has shown that vitamin D may help shrink the size of fibroids. If you’re vitamin D deficient, your risk of developing uterine fibroids is much higher. Vitamin D naturally inhibits the enzyme aromatase, which converts androgens to estrogen. Vitamin D can also affect the fibroid itself. If you have enough vitamin D, certain tumor and cancer cells will commit suicide. Dr. Bruce Hollis has done extensive research on the benefits of vitamin D but says a lot of research on vitamin D has been rejected by top medical journals! Around 50,000 IUs of vitamin D daily may help shrink fibroids in the uterus. You’ll also need to take the following vitamin D cofactors: •500 mcg vitamin K2 •800 mg magnesium •50 mg zinc •Vitamin B6 and boron (recommended dose on the bottle) More tips to help shrink fibroids naturally: • Get on the ketogenic diet • Incr

  • What Causes Eye Floaters and Dry Eyes?

    23/05/2024 Duración: 09min

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss some common eye problems and the nutrients that can help. Dry eyes and night blindness are often caused by vitamin A deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency can be caused by a diet high in junk food or an issue with the gallbladder. Egg yolks, liver, butter, and cod liver oil are the best sources of vitamin A. Plants are not a good source of vitamin A because they only contain the precursor, beta-carotene. Zinc is essential for vitamin A to work properly in the body. Red meat, oysters, shellfish, and liver are the best sources of zinc. Retinopathy is often caused by diabetes. Excessive amounts of glucose can create oxidation in the nervous system. Benfotiamine, a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1, can penetrate nerve tissue. Consuming protein with sugar causes a chemical reaction called glycation, which can cause floaters in the eye. A low-carb or carnivore diet may help. Intermittent and prolonged fasting allow your body to recycle damaged proteins through autophagy and may help

  • 1 Tablespoon a Day Burns Belly Fat

    22/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    Today, I’m going to tell you how to lose belly fat and burn stubborn fat fast. If you have a slow metabolism, this solution is for you! People who think they have a slow metabolism actually have an efficient metabolism. This means their body requires less fuel. To lose stubborn fat, you must get your body to waste more fuel. The mitochondria are the body's “energy factories,” turning food into stored energy, known as ATP. Uncoupling occurs when the mitochondria make less ATP and more heat. Resveratrol is a natural mitochondrial uncoupler. It’s found in grapes, cranberries, blueberries, dark chocolate, pistachios, and Japanese knotweed. Resveratrol is also made into a powder supplement. One tablespoon per day can help reduce belly fat by encouraging mitochondrial uncoupling. Ketones can cause mitochondrial uncoupling and improve the function of the mitochondria. Cold therapy, exercise, fasting, green tea, saunas, and jacuzzis also cause mitochondrial uncoupling. The following factors can hinder mit

  • Is Ginger The New Superfood?

    21/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    In this video, we’ll discuss some of ginger’s health benefits and when it may not be an appropriate remedy. For thousands of years, ginger has been used as a powerful remedy for many conditions. Some of the amazing benefits of ginger include: • Antimicrobial properties • Anti-inflammatory properties • Anti-diabetic properties • Anti-cancer properties • Helping with menstrual pain • Helping with arthritis • Increasing HDL • Improving heartburn One of the most well-known uses of ginger is its ability to relieve nausea. Ginger can help with nausea associated with chemotherapy, pregnancy, menstruation, and surgery. Ginger has some contraindications, so it may not always be the best remedy for you. Don’t take ginger if you’re on Warfarin or other blood thinners like aspirin. Ginger helps thin the blood, so you also won’t want to take it if you have a bleeding disorder. Ginger inhibits insulin, so don’t take it if you’re on insulin. Ginger can lower blood pressure, so avoid it if you’re taking blood press

  • The MOST Serious Symptom of Potassium Deficiency

    20/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this podcast, we’ll discuss the causes and symptoms of potassium deficiency. We need a lot of potassium—around 4700 mg per day! Most people eat a lot of junk food or processed foods high in salt and not enough potassium, which throws off the sodium-potassium ratio. Your body needs a 2:1 ratio of potassium to sodium. Every cell in the body has a sodium-potassium pump that helps to generate electrical current around the cell, which powers the nervous and muscular systems. Potassium is also important for the health of your blood vessels. Low potassium is one of the leading causes of high blood pressure; however, it isn’t often used in conventional medicine as a treatment. Over 90% of high blood pressure is essential hypertension, which means the cause is “unknown.” Here are some signs of potassium deficiency: •Fatigue •Muscular issues •Constipation •Tremors •Abnormal heart rhythm •Mental issues (delirium, hallucinations, psychosis, depression) •Headaches •Low back pain •Dizziness •Nocturia •Edema •Incre


    19/05/2024 Duración: 07min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about one of the best natural remedies for glaucoma. Glaucoma is a condition where there is increased pressure inside the eyeball. This puts pressure on the optic nerve and can diminish your vision and cause blindness. Around 80 million people in the world have glaucoma, and 50% of them are unaware that they have it. Research suggests that glaucoma could be an autoimmune disease, which would explain why this natural remedy is so effective! In 2014, a study involving over 6,000 people in Korea showed a very high correlation between people with low vitamin D and glaucoma. People with glaucoma had three times more problems with the vitamin D receptor. A German doctor named Dr. Harald Schelle uses high doses of vitamin D for numerous eye problems. Many autoimmune cases of glaucoma have a genetic problem with the vitamin D receptor, the conversion from the inactive to the active form of vitamin D, or an issue with vitamin D absorption. Collectively, these problems are refe

  • This Is One of the WORST Things You Can Eat

    18/05/2024 Duración: 08min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about one of the worst foods you could eat, especially for liver health. There are generally very few symptoms of liver problems. When I had liver problems, I experienced right shoulder blade pain and pain beneath my right rib cage. It’s a myth that liver damage is permanent. The liver is one of the only organs that can regenerate itself 100%. Another myth is that the liver is filled with toxins. The liver detoxifies poisons, it doesn't store them. The worst “food” or ingredient for your liver is seed oils. Seed oils are damaging, inflammatory, and high in omega-6 fats, specifically linoleic acid. Lard contains about 2.5% linoleic acid, and tallow only contains 0.7%. Corn oil contains 56.6% linoleic acid! Seed oils contain oxidized linoleic acid that can cause significant oxidative damage in the body, especially in the liver and the nervous system. The average diet is 25 to 30% seed oils, which is too much. Seed oils become lodged in our fat cells and the membra

  • The MOST Common Deficiency in All Skin Diseases (Dermatitis)

    17/05/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about dermatitis. Dermatitis means inflammation of the skin, and there are many different types. At their core, skin problems are either related to an allergy or an immune reaction. You can consider many cases of dermatitis as an over-reactive immune system. Topical and oral steroids are the most common treatments of dermatitis. They work by suppressing the immune system. Antibiotics are also commonly used to treat cases of dermatitis but often lead to a secondary infection. The superficial layer of your skin contains a multitude of microbes and acts as a barrier for your lymphatic tissue and blood vessels. These tissues are full of immune cells ready to protect you against foreign invaders. Dermatitis seems to respond positively to vitamin D. For example, vitamin D works to mitigate symptoms of contact dermatitis by lowering the histamine response. Vitamin D is the main regulator of the immune system. Skin conditions are typically worse in the winter when we get

  • 8 Ways to Heal Trauma (Physical) without Medication — Dr. Berg

    16/05/2024 Duración: 10min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about eight ways to improve physical trauma. Inflammation is part of the body’s healing response. You can't heal without inflammation. Inflammation is only a problem when it becomes chronic. Inflammation is the most potent carcinogen. Anything that involves chronic inflammation increases your risk for cancer. When trying to resolve physical trauma, you want to fix the chronic inflammatory state. Let’s take a look at eight ways to improve physical trauma. 1. Isolate and eliminate the problem Find out if a food or habit is causing your problem. The carnivore diet or the keto diet can help eliminate issues caused by certain foods. 2. Contrast therapy Alternate between hot and cold therapy. Try a sauna, cold therapy, or hot and cold showers. This increases circulation in the lymphatic system and improves inflammation at the cellular level. 3. Exercise One of the most potent things for chronic inflammation is exercise. When you have an injured body part, there is a

  • The Most Dangerous Ingredient in Protein Powder (Mass Gainer)

    15/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the worst ingredient found in many protein powders: maltodextrin. This dangerous ingredient increases acne, bloating, gut inflammation, mental irritability, anxiety, and insomnia. It’s highly addictive because it increases dopamine. Maltodextrin promotes acid in your mouth, which increases cavities, and it spikes blood sugar more than sugar! If you consume it repeatedly, it can cause belly fat, high cholesterol, fatty liver, and other health problems. Maltodextrin is often one of the first ingredients in many protein powder products, which means it makes up most of the product. It’s made of inedible dent corn that’s ground and treated with chemicals. It’s typically heated, pressure-treated, decolorized, and deodorized. After this process, you’re left with maltodextrin powder, which can then be used as a filler to add bulk to different products. Consuming maltodextrin powder has no benefit. It’s classified as a carbohydrate but acts as a sugar in the body. T

  • Lose Arm Fat Quick: BEST TIP - Dr. Berg

    14/05/2024 Duración: 08min

    Flabby arms can be a frustrating problem for many individuals, especially as they age. The loss of muscle mass and strength in this area can not only affect physical appearance but also limit daily activities and overall quality of life. In addition to sarcopenia, the process of age-related muscle loss, and flabby arms can also be caused by weakened fascia. Fascia is a connective tissue that surrounds and supports muscles and other structures in the body. Without proper maintenance and movement, it can become tight or restricted, leading to a decreased range of motion and weakness in the associated muscles. This is why targeting both the muscles and fascia is crucial for effectively improving flabby arms. Functional exercises, which involve multi-joint movements that mimic everyday tasks, are key to targeting muscle and fascial health. Working multiple muscles and joints at once helps strengthen and activate the surrounding fascia, which can lead to tighter, more toned arms with improved strength and functi

  • Why Do Most Indian Men Have a Protruding Potbelly?

    13/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    The protruding potbelly is a common sight among many Indian men, and it can be attributed to a combination of factors such as genetics, lifestyle habits, and diet. While the tendency to store abdominal fat may have some genetic component, the high prevalence of this condition among Indian men suggests that there may be other contributing factors at play. One potential factor is the traditional Indian diet, which has evolved over time. Historically, Indians consumed a predominantly plant-based diet with small amounts of meat, mostly goat or sheep. However, as modern diets have become more Westernized, there has been a significant increase in the consumption of ultra-processed foods high in sugar, seed oils, and refined starches. These highly processed foods can cause inflammation in the gut and weaken the stomach lining, making it easier for harmful bacteria such as H. pylori to thrive. H. pylori is a type of bacteria that can cause gastritis and ulcers by weakening the stomach's protective mucus lining.

  • 7 Signs You're Eating Too Much Sugar

    12/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about some of the side effects of consuming too much sugar. Some of the well-known side effects of sugar include fatigue, brain fog, belly fat, carb cravings, and cavities. Is there a difference between sugar and carbohydrates? A carbohydrate consists of sugar, fiber, and starch. Starches are called polysaccharides, meaning many sugars or multiple sugar molecules connected together. Starches raise blood sugar levels significantly more than sugar. Starches like maltodextrin, modified food starch, and modified corn starch have a much higher glycemic index than sugar. Here are 7 surprising signs that you’re consuming too much sugar: 7. Reduced collagen Reduced collagen will result in loose, wrinkled skin and premature aging. 6. Chronic white tongue Candida from too much sugar will cause you to have a white tongue. You won’t be able to get rid of it without eliminating sugar from the diet. 5. Chronic sinus problems Most chronic sinus problems are caused by a fungus cal

  • The One Ingredient That Has Spiked by 8000 Percent over the Last 50 Years

    11/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about the one food that has increased in our diets by over 8,000%. From 1970 to 2014, this food has increased significantly more than any other food. Consuming this ingredient depletes vitamins and minerals. It’s one of the most potent triggers of metabolic syndrome, fatty liver disease, and inflammation. We're talking about high-fructose corn syrup. Corn products, skim milk, chicken, turkey, added fats, and oils have also increased, but nowhere near as much as high-fructose corn syrup. Consumption of vegetables, butter, eggs, beef, and refined white sugar has decreased. High-fructose corn syrup is hidden in many foods and drinks. Most high-fructose corn syrup is made from inedible dent corn, which is typically GMO, so it’s herbicide-tolerant. The U.S. is the top producer and consumer of corn. In 1932, farmers extracted 20 ½ bushels of corn per acre, and in 2022, they extracted 173 bushels per acre. The arrival of GMO foods, herbicides, and pesticides allows f

  • Small American Farmers in Serious Crisis: The Back Story

    10/05/2024 Duración: 30min

    Please join me in welcoming Joel Salatin! Joel explains how all food is carefully sanctioned. With so many government, food, and zoning regulations, it’s very difficult for small farmers to enter the market. To solve this problem, Joel started the Rogue Food Conference with John Moody in the spring of 2020 with the theme “Circumvention, Not Compliance.” When laws inhibit competition with larger producers, it’s more efficient to circumvent rather than comply with the rigorous regulations. The upcoming Rogue Food Conference will be held at Joel’s farm, Polyface Farms, in Virginia. It showcases the unique ideas that people use to get their products to the masses. Many small farmers favor the private membership association model, which will be debated at the conference! Another creative way that people are able to sell their food or products is by selling them as a component of a course. Some farmers might sell a butchering course online for $300 that also comes with 50 pounds of meat. There are two Rogue

  • There Is No Such Thing as Vitamin D Toxicity

    09/05/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this podcast, we’re going to talk about vitamin D toxicity. If you take high doses of vitamin D3, you may experience some symptoms. It is more likely that you’re experiencing symptoms of a vitamin K2 or magnesium deficiency rather than vitamin D toxicity symptoms. Magnesium deficiency is incredibly common. If you’re not taking enough magnesium while you’re taking vitamin D, you may begin to notice the following “vitamin D toxicity symptoms”: • Irritability • Insomnia • Constipation • Fatigue • Muscle spasms/cramps • Calcium buildup • Arrhythmia Coincidentally, these are also symptoms of low magnesium and low vitamin K2. There are case studies involving vitamin D toxicity; however, the subjects did not take vitamin K2 or magnesium. In many cases, they were taking vitamin D2 rather than vitamin D3. You don’t want to take calcium when testing for vitamin D toxicity because one of the symptoms of vitamin D toxicity is hypercalcemia or too much calcium in the blood. According to Wikipedia, some symptoms

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