Joshua T. Berglan's Gratitude:unfiltered



Joshua T. Berglans Gratitude:UnFiltered is a Faith-based talk show that blurs the lines of business and personal development. The host, Joshua T. Berglan is the CEO of Live Mana Worldwide where he is an entrusted Luminary to a very select group of prominent clients. Joshua is known as The Worlds Mayor because of his passion for helping people win in life and in business and because of his unique gift of creating powerful connections between businesses and people. Joshua is a Follower of Christ and is a believer in accepting and loving all people regardless of beliefs, race, socioeconomics, or sexual preferences. Gratitude:UnFiltered is Joshuas ministry, where he focuses on Faith, Personal and Business Development, Mental Health Issues, and finding Gratitude in lifes biggest challenges.


  • “A Cloud of Witnesses”

    17/05/2020 Duración: 01h18min

    Each of us needs a vision for our lives that will carry us into the next life. Without such a vision we will certainly perish. But a vision of this significance does not come cheaply. You must want it. And you must understand where it comes from. Just as it was for Paul, to receive a compelling life-vision we must first have a profound vision of the Lord Himself. Listen to Paul’s response to Jesus when the Lord appeared to Him on the road to Damascus: “So he, trembling and astonished, said, ‘Lord, what do You want me to do?’” (Acts 9:6). This is an example of the right kind of response to a revelation of Jesus Christ—trembling, astonished, submissive. Now read Jesus’ response to Paul. Acts 26:16-18 “I have appeared to you for this purpose, to make you a minister and a witness both of the things which you have seen and of the things which I will yet reveal to you. 17 I will deliver you from the Jewish people, as well as from the Gentiles, to whom I now send you, 18 to open their eyes, in order to turn th

  • “The Chronicles of Candice vdw Prentis”

    15/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    Live from Element Bloomington Mall of America….. HEARTART BY CANDICE “Loving Him with ALL my life, IS my life. All of this is for Him,” These are the words Candice lives by. She loves creating and sees herself as a partner with the Lord when she paints. She mostly paints spontaneously as she not only loves the process & surprise of every outcome but says it also keeps her dependent on Him. Her heart’s desire is that she translates the Father’s heart into her paintings. Her art has a life-changing and profound impact on people, pointing to Jesus, bringing freedom, shifting atmospheres, and releasing the Father’s heart & presence for His children. Ninety-five percent of Candice’s art is created & finished spontaneously during worship, heavily relying on the Holy Spirit. Welcome to Gratitude:UnFiltered “The Chronicles of Candice vdw Prentis”

  • “The Need for A Compelling Vision”

    14/05/2020 Duración: 55min

    Gratitude:UnFiltered “The Need For a Compelling Vision” Hebrews 12:1-2 Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, 2 looking unto Jesus, the author, and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Jesus was a man of vision. The reason He had a vision of the joy that was set before Him was that He knew the Scriptures. For example, He knew that Psalms 16:9-11 speaks of the joy of the resurrection (and Acts 2:25 tells us that these verses pertain specifically to Jesus). We know from this passage that long before He ever actually experienced the joy of eternal life, He saw it. It may have been way off in the distance. It may have had a painful cross standing in front of it, but he saw it nonetheless. He saw the joy that awa

  • “The Chronicles of Aaron Garcia”

    13/05/2020 Duración: 58min

    #burnnotice #gratitudeunfiltered #AMgarcia Live from Element Bloomington Mall of America, it is Gratitude:UnFiltered featuring the author of Burn Notice, A. M. (Aaron) Garcia! A. M. Garcia is a visionary, influential speaker, and best-selling author. He is the Founder of S.O.S. Ministries, Inc. a nonprofit that works toward bettering the community and reaching the lost in the streets. Aaron is known for creating multiple movements such as The Broadway Bash, Washington Family Hope Center, and United at the Stadium. He currently holds his Master of Science in Nursing and is a board-certified nurse practitioner. Aaron, his wife, Emily, and three children, all reside in Neosho, Missouri. Welcome to Gratitude:UnFiltered!

  • “The Chronicles of Marty Swanson”

    12/05/2020 Duración: 01h47min

    On this Gratitude:UnFiltered, LIVE from Element Bloomington Mall of America… Gathering the Eagles founder and Kingdom Warrior, Marty Swanson! Marty Swanson is married with two sons. He lives in Aberta, Canada and is a small business owner in his community. Marty has done ministry since he was in his teens, beginning with being part of a worship team. Over the years he has been a worship leader, youth Pastor, associate church Pastor, missionary, and speaker in numerous churches around the world. His business has also given him the opportunity to serve as Vice President of the Full Gospel Businessmen’s chapter in his community. He has recently joined 420 Fire Ministries to plant Revival Hubs in Canada and does revival meetings. As well, Marty has an online ministry through Gathering The Eagles on Facebook with over 8000 members. Please feel free to be apart of this group. If you are interested in having Marty as a guest in your church or ministry, please feel free to contact him at

  • “Should I”

    10/05/2020 Duración: 59min

    #ShouldI #GratitudeUnFiltered #WordOfGod Every day, each of us is faced with numerous choices. What should we do when the Bible doesn’t seem to speak directly to the situations we face and the decisions we make? What Does the Bible say about Making Decisions? The following 10 principles informed by scripture will help you to make decisions that glorify God and honor others. Welcome to Gratitude:UnFiltered with host Joshua T Berglan

  • “21st Century Man”

    08/05/2020 Duración: 51min

    Gratitude:UnFiltered “21st Century Man” An array of studies is telling us that males aren’t quite sure who they are or what women expect from them. Why? Men are trying to cope with the collision of new 21st societal expectations and the traditional ideas (just discussed) of what a man should be. With this the collision of ideas, the man may find himself in an identity crisis… Who am I and what is my role today? Let’s discuss on this Gratitude:UnFiltered… Join the conversation! With love, Joshua T Berglan

  • “The Chronicles of David L. Nathan, MD, DFAPA”

    07/05/2020 Duración: 58min

    LIVE from Element by Westin in Bloomington, MN, it is Gratitude:UnFiltered……. David L. Nathan, MD, DFAPA is a Princeton, New Jersey based psychiatrist, writer, speaker, educator, and consultant. He is the founder and board president of Doctors for Cannabis Regulation and a founding steering committee member of New Jersey United for Marijuana Reform. Recently, he was named as one of five leaders of the newly formed coalition to support New Jersey’s 2020 cannabis legalization ballot initiative. Dr. Nathan was the first physician in New Jersey history to testify in favor of cannabis legalization before the state legislature, and he has provided a total of 15 testimonies in eight US states. In 2019, Dr. Nathan was one of two physicians to testify at the first-ever US House Judiciary Committee hearing on cannabis legalization. Dr. Nathan is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He grad

  • “The List”

    06/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    Gratitude:UnFiltered “The List” On this Gratitude:UnFiltered, I go through a list of things on my mind right now….. It is a smorgasbord of random yet connecting thoughts…

  • “The Chronicles of Mary Canada”

    05/05/2020 Duración: 48min

    LIVE from Element by Westin in Bloomington, MN it’s Gratitude:UnFiltered! On this broadcast, Mary Canada joins us to discuss her Non-Profit, Caring Hearts… Mary Canada lives in Farmington, MN, and works full-time in Minneapolis. She is the founder/Executive Director of Caring Hearts. Caring Hearts was started from her garage almost 3 years ago. She saw a need for basic items out in the community because she saw many homeless people on her commute and wanted to make a difference. They officially got their 501c3 in 2018. Now, they have a strong board of directors and a FREE Community Closet & Pantry on 4th St. in downtown Farmington. Anyone in MN is free to shop there, no questions asked. Everyone is treated with kindness & respect. They have a fully stocked pantry, clothing, shoes & household items. Each shopper receives personal hygiene products. They need your support in helping them get to the next level of growth. This would be capital to purchase or lease a larger space to allow us

  • “The Chronicles of Tyler Coleman”

    03/05/2020 Duración: 01h19min

    Hi my name is Tyler.. most call me Ty. I was raised in a small town, Slidell Louisiana. There was no foundation of the Lord as I was growing up. We attended the yearly Christmas and Easter services but that was it. As a result, I ended up going down a very dark path of destruction that led me to drugs, prostitution, homelessness, and incarceration. I almost lost my life on several occasions and even attempted suicide at one point. In 2007 I recommitted my life to the Lord. In 2009 I began personal training and helping others on their road to health and fitness. Now although I was saved, I was not yet set free. I was still carrying around so much shame and condemnation. I began covering my body in tattoos because I had an identity issue, hoping no one would recognize me for who I used to be. I competed in several body building shows and at the time using massive amounts of steroids. Still looking for acceptance and approval from man. But a couple years ago I went through a curriculum called Freedom and it was

  • “The Chronicles of Stephanie Nielson”

    02/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    #GratitudeUnFiltered #Stephanie Nielson #CreativeExtraordinaire Gratitude:UnFiltered “The Chronicles of Stephanie Nielson” As a Canadian author, speaker, and professional coach, Stephanie Nielson is someone who consistently pushes herself to reach past her current limitations to become more. Stephanie dubs herself a “Creative Extraordinaire” and revels in her understanding of how we are all the masters of our own universe and have the ability to create the world we want to live in. The joy she takes from observing her own reality unfold in unimaginable ways inspires her to help others to achieve the same. She strongly believes in the philosophy of “Reach one, teach one” and claims that any and all success is achieved by cultivating the right mindset. For it does not matter where you begin, but only where you chose to end! Having survived an alcoholic parent, a divorced home, being a single parent who raised two young sons alone, developing a 6+ figure income with no formal education and creating

  • “The Chronicles of Dr. Joseph Rosado”

    01/05/2020 Duración: 56min

    Dr. Joseph Rosado, MD is one of the world’s most respected medical authorities on cannabis as plant-based medicine. With over four decades of experience as a healthcare professional, he’s built a career anchored in family tradition and driven by a desire to help his patients and community. Dr. Rosado credits his father, Joseph Rosado Jr, an x-ray technician training to become a physician’s assistant before his untimely death. Losing his father spurred Dr. Rosado to start working at a young age to help support his family. He trained as a certified nurse’s assistant, then known as an orderly, and began working in the medical field in 1978 at age 16.     After high school, Dr. Rosado trained as an emergency medical technician, paramedic, and catheterization laboratory technician while working his way through college. A major car accident led Dr. Rosado to the field of chiropractic. After a chiropractor alleviated his agonizing back pain in just a few weeks of care, Dr. Rosado decided to explore the complementary

  • “Seek The Kingdom”

    30/04/2020 Duración: 47min

    Seek The Kingdom In the Word: Matthew 6:31-34 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you” (Matthew 6:33). What is your purpose in life? What is your reason for living? A mother may answer, “It is my children.” A businessman might answer, “It is my work.” How would you answer the question? We discuss on this Gratitude:UnFiltered! A Special thank you to Eye Am Conchita Cosmetics and Neotric Power for your support of this broadcast.. With love,

  • “The Bible, Misunderstood Too”

    25/04/2020 Duración: 01h15min

    Gratitude:UnFiltered “The Bible, Misunderstood Too” A special thank you to Element Bloomington Mall of America for hosting Gratitude:UnFiltered! With love, Joshua T Berglan & Jessica Toft The World’s Mayor

  • “The Bible, Misunderstood”

    23/04/2020 Duración: 59min

    Anyone who grew up in the church, or with friends and family who did, is familiar to some extent with the Bible. It’s the foundation of the Christian religion and the book that millions of people claim to live by. Yet even though we’ve spent over 500 years trying to fathom it, many people still get what it says wrong. You can blame this on bad interpretation, teaching, or cultural bias, but the fact is many religious people don’t know the meaning of the core verses they pass around. On this Gratitude:UnFiltered, we discuss 20 of these most commonly misunderstood Bible verses. This will be a highly engaging broadcast so feel free to share your thoughts as this edition of Gratitude:UnFiltered is sure to ruffle your feathers… haha. A special thank you to Element Bloomington Mall of America for hosting Gratitude:UnFiltered! With love, Joshua T Berglan The World’s Mayor

  • “Powerful, Positive Prayer”

    22/04/2020 Duración: 58min

    Do you pray? Do you feel you have an effective prayer life or do you struggle even knowing what to pray for? Admittedly my prayer life gets to improve and on this Gratitude:UnFiltered we will learn how to pray, Powerful, Positive Prayers that will surely strengthen your relationship with Father, God. Thank you for being a part of this broadcast, LIVE from the Element by Westin hotel in Bloomington, MN, it is Gratitude:UnFiltered! and if you are in need of prayer, do not hesitate to ask.. With love, Joshua T Berglan The World’s Mayor

  • “The Chronicles of Charles Clay”

    18/04/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    Gratitude:UnFiltered “The Chronicles of Charles Clay” Charles Clay is a Speaker, Author and Empowerment Coach with an extensive background in Kinesiology and Neurokinetic Pain Relief Therapy. He’s the Founder of M Powered Men’s Group Training, helping men move through fear and anxiety to discover their true purpose. As a Gifted Catalyst for Healing, and an Expert on Optimizing Human Potential, Charles has a unique gift for transforming pain into purpose and helping others create a life by design instead of by default. Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome Mr. Charles Clay to Gratitude:UnFiltered!

  • “Kings & Queens” Vol 3

    17/04/2020 Duración: 56min

    On today’s broadcast, the final Volume of the “Keys For Marriage” series from Dr. Myles Munroe…. “Kings & Queens” Vol 3 is going to be LIT! If you missed Vol 1 or Vol 2, it is ok, watch the replay! Those of you who have been a part of the last 2 broadcasts, tonight is going to end with a bang! I am truly grateful for all of you being a part of Gratitude:UnFiltered! Thank you and God bless!

  • “Kings & Queens” Vol 2

    16/04/2020 Duración: 01h20min

    Gratitude:UnFiltered “Kings & Queens” Vol 2 On this continuation of Dr. Myles Munroe’s “Keys For Marriage”, Kings & Queens picks up where we left off in Vol 1, discussing the role of the Kingdom Woman in Marriage. Thank you for being a part of this broadcast! With love, Joshua T Berglan The World’s Mayor

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