December 8: Reborn – An Erotic Christmas Calendar

"Helena lightly caressed Mona's bare thighs, they were hot in contrast to the chilly air. Mona shivered and gasped, as Helena reached the panty line and slowly moved the panties...

Der Traum Von Paris: Erotische Novelle

Gabriella und Alfons treffen sich an der Uni und werden Freunde. Enge Freunde. Jahrelang glimmt ein Feuer zwischen ihnen, eine Anziehung, die immer größer wird, die sie aber nie...

December 22: Anton The Red-nosed Reindeer – An Erotic Christmas Calendar

All the students have left the corridor and gone home to their families. All except Sandra and Anton. They decide to celebrate Christmas together in the corridor's shared kitchen,...

Oh, Unholy Night - Erotic Short Story

It’s Christmas Eve and the family is gathered. Felicia and Jonas with their four-year-old daughter and their parents. Food, laughter and presents. Of course, they love their...

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