Friends With Back Door Benefits

College friends Adam and Hannah find themselves stuck in a freezing RV overnight with nothing but each other for warmth and entertainment. To make matters worse, Hannah is...

Pleasuring The Lords: Book 2 Of 'using The Maid'

Rose is no longer an innocent. Her master has schooled her in the ways of the flesh, and opened her heart to sin and depravity. Now she must serve him and all the other lords, and...

Independent Contractor: Book 2 Of 'the Consortium'

She's the woman in charge...of a construction site on the border. It's rough and bawdy and she's brought in to get the project on schedule. An incompetent contractor...

The Werewolf's Prisoner: Book 2 Of 'animal Instinct'

Princess Imra is a half-shifter, a human with furry animal ears and a tassel tail that gives away the lioness purring inside of her. At eighteen-years-old, she has never left her...

Hong's Bluff

In this light-hearted, futuristic Wild West, Louie Hong, the young, all-human cousin of a cyborg gunfighter known as “the Hong,” just wants to survive—and earn...

Obeying My Doctor's Orders: Book 2 Of 'hot For Dr. Kent'

BBW Claire is still curvy and shy, but this time, she’s even more desperate to be taken by the gorgeous Dr. Kent. Claire goes back to his office, hoping for him to fill all...

Fire And Ice: A Christmas Anthology

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but this anthology’s so delightful! Nothing makes the holiday sweeter than enchanting tales about true love and hot erotic sex. Come...

Under His Total Control

When you fall for someone immediately, how well do you really know that person? That's what Helen is forced to wonder when she finds herself naked, cuffed to a chair in her...

A Hotwife Goes Camping

Having sex with a stranger she met while camping with her husband, Jack, and his old college chums probably wasn't the best choice Patty ever made, but it sure killed the...

Alien Desires

The Artemis was the first manned space mission to Saturn. But on a routine EVA, astronaut Julia Garcia is infected by a strange alien virus. Now her body is changing in wonderful...

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