Memoria E Perdono, Atteggiamenti Ontici Per La Felicità, In Dietrich Bonhoeffer E Paul Ricoeur

Il testo desidera ripercorrere l’affascinante pensiero e sentiero di vita di due grandi uomini e maestri, Dietrich Bonhoeffer e Paul Ricoeur, e ne rilegge il movimento a...

Schenck Talks Bonhoeffer

Podcast Description:Many have heard of his name Dietrich Bonhoeffer. And many know he was a martyr under the Nazi regime during World War II. Yet, what many do not know, is that...

Dietrich Dash Life

Welcome to the Dietrich Dash Life podcast, where amazing things happen.

Life Together: Walking with Bonhoeffer

A series of chapel messages from Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama

Finkenwalde: In the School of Bonhoeffer

Sermons from community worship at Beeson Divinity School, Fall Semester 2015

Bonhoeffer Student Edition: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy

What would you do if your faith could cost you your life? The fascinating story of one of Christianity’s most courageous heroes, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, is now unabridged and...

Bereichern Alternative Heilmethoden Die Schulmedizin? : Hat Dietrich Grönemeyer Recht?

Der Mediziner Dietrich Grönemeyer hat mit seinem Buch “Weltmedizin” viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Er vertritt die Ansicht, dass alternative Heilmethoden die...

L'ultima Vigilia: Le Lettere Di Bonhoeffer Dal Carcere Di Tegel

Un libro che nasce da una meditazione condivisa con e attraverso le lettere dal carcere di Tegel di Dietrich Bonhoeffer scritte in occasione del primo Natale passato in prigione....

Resumen De Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Mártir, Profeta, Espía: Un Gentil Justo Contra El Tercer Reich Por Eric Metaxas

Book Summary - Readtrepreneur (Descargo de responsabilidad: Este NO es el libro original, sino un resumen no oficial.) Una conmovedora narrativa del alemán que fue lo...


A leitura desta obra torna-se uma tarefa imprescindível para todo aquele que se propõe a mesma pergunta que orientava Bonhoeffer: “O que é o cristianismo, ou ainda, quem é...

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