Today In Technology History - Tith - By: And Performed By:amy Elke

A 365 days a year short run down of things that happened in the Technology world on that day! Performed by:Amy Elk

Redesenhos Políticos Do Corpo: Uma Análise De Modos De Circulação E Concepção Da Dança On E Off-line

Este livro apresenta uma reflexão sobre a dança contemporânea desenvolvida em ambiências on-line e off-line e defende a potência de produção de conhecimento que ocorre...

Elles També Maten

Elles també maten no és un exercici de literatura criminal femenina, que ja existeix i rutlla molt bé. Simplement és un recull de relats que demostra que les autores catalanes...

Nespresso - Más allá del "¿what else?"

Nespresso, el elegante sistema de cápsulas de Nestlé ha revolucionado la forma de tomar café. Durante décadas, la marca ha ganado miles de millones con sus ventas en todo el...


A world was being destroyed by a evilness and now it is coming to ours. Hear about how elves save our world, master their powers and save their kind.

En-love-nment: A Journal Of Exercises And Meditations To Transform Your Self-worth

Done lots of therapy or self-help and still not seeing big results? Low self-worth is the likely culprit. Hidden in insecurities and unhealthy beliefs, low self-worth impacts...

Luftkurmord - Eifel Krimi (ungekürzt)

Nationalpark Eifel: Mord in der Idylle Sie ist jung. Sie ist einsam. Und sie ist tot. Der Schock über den vermeintlichen Selbstmord der Stadtangestellten Regina Brinke sitzt...

Menschen Der Stauferzeit (ungekürzt)

Welche Persönlichkeiten prägten die Zeit der Staufer neben legendenumrankten Kaisern und Königen? Wer waren die Menschen, die der Epoche ihr Gesicht gaben? Und auf welche Weise...

Simpler Sound

Hosted by Zack Zarrillo and Evan Lucy, Simpler Sound brings you commentary and critique on whats happening in the underground music scene from two guys with nearly 15 combined...

Simpler Healthcare

The Simpler Healthcare podcast presents a unique opportunity for healthcare leaders to hear from industry experts on the benefits and challenges of implementing Lean Enterprise...

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