Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre est le premier roman publié de Charlotte Brontë, dont le livre précédent, Le Professeur, avait été refusé par sept...

Jane Austen

A reading of Pride and Prejudice. Steve performs the classic book live on his radio show.

Load Jane

Welcome to Load Jane, where amazing things happen.

Jane Stewart

MavHERick . I help purpose driven women to elevate their stories, define their core message and define their brand.

Jaye Sensei

This station is for listeners who live raw, uncut, and humor its not for those who have sensitive taste

Mulheres negras não deveriam morrer exaustas

"“Mulheres negras certamente morrem exaustas” é algo que Tabitha Walker ouvia de sua avó. É claro que sua avó (que, por acaso, é branca) se referia à década de 1950 e...

Pretty Mess

NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER Without her alter-ego Erika Jayne, Erika Girardi says she’d just be “another rich bitch with a plane”—so get ready for the dishy,...

Os Gatos Nunca Mentem Sobre O Amor

Lorcan Dillon tinha sete anos quando sua mãe, Jayne, o ouviu dizer “eu te amo” pela primeira vez. As palavras não foram dirigidas a ela, mas à Jessi, seu bichinho de...

Jane Austen's Juvenilia by AUSTEN, Jane

Before becoming the author of such classics as Sense and Sensibility, Pride and Prejudice, and Emma, Jane Austen experimented with various writing styles as a teenager in the...

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