Um Pega Na Estrada - Conto Erótico

Ela deslizou a mão para cima e para baixo em sua coxa, a apenas alguns centímetros de sua ereção, mas não havia dúvida. C estava acariciando sua coxa. E ele estava...

Preview - Erotic Short Story

Things have always been professional between Ellie and Paul Miller. Well, most of the time, at least. After their encounter in the bar where things got... heated, everything has...

Opening Night - Erotic Short Story

Ellie and Paul Miller have a somewhat... complicated relationship. As in, Paul will make Ellie come with an intensity that no-one else can, only to then act as if nothing...

Louca Por Mãos - Conto Erótico

- Não pare. Por favor, não pare. Eu gemi. - Então me diga. - Qualquer coisa, Paul. Com essas mãos, você pode fazer qualquer coisa. - E o que você quer que eu faça?- Meta em...

Janela Indiscreta - Conto Erótico

Ela sabia. Ai. Como. Ela. Sabia. Porra. E foi quando aconteceu. Ela deixou o braço escorregar na parte de dentro da coxa e tocou seu sexo com a palma da mão. Encarando-o de...

You Can Leave Your Hat On - Erotic Short Story

She had realised her mistake as soon as she’d pressed ‘send’, but it was already too late. The text that was meant for Millie, the one going on and on about how much she...

Patience - Erotic Short Story

"I’m going to let you fuck me now, Max. Be gentle, be slow, make it last"Max Campbell is used to having things his way. Eddie Patterson is used to giving it to him. Lovers and...

Peep Show - Erotic Short Story

"She knew. Oh. How. She. Knew. Fuck. And that’s when it happened. She slid her hand down the inside of her thigh and palmed her sex. Still staring straight at him, still looking...

Sixty-four - Erotic Short Story

Barrie and Jonathan have just married, and every moment feels new. Their first morning, their first kiss, their first fuck... And yet, some things really are new. Like the way...

Julie Jones: Thirteen Short Stories About Sex

Nothing turns Ellie on as much as the thought of hands – one specific pianist’s long slim fingers, to be precise – fingerfucking her on a piano. When Paul, that very same...

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