Tercer Cordón

Tercer Cordón nace con el objetivo de ofrecer a la sociedad otra mirada sobre asuntos relacionados con la pobreza y la desigualdad.Creemos necesario zurcir retazos de la realidad...

Kristina Salazar

Welcome to truths told and where real opinions matter. Whether it may be about an epic brawl between chicks or any other interesting topics can be discussed. I'm Kristina Salazar...

Kristien Clever

Welcome to Absurdly Clever! The clever, groovy, progressive, podcast where amazing things happen. We kick it about everything from hip-hop (and other music), politics,...

Kristen Demesilda

Ara and Kristen talk about awful apartment experiences

Kristian Macfarlane

Thoughts, people and what I’m learning about on the journey!

Kristen Mangione

Kristen Mangione is a healing artist, and teaches meditation and dance. She is the founder of ZenSpace, www.zenspacestudios.com and ZenMoves Meditation TM.

Kristian Black

Kristian Black is a composer, producer of electronic music and remix-maker.

Kristan Kuppila

Olen Vihreiden kansanedustaja, eduskuntaryhmämme puheenjohtaja sekä Joensuun kaupunginvaltuutettu. Ikää on kertynyt 46 vuotta ja poikia kolme. Koulutukseltani olen biologi...

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