Mariane And The Magic Doll, By Jamila Mafra

Mariane will live an unforgettable adventure in the magical world of dolls with her Loli doll.Mariane could see dolls made of gold, silver and cotton and kept each one inside her...

Jamila Marie Morton's Show

Media professional and Masonic gangstalking victim

Daily Success Show with Jamila Payne

Achieve Your Goals, Keep a Consistent Schedule and Live Your Dream Life

As Escolas Normais Em Santa Catarina No Período De 1932 A 1961: O Caso De Mafra

O livro as Escolas Normais em Santa Catarina no período de 1932 a 1961: o caso de Mafra convida o leitor a enveredar pelos caminhos percorridos das escolas normais que marcaram,...

Exército De Ehty E Aman

Produzida e publicada pela Mafra Editions, editora com sede em Joinville/SC, 'O Exército de Ethy e Aman' é uma obra de fantasia e magia que já conquistou milhares de leitores...

For Love And Faith, The Days At Auschwitz

Published by Mafra Editions, Publishing House based Joinville city, Santa Catarina/Brazil, the book ' For Love and Faith, The Days at Auschwitz' is a work of historical fiction...

The Adventures Of Guillermo And The Talisman In The Rainbow Land

The late afternoon was still sunny, in the sky the birds sang while Guilhermo returned from school riding his bicycle. With his childlike joy he smiled at the few clouds seen on...

Little Snowman: Short Stories For Children

Published by Mafra Editions, a publishing house based in Joinville city /SC, Brazil, 'The Little Snowman, short stories for children', is a book that has won thousands of readers...

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