Those Extraordinary Twins by TWAIN, Mark

Those Extraordinary Twins was published as a short story, separate and distinct from its origins inside Twains The Tragedy of Puddnhead Wilson. As Twain explains, he extricated...

Shakespeare's Sonnets (version 2) by SHAKESPEARE, William

Shakespeares Sonnets, or simply The Sonnets, comprise a collection of 154 poems in sonnet form written by William Shakespeare that deal with such themes as love, beauty, politics,...

Shakespearean Dialogues Collection 001 by SHAKESPEARE, William

This is a collection of scenes from Shakespeares plays, mainly comprising dialogues between two characters. The theme for this collection is Wooing, Wedding, and Repenting...

Shakespearean Dialogues Collection 002 by SHAKESPEARE, William

This is the second LibriVox collection of scenes from Shakespeares plays, mainly comprising dialogues between two characters. The theme for this collection is Womens Worlds, as...

William Shakespeare - Leben Und Werk (ungekürzt)

Wie kaum ein anderer Dichter steht William Shakespeare paradigmatisch nicht nur für eine, für seine Epoche, sondern für die englische, ja für die europäische Dichtung...

The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare

William Shakespeare (1564-1616) is acknowledged as the greatest dramatist of all time. The Complete Works.

Venus and Adonis by SHAKESPEARE, William

Venus and Adonis is Shakespeares narrative poem about the love of the goddess Venus for the mortal youth Adonis, dedicated partly to his patron, the Earl of Southampton (thought...

Winter's Tale, The by SHAKESPEARE, William

Mad with jealousy, King Leontes of Sicilia orders his best friend Polixenes killed, his child abandoned, and his wife put on trial for adultery. Sixteen years later, Perdita,...

Measure For Measure by SHAKESPEARE, William

Generally considered one of Shakespeares problem plays, Measure for Measure examines the ideas of sin and justice. Duke Vincentio turns Viennas rule over to the corrupt Angelo,...

Life On The Mississippi By Mark Twain

A river memoir documenting Twains early days as an apprentice steamboat pilot on the Mississippi River before the American Civil War. Reminiscing about his happy experiences as a...

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