Swami Sivananda

Historical Recordings of original voice of Swami Sivananda Mantra Kirtan and talks. Quotes from the Work of Swami Sivananda and his disciples.

Swami Sivananda - Leben Und Werk - Podcast

Vorträge, Geschichten und Anekdoten über einen großen Yogameister Swami Sivananda lebte 1887-1963. Er war einer der ganz großen Yogameister des 20. Jahrhunderts. Erfahre mehr...

Percepções De Um Swami

Após uma longa temporada na Índia, Nutan, discípulo de Osho, comenta assuntos e tabus de nosso tempo em uma linguagem poética e envolvente.

Swami Chinmayananda

Talks by various Acharyas of Chinmaya Mission, on 108 names of Pujya Gurudev Sw. Chinmayananda

Prahladananda Swami

All about His Holiness Prahladananda Swami

Sivananda Yoga Farm Podcast

Talks and lectures on varying topics about Yoga and Yoga Life including finding balance and harmony, the power of positive thinking, non-violent communication and relationships,...

Sri Siksastakam Lectures

It is difficult to find someone from the West that both understands and can elegantly express the theory behind an Eastern mystical tradition. It is even more difficult to find a...

Sri Andal Thiruppavai

Thiruppavai - 30 Divine songs on Lord Naraya by Sri Andal. It is a continuing tradition in the Tamil Month of Margazhi (starts at around 15th December and ends on 14th January),...

Swami Nikhilanand Lectures

Various lectures and speeches given by Swami Nikhilanand on topics like bhakti, yoga, meditation, karma, Bhgagavad Gita and much more.

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