The First Inaugural Address Of Franklin Delano Roosevelt

When Franklin Roosevelt was elected in 1932, the country was still reeling in the aftermath of the 1929 Stock Market Crash and ensuing Great Depression. The American people were...

If You Ask Me: Essential Advice From Eleanor Roosevelt

Experience the timeless wit and wisdom of Eleanor Roosevelt in this annotated collection of candid advice columns that she wrote for more than twenty years.In 1941, Eleanor...

Theodore And Woodrow: How Two American Presidents Destroyed Constitutional Freedom

Napolitano’s shocking historical account of how a Republican and a Democratic president oversaw the greatest shift in power in American history, from a land built on the...

Ganhar Dinheiro Não É Pecado: Descubra Como O Conceito De Capital Espiritual Pode Ajudar Você A Alcançar O Sucesso Sem Vender A Alma

UM CONCEITO QUE VAI MUDAR SUA MANEIRA DE VER O MUNDO DOS NEGÓCIOS.Os críticos do capitalismo enxergam as grandes empresas como monstros insaciáveis que só querem acumular...

The Conquerors: Roosevelt, Truman And The Destruction Of Hitler's Germany, 1941-1945 [abridged]

A New York Times bestseller, The Conquerors reveals how Franklin Roosevelt's and Harry Truman's private struggles with their aides and Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin affected...

Passionate Mothers, Powerful Sons: The Lives Of Jennie Jerome Churchill And Sara Delano Roosevelt

“Gray has managed to do the virtually impossible, and that is to say something new and perceptive about Winston Churchill and Franklin Delano Roosevelt. With her usual keen...

Expedição Científica Roosevelt-rondon: Um Ex-presidente Americano E Um Coronel Do Exército Brasileiro Em Uma Odisseia Pelos Sertões De Mato Grosso E Floresta Amazônica

Em 1913, o ex-presidente Roosevelt aceitou o convite do Brasil e da Argentina de vir a América do Sul realizar conferências, decidiu também que iria conhecer o Amazonas....

Citizenship In A Republic: "man In The Arena" Address Given At Sorbonne In Paris, France, On April 23, 1910

“Citizenship in a Republic” is the title of a speech given by Theodore Roosevelt at the Sorbonne in Paris, France, on April 23, 1910. In the speech Roosevelt discusses the...

Booker T. Washington: Builder Of A Civilization

Booker T. Washington, Builder of a Civilization by Emmett J. Scott, Lyman Beecher Stowe IT IS not hyperbole to say that Booker T. Washington was a great American. For twenty years...

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